forthem.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underIUSE/PFE: RED Grant No. 1920761. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Appendix: Questionaries for Reflection PiecesInitial Reflection Piece1) Please articulate how you are attending the class, how you plan to study, what you believe may give you difficulties, and most importantly what steps will you take to tackle those perceived difficulties.2) Please give me suggestions on what I can do to help you succeed in this class.3) Have you been classified via formal diagnosis as belonging to the neurodiversity
that Kung et al.’s (2022) paper actually listed ChatGPT as a co-author. On the other hand, Thorp (2023) has declared that ChatGPT cannot be considered anauthor since research is an intrinsically human endeavor. Thorp (2023) similarly specified thattext generated by artificial intelligence has been restricted from appearing in Science journals. Inany case, the text of the proposed question group follows: A major writing assignment is coming up for an engineering student’s capstone design course during a very busy part of the semester. There are a few major sections of the paper that require mostly formulaic responses. A student in the course decides to use ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot, to write those
conveniencefor the actors, facilitators, and students. Whether or not it returns to an on-campusimplementation in future years will be decided collaboratively by those who plan this event andthe theatre personnel who implement it. Additional considerations regarding futureimplementations of the Theatre Sketch productions are related to the time, effort, and cost ofproduction and the university and department budgetary resources.AcknowledgmentThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation. Any opinions,findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s)and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. The authors alsothank the Partnership for Equity
semester.Our results suggest that PLTL in Calculus 1 strongly supports student success, with particularlystrong gains for students typically underrepresented in engineering. While the focus ondeveloping problem-solving skills and engagement with course content is important, intentionalcommunity-building to foster peer connections that lead to mutual academic support appears tobe a crucial aspect of these gains. Thus, linking PLTL to a LC or incorporating intentionalcommunity-building directly into early PLTL sessons will help maximize achievement gains.References[1] J. A. Middleton, S. Krause, S. Maass, K. Beeley, J. Collofello, and R. Culbertson, “Early course and grade predictors of persistence in undergraduate engineering majors
Barbara and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. At AHC, he is Department Chair of Math- ematical Sciences, Faculty Advisor of MESA (the Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement Pro- gram), and Principal/Co-Principal Investigator of several National Science Foundation projects (S-STEM, LSAMP, IUSE). In ASEE, he is chair of the Two-Year College Division, and Vice-Chair/Community Col- leges of the Pacific Southwest Section. He received the Outstanding Teaching Award for the ASEE/PSW Section in 2022.Dr. James M Widmann, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Jim Widmann is a professor and chair of the Mechanical Engineering Department at California Polytech- nic State University, San Luis Obispo. He received
department at the case University in November 2022, six teachers agreed to beinterviewed. Previous studies had used the interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA)method to collect data from a small sample size (e.g., six interviewees in Wartenweiler’sstudy and Five interviewees in Wood et al.’s study [29][30][31]). The researcher decided todeploy the IPA method to work with the six female CS and engineering teachers. Duringinterviews, the questions were asked based on these guiding research questions: Whatperceived role and responsibilities do female faculty of computer science and engineeringhold? In what ways faculty’s gender identity influence their perceived roles andresponsibilities? How do they carry out their roles and responsibilities in
Journal of Engineering Education, 43(6), 927–949., C., & Benson, L. C. (2017). Engineering students' epistemic cognition in the context of problem- solving. Journal of Engineering Education, 106(4), 677–709., D., Warmington, P., & Demack, S. (2018). QuantCrit: Education, policy, 'big data' and principles for a critical race theory of statistics. Race Ethnicity and Education, 21(2), 158–179., A. (2017). Unpacking Latent Diversity. 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, Columbus, OH., A., Benedict, B., Rohde
can lead to better performance and less focus onmemorization. Additionally, online students had more positive feedback about the quality of thecourse and instructor compared to the in-person students. From an institutional perspective, onlinecourses can increase enrollment and allow students to access education at their own pace and fit itinto their flexible schedules.References[1] T. Braun, “Making a choice: The perceptions and attitudes of online graduate students,” J. Technol. Teach. Educ., vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 63–92, 2008.[2] P. C. Holzweiss, S. A. Joyner, M. B. Fuller, S. Henderson, and R. Young, “Online graduate students’ perceptions of best learning experiences,” Distance Educ., vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 311– 323, 2014.[3] V. Benigno
recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.ReferencesBarton, A. C., & Yang, K. (2000). The culture of power and science education: Learning fromMiguel. Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the NationalAssociation for Research in Science Teaching, 37(8), 871-889.Bowen, C. L., Thompson, L. L., Menezes, G. B., & Restrepo Nazar, C. (2022a).Work-In-Progress: Measuring Systemic Educational Wellness using the Eco-STEM EducationalEcosystem Health Survey. In 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.Bowen, C. L., Heubach, S., & Dong, J. (2022b). Eco-STEM Tools: Changing the Culture ofTeaching and Learning in STEM. In 2022
where sectionsof the course had teams with: homogeneous, heterogeneous, and random (control) cultural competency. Culturalcompetency was examined using the Miville-Guzman Universality-Diversity Scale short form (M-GUDS-S) whichmeasures a single construct of Universal- diversity orientation (UDO) with three factors. Team dynamics weremeasured using instruments of team effectiveness at the end of the semester. The paper discusses the evidence ofreliability and validity of the self-reported instruments with an analysis of differences in the team dynamics ofsections based on homogeneous, heterogeneous, and control group of M-GUDs score. The study discusses theimplications of assessing the cultural competencies of students in the context of teamwork
main stakeholder impacted by the desired outcome? 4. What are the DEI indicators or metrics associated with this desired outcome? 5. What action verbs make this goal specific, measurable, and attainable? 6. What are the accepted definitions of the DEI indicators identified? 7. What aspect of the DEI framework does this outcome relate to?Table 2: DEI Action Plan MatrixGoal Partner Goal / Stakeholder Indicator / Action RECIPES Shared Definition (s) DEI Type Objective Metric Verb (s) CategoryA In Network Increase the Students Power Increase the ability to control
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Educational Resource Development for STEM Disciplines. in (2020).4. Sukhai, M. A. & Mohler, C. E. Creating a Culture of Accessibility in the Sciences. (Elsevier Science & Technology, 2016).5. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. United Nations of-human-rights.6. UNESCO Recommendation on Open Educational Resources (OER). UNESCO (2019).7. Tajmel, T., Starl, K. & Spintig, S. The Human Rights-Based Approach to STEM Education. (Waxmann, 2021). doi:10.18452/23769.8. Disability and health. World Health Organization and
$400K to ransomware hackers, 2019. Retrieved from: D. Kobialka, Regis University Cyberattack: What You Need to Know, 2019. Retrieved from: know/4. Symantec, 10 cybersecurity facts and statistics for 2018, 2018. Retrieved from: you-should-know.html5. T. S. Chou, “Multi-Learning Techniques for Enhancing Student Engagement in Cyber Security Education,” American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and
representation and outcomes for eachgroup as they are not all the same. Similarly, we were unable to account for the non-binarynature of gender as the data we had access to had not yet been updated to allow gender identitiesother than male or female.AcknowledgementsThis work was partially supported by the AAU Undergraduate STEM Education Initiativefunded by the Northrop Grumman Foundation, and by funding provided by the Center forTeaching Excellence at the University of Kansas.References[1] F. A. Hrabowski, J. Suess, and J. Fritz, "Assessment and analytics in institutional transformation," Educause Review, vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 14-16, 2011.[2] S. Olson and D. G. Riordan, "Engage to Excel: Producing One Million Additional College
,benevolence) with varying degrees of importance.”His value system consists of basic values which all people hold, but in varying rank or orderaccording to personal relevance, importance and priority. This “tradeoff amongst the relevantvalues” [75, p.12] within the value system of a person, is what classifies which category(named Higher Order Value) of the human value system this person resides in, and thereforehow this person’s motivation and decision-making processes are driven.All values and Higher Order Values of the Schwartz Personal value system map ontoSchwartz et al.’s Circular motivational continuum [76, p.7], shown in Figure 3, for clearerrepresentative indications of the Higher Order Values and their underlying basic values
derived by the analytics software.Figure 1 displays all initial variables with first-generation college students as the root node. Theclassification tree splits the observations into binary categories based on the variable values ineach observation. In figure 1’s case, the binary classification is persistence in engineering [Yes]and non-persistence [No]. For categorical variables, the split is which variable value existswithin a particular observation. For continuous variables, the algorithm applies a regressionanalysis that determines the splitting point at a mathematically logical point. This model providesthe advantage of adaptive ability and will self-adjust with new data. The darker color implies agreat proportion of persistence. Next to the
, "Systems biology: A brief overview," Science (80-. )., vol. 295, no. 5560, pp. 1662–1664, 2002, doi: 10.1126/science.1069492.[5] M. El Karoui, M. Hoyos-Flight, and L. Fletcher, "Future trends in synthetic biology—A report," Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., vol. 7, no. AUG, pp. 1–8, Aug. 2019, doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2019.00175.[6] Royal Academy of Engineering, "Engineering biology a priority for growth," London, England, 2019.[7] C. R. Rehmann, D. T. Rover, M. Laingen, S. K. Mickelson, and T. J. Brumm, "Introducing systems thinking to the engineer of 2020," in Proceedings of the 2010 American Society for Engineering Annual Conference & Exposition, 2011.[8] C. Dym, A. Agogino, and O. Eris, "Engineering
Software Engineering Program at West Virginia University. She has served on program and organizing committees of many international conferences and workshops.Dr. Robin A.M. Hensel, West Virginia University Robin A. M. Hensel, Ed.D., is the Assistant Dean for Freshman Experience in the Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources at West Virginia University. While her doctorate is in Curriculum and Instruction, focusing on higher education teaching of STEM fields, she also holds B.S. and M.A. degrees in Mathematics. Dr. Hensel has over seven years of experience working in engineering teams and in project management and administration as a Mathematician and Computer Systems Analyst for the U. S
Black Engineers (NSBE) and the Society of WomenEngineers (SWE) to gauge interest in creating exhibits. Both organizations responded positively,and the details were planned out in follow-up face-to-face meetings.(Figure 1: Employee-created Interlibrary Loan Exhibit)FEBRUARY EXHIBITFor Black History Month in February, a student employee worked with members of the NSBEstudent chapter to create the exhibit, “A Celebration of Black History Month: College ofEngineering Alumni”. The posters recognized six members of the chapter who were recentgraduates. Bios for each graduate included chapter involvement, degree(s) earned, currentposition, accomplishments, and awards (Figure 2).The NSBE Chapter President sent out a call to alumni members asking for
Consultant for the National Center for Women in Information Technology (NCWIT) and, in that role, advises computer science and engineering departments on diversifying their undergraduate student population. She remains an active researcher, including studying academic policies, gender and ethnicity issues, transfers, and matriculation models with MIDFIELD as well as student veterans in engi- neering. Her evaluation work includes evaluating teamwork models, broadening participation initiatives, and S-STEM and LSAMP programs.Dr. Rebecca Brent, Education Designs, Inc Rebecca Brent is President of Education Designs, Inc., a consulting firm located in Chapel Hill, N.C. She is a certified program evaluator and a faculty
for the U. S. Department of Energy as well as more than 25 years of experience teaching mathematics, statistics, computer science, and first-year engineering courses in higher education institutions. Currently, she leads a team of faculty who are dedicated to providing first-year engineering students with a high- quality, challenging, and engaging educational experience with the necessary advising, mentoring, and academic support to facilitate their transition to university life and to prepare them for success in their engineering majors and future careers.Mr. Joseph Dygert, West Virginia University Ph.D student in aerospace engineering at West Virginia UniversityDr. Melissa Lynn Morris, University of Nevada - Las
, CPS1192 Computer Science II, and CPS 2271 DataStructures, in which Computer Science I and II are C/C++ programming courses.A fast-paced and practical term project is assigned to the students after the 2nd interim exam,which is approximately one month before the end of the semester. Each student is requestedto design and implement an image classifier using CNN. The student is expected to usetransfer learning to customize one or more pre-trained neural networks for new classes.The new network(s) should be able to distinguish at least two new classes that are notincluded in the pre-trained networks. Heavy coding is not required for this project, but eachstudent needs to learn how to collect his (her) own database, install deep learning librariesand
activities as well asquotes from the student journals. This means the parent or guardian has some involvement in thecamp despite not attending in person.ReferencesBoesdorfer, S. & Staude, K. (2016). Teachers’ Practices in High School Chemistry Just Prior to the Adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards. School Science and Mathematics, 116, 442–458. doi:10.1111/ssm.12199Burke, A. (2019, September). U.S. S&E Workforce: Definition, Size, and Growth. Retrieved, A., Stern, E. & Schubert R (2019) Beliefs in “Brilliance” and Belonging Uncertainty in Male and Female STEM Students. Frontiers In Psychology. 10:1114. Doi
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funded by the National Science Foundation Award # 1744006. The authors aregrateful to the help provided by the following research students at Angelo State University: JesseLee, Maria Ochoa, Austin Poole, Nicholas Manrique and Timmons (TJ) Spies.References[1] ODPM, 2004. The Egan Review: skills for sustainable communities. London: Office of theDeputy Prime Minister.[2] AlWaer, H., R. Bickerton, and R. D. Kirk. 2014. Examining the Components Required forAssessing the Sustainability of Communities in the UK. J Archit Plann Res. 31 (1): 1–26.[3] Male, S. A. 2010. Generic Engineering Competencies: A Review and Modelling Approach.Education Research and Perspectives, 37(1), 25-51.[4] Ritchie, H., Sheppard, A., Croft, N., Peel, D. 2017. Planning
is anresearchers to utilize Critical Race Theory (CRT) to advising office that provides general academic informationexamine systems and processes within higher and referral for students, but all advising transactions musteducation, how these institutions perpetuate racial be approved by the student’s faculty advisor.Split: There is an advising office that advises a specific activities. In sum, they switched how they advise firstgroup(s) of students (e.g., those that are undecided about a year students but not how they advise students beyondmajor, underprepared, etc.). All other students are assigned the first year. At this institution, all first-yearto academic units or
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-1712887. Several others have beencollaborators on this research including: David Uttal, Anne Hunt, Ann Cunningham, and theNational Foundation of the Blind.DisclaimerThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1712887. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundationReferences[1] Gorska, R., Sorby, S. A. (2008, June 22-25), “Testing Instruments for the Assessment of 3-D Spatial Skills”, Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Pittsburg, PA.[2] Uttal, D. H., Meadow, N. G., Tipton, E., Hand, L. L., Alden, A. R., Warren, C., Newcombe, N