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stress environment. Studentsimmediately reflected on the experience and shared profound learnings that they intended toimplement beyond the event.The event itself did not appear to alter the way students self-identify as team players, but manydid admit that they needed to work on their own communication and planning skills to be moreeffective team players.References[1] Stress Tolerance. Job requiring accepting criticism and dealing calmly with high-stress situations. ONET. Available:[2] D. S. F. Chong, W. V. Eerde, K. H. Chai and C. G. Rutte, "A Double-Edged Sword: The Effects of Challenge and Hindrance Time Pressure on New Product Development Teams," in IEEE
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. In the first scenario, the goal is to acquire the most points (α = 0.5, β = 0.35, γ =0.15), so the UGV is unused because bricks moved by UAVs are more points. In scenario two, thegoal was to prioritize the cost (α = 0.35, β = 0.15, γ = 0.50). Both scenarios took about 120s tocomplete3. The third scenario was fully focused on minimizing the cost (s α = 0, β = 0, γ = 1), andit took about 160s to complete3. The authors added a third UAV to the robotic team for thisscenario, so the multi-robot system could complete a more complex task. They used the samecriteria as scenario two (α = 0.35, β = 0.15, γ = 0.5) for this simulation. Since the mission wasmore complex, the time it took for the simulation to run was around 220s. The results in
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the first semester, the instructors encouraged students to use “DesignThinking” to guide their efforts in defining the elements in the exhibit (which correspond tostudent projects). The Design Thinking steps are: empathizing with the customer (i.e., theparticipant, in the case of the exhibit), defining the elements in the exhibit, ideating about how torealize the elements, and next to make and test low fidelity prototypes (that is, prototypes madewith a relatively small investment in time and energy and just good enough to be able to tell ifthe current approach is good). Design Thinking was developed in the late 1950’s through acollaboration of faculty from the departments of Mechanical Engineering and Art andArchitecture at Stanford
focused on K-12 CS education in which girls are participants in the studies?. We chose to use an existing, publicly-available dataset of 800+ articles and examined studies in which only girls were participants (n=51), then examined each of the 51 articles to determine which key CAPE component(s) each covers. Our pilot results show that CSER among girls covers areas related to Experience (92%) and Capacity (59%), but little to no coverage in the areas of Access (0%) and Participation (2%) of girls. To answer the primary research question and determine the feasibility of using CAPE for analyzing the entire corpus of 800+ articles (which is the next step in our research plan), we evaluated feasibility
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