Finalization Phase, were completed overone summer period by four students. Two of the four students were students who participated inthe Conceptual Design Phase, and two of the students were new. Table 4 Team RolesThe teams of students were diverse and reflective of the demographics in the department. Thefirst student to join the project was female. This student was joined by one male and one femalestudent for the Conceptual Design Phase. The team that completed the Detailed Design andDesign Finalization Phases consisted of one female and three male students. Two of the students’were enrolled in the Plastics Engineering Program and the remaining students two students wereenrolled in the Manufacturing Engineering
psychographic measures developed in this study reveal nuances in student values ofsustainability and global citizenship, highlighting the importance of constant revision ofeducators’ understandings of student understanding in order to graduate informed and dedicatedstudents who will engage in, design for, and implement sustainability in their future careers.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the National Science Foundation for theirsupport of this work under the TUES program (grant number DUE-1245464). Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s)and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography 1. Beane, T.P., &
whenplaced within the context that considers the professor’s specific objectives, the complexity ofthe subject matter, the physical setting of the classroom, and the capabilities of the learners.The challenge is to choose a suitable method at the appropriate time. Understanding the prosand cons of the lecture method is a helpful starting point.Lectures have a number of characteristics that does make them, for the right subject matter,desirable in the classroom (14) .It does, to a great extent, depend on the abilities andexperience of the lecturer. An able and committed lecturer can accomplish the following: 1. Relate the material proficiently and effectively, in a manner that reflects lecturer’s personal conviction and grasp of the subject
subject matter,desirable in the classroom (14) .It does, to a great extent, depend on the abilities andexperience of the lecturer. An able and committed lecturer can accomplish the following: 1. Relate the material proficiently and effectively, in a manner that reflects lecturer’s personal conviction and grasp of the subject matter; 2. Provide students with a thoughtful, scholarly role model to emulate; 3. Supplement the subject matter with current developments not yet published, or interject lecturer’s own views derived from his/her own experience whenever applicable; 4. Organize material in ways to meet the particular needs of a given audience; 5. Efficiently deliver large amounts of information when the need
changed.AcknowledgementPart of this material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underGrant No. 1355872. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthese materials are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References 1. “The honors college phenomenon”, edited by Peter C. Sederberg, published in 2008 by National Collegiate Honors Council. 2. Ossman, K. (2005, June), Enhancing The Education Of Engineering Technology Students Through An Honors Program Paper presented at 2005 Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon. 3
. Written communications - Delivering effective written communications, including creating engineering documents such as reports, case studies, memos, and minutes of meetings. How to write, manage, and respond to emails is also a focus of this module, as well as the use of social media. 4. Listening - active listening techniques such as paraphrasing, clarifying, and reflecting. 5. Visual communications - How to create an effective visual image via a diagram, drawing, or poster. 6. Nonverbal communications
10 year vision which was described as the “2016 StrategicPlan”. Since early 2015, there has been an initiative to reevaluate the Strategic Plan with theconsensus that overall the goals and mission are well described in the 2006 plan. The updatedStrategic Plan for the College was completed in summer 2015. Compared to the 2006 plan, therewere modest adaptations to the overall University and College mission and vision. These visionand mission statements are the fundamental building blocks for the undergraduate degreeprograms which then become the most tangible expression of the University’s mission for thestudents. The Curriculum in each program of the College of Engineering is continuouslyadapted to reflect these high level goals. The student
assumptions with more definite answers for students tograsp while photoelasticity provides more direct and quick results. However, the quantitativeinterpretation of the later method can be more subjective because the counting of colors is oftendifficult. Typical students’ responses as summarized below do reflect this argument.Quote: “This tool of analysis gives me more confidence because the analysis is much more precise. In thephotoelascity lab, we estimated stress based on the color range, which can be vague according to the interpretationof color.”Quote: “I trust the FEA results more than the photoelasticity results. I am more confident in the FEA results.”Quote: “The FEA method for this problem is more accurate since the program is looking at
numerical parameters used by students in the analysis were chosen by theinstructors to provide specific results that maximize educational benefits. Material failurestresses are established to be different values for tension and compression members, though theyare not varied as a function of member length for compression members. This simple approachallows for a brief qualitative discussion about the differences between tension- and compression-related member behavior, since students have not yet learned about Euler buckling.Furthermore, a higher factory of safety is used for compression members than for tensionmembers to reflect the higher potential variability associated with stability calculations ascompared to tensile material strength. The
study styles in a larger population; and (b) effectivemeans to identify student preferences for group work in multiple types of situations (laboratories,design projects, problem sets, etc.). This study has exposed patterns of study and workingtogether that can form the basis for a follow-up quantitative study.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the National Science Foundation for theirsupport of this work under the REESE program (grant numbers DRL-0909817, 0910143,0909659, 0909900, and 0909850). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation. The authors would also like to
classified and color coded as desired propositions (blue),weak propositions (purple) and incorrect propositions (orange) – see Figure 6.The area of thebubble reflects the student‟s confidence in that particular code for that particular Scenario. Thisconfidence is based on the student self-declared confidence in their prediction and choice ofwords during explanations. For example, words such as “I don’t know”, “I am trying toremember from class”, “I have no idea why …” were used as an indication of low confidence.FindingsIn the Findings section, the coded data is grouped and analyzed using tables (see Tables 3 -8).This method was used as a means to analyze the data across students and to uncover potentialhidden patterns in students‟ handling of
throughout problemsolving. The findings from this study suggest that the difficulties students have with solvingnovel problems can be at least partially attributed to weaknesses in their procedural knowledge. Students develop procedural knowledge through their experiences completing problems.The ability to apply these procedures fluently (see Fig. 2), with little effort required, is developedthrough practice. The Instructional Implications section of this paper presents ideas on how thisknowledge can be developed for thermodynamics.Conditional Knowledge Conditional knowledge refers to students’ knowledge of the situations in which particulardeclarative or procedural knowledge should be applied.4,31 This knowledge reflects the
involved in providing engineeringservices to communities who are in needs. Firstly, the benefit is for the community that is servedby students, and secondly, students are encouraged to connect and reflect how their educationconnects to their professional career. Through the experience students feel better about theiractions and understand the need and therefore the impact engineers have on a community. Thisencourages them to learn more about their chosen profession, and feel more confident about theirachievements. Also, students have a chance to practice and apply what they learn in class in areal project where they are exposed to the results of their design. The positive side of the servicelearning is at the end, the students are giving back to
categorize a problem better if thereexists an understanding of the deep structure of a problem, and this supports the problem solverin the quest of finding the correct solution approaches 17.Therefore, to effectively integrate these tools in engineering contexts, students can also developproblem solving and design skills in addition to inquiry skills, the adoption of a “practiceperspective” is needed 3. In a practice perspective the focus of learning is on participation inauthentic contexts where the learning experiences: (a) are personally meaningful to the learner,(b) relate to the real-world, and (c) provide an opportunity to think in the modes of a particulardiscipline 4. Since practice consists of a process of action and reflection in context 5
Education Explorer's Fellowship and Dr.Daniel Radcliffe. The authors wish to thank them for their support. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of those who funded this project.Bibliography1. Pittaway, L. & Cope, J. Entrepreneurship Education: A Systematic Review of the Evidence. Int. Small Bus. J. 25, 479–510 (2007).2. Matlay, H. & Carey, C. Entrepreneurship
perceptions about the projectassignments and their educational value, the following open-ended questions were asked in the post-project surveys:Q11. What was the most valuable aspect of lab project #?Q12. What was the least valuable aspect of lab project #?Q13. Use the space below to add any additional comments.The following student comments are grouped based on the educational aspects of the projects, andprovide insight on what the students’ valued. The responses and feedback were positive and in favor ofthe projects educational value. Negative comments reflected the perceived difficulty of the projects. Themajority of the negative comments related to the lack of procedures and instructions.1) Aspect of Lab Design Project: As a complementary
pillar is sometimes added to reflect the people-related processes. The three Page 26.656.4pillars are (1) Just in Time - optimizing the workflow to respond to customer demand, (2)Thinking People System - developing and utilizing each employee’s entire potential, and (3)Jidoka - delivering high quality goods and services. 1. Just in Time - Smooth, continuous, optimized workflows Heijunka - Minimizing inventory, Producing goods according to demand. Leveling processes. Mura - Unevenness in workload Takt - The rate of customer demand Takt Time - The work-cycle to produce an item for 1 customer
post-secondary institutions, the study university has implemented several programs tohelp first-year students transition to college. Three such programs relevant to this study include: 1. First Year Seminars (FYS) – special sections of a three-credit core curriculum course. Compared to other sections of the core courses, FYS include only first-semester students, are limited to an enrollment of eighteen students per section, are taught by a full-time faculty member (instead of adjunct faculty), and include additional learning outcomes intended to develop academic habits of mind (i.e., reflection, explanation, etc.). 2. RWU Experience (RWUXP)41 – a non-credit course meeting one hour per week. Led jointly by a faculty
need or want to go there”. In summary, the small percentage ofstudent respondents who knew the Learning Center existed but did not visit felt that they didn’tneed the Learning Center’s resources, probably because they had their own tools or foundresources elsewhere (at home, for example).DiscussionThe survey data along with our own observations and reflections enable us to summarize ourthoughts on what needed to be improved, what worked, what we changed, and what could beconsidered accomplishments. As for what needed to be improved, we identified the number ofopen lab hours per week, communicating the open lab hours, our initial inventory of tools,training for the graduate student Lab Supervisors, and more computers as areas that wereaddressed
CAREER grant #EE-1351156. Any opinions, findings,conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this poster are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Page 26.1450.14References1. National Academy of Engineering. (2004). The engineer of 2020: visions of engineering in the new century. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.2. Astin, A. W. (1984). Student involvement: A developmental theory for higher education. Journal of College Student Personnel, 25(4), 297-308.3. Pascarella, E. T., & Terenzini, P. T. (2005). How college affects students: A third decade of research
% 23% 26 *Central tendency (Mode) is highlightedThe participants’ beliefs about whether volunteerism can contribute to career advancement weremore mixed with most participants reporting neutral responses. While it is possible that thevolunteer engineers may be coming from a place of genuine altruism rather than self-interest asthey concentrated time and effort to volunteering with underserved students, it might also be thecase that corporate culture does not actively promote or demonstrate the value of volunteerism tothe workforce. These beliefs may be reflected in the results. Page 26.1508.16Table 3b. Agreement with statements related
that these models changedover the five weeks of instructions. After the five weeks of instruction, the models were moresophisticated and complex, reflecting deeper thinking and understanding of engineering and technology.In 2014, the definitions of engineering and technology, and the examples of the latter showed expansionon the students’ views. These results are consistent with prior findings. Shumway et al. (2011) showedthat over the five weeks of instruction students developed more sophisticated and deeper understanding ofengineering and technology.While how the students actually explained the concepts of engineering and technology may not reflecttheir full understanding, it is possible to infer that the mental models that emerged from
Survey The frequency distribution presented in Figure 7 is useful because it abstracts from the issue of the changing size of the engineering technician and technologist workforce by plotting the density of each age group, by decade. In contrast, Figure 8 presents actual age frequencies of engineering technicians and technologists over the last four decades, thus reflecting both the age distribution and the total number of these workers. The broad pattern is comparable to Figure 9: the engineering technician and technologist workforce has aged over the last four decades with no sign of taking on younger workers. In addition to the aging of this workforce, the workforce