students in STEM majors [5]. Active learning experiences are broadlydefined as activities that students do to further knowledge and understanding of a topic and canbe anything from brief pauses during lectures to allow for reflection to semester-long off-siteprojects. Active learning can be particularly beneficial for the most challenging aspects of acourse, such as the analysis of frames and machines in a statics and dynamics course for whichstudents must apply their knowledge of several previous topics to systems with complexstructures and multi-force member(s). Additionally, entrepreneurial mindset learning (EML) has been incorporated intoengineering programs. Through EML, student learn how engineering principles combinedcuriosity and a
, including approximately 3,000 graduate students. Roughly 75% of the graduate studentpopulation identifies as White, 7% as Hispanic, 2% as Black/African American, and 2% as Asian.U.S. citizens constitute 93% of the graduate population, and 38% of the graduate populationattends full-time. There are two populations of participants in this study. The first population is the studentssupported by the scholarships (SEGSP), hereafter, referred to as scholarship participants (S).The second population is comprised of graduate students in the College of Engineering notsupported by the SEnS-GSP, hereafter, referred to as general engineering students (G). Thisresearch took place during the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 academic years. The demographics ofthe S and G
of Second Life. Tapir Academic Press, 2009.5. Seng, J. L. K. & Edirisinghe, E. M. N. S. (2007). Teaching computer science using Second Life as a learning environment. ICT: Providing choices for learners and learning. Proceedings ascilite Singapore 2007, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, pp. 583-586.6. Tüzün, H., Yılmaz S., M., Karakuş, T., Inal, Y. & Kızılkaya, G. (2009). The effects of computer games on primary school students’ achievement and motivation in geography learning. Computers & Education, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 68-77.7. García-Zubia J., Irurzun, J., Angulo, I., Orduña, P., Ruiz-de-Garibay, J., Hernández, U. & Castro, M. (2010). Developing a Second-Life-based remote lab
Attilio J. Giarola, to follow him to Seattle.Initially a professor at Seattle University, Reynolds moved to the University of Washington inthe late 1950’s. It was at Washington that Sigelmann and Giarola completed their Ph.D. degrees.Sigelmann remained at Washington and, as of this writing, is a professor emeritus living inSeattle. Nevertheless, Sigelmann has maintained an active involvement with Brazil. Giarolareturned permanently to Brazil in 1975 after working for Boeing and Texas A&M University.David A. Rogers, an American, earned his Ph.D. at the University of Washington and went toBrazil in 1972. His interest in South America began when he was a child and heard stories inchurch of missionaries in that part of the world. Reynolds and
Session ADDRESSING THE ALTERNATIVE ENERGY WORKFORCE NEEDS Mulchand S. Rathod, PhD, PE Vladimir Sheyman, PhD Division of Engineering Technology College of Engineering Wayne State University Detroit, MI 48202SUMMARY Reliable and alternative energy sources are essential for the economic well being andnational security of the United States of America. Recent spikes in energy prices have
components. Asengineering design teams define, scope, and research their problem the team will develop a sharedunderstanding of the problem and any complex system(s) underlying it. This conceptualization may thencontinue to evolve throughout their design process and deeply impact the direction of their project.Therefore, the degree and depth to which the team attends or conceptualizes the complexity of theunderlying problem will likely affect the effectiveness, adaptability, and longevity of any resulting designsolution. In this work we propose to examine how capstone engineering design teams attend tocomplexity within their design problems through a modified method for complex system mapping. Wedraw on complexity theory, and specifically the
Paper ID #24774Project-based Robotics Courses for the Students of Mechanical EngineeringTechnologyDr. Zhou Zhang, New York City College of Technology Assistant Professor, Ph.D. Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, CUNY New York City College of Technology, 186 Jay St, Brooklyn, NY 11201. Email: Zhzhang@citytech.cuny.eduDr. Andy Zhang, New York City College of Technology Dr. Andy S. Zhang received his Ph.D. from the City University of New York in 1995. He is currently the program director of a mechatronics project in the New York City College of Technology/CUNY. For the past 15 years, Dr. Zhang has been
θo n (∆t )1 ( ∆t ) 2 (∆t )3 ∆t 10° 6 2.99 s 3.01 s 3.00 s 3.00 s 20° 6 3.15 s 3.11 s 3.13 s 3.13 s 30° 6 3.29 s 3.26 s 3.23 s 3.26 sTable 2. Natural Period and Frequency for Half-Disk Oscillation θo Pexper (ωn )exper (ωn ) theor Ptheor Rel. Error 10° 0.500 s 12.57 rad/s 11.58 rad/s 0.542 s 7.75% 20° 0.522 s 12.04 rad/s 11.58 rad/s 0.542 s 3.69% 30° 0.543 s
. This is the case when all team members are involved in the decision making process and participate in problem solving activities. Timely accomplishment of goals is greatly enhanced by having an agreed upon decision making process. Avoiding the “paralysis by analysis” problem is critical to the team‟s success. In some cases, decisions must be made by consensus. Once a decision has been reached, even through consensus, all team members must accept, own and support it. Appreciation and celebration for team‟s success is also important. Human beings want to be appreciated and valued for contributions. It is the leader‟s responsibility, in many cases, to ensure that this need is met. Working in a
. Commonfeatures associated with paper-models, computer models, 2D, 3D or 4D models (common invirtual settings), or mathematical models adhere to certain characteristics. Halloun14 proposesthat knowledge needed to understand a scientific model is comprised of four dimensions: itsdomain, the overall physical system, object or referent; the composition, the context and sub-content associated with the model; the structure, including its geometry, how it interacts andbehaves within a certain physical system; and organization, the principals, laws and rules that arenecessary in explaining a particular phenomenon. Knowledge of these dimensions requiresmodeling method(s) that facilitate student opportunities to investigate science and engineeringconcepts.Another
-learning/. [Accessed 4 1 2021].[3] E. Cabi, "The Impact of the Flipped Classroom Model on Students' Academic Achievement," International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, vol. 19, no. 3, July 2018. © American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 2023 ASEE Illinois-Indiana Section Conference Proceedings[4] K. Viall, C. Lowrance and S. Bronikowski, "Thayer quiz method: Replacing homework with frequent quizzes in engineering classes," in Frontiers in Education Conference, 2011.[5] S. D. Hart, "Applying the ExCEEd Teaching Model in a Flipped Classroom Environment," in ASEE's 123rd Annal Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, 2016.[6] B. J. Smith, "Evaluation of a Flipped Classroom
educators achieve this much-needed broader vision.References[1] M. E. Cardella, “Early childhood engineering: Supporting engineering design practices with young children and their families,” presented at the NARST 2020 Annual International Conference, Portland, OR, Mar. 2020. [Online]. Available: orting_Engineering_Design_Practices_with_Young_Children_and_Their_Families[2] National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Science and engineering in preschool through elementary grades: The brilliance of children and the strengths of educators. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2021, p. 26215. doi: 10.17226/26215.[3] S. A
criterion selection and evaluation. Recognizing a need to haveconsistency in SWOT criterion evaluation, Kurttila et. al.5 applied a hybrid Analytic HierarchyProcess (AHP) with the SWOT analysis to evaluate forest certification. Stewart et. Al.7 applied asimilar hybrid AHP method to construction cases.The output of a weighted and scored SWOT analysis has long been established with a 2D plotshowing the S-W (y-axis) vs. the O-T (x-axis). Chang and Huang plotted the O-T vs. S-W axisinto a 2D graph to allow better visualization of the outcomes and offer suggestions based uponthe quadrant outcomes2. They coined these developments as the Quantified SWOT and theGrand Strategy Matrix (GSM) which is a reversal of the S-W vs. O-T plot although there is noreal
Southeast Asian woman who at the time of the interview had worked asa mechanical engineer in the U.S. for 11 years. She has held several professional roles in hercareer across the energy and automotive industries. At the time of the interview, she was a crashsafety engineer at a major automotive company.In describing her current role, Radha stressed how important it was to understand the impact herwork was going to have on other parts of the system. In her engineering context of crash safetytesting, this ‘system’ was the entire vehicle and its launch. She described how, “especially asmechanical engineer[s], we’re very prone to look at parts, right?...We are really important, butagain, we’re just part of it.” She identified the dynamic between
participant connected via a videoconferencing program such asSkype.Student FeedbackAnonymous feedback from students was solicited using an online survey. Questions includedone demographic question (year in school), 19 Likert-scale questions and 4 open endedquestions. The Likert questions and their responses are shown in Table 1. Reverse coding wasnot used in order to be consistent with past uses of the survey. The survey was voluntary so outof 31 possible students, 14 responded.The responses to Q1 – Q5 presented in Table 1 indicate the student’s feelings of being connectedto peers and faculty. Overall the student responses indicate a more secure feeling of connectionwith the S-STEM program faculty than within their individual academic programs (Q1
Page 10.904.1would find this effort worthy of potential adaptation in their program. Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering EducationII- OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECTThe following major objectives were set at the inception of the project; 1. To develop an experiment for examination of fatigue failure theories, 2. To create an opportunity for collaborative research and design efforts between engineering student(s) and faculty, 3. To generate a modular, cost-effective, reproducible apparatus with outstanding design characteristics, 4. To make all information necessary
students to harness their knowledge of physics, biology, physiology,engineering, and mathematics to formulate dynamic models of physiological systems. Our overallaim is to enhance students’ ability to apply and foster a deep appreciation of the power ofmathematics in addressing real-world biomedical engineering challenges.References[1] L. M. Almeida and L. A. Kato, “Different approaches to mathematical modelling: Deduction of models and studens’ actions,” International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 3–11, 2014.[2] S. Andr´as and J. Szil´agyi, “Modelling drug administration regimes for asthma: a romanian experience,” Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications: International Journal of the IMA, vol. 29, no. 1
AbstractDesign tasks are ubiquitous, complex, ill-structured, and challenging to students and professionalengineering designers. Successful designing depends on having not only adequate knowledge butalso sufficient awareness and control of that knowledge, known as metacognition. Researchsuggests that metacognition not only enhances learning outcomes but also encourages students tobe self-regulated learners who are metacognitively, motivationally, and behaviorally activeparticipants in their learning process.This article evaluates the extent to which students‟ task interpretation of the design project isreflected in their working plans and monitoring/regulating strategies. Butler and Cartier‟s Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) model was used to evaluate the
Learning Engineering Survey(APPLES). Five research questions were posed in the survey design: • Do women express a loss of interest during their program? • Is there a chilly climate for women in the college? • Do women‟s self-efficacy levels change during the program? • Do academic performance levels play a role in women‟s retention in engineering? • Do women have an adequate support structure in the college?The survey generated 116 responses from 2 solicitations, with women students representedfrom every major across all four undergraduate years. An unintended outcome was that thesample largely consists of women with high grade point averages. Thus, this paper offersinsight on top performing women‟s self-efficacy and
k CA CB (2)Here, the rate constant k has units of [m3 / (moles-s)]. The rate expressions for each reactant arerelated to the intrinsic reaction rate defined by equation (2) by their respective stoichiometriccoefficients where the latter are negative for reactants and positive for products. rA rB rC r (3) - 1 -1 1i. Model GeometryThe geometric model and dimensions are the same as that of the T-micromixer. A 3-D diagramof the model is shown Figure 1. Product Reactant B
outcomes were developed initially in draft form. Performance criteria were thenidentified for each of the outcomes. Rogers defines performance criteria as the “specific,measurable statements identifying the performance(s) required to meet the outcome and areconfirmable through evidence”24. Developing the performance criteria helped the faculty tofurther refine the outcomes. The number of performance criteria per outcome was limited to fouras an accepted rule-of-thumb as they were being developed. The template in figure one was usedas the learning outcomes and performance criteria were identified.The advisory board for the program was convened and asked to provide input on all theoutcomes and performance criteria that were identified by the
projects. In traditional design projects, students interact with engineers, engineering faculty and students. · Engineering and non-engineering issues are addressed in a service-learning design project.In a service-learning design project, students will · Work with team member(s) outside of the engineering discipline · Be required to communicate effectively with a diverse audience · Experience the positive impact of engineering and technology on communityThus, service-learning design projects compliment traditional design projects in the training ofengineering undergraduates regarding teamwork, oral and written communications, and design.In past ASEE proceedings, J. Duffy of University of Massachusetts-Lowell described
2114242. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions, or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.References[1] P. Moen, “The Uneven Stress of Social Change: Disruptions, Disparities, and Mental Health,” Soc. Ment. Health, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 85–98, Jul. 2022, doi: 10.1177/21568693221100171.[2] Z. Abrams, “Student mental health is in crisis. Campuses are rethinking their approach,” Monit. Psychol., vol. 53, no. 7, p. 60, 2022, doi:[3] T. N. Hanh, Peace Is Every Step. Bantam Books, 1992.[4] J. Kabat-Zinn, Full catastrophe living: Using the wisdom of your body and mind to face
discuss the design process at all. This may have allowed them to createprojects that were closer to their original conception. However, the quality of the projects (theirsturdiness, complexity) was not different among the groups.In the third session, the difference between the builders and the programmers was again clear.The builders would build structures and find a way to work in their mechanisms later, while theprogrammers would first build their mechanism(s) to be programmed and then later find a way toconnect it to a larger structure. The ideas for the final projects also came from separate places. Inthe third group, one programmer was very anxious to use the programming structure calledEvents, and created her entire project around that. On
to show the basic retention numbers andthen allowed for further deeper exploration of student retention by showing the retention brokenout by many different subcategories of students.IntroductionLearning communities have a long history including the Meiklejohn “Experimental College” atthe University of Wisconsin in 1920. In the past couple of decades they have emerged as a wayto improve the retention for first year students.During the 1980’s and 1990’s there was a renewed interest in improving undergraduateeducation in the United States. The Boyer Commission in 1998 released its report, ReinventingUndergraduate Education: A Blueprint for America's Research Universities1, on the state ofundergraduate education. It recommended 10 ways to
Leadership in Quality and the Association for Institutional Research.Dan Merson, The Pennsylvania State University Page 25.254.2 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Design in Context: Where do the Engineers of 2020 Learn this Skill?Increasingly, engineers must design engineering solutions that consider the contexts in whichthey are implemented. Examples like China‟s Three Gorges Dam, the development of next-generation fusion nuclear power, and the One Laptop per Child program illustrate thecomplexities and the stakes of current and future
, 2011 Design in Context: Where do the Engineers of 2020 Learn this Skill?Increasingly, engineers must design engineering solutions that consider the contexts in whichthey are implemented. Examples like China‟s Three Gorges Dam, the development of next-generation fusion nuclear power, and the One Laptop per Child program illustrate thecomplexities and the stakes of current and future engineering projects. The National Academyof Engineering [1, 2] argues that the “Engineer of 2020” must not only be technically capable, butalso be able to understand the contextual requirements and consequences of their work.ABET program accreditation criteria[3] promote contextual engineering practice in several of
. 45+ team-Building Activities for College Students. college-courses/ January 25th, 2023[5] K. Hall. Science of Team Science. 2019 ERC Conference, Arlington, VA[6] J. R. Morelock, and H. M. Matusovich. All Games Are Not Created Equally: How Different Games Contribute to Learning Differently in Engineering. 2018 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, Utah 10.18260/1-2-29766[7] C. A. Bodnar, D. Anastasio, J. Enszer, and D. D. Burkey. Engineers at play: Use of games as teaching tools for undergraduate engineering students. Journal of Engineering Education, 105(1), 147-200[8] S
education classes take a case study approach. This paper will describe the implementation of this hybrid GE/senior project course and will present the assessment of the first year of this program’s implementation. Introduction In January 2013, the California State University Board of Trustees mandated that, unless excepted, undergraduate degree programs, including engineering degrees, be limited to 120 units. Title 5 § 40508 [1] states that “[a]s of the fall term of the 2014-2015 academic year, no baccalaureate degree programs shall extend the unit requirement beyond 120 semester units…” This mandate and short timeline for implementation necessitated swift action for proposals to be submitted and approved via campus curriculum committees and
Brainstormingtended to focus students on generating holistic systems. The results suggest why different ideageneration tools are important for novice engineers, and which in contexts students may find thetools most valuable. This investigation has value for educators who are considering how to fostervaried concept development in the early phases of design.References[1] D. P. Crismond and R. S. Adams, “The Informed Design Teaching and Learning Matrix,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 101, no. 4, pp. 738–797, Oct. 2012.[2] S. R. Daly, S. Yilmaz, L. . Murphy, and A. Ostrowski, “Tracing problem evolution - factors that impact design problem definition.,” Des. Think. Res. Symp. 11 Peer Rev., Nov. 2016.[3] J. Kim and D. Wilemon, “Focusing the fuzzy front-end in new