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Displaying results 2611 - 2640 of 8762 in total
Conference Session
Faculty Involvement in International Engineering Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jongwon Kim, Seoul National University; Dong Mok Kim, Seoul National University; Stefano Consiglio, Technical University of Berlin; Semih Severengiz, Technical University of Berlin; Guenther Seliger, Technical University of Berlin; Lalit Patil, University of Michigan; Debasish Dutta, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
studentsCombined with the considerable depth and diversity of the project task, the differences incultural backgrounds provide the students with formidable challenges, requiring a well-considered choice of candidates. The student selection process at SNU is somewhat tied to theBK-21 funding and associated faculty (more on BK-21 in Section 4). An effort is made toinclude graduate students from the research groups of every faculty involved in the BK-21program. The faculty recommend students for enrolment in GPD.In TUB and UM, the course is hugely oversubscribed and the challenge is to devise a good andfair selection process. In TUB, every student is required to write an application to explain theirmotivation for the GPD course and must provide an academic
Conference Session
Experiences of Diverse Students
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacqueline Ann Rohde, Clemson University; Adam Kirn, University of Nevada, Reno; Allison Godwin, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
purposefully avoidstreating minority gender identities as an afterthought13,25. The ability to select as many labels asappropriate prevents situations in which a respondent might have to choose between “Male” and“Transgender Male,” a situation that can be alienating. Our approach also balances length withinclusion13. In this configuration, a woman who identifies with her biological sex would be ableto select both “female” and “cisgender” to describe herself. If an individual’s gender identity didnot fall into the categories listed in the survey, they were prompted to write in their specificidentity next to “a gender not listed.” The phrasing of this item was crafted to treat write-inresponse as equally valid as the other options provided13.We defined
Conference Session
Embedding Sociotechnical Systems Thinking II
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amber Genau, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Andre Millard, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
beginning this project, Dr. Genau began teaching a history-rich course called theEvolution of Engineering Materials as a technical elective within her department. The course wasoffered as a study abroad class in Germany (see [13], [14] for details) and very well received bystudents. Some of the content from that course informed the development of the new historycourses.The authors also surveyed the web to find out what equivalent courses, if any, were being offeredat regional peer institutions. Auburn University has a two-course Technology and Civilization(HIST 1210/1220) sequence that meets the same state-mandated core requirements, withmultiple sections of each offered every semester, indicating a high degree of student interest.Fruitful
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Leyla F Conrad, Georgia Institute of Technology; Jill L Auerbach, Georgia Institute of Technology; Ayanna Howard, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Technology. She received her B.S. in Engineering from Brown University, her M.S.E.E. from the University of Southern California, and her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California in 1999. Her area of research is centered around the concept of humanized intelligence, the process of embedding human cognitive capability into the control path of autonomous systems. This work, which addresses issues of autonomous control as well as aspects of interaction with humans and the surrounding environment, has resulted in over 180 peer-reviewed pub- lications in a number of projects – from scientific rover navigation in glacier environments to assistive robots for the home. To date, her unique
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries Division Technical Session 2
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brianna B. Buljung, Colorado School of Mines; Leslie Light, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
above. Type Definition Total Desirability A Advocacy groups and nonprofits 126 Medium B Scholarly books, handbooks, encyclopedias 26 High G Government websites and publications 194 High I Industry publications, specification data and websites 419 Medium M Magazines, newspapers and news sites 75 Low O Popular sites and blogs 144 Low P Peer reviewed articles and conference papers 165 High
Conference Session
Global Engineering in an Interconnected World
2004 Annual Conference
Arvid Andersen
. Thesuccess of the project organized teaching on this semester is measured by the way in whichthe participants handle situations and problems that occur during execution of their team-based project. At the weekly mandatory meeting with the team supervisor, members of theteam are asked to rotate duties such as chairman and secretary functions. This is done toensure equity and responsibility and assessment. Twice during the semester group membersgrade each other using a self and peer assessment system provided. Further, students attendtutorial discussion sessions with oral presentation exercises, and they participate in arrangedgroup meetings to report on the progress of their group project to other groups. At thosegroup meetings full use of visual
Conference Session
Advances in Communication Instruction
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth A. DeBartolo, Rochester Institute of Technology; Margaret B. Bailey, Rochester Institute of Technology; Risa Robinson, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
) and they also complete a peer feedback form that goes back to thepresenter. This form, adapted from the U.S. Military Academy’s T4E evaluation form8, is usedas a tool to objectively provide critical feedback to the presenter, and also to give the workshopdevelopment team information on potential problem areas that could be the focus of newworkshops. In addition, each presenter’s session is video-recorded. At the end of the day,participants receive copies of their feedback and a DVD of their microteaching session. Thefinal assignment is for each participant to review the feedback, watch the DVD, and write andsubmit a one-page reflection that discusses the strengths and weaknesses of his or her ownsession, as well as any other observations from
Conference Session
Aerospace Technical Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nidal Al-Masoud, Central Connecticut State University; Viatcheslav Naoumov, Central Connecticut State University; Zbigniew Prusak, Central Connecticut State University
Tagged Divisions
meeting the program educational objectives.Project also covers all steps of design process (from idea generation to design, fabrication, andcompetition), and provides practical application of engineering principles to real-world designchallenges, students gain a valuable experience in: 1. problem identification and solving, 2. conceptual and detailed design, 3. procurement and fabrication, 4. resource and project management, 5. product testing, 6. developing oral and writing skills: report writing; presenting findings and vehicle design to peers, professors, and judges 7. outreach activitiesProject Activities DescriptionThe fall 2009 Moonbuggy frame team examined the frame designed by the last year’s team.Upon inspection of
Conference Session
Innovative Teaching and Assessment Tools
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Tristan Utschig, Georgia Institute of Technology; Judith Norback, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
software system calledCalibrated Peer Review.23 This system was developed at UCLA, is currently in use at about 100institutions for writing instruction, and is now under development for use with presentations atLouisiana State University.24Bibliography1. Payne, D. and B. Blakely, eds. "Multimodal Communication: Rethinking the Curriculum". 2004-2008, ISUComm at Iowa State University: Iowa City, IA. Page 15.1021.102. Payne, D. and B. Blakely, eds. "ISUComm Foundation Courses: Student Guide for English 150 and 250". 2007, ISUComm at Iowa State University: Iowa City, IA.3. Carnegie Mellon Enhancing Education Program
Conference Session
Preparing Future Educators
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elena Nicolescu Veety, North Carolina State University; Mehmet C. Ozturk, North Carolina State University; Renata S. Engel P.E., Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Carolyn A. Vallas, University of Virginia; Meghan McGlinn Manfra, North Carolina State University ; Tom Snyder, North Carolina State University; Chunlei Wang, Florida International University; Veena Misra, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
as a researcher. A great example is the patent mining activity described later in thispaper. In this activity, students learn about intellectual property and practice developingpatentable inventions – a skill which advisors find a useful part of the student’s technicaltraining. One of our communication activities is a peer manuscript review, in which groups ofstudents provide feedback on each-other’s technical papers. This activity improves the students’technical writing skills while easing the editing burden on the advisor.The various TESP activities are offered monthly at all partner institutions. Some activities canbe shared among institutions via online teleconferencing technologies (WebEx, GoogleHangouts, Skype), but many are
2001 Annual Conference
Lyle McCurdy; William Drake; Douglas Walcerz
Copyright  2001, American Society for Engineering EducationWith the adoption of these new requirements, engineering technology educators must developnew ways of evaluating their courses and/or programs. Although there may be many ways tomeet these new requirements, whatever method is developed should include the followingcharacteristics: a. be easy to learn and use, with minimal faculty time commitment, b. allow faculty to easily write appropriate educational objectives based upon the new eleven criteria for their courses, c. encourage students to write meaningful outcomes of true learning, based upon the eleven new criteria, d. provide tabular and graphical information that can be used to validate that the instructor’s
Conference Session
International Division (INTL) Technical Session: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maimuna Begum Kali, Florida International University; Debalina Maitra, Arizona State University; Sreyoshi Bhaduri, ThatStatsGirl; Lilianny Virguez, University of Florida
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Tagged Divisions
International Division (INTL)
narratives.Author 1 invited Authors 3 and 4 to take part in the data collection process based on their sharedinterests. We then began writing individually. To write individually, we engaged in a “datageneration exercise” [12], which includes chronologically listing major events or experiences,the circumstances of these events as well as stating why these events are important. In terms ofcollaboration style, we adopted Partial concurrent collaboration, where researchers contribute todifferent stages in the process but do not fully engage from the beginning to the end.The concurrent model allowed us to write individually based on the overarching prompt and thenshare stories with the team. Sharing the stories with the group helped us add probing questions
Conference Session
Knowing Our Students, Part 2
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mica Hutchison, Purdue University; Deborah Follman, Purdue University; George Bodner, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
of efficacy based on their ability to contribute toteam efforts or diminished confidence in success when they repeatedly required the assistance oftheir peers during group work.25, 26 This type of vicarious experience remained an influenceamong CHE 205 students as well. Ben, an international student in CHE 205, described doubts inhis ability to succeed in the course because he seemed to always be the person in his homeworkgroup asking questions and not understanding. …we’re sort of set up in like this group project where um, you’re working with a group on your homework and…I go in, personally, like reading the homework in advance and try to do it by myself but whatever I don’t understand, like I can’t – I don’t feel
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark Yeary, University of Oklahoma; Tian Yu, University of Oklahoma; Robert Palmer, University of Oklahoma; Mike Biggerstaff, University of Oklahoma; L. Fink, University of Oklahoma; Carolyn Ahern, Ahern and Associates
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
. Page 11.52.1L. Fink, University of Oklahoma Dr. L. Dee Fink, an off-campus evaluator, is the person responsible for developing and implementing the evaluation plan, and he has an extensive background in pedagogy and assessment. Because of this expertise, Dr. Fink will be responsible for: 1.) developing and© American Society for Engineering Education, 2006 monitoring the pedagogical models being used, 2.) leading the orientation programs for both undergraduate peer teachers and the faculty members involved, to make sure they fully understand the pedagogy procedures being used, 3.) developing the evaluation plan and materials, 4.) collecting and analyzing the evaluation
Conference Session
Engineering Physics & Physics Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Timothy J. Garrison, York College of Pennsylvania
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics & Physics
(mechanics) course has been completelyrestructured. Prior to the restructuring, the course had a traditional structure, consisting of aseparate lecture (3 hours three times per week), laboratory (3 hours once a week) and recitation(1.5 hours once a week). Beginning in 2009, the traditional structure was discarded in favor of asingle, blended class meeting 2.5 hours three times per week. Moreover, the new class wasdesigned to operate as an active learning course (i.e. with very little lecture) by making use ofseveral active learning methods including peer instruction (aka think-pair-share) and interactivepeer laboratories. The implementation of the active learning methods was done in phases overseveral years and each phase was assessed using the
Conference Session
Engineering Cultures and Identity
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hank Boone, University of Nevada, Reno; Adam Kirn, University of Nevada, Reno
Tagged Topics
ASEE Diversity Committee, Diversity
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
engineering students who have made it beyond traditional exit points inengineering, and into upper division courses. This understanding will be developed throughaddressing the following research questions (RQ):RQ 1) What experiences, affective domain traits, and social capital resources explainengineering students’ development of engineering role identity and feelings of belongingness?RQ 2) In what ways are these experiences unique for first generation engineering students whencompared to continuing generation peers?This increased understanding will be further utilized by the research team in subsequentqualitative phases of the research project by exploring grounds for causation and thedevelopmental role of any significant factors play in development
Conference Session
Student Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bryon Kucharski, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Aaron Carpenter, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Joan Giblin, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Mehmet Ergezer, Wentworth Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
, learning new study techniques, new academichabits, and of course new concepts. These techniques develop from various sources,including self-taught trial and error, advice from friends, and directives from faculty.Unfortunately, if students do not eventually find successful tactics, they struggle and aredissatisfied with their experience or leave without having completed the program. Whilefaculty members, tutors, mentors, advisors, and more are a valid source of advice, studentsare more likely to make progress among peers. Meanwhile, recent graduates and current junior/senior students often have a wealth ofinformation regarding successful (and unsuccessful) study habits and other academic skillsgained through experience. These are often passed
Conference Session
K-12 and Bridge Experiences in Engineering Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Susan Thomson Tripathy, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Kavitha Chandra, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Diane Reichlen, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
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Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
the 2019 RAMP program, and how wepropose to continue this iterative process in the 2020 RAMP program. As we write this, RAMPin 2020 is expected to be fully online, a virtual program, as we shelter from the Covid-19 virus.Finally, we suggest why the PAR approach may be especially helpful for creating moresupportive and beneficial environments for women in engineering majors.In Section 2.0 RAMP student recruitment and demographics are discussed. The design andimplantation of PAR focus groups and online survey methods are presented in Section 3.0.Section 4.0 shows the results of data analysis and Section 5.0 summarizes the contributions andoutlines future work.2.0 RAMP Student Recruitment and DemographicsThe RAMP program is advertised to all
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 7
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Beth McGinnis-Cavanaugh, Springfield Technical Community College; Isabel Huff, Springfield Technical Community College
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Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
and the Commonwealth supports key initiatives in diversity, equity, and inclusion atall levels. [12]In contrast, there is low participation of women and low representation of URM in STEM and ahigh number of women in poverty in the region. Common STEM barriers include a lack ofmentors and role models; lack of awareness and understanding of STEM opportunities; and lackof academic preparation for STEM degree programs. Societal and cultural biases favor somecareers (nursing and teaching, for example) over others (e.g., engineering and science) forwomen, meaning fewer women pursue certain STEM fields. Those who do sometimes lackfamily and peer support.OriginsPVWIS was founded on the idea of access. The range of access for women in STEM isdependent
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacques C. Richard, Texas A&M University; So Yoon Yoon, Texas A&M University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
had complementary components that involved: (1) matching participants with facultyand other undergraduates (peer-mentoring) or graduate student researchers under the supervisionof the faculty for direct hands-on training in relevant computational and experimental researchmethods, (2) participation in research-oriented field trips (e.g., various labs on campus, Ad AstraRocket Co., near the Johnson Space Center of the National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration [NASA], etc.) (3) participation in professional-development seminars (GREpreparation, technical writing), and (4) presenting formal research papers at professionalconferences and submitting to refereed journals.The REU programs coordinated with the college’s own summer program and the
Conference Session
Recruitment and Retention
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Anderson-Rowland, Arizona State University; Callie Ruben, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
all the book assignmentsuntil I realized that there is some useful information in there. I wasn’t taking the book workseriously at first, until it hit me, that I could actually apply this material to my life! The bookreally does a good job of actually relating to you personally.” Two students mentioned that theylearned about the “FE” exam in the textbook. “I found the book to easily be read and I wouldone hundred percent recommend the book to all students in the engineering discipline.”The students were asked to write about their peers in the class. One student wrote: “From mypeers I learned the important facet of humans. Everyone was so different yet we are allmotivated to be disciplined the same and go through the same struggles. Being in a
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Danyelle Tauryce Ireland, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Penny Rheingans, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Lee Blaney, UMBC; Marie desJardins, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; E. F. Charles LaBerge, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Susan Martin, University of Maryland; Carolyn Seaman, UMBC; Gymama Slaughter, University of Maryland Baltimore County; Anne Marie Spence, Baylor University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
Technology (CWIT) at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She is currently on sabbatical leave as a Visiting Professor in the College of Computing and Information Sciences at Northeastern University. She received a Ph.D in Computer Science from the University of North Car- olina, Chapel Hill and an AB in Computer Science from Harvard University. She established an interna- tionally recognized visualization research program supported by over $9,000,000 in external funding as PI or CoPI, including the NSF CAREER award. Dr. Rheingans has over eighty peer-reviewed publications, including the NIH/NSF Visualization Research Challenges report, published in 2006 by IEEE. Dr. Rhein- gans co-chaired the papers program for
Conference Session
Engineering Career Attitudes
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bugrahan Yalvac, Texas A&M University; Oluwatosin A. Bewaji, Texas A&M University; Madison Elaine Spier, Texas A&M University; Gustavo Mosqueda Elizondo III, Texas A&M University; Chiamaka Theclar Umah; Todd Sherron, Texas State University; J. Timothy Lightfoot, Texas A&M University; Carolyn L. Cannon, Texas A&M University; Robin S.L. Fuchs-Young, Texas A&M University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
]. Research shows that student interest in STEM field decreases as their grade levelsincrease [2]. It is expected that in the next five years, there will be a shortage of talented andskilled employees in STEM fields [1], [2].Among the reasons that U.S. students lack interest in STEM fields is their perception that formalK-12 STEM education is not directly relevant to their daily life experiences [3], [4]. Themathematical and scientific content presented in formal settings does not appear to be directlyuseful in their day-to-day experiences and their interactions with others in their community.Content knowledge is often presented in a way that seems compartmentalized and impractical [3]– [7]. Especially in their social interactions with peers, family
Conference Session
Institutional Capacity and Supportive Structures in Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yvette E. Pearson P.E., University of Texas, Arlington; Karen E. Crosby, Southern University Baton Rouge; Edgar R. Blevins, Southern University and A&M College; Beth R Isbell, University of Texas, Arlington; Andrew P. Kruzic, University of Texas, Arlington; Stephen P. Mattingly, University of Texas, Arlington; Lynn L. Peterson, University of Texas, Arlington; J. Carter Tiernan, University of Texas, Arlington
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
and analyzed at the time of this writing. By comparison, peers in theCollege of Engineering had first and second year retention rates of 50% and 38%, respectively, onaverage. Peers in other FIGs performed comparably to the FORCES cohorts. Overall, students inlearning communities were retained at higher rates than those who were not in learningcommunities. We note, however, that the results varied for each separate cohort, as did the levelof significance of the results. The FORCES retention rate was never significantly different fromthe other engineering FIG students. 70 61 59
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Technical Session 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Monica Palomo P.E., California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Gerri Cole, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
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Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
facilitation of activities (before and while visiting K-12 students), writing skills used when preparing an outreach activity proposal (to includespecific instructions on how to adapt it to fit the needs of the community partners) and withwritten reflections of the experiences from the visits to the K-12 classrooms. The schedule of thecourse included four to six visits to the K-12 selected schools to nurture the development of atrusting learning environment. The EGR 299 S course was also a creative way to engage andimprove retention of CPP engineering students.E-Girl eventIn 2013, when funding was obtained to develop the “Hispanics in Engineering” program, the E-Girl event was created by two CPP female engineering students (Hadasa Reyes, a
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rachel McCord Ellestad, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; David J. Keffer, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Jennifer Retherford P.E., University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Chris Wetteland, University of Tennessee at Knoxville; Mary kocak, University of Tennessee at Knoxville; Travis Griffin, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
students, who entered the Tickle College of Engineering as freshmen.A program which spans a five-year process--two years at the community college, a summerbridge program, and three years at University of Tennessee--is proposed. Activities includefaculty exchange between institutions, student skills seminars, sustained mentoring, intra-cohortpeer learning, and inter-cohort peer-teaching. The individual elements of the program as well asthe synergistic integration of elements have been chosen to balance two influences: (1) aprogram designed with theoretical influence from Tinto’s Theory of Voluntary StudentDeparture, and (2) a practical acknowledgment of demonstrated success at the University ofTennessee. This paper will provide a summary of the
Conference Session
ENT Division Technical Session: EM Across the Curriculum I
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Seyed Mohammad Seyed Ardakani, Ohio Northern University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
neutral and 14% disagreed. Questions 10and 11 evaluated the communications skills. Over 90% agreed that the project successfullyenhanced their skills on writing effective reports and reporting the solution to the customer while10% were neutral and 5% disagreed. Similarly, 91% strongly and 9% agreed that the projecthelped them to improve their skill on working with their peers. Survey Results 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6 No.7 No.8 No.9 No.10 No.11
Conference Session
WIED: Pre-College Student Experiences
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sruti Modekurty; Judy Fong, UC Davis; Harry H. Cheng, University of California, Davis
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
includingteamwork, presentation skills, leadership skills, self-assurance, and breaking gender stereotypes.Women professionals in various science and engineering fields also met and discussed with theparticipants helping them visualize a future career in STEM and gain exposure to the variety ofoptions available to them. As a culminating project the girls who participated in the camp createdmulti-media video presentations with robotics, similar to the RoboPlay Video Competition, andmade presentations in front of parents and peers. The girls were given robotics kits to take backto their middle schools so they can start computing and robotics clubs of their own. Coaches andassistant coaches continue to mentor girls over the academic school year to facilitate
Conference Session
Teaching Engineers to Teach
2004 Annual Conference
Craig Quadrato; Ronald Welch
activitiesas a refresher and to provide peer insight, while in other departments only certainclasses/sessions are mandatory for second-tour faculty. The usual teaching assignment fora majority of our faculty is three years, i.e., rotating first and second tour faculty. Three of the eleven departments with longer formal programs report that a seniorfaculty member runs the summer program. Eight departments report that a junior rotating(usually a 3rd year) faculty member runs the summer program with a senior facultymember (Program Director, Group Director, Division Chief) overseeing the program. Inmost cases, the rotating faculty director is the Course Director of the course that most ofthe new faculty will be teaching. Many of the departments
Conference Session
Assessment and Curriculum Development
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kais Abdulmawjood, Texas A&M University at Qatar; Muhammad S. Zilany, Texas A&M University at Qatar; Muna Sheet, Lusail University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
Course Learning Outcome Assessment Tool Outcomes Have experience with writing proposals and doing proper 1 Project proposal 3 literature reviews. Have experience with conducting market and customer needs Customer needs analysis 3 2 analysis and Ethnographic study Formulate design requirements for potential solutions, including technical and non-technical specifications, while Final report 3