derivative is the slope of the tangent line; that is, at a fixed point in the domainthe derivative is a linear relationship between displacements in the domain and displacements inthe range: y = f(x) Δy=mΔxFor case 2, the derivative is the tangent vector; that is, at a fixed point, s, in the domain thederivative is a linear relationship between displacements in the domain and displacements in therange 𝐝𝐱(𝐬) 𝐝𝐬 x′(s) ⃗⃗ (𝐬) 𝐝𝐑 𝐝 𝐝 𝐝 𝐝𝐲(𝐬) = 𝐝𝐬 𝐱(𝐬) 𝐢 + 𝐝𝐬 𝐲(𝐬) 𝐣 + 𝐝𝐬 𝐳(𝐬
D me pe s-o dE pt D me pe s-o dE ce joy ros nd are ce joy ros nd are on E n e P Ha Sh on E n e P Ha Sh C tur C tur Fu
, U.K., Ashgate, 2008, pp. 57-80.[5] S. E. Dreyfus and H. L. Dreyfus, "A Five-Stage Model of the Mental Activities Involved in Directed Skill Acquisition," California University Berkley Operations Research Center, No. ORC-80-2, 1980.[6] R. R. Hoffmann and G. Lintern, "Eliciting and representing the knowledge of experts," in Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 203-222.[7] R. R. Hoffman and J. Smith, Toward a general theory of expertise: Prospects and limits, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991.[8] S. E. Dreyfus, "The Five-Stage Model of Adult Skill Acquisition," Bulletin of Science, Technology, & Society, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 177-181, 2004.[9] D
creatively and effectively. Leaders alsoneed to constantly develop skills and intellectual tools to understand soft skills or people skillsand build relationships internally [48]. Results of Gitsham et al.’s [28] survey of CEOs and other executives focus on how softskills and hard skills are beneficial for leaders at all levels of the organization. Specifically,acquisition of interpersonal skills may provide added benefits of knowing and understanding ofhow to interact with people with different cultures and apply the skills to improve organizationalperformance. Soft skills are a set of interpersonal and social skills, whereas hard skills includethe technical or administrative procedures in which the results are quantifiable and measurable[43
the project, the instructor began searching for prospective students. It was envisionedthat the project would offer a learning platform to students allowing them to generate novelmethods of applying energy conversion, while providing a practical result to the client.The laboratory background of this project was a 1/3 scale 1960’s style Ford Model T built byMcCullough Co, changed to Toro Co, then to Sharp Mini Cars. The charge given by the clientwas to convert the vehicle’s prime mover from gasoline to electrical using the design criteriaoutlined below:Hard Project Requirements • Retain original controls for Front, Neutral, and Reverse [F-N-R] using a lever on the left- hand side [LH] and the throttle which was a lever on right side of
engineering entrepreneurship education.AcknowledgementsThis project is funded by the U.S National Science Foundation through grant number 1531533.The opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] D. T. Rover, “New economy, new engineer,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 94, no. 4, pp. 427–428, 2005.[2] T. Byers, T. Seelig, S. Sheppard, and P. Weilerstein, “Entrepreneurship: It’s Role in Engineering Education,” Bridg., vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 35–40, 2013.[3] S. K. Gilmartin, H. L. Chen, and C. Estrada, “Investigating Entrepreneurship Program Models in Undergraduate Engineering Education,” vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 2048–2065, 2016.[4] J. A. Katz, “The chronology and intellectual
choose one of their own identified problemsfor their Capstone project, and to identify clinician collaborators for every problem they report.We will also be requiring Scholars to more closely with the BME faculty in crafting case studies,and will enact measures to ensure timely completion of deliverables. We are still consideringwhether any training is needed for the medical student mentors.Literature cited[1] J. Ackerman and R. Schaar, “Clinical Observational Design Experience: A Large Design Oriented Clinical Immersion Course Based In Emergency Departments,” VentureWell, 2016.[2] S. Sood, M. Short, R. Hirsh, J. Kadlowec, and T. Merrill, “Biodesign through Clinical Immersion,” 2015. [Online]. Available:
: Undergraduate Academic Policy Trends across Institutions over the Last Thirty Years INTRODUCTIONMIDFIELD (Multiple Institution Database for Investigating Engineering LongitudinalDevelopment) is a database, made up of multiple higher education institutions across the U.S.,which is intended to allow for the easy comparison of the institutions. The MIDFIELD databaseincludes data from the late 1980’s until present, which encompasses the SAT/ACT scores,students’ GPA and major for each semester, students’ attained degrees, year graduated, and otherpieces of data. However, in order to better understand the differences across institutions, anunderstanding of academic policies should be conducted
rates, More than Once 10.5%and course evaluation responses. The historical context of Course Evaluation Responsesthe course content and student engagement are presented in m 3.30the next section, followed by a discussion of the Question 12 s 2.06development and implementation of the problem-based m 3.50 Question 13course content
. This individual treatment of engineering competencies was also reflected in thetreatment of the ABET learning outcomes at the onset of their accreditation changes to outcomes-basedassessment. For example, in an unpublished review of the Journal of Engineering Education from2006-2011 conducted by the first author to explore publications on the teaching and assessing of theengineering ‘professional skills’ (e.g., teamwork, communication skills, ethics, professionalism, andlifelong learning) in response to Shuman et al.’s 2005 article3, 11 out of the 12 articles that met thecriteria focused exclusively on one or two student outcomes4-15. During this time period, there were noarticles published in this journal that considered the conceptual or
which the research question(s) is narrow and specific, the objective in ascoping review is to summarize and synthesize the existing literature without using formal qualityassessment in the inclusion or exclusion criteria [5-8]. That is, the perceived quality of the literaturehas no weight on its appearance in a final scoping review although both types have inclusion andexclusion criteria. ScLRs assist to identify gaps in literature as well as direct researchers towardsspecific questions for a systematic literature review by rapidly mapping the key concepts, sources,and existing evidence [5-6]. Most ScLRs do not have formal appraisal mechanisms (ratings usedto assign merit to determine inclusion or exclusion) for the literature being reported in
has described how concept mapping was implemented to promote active learning inEngineering Dynamics. The results of the questionnaire survey show that overall, conceptmapping had a positive impact on student learning. The future work will focus on the study ofhow concept mapping affects students’ long-term knowledge retention.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant No.1244700.References[1] M. E. Serna, O. S. Bachiller and A. A. Serna, “Knowledge meaning and management in requirements engineering,” International Journal of Information Management, vol. 37, pp. 155-161, Jun. 2017.[2] C. McMahon, A. Lowe and S. Culley, “Knowledge management in engineering design
in integration of 3-Dprinting with renewable energy systems”.In this paper, strategies were developed where students integrate technology—3Dprinting and wind tunnel instrumentation—to learn key aerodynamics principles andrelated energy components in a thermal and fluid systems course and studentperformance with regards to augmented instruction was compared to non-augmentedinstruction.NomenclatureLs Lift force (N)ρ Density of air (kg/m3)U Wind velocity (m/s)d Airfoil chord length for airfoilCLA Non-dimensional lift coefficient per angle of attack𝑑𝑙 Incremental length of the blade (m)Model and Method U Figure 1: Airfoil
the late 1980’s through early 1990’s. Many of the programs he instituted via external funding are still part of that office. He was the co-PI on the successful, long-term Operation Chemistry literacy program for all levels of teachers, and parlayed that national program into grant-funded summer and year-round workshops in Wisconsin, Nebraska, and North Carolina over a 15- year period. During his 7-year tenure at Northern Illinois University (NIU), Kelter worked extensively with middle school teachers in high-Latino population communities in the service of science education. He has been at the forefront of science literacy for postsecondary students via three major chemistry textbooks, aimed at the first-year
)Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) andSmart & Connected Communities (S&CC)CPS: Core system science for complex S&CC: Scientific/engineering andcyber-physical systems upon which socio-technical knowledge to improvepeople can depend with high confidence. quality of life within communities. Application Sectors Smart & Connected Communities Aeronautics Manufacturing
GPA at thetime of graduation.References1. S. Sorby, “Educational Research in Developing 3-D Spatial Skills for Engineering Students,” International Journal of Science Education, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 459-480, 2009.2. J. Wai, D. Lubinski, and C. P. Benbow, “Spatial ability for STEM domains: Aligning over 50 years of cumulative psychological knowledge solidifies its importance,” Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 101, no. 4, pp. 817-835, 2009.3. M. B. Casey, E. Pezaris, E., and R. L. Nuttall, “Spatial ability as a predictor of math achievement: the importance of sex and handedness patterns,” Neuropsychologia, vol. 30, pp. 35-40, 1992.4. D. Halpern, D., “Sex differences in cognitive abilities, Third Edition,” Mahwah, NJ
personal growth and confidence in theirengineering design ability.References [1] Esparragoza, et al., "Assessing interactions among students geographically dispersed during multinational design projects," presented at the 121st ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, 2014. [2] H. Maury-Ramírez, R. J. Pinzón, and I. E. Esparragoza, "International Collaborative Learning Experience through Global Engineering Design Projects: A Case Study," in Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering, ed: Springer, 2008, pp. 212-215. [3] E. Esparragoza, S. K. Lascano, and J. R. Ocampo, J. R., Assessing interactions among students geographically disperse during multinational design projects. ASEE, 121st
, Portland,Oregon.[6] Ezzell, S., & Gordy, P. (2004, June), Energizing Your Engineering Program ThroughCompetitions And Team Based Projects Paper presented at 2004 Annual Conference, Salt LakeCity, Utah.[7] Lumsdaine, E., & Loukus, J., & Dreyer, J., & Chenoweth, S., & Lumsdaine, M. (2009, June),Forming And Managing Project Teams In A Large Capstone Design Course Paper presented at2009 Annual Conference & Exposition, Austin, Texas.[8] Harding, T. (2007, June), Benefits And Struggles Of Using Large Team Projects In CapstoneCourses Paper presented at 2007 Annual Conference & Exposition, Honolulu, Hawaii.[9] Underwood
of liquid at the nozzle port is calculated asfollows: 𝑝 𝜌𝑔ℎ (2) where ph = hydrostatic pressure (Pa, N/m2, or kg/m-s2) ρ = liquid density (kg/m3) g = acceleration of gravity = 9.81 m/s2 h = height of the liquid column (m)For this lab, multiple fluid heights are tested. The liquid flow rate through an orifice can becalculated as follows: 𝑞actual 𝐶 𝐴 𝑝 𝑝 (3) where qactual = actual liquid flow rate (m3/s) A2 = area of the port (m3) gc = conversion factor = 1.0 kg-m/N-s2
Temperature Shape Factor for Plane Shape Factor for Pressure 𝐹𝑑 - 𝐹𝑝 - Couette Flow Flow H Channel Depth m k Thermal Conductivity W/m2K Thermal Conductivity of Thermal Conductivity of 𝑘𝑃𝐸𝑇 W/m2K 𝑘𝑆𝑇 W/m2K PET Steel L Length m 𝐿𝑓 Latent Heat of Fusion kJ/kg 𝑚̇ Mass Flow Rate kg/s N Revolution Rate
: 1. Include descriptions of the cultural context 2. “[A]ttend to the embodied nature of the protagonist” [39, p.17] 3. Consider how other people affect the central character 4. Identity choices and actions of the central character 5. Attend to past experiences and how they impact the choices and actions 6. Create a story with a beginning, middle, and end 7. The plot should bring all the data together into a meaningful story that explains why the central character acted the way s/he didQuality ConsiderationsThis project will be monitored by an external review board and an internal framework.Internally, we will use the Q3 framework outlined by Walther et al. [41] and Walther
#1936through NSF/CNS grant. The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authorsand should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed orimplied of NSF.References[1] Berman, M., Chase, J. S., Landweber, L., Nakao, A., Ott, M., Raychaudhuri, D., Ricci, R., and Seskar, I. (2014). GENI: A federated testbed for innovative network experiments. Computer Networks, 61:5–23.[2] Riga, N., Edwards, S., and Thomas, V. (2016). The Experimenter’s View of GENI, pages 349–379. In: McGeer R., Berman M., Elliott C., Ricci R. (eds) The GENI Book. Springer, Cham .[3] Thomas, V., Riga, N., Edwards, S., Fund, F., and Korakis, T. (2016). GENI in the classroom. In the GENI Book, pages 433–449. Springer.[4
], [14], [18], [19].Need for a STEM Observation ProtocolIn addition to the challenge of defining STEM education, there have been challenges in assessingintegrated STEM instruction in K-12 classrooms. Given the rapid development of both K-12engineering and integrated STEM, it is critical that researchers have access to valid and reliableinstruments to determine the efficacy of different teaching and curricular approaches related toboth teacher effectiveness and student learning. The lack of a protocol designed specifically forsuch teaching will lead to reliance on the use of teacher self-report data or the use of protocolsthat measure “just good” teaching without consideration of the nature of the discipline(s) beingtaught. Existing instruments
as shown in Figure 1below. This guided instructional effort for subsequent labs and in-class sessions in the course.At the end of the quarter, mastery of these standards within this course will be shared withCapstone instructors to inform their coaching as these are skills fundamental to the Capstonedesign process.Assessment of Incoming Related SkillsUntil mastery-based grading has been implemented throughout the sequence, quizzes based onthe relevant LO of the previous course(s) will be administered to tailor instruction in the absenceof SBG data from the previous courses. A statistics concept quiz has been administered withconcepts relevant to the experimental design course. Results show overall mastery in selection ofappropriate
perspectives and cross-cultural skills such as the InterculturalDevelopment Inventory (IDI) [8], Miville Guzman Universality Diversity Scale (MGUD-S) [9],and the Engineering Global Preparedness Index (EGPI) [10]. The global perspectives ofengineering students in this study was measured via the Global Perspective Inventory (GPI) [11].This instrument was used because it closely aligns with global perspective constructs the studyaims to measure. The GPI is also a validated instrument and widely used for a basis forcomparison against non-engineers. Additionally, a number of studies have used the GPI toexamine the impact of study abroad experiences with consistent results and strong statisticalreliability and validity [11, 12, 13]. Given the expansion of
meetings, short courses, graduate courses). Progress to professional registration so that some The Bob L. Herd Department of Petroleum Engineering individuals graduate from an ABET-accreditedat Texas Tech University is uniquely located in the Permian degree plan, pass the Fundamentals of EngineeringBasin, where approximately 22% of the nation`s petroleum Exam, work in increasingly responsible engineeringresources and 68% of Texas` petroleum resources lie in a
Nu (IEEE-HKN), the honor society of the Institute ofinstitution does not necessarily mean that the chapter is Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), are given.effectively serving the host department(s) and itsengineering students. This paper describes commonalities 2. Engineering Honor Societiesamong engineering honor societies, the possible roles of an 2.1 History of American Honor Societieshonor society within an engineering department, and some The industrial revolutions prior to 1900 led to the growthbest practices for effective honor society chapters. Specific of engineering careers. Various professional societies inexamples from the operation of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu engineering were formed
responsibilities for the design challengeInstructional Design Agents RoleWhat is the role of an instructional design agent? The instructional design agent’s role can bedefined as the set of responsibilities and activities that fall within an agent’s intended purpose,which when viewed holistically, demarcate its position or part to play within the designchallenge.In light of this definition, we turn to three points of consideration needed to develop this role:what design intelligence will the agent(s) embody, what specific types of roles will the designagent(s) assume and how many design agents should be employed.We discuss the design intelligence agents embody first, as this has implications for the
less mechanics concepts involvedwith cross sections while ENGT Strength of Materials course has mainly 2D orthogonal views ofstructural cross sections, thereby losing all depth cues associated with the 3D structures. Thisfinding is contradictory to the result from a previous study carried out by the same author(s)[1].The previous study found a significant positive correlation (ρ = 0.552 at p = 0.01) between SBSTscores of mechanical engineering students and their performance in the Mechanics of Materials(MOM) course. It is noted that the engineering students’ performances in MOM in the previousstudy was measured by using the MOM concept inventory [22], a survey consisting of 23conceptual understanding questions, not the final course grades as