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Displaying results 241 - 270 of 545 in total
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jerrod A. Henderson, University of Houston; Erik M. Hines, Florida State University; Ayesha Boyce, University of North Carolina - Greensboro; Jared Larenz Davis, University of Houston; Waldemiro Muanha Junqueira, University of Houston; Tyron Slack, Florida State University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
research has appeared in peer-reviewed journals, such as the Journal of Counseling and Development, Professional School Counseling, The High School Journal, and Urban Education. Equally important, Dr. Hines is an ACA Fellow and received the Al Dye award for co-editing the special issue, Group Work with African Americans Children and Adolescents published in the Journal for Specialist in Group Work. Dr. Hines received his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland, College Park in Counselor Education with a concentration in Urban School Counseling. Finally, he has worked as a counselor in various K-12 settings and for the Ronald E McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program.Dr. Ayesha Boyce, University of North Carolina
Conference Session
Military and Veterans Division Technical Session 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Raymond Vetter, United States Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Military and Veterans
, technology failures created significant resistance to widespread adoption [2, p. 29]. Theability to have robust communication and interaction between students and educators is essentialto getting buy-in from both parties. This section explores the current technologies in use fortoday’s online courses, current and emerging grading technologies, and considers the keyemerging technologies required to enable online learning to continue to improve its deliverymethods and expand in scope. The current online learning environment relies heavily on technology to enable thesharing of information and to provide feedback to students. For students to interact with facultyas well as peers, the proliferation of conference call and video conference call
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Technical Session 7
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Latanya Robinson, Florida International University; Adam Kirn, University of Nevada, Reno; Candice Guy-Gaytán, BSCS Science Learning; Joshua Alexander Ellis, Florida International University
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Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
and solution for the mass of mixture/solution3 Students drawing their own Determining the filtration devices concentration of a solution4 Providing labels and Determining Writing numerical expression measurements for filtration saturation of a for saturation devices solution5-6 Students give feedback and Materials that receive feedback from peers filter out bacteria on their drawings7-8 Students design and evaluate Deriving flow rate ratio for their filtration devices selected materials in the
Conference Session
Using Technology to Support Learning in Mechanics
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Anna K. T. Howard, North Carolina State University at Raleigh
Tagged Divisions
the course or finding excellent supplemental materialwhich gets added to the course. Encouragement badges were awarded for accessing the flashcards or attending office hours; repeating these behaviors earned higher levels of the badges.Three times over the semester students are required to write something: an ethics response onday 01, written instructions for using the right-hand-rule for three-dimensional moments on day15, and a project report on day 40. Some students believe that becoming an engineer means theynever have to write anything again; while assigning writing assignments can disabuse them ofthis notion, we hoped that assigning badges would highlight some of the places where engineersuse writing skills. The writing badges also have
Conference Session
Remote Physical Laboratories: Experimentation and Laboratory-oriented Studies
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Lamyaa El-Gabry, Princeton University
Tagged Divisions
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies
to measureP-V-T relations for an ideal gas. The second part was a solar-powered hydrogen fuel cell vehicleand focused on energy conversion and efficiency concepts. The third is a project where studentsworked in teams to propose a project in their choice of one of two topics: one is a design projecton solar thermal energy and the other is a research project using calorimetry.The course consists of a 1-hour weekly lecture on Monday morning to discuss theory needed forthat week and present skills such as using MATLAB, uncertainty analysis, writing lab reports, etc.Students then meet in the afternoon on one day (Monday-Thursday) for a 3-hr lab session. Duringthis session, they are divided into breakout rooms to meet and work with their peers on
Conference Session
The Curriculum at Two-year College's Engineering Technology and Engineering Transfer Programs
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Marilyn Barger P.E., FLATE, Florida Advanced Technological Education Center; Lakshmi Jayaram, Inquiry Research Group LLC
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Tagged Divisions
Two-Year College
interaction between peers, increased relianceon instructors, and a significant decline in experiential learning such as labs, groupprojects, demonstrations, problem-based learning, and service-learning. Themajority of students report feeling worried about making progress toward theirdegree, and about half worried about completing the semester. Two benefitsstudents identified was having access to course materials all the time through theLMS and the flexibility of remote learning. Findings also show that technicianstudents are quite diverse by way of age, partner status, having a family, race-ethnicity, employment status, and educational background. About one-third ofstudents who responded are women. This paper concludes with several
1981 North Midwest Section
O. Hawaleshka
thegovernment can ill afford to alienate.The basic question is relatively simple: Which programs and schools shouldbe licenced and supported? Obviously: those that are best for the objectiveintended, the production of a satisfactory engineering graduate. On whatbasis is. one to judge which schools meet requirements? A set of standardshad to be developed to reflect the goals and needs of the country's futureengineers.The Philippine environment is not conducive to a straightforward applica-tion of the familiar 11 peer evaluation 11 method common to Western countries. 159Such an accreditation method can easily lead to abuse. The Project consul-ting team after a very thorough investigation of conditions, evaluationof
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ingrid Buckley, Florida Gulf Coast University; Peter J. Clarke, Florida International University
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Division
interleaved.Advantages: 1. Students had more peer support and could problem solve technical issues with other teams. 2. Students had access to software testing tools and resources. 3. Students received an in-depth understanding of the software product because they were im- plementing it.Challenges: 1. Students struggled with programming-related skills. As a result, too much time was spent on implementing the application. 2. Some team members preferred to avoid the technical work and only contributed to the writing of the reports. 3. Students struggled to meet the statement and branch coverage requirements for testing.Approach 2: Capstone Group Project - with the development and testing phases interleaved.Advantages: 1. Students were
Conference Session
Research on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kristen Moore, University at Buffalo; Nathan R. Johnson, University of South Florida; Fernando Sánchez, University of St. Thomas; Walter R. Hargrove
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Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
of IntersectionalityKristen R. Moore, University at BuffaloWalter Hargrove, University at BuffaloNathan R. Johnson, University of South FloridaFernando Sánchez, University of St. ThomasAbstractUsing a citation network analysis, this project analyzes the 209 instances of the term“intersectionality” in the ASEE PEER repository to locate the central authors and texts thatinform the field’s use of the term. In this citational analysis, we suggest that the limited citationof Black women should be interrogated and redressed as a form of inequity. Framing this projectwithin the politics of citation and the current campaign to #CiteBlackWomen, we work toexplore how the term “intersectional” has been embraced, whose theories have been adopted,ignored
Conference Session
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division Technical Session 4
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
John H. Callewaert, University of Michigan; Joanna Mirecki Millunchick, University of Michigan; Cassandra Sue Ellen Jamison, University of Michigan; Kevin Cai Jiang, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative and Experiential Education
, designed to supportupper-level students through reflection of their past experiences and creation and application ofskills that will guide their professional futures. In the course, students iteratively reflect on andcommunicate their past experiences and development of competencies through writing stories;drafting values and guiding principles; connecting with mentors; and applying learning to early-career decision-making. At the end of the course, students were able to: 1. Describe their growth in and mastery of competencies in the context of their undergraduate experiences. 2. Define social capital and increase their social capital by identifying one peer and one professional to ask salient questions to, receive meaningful answers
2021 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Meeting
Otily Toutsop, Morgan State University; Paige Janae Harvey, Morgan State University; Kevin Kornegay, Morgan State University; Edmund Himmie Smith, Morgan State University ; Marcial Tienteu; Vinton Amsley Morris, Morgan State University; Dennis Ndati, Baltimore Polytechnic Institute; Aaron A Mcclenton; Andre Latte Dean Jr., Morgan State University School of Engineering
systems using the Nucleo board. 5- To provide students the opportunity to work and collaborate on real-world security problems.Problem StatementWhile the demand for engineering jobs is rising, many students face critical issues during therecruitment process due to their lack of hands-on skills after college or university [20]. Somecourses available at the university or college level do not necessarily provide students with labsthat could facilitate gaining hands-on knowledge, on top of the theory learned from theclassroom, to make them more competitive with their peers [17]. Students will become criticalthinkers in this project by identifying a real-world problem faced in the IoT ecosystems. Althoughthey might realize that various IoT
Conference Session
Working Against Unjust Social Forces
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Anna Marie LaChance, University of Connecticut; Jennifer Pascal, University of Connecticut; Danielle Gan, University of Connecticut; Justyn James Paquette Welsh, University of Connecticut; Thomas James Pauly, University of Connecticut; Patrick Paul, University of Connecticut
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Culture & Social Justice in Education, Equity
take away from this module), instructional strategy (the in-class activities forEJ Week), and forms of assessment (the homework assignment and project deliverable associatedwith the module’s learning objectives). In exchange for their increased educational labor comparedto the rest of the course, students who self-select to take part in the cogen would be able to dropone homework assignment from their final grade. Ultimately, four students—Danielle Gan, Patrick Paul, Justyn Welsh, and Thomas Pauly—offered to take part in the EJ cogen, writing to Anna about their prior experience with leadingclimate discussions. Danielle, a young woman of color pursuing a minor in global environmentalchange, had taken numerous courses about environmental
Conference Session
Student Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mercy Folashade Fash, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University ; Andrea Nana Ofori-Boadu, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University; Rabiatu Bonku, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University ; Wanya Alford, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University ; Alesia Coralie Ferguson, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University ; Angela M. White, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Tagged Divisions
; Poor Quality Assignments; Poor Intermediate Grades; Stresses; and LoweredMotivation. While most research participants experienced high stresses, a few of themexperienced low or no stresses. To minimize the impact of COVID-related learning challengeson their STEM learning and performance, research participants made effective adaptationdecisions coded as: Refined Scheduling; Alternate Learning Resources; Professor Office Hours;Teaching Assistants; Peer Collaboration; Relaxation Strategies; and Pass/Fail Options. Comparedto the fall 2019 GPAs, the improved spring 2020 GPAs of research participants may be partiallyattributed to professor leniency, pass/fail option, and cheating. Findings indicate that while STEM professors were adjusting to
Conference Session
Faculty Development 1: Social Justice Research
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sylvia L. Mendez, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs; Valerie Martin Conley, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs; Katie Johanson, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs; Richard Carroll Sinclair, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs; Comas Lamar Haynes, Georgia Tech Research Institute; Rosario A. Gerhardt, Georgia Institute of Technology; Kinnis Gosha, Morehouse College
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Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division
Morehouse College. Dr. Gosha’s research interestsinclude conversational agents, social media data analytics, computer science education, broadening par-ticipation in computing and culturally relevant computing. More specifically, Gosha’s passion lies in hisresearch in virtual mentoring where he has several peer-reviewed research publications. Gosha’s Cultur-ally Relevant Computing Lab is comprised of approximately 10 top undergraduate researchers each yearfrom Morehouse College, Spelman College and Clark Atlanta University. The lab investigates researchproblems centered on creating innovative computing technologies to solve cultural problems and issues.To date, Dr. Gosha has accrued over $20 million dollars in sponsored research funding and over 60
Conference Session
Architectural Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Keith E. Hedges, Drury University
Tagged Divisions
Architectural Engineering
adventuresas opposed to directly teaching the students [17], [18]. One example of an information seekingbehavior could be a simple unassessed icebreaker activity at the beginning of a course where thestudents to share information about themselves while gathering information from their peers[19]. A second example is discussion boards. These are assessed collaborative activities whereeach student posts an answer to a specific question and is required to respond to other students’answers. The class discussion boards can flourish without the instructor’s guiding dialogue as thestudents engage in asynchronous threads [20], [21]. The keys are to include shared responsibility,require constructive feedback, and inspire expansive questioning. A third example
Conference Session
Manufacturing Division Session - Virtual and Augmented Reality
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Emily Welsh, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Dan Li, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; A. John Hart, Massachusetts Institute of Technology ; John Liu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
grading over the course of two weeks using CrowdLearnbefore submitting a reflection at the end of the activity. The reflection prompt was “Afterparticipating in the discussion forum, write up a short reflection (50 - 500 words) on what youlearned by answering the discussion questions and discussing with your peers. How were yourthoughts and ideas about manufacturing costs solidified, pivoted, and/or developed? How wasyour experience with the AR app?”.4.2 Analysis4.2.1 Codebook Development148 learners wrote reflections. Of this group, 84 learner reflections directly mentioned using theAR app. To perform an analysis of the reflections, we developed a codebook to tag andcategorize reflections through an iterative development process [21]. As each of
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Unique Projects and Pedagogies
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
John Sangster P.E., Northeastern University
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Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
drawing out content as a set of linked ideas, effectively visualizing the constructivistperception of knowledge gain. Jigsaw places more responsibility on the students, breaking theclass into groups and assigning one person from each group to become a subject-area expert on asubtopic (such as reading a specific journal article), and subsequently having each group memberteach their peers in the group the piece of the overall puzzle that they mastered. Finally, student-generated exam questions allow students to work through the key concepts learned during a unitthat deserve attention on an exam, anticipating many of the topics they will face while creatingone question that may be on the exam itself. These CATs provide an extensive list of places
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Zachary Riggins Del Rosario, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Riya Aggarwal, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Caitlin Anna Coffey, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Arwen Sadler, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Stephanos Matsumoto, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Alison Wood , Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Paul Ruvolo, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; C. Jason Woodard, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
architecture schoolsconduct these events publicly and with peers [4]. Between 1919-1932, the Bauhaus in Germanydeveloped a new form of studio pedagogy: a focus on giving students technical skills throughworkshops and preparing students for these workshops with “foundation courses” [3].While studio pedagogy has been used in fine arts for over a century, elements of the studio havebeen recently advanced as beneficial for engineering education. Wilson and Jennings [5] reportextensive efforts to use studio pedagogy to, among other goals, reduce emphasis on lecture.Other motivations for engineering studio pedagogy range from improving student employability[6], facilitating concept transfer [7], and familiarizing students with the use of experimentationand
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Virtual Instruction in the First Year III
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Shannon Barker, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
ofperspectives and lived experience to the challenge at hand. Research shows that having diverseteams working on complex challenges produces more effective and impactful solutions thanworking in uniform teams or as lone individuals [31-35]. In the case of predominately onlineinstruction environment, teams also offer the opportunity for social connection and peer support.The class was divided into teams with the assistance of the Comprehensive Assessment forTeam-Member Effectiveness (CATME), an online tool that aides instructors in forming studentsteams based on best practices, and stayed in their assigned team for the entire semester.Synchronous class sessions: These sessions were held on Mondays via Zoom. This time wasdedicated to discussing and
Conference Session
Research Methods and Studies on Engineering Education Research
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Andrew Katz, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Matthew Norris, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Abdulrahman M. Alsharif, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Michelle D. Klopfer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; David B. Knight, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Jacob R. Grohs, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
element for a system such as ours because they meet the design requirement thatthe system should need minimal additional training. Satisfying the “minimal additional training”requirement means that the engineering education teaching and research community could applythe this kind of system off the shelf in their own work to identify important trends and answerrelevant questions in their own contexts.In educational data, NLP techniques have been used to study a variety of topics. Crossley et al.,[12], [13] used a series of rule-based approaches to study students’ sentiments and their mathidentities in an intelligent tutoring system. Crossley et al [14] also used an NLP approach tostudy differences in students writing styles as a function of their
Conference Session
Computers in Education 1 - Programming 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ben Tribelhorn, University of Portland; Heather Dillon, University of Washington Tacoma; Andrew M. Nuxoll, University of Portland; Nicole C. Ralston, University of Portland
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
. Exam scores were improved when measuring studentsability to create use cases, especially clarity and completeness. Student performance was greatlyimproved when writing use cases, especially clarity and completeness which was reflected inimproved projects. Quantitatively, the same mindset objectives were assessed in other coursemodules as part a larger curriculum wide effort in Engineering. The numerical results indicatethat the modules in this course outperformed other modules in the curriculum for most of themindset objectives. Ultimately, the results indicate these types of modules may play an importantrole in entrepreneurial mindset development for computer science students.IntroductionThis paper describes a set of modules designed to
Conference Session
Building Success in the Online Classroom
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jiehong Liao, Florida Gulf Coast University; Galen I. Papkov, Florida Gulf Coast University; Ashraf Badir P.E., Florida Gulf Coast University; Robert O'Neill P.E., Florida Gulf Coast University
Tagged Divisions
variety of ways that they are or couldbe engaged in the course [6]. And finally, after a year-long experiment, it was concluded thatrequiring students to submit homework for a grade did not improve exam performance overstudents who were not required to submit homework for a grade [7].The course is a four-credit course taken by students in their second-year. It is taught in a combinedlecture/lab environment with three meetings a week for a total of five contact hours. Although thecourse has been taught by seven different instructors over the years, it is essentially a team-taughtcourse. Instructors use the same textbook and syllabus, they collaborate on writing and gradingquizzes and exams, and they use common grading rubrics. Over the years
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Pedagogy
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Justin Shaffer, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
biology courses (introductory biology and anatomy andphysiology) which again demonstrates slight differences between the two types of courses. Table 2. Categories used for analysis of student advice comments Category Sub-category Description Example This included tips that related specifically to "Focus on the set up and Course Specific the content or setup of a class such as:Study Tips writing out the mass and Study Tip labeling diagrams, using models
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Megan Morin, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Richard Goldberg, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division
member who have experience in engineeringeducation and EML. The FLC's goal is to provide participants with new instructional tools thatpromote EML among their students. Other best practices in teaching are covered as well, such ashow to write student learning objectives. Faculty are all expected to develop new activities thatthey can implement in their courses and publish at least one activity as a KEEN Card [9]. TheKEEN Card includes instructions and resources so that faculty and instructors who use theEngineering Unleashed platform can adapt this activity for their own courses [9].ParticipantsThis is a year-long program, and all faculty in our department arerequired to participate once during the initial three years of theFLC. Other
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Division Technical Session 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Eduardo Santillan-Jimenez, University of Kentucky; Julia E. Parker, University of Kentucky ; Keren Mabisi, University of Cincinnati; Carissa B. Schutzman, University of Cincinnati; Mark Crocker, University of Kentucky
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
complex systems has the potential to originate a transdisciplinarytheory and to merge chemistry with other disciplines. In addition, Gentili concluded thatinterdisciplinary courses on complex systems can help new generations facing 21st centurychallenges to mold interdisciplinary mindsets with enhanced aptitudes to observe, analyze, judgeand summarize.The importance of the aforementioned aptitudes has also been recognized by Matthews et al.,who identified the Paul-Elder model of critical thinking as the ideal pedagogical framework incoursework designed to help graduate students comprehend and act on the literature, as well asdevelop independence of thought, writing skills, and speaking skills. Indeed, these authors havedescribed coursework
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
William J. Schell IV P.E., Montana State University - Bozeman; Bryce E. Hughes, Montana State University - Bozeman; Brett Tallman P.E., Montana State University - Bozeman; Monika Kwapisz, Montana State University - Bozeman; Tessa Sybesma, Montana State University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
engineering leadership identity. Details of the findings from the quantitativestudies, including differences between engineering students and their peers in other fields, can befound in [4-9]. The results of those studies were then integrated with protocols found in theliterature from numerous qualitative studies of leadership and / or identity to develop thequalitative focus group protocols utilized with students. The qualitative protocols explored threedistinct areas of student perceptions: engineering identity, leadership identity, and engineeringleadership identity. Table 1 provides an example of the questions utilized in each of the threeprotocol areas.Table 1. Sample Protocol Questions by Area Topic Area Sample Question(s
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the First Year
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Janet Aderemi Omitoyin, The University of Illinois at Chicago ; Renata A. Revelo, The University of Illinois at Chicago; Betul Bilgin, The University of Illinois at Chicago; Houshang Darabi, The University of Illinois at Chicago; Rezvan Nazempour, The University of Illinois at Chicago
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Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
training of mathematics teachers that is at the core of this problem. Since enrollment at UIC, Janet had dedicated her studies and research efforts on Mathematics Socialization and identity amongst pre-service elementary teachers, an effort at understanding the reasons for lack of interest in the subject with a view to proffer solution and engender/motivate interest amongst this group that will eventually reflect in their classroom practices. She is currently a Graduate Assistant with UIC Engage, a commu- nity focused project that provides help for less-privileged students from K-8 in mathematics, reading and writing. She continues to work as a substitute teacher occasionally to keep abreast with current practices
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship and Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 4
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Erin A. Henslee, Wake Forest University; Lauren Lowman, Wake Forest University; Michael D. Gross, Wake Forest University; Anita K. McCauley, Wake Forest University
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Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
instructorsand peers in the classroom and a sense of belonging. These basic needs cultivate learning goalsas part of the students’ identities [52].5. Contextualizing Inclusive Practices in EM PedagogiesInclusive curriculum signifies curricular practices that promote student success across allstudents [56]. The salient characteristics of inclusive practices that the authors have focused onin the third year core classes include representation of diverse STEM figures, providing safespaces for failure, promoting collaboration over competition, and supporting student autonomy.Each of these practices is founded in the literature as ways to support inclusive learningenvironments (e.g., [57], [58]). While all characteristics are featured in both courses, the
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 5
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Erica Haugtvedt, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology; Duane Lewis Abata, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
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Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
workingprogram for use as an assignment for students in beginning computer classes.Ada Lovelace: A Short BiographyAda Lovelace was the only legitimate daughter of George Gordon Lord Byron, the famous poet,peer, and politician [4]. Lord Byron achieved an immense reputation for his poetry and playboyantics in his own lifetime and is still regarded as one of the most important British Romanticpoets. Shortly after Ada’s birth, Lord Byron separated from his wife [4]. He died tragically ofdisease while fighting in the Greek War of Independence in 1824, when Ada was eight years old[4]. In 1833, the novelist Edward Bulwer Lytton wrote of Byron’s death: “When Byron passedaway, we turned to the actual and practical career of life: we awoke from the morbid
Conference Session
Engaging the Online Classroom
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Matthew M. Barry, University of Pittsburgh; Samantha E. Wismer; Tony Lee Kerzmann, University of Pittsburgh; Lee Allen Dosse, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
feedback from the target audience: students. This textbook was co-authored by a studentwho had recently taken the class. This student was able to draw from their own experiences fromtaking the course, to better focus the book on student learning and expectations. Being cognizantof these recent experiences, the emphasis of the text was an example-based approach to learningin addition to making the text interactive and engaging. It is noted the student co-author isemployed by the University of Pittsburgh Study Lab, a free tutoring service which is offered to alluniversity students. Through the Study Lab, the co-author received certification from the CollegeReading and Learning Association in peer tutoring and new tutor training. The student co