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Displaying results 241 - 270 of 573 in total
Conference Session
Work-in-Progress Session: Understanding Issues Faced by Graduate Students and Faculty
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mais Kayyali, Florida International University; Derrick James Satterfield, University of Nevada, Reno; Adam Kirn, University of Nevada, Reno; Alexandra Coso Strong, Florida International University
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Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
, directories, books and monographs. • Engineering database - Compendex & Inspec (Engineering Village): 1884 - Current; Indexes 2,600+ international scholarly and trade journals and conference proceedings in all aspects of engineering. Compendex is Elsevier’s flagship engineering-focused database that provides comprehensive and trustworthy content to improve research outcomes and maximize the impact of your engineering research. • Engineering Education database - Papers on Engineering Education Repository (PEER): This is the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) conference proceedings database. For the first two databases, to ensure populated results were adequate in achieving
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) Technical Session 12
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Dunham, Purdue University; Jennifer Deboer, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Dhinesh Balaji Radhakrishnan, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Nrupaja Bhide, Purdue University at West Lafayette (PPI)
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED)
limitedand infrequent student contact.Literature ReviewSeveral existing studies that evaluate the role of design notebooks primarily focus on theirrole in aiding individuals throughout a design process. As a pedagogical tool, designnotebooks have been shown to be essential in the area of design, as they are valuable toolsthat aid in reflection, documentation, and brainstorming, as the simple act of writing andrecording thoughts is a critical component of meaning-making [4], [7]. Design notebookshave the ability to enhance student learning through their various pedagogical and cognitivebenefits [7]. Additional studies have examined the distinction between process-based andproduct-based design notebooks and their respective impact in the classroom
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI) Technical Session 4
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Reynolds, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Omar Ochoa, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI)
, job shadowing programs still exist and have been documentedin the literature.In engineering, most job shadowing experience is in connection with industry. Job shadowingprograms have been found to have impacts on student career trajectories. Engineering programsare expected to help students find internships and job shadowing opportunities in industry becauseit is considered a best practice for students to have this experience early in their careers [3]. Whenpaired with a near-peer mentor and participating in a job shadowing experience, research showsthat there is a positive impact on student retention in STEM programs [4].Many different aspects can influence a successful job shadowing program. As in the definition,job shadowing should involve
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Oludare Adegbola Owolabi, Morgan State University; Pelumi Olaitan Abiodun, Morgan State University; Adekemisola Olufunmilayo Asahiah, Morgan State University; Hannah Abedoh, Morgan State University; Mehdi Shokouhian, Morgan State University; Neda Bazyar Shourabi, Pennsylvania State University, Berks ; Krishna Bista; Uttam Gaulee; Md Mahmudur Rahman, Morgan State University; Jumoke 'Kemi' Ladeji-Osias, Morgan State University; Olushola V. Emiola-Owolabi, Morgan State University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
been actively involved in basic educational and instructional re- search by infusing several interactive and active learning techniques in classroom to teach introductory programming courses with a goal to improve the retention rate in the CS department. Dr. Rahman has published a book, two book chapters and around seventy articles in peer-reviewed journals and confer- ence proceedings, such as IEEE Transaction on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, etc. and presented his works in numerous conferences and workshops, such as ICPR, CBMS, CLEF, CIVR, HISB, SPIE, BIBE, IEEE FIE, etc. His current research is focusing on Crowdsourcing and Deep learning techniques and their
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE) Technical Session 14:Robotics and Careers
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tala Katbeh, Texas A&M University at Qatar; G. Benjamin Cieslinski, Texas A&M University at Qatar; Hassan Bazzi
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Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)
interestedto study for a university degree?”, and “why are you interested in learning about robotics? Whatare your career goals?”. The answers would help demonstrate the students’ writing and technicalskills, previous involvements, and interests. The students are selected from schools all aroundQatar that are interested in robotics and have shown to possess great group dynamics. Typically,the students are selected based on their performance in previous interactions from the STEMactivities and programs hosted by the university where the outstanding and skilled students areidentified and invited to be participate. However, there are instances where the students reach outto participate in such programs or schools would nominate their high-achieving
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI) Technical Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jenna Wong, P.E., San Francisco State University; Zhaoshuo Jiang, San Francisco State University; Robert Petrulis; Wenshen Pong, P.E., San Francisco State University; Xiaorong Zhang, San Francisco State University; David Quintero, San Francisco State University; Fatemeh Khalkhal; Yiyi Wang, San Francisco State University
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Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI)
, networkingevents, and overall social interactions with colleagues in a technical atmosphere. Revitalizingthese efforts and advancing their development is crucial for student professional development,which has shown to be a significant contributor to successful entry into the workforce [12]-[15].We tried to overcome these limitations and leverage the advantages of online interactionsthrough the following events.Strategy for Success Seminars - These events were focused on expanding students’perspectives of resources and skills associated with the engineering fields. The ESC engaged inthree events: an Engineering Resources Fair, Students Orgs 101, and Technical Writing Seminar.These seminars presented the importance of connecting with University
Conference Session
COED Programming Education 1: Students, Motivation, and Mastery
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David M. Feinauer, P.E., Virginia Military Institute; Runna Alghazo, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Saudi Arabia; Jaafar M. Alghazo, Virginia Military Institute; Sherif Abdelhamid, Virginia Military Institute; James C. Squire, P.E., Virginia Military Institute
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Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education Division (COED)
technology, curriculum and instruction, leadership, and technical writing pedagogy.Dr. Jaafar M. Alghazo, Virginia Military Institute Dr. Jaafar Alghazo is an Associate Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Virginia Military Institute. He graduated from Southern Illinois University with a Ph.D in Engineering Sci- ence/Computer Engineering in 2004 and M.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2000 from the same university. He worked at the American University in Dubai, the University of Central Florida, and Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University before joining the Virginia Military Institute as a Tenure Track faculty member. His research interests are in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Division (ChED) Technical Session 9: Student Experiences in Laboratory Courses
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heather Chenette, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Gregory T. Neumann, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Daniel Anastasio, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering Division (ChED)
followed by questionsfrom their peers and professors, along with an individual report submission. We saw in the datathat this aspect was most anticipated among all students, and many students in the traditionalcourse experienced a fulfilment of those expectations. One student wrote: “After lab, I feel much for comfortable presenting on a technical topic. I previously had little comfort with this because I had trouble explaining things in a way that people with limited background knowledge might understand.”Even among students whose initial response didn’t center on written or oral communication,many students in the traditional course chose to write about it at the end of the course. Forexample: Pre: “I expect to be able to design
Conference Session
International Division (INTL) Technical Session #4: Global DEI
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael D. Preuss, Exquiri Consulting, LLC; John Albert Avila Sr., Texas A&M University; Karen L. Butler-Purry, P.E., Texas A&M University; Shannon Walton, Texas A&M University; Ahmarlay Myint, Texas A&M University; Maria Claudia Alves, Texas A&M University; John Walewski, Texas A&M University; Zenon Medina Cetina; Kim Withers; Keisha D. Bahr, Texas A&M University; Sasha Sentz; Barbara Szczerbinska, Texas A&M University
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Tagged Divisions
International Division (INTL)
confidence in personal ability, expanding conceptions ofresearch, science and culture while increasing openness to employment outside the United States,and ability to relate to peers and professional scientists. These outcomes were present for bothcohorts, IRAP and R2R, with some instances of statistically significant increases pre- to post-participation despite the small counts of participants (IRAP = 18, R2R = 11). Several of theoutcomes parallel findings from prior support of international research experiences by TAMUSLSAMP (Preuss et al, 2020; Preuss, et al, 2021; Preuss et al, 2022). The survey findings fromsummer 2022 are presented as an initial data set that, while requiring verification throughreplication of programming in 2023 and beyond
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Technical Session 10: Identity & Belonging 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Olgha Bassam Qaqish, North Carolina State University at Raleigh; Chloe Grace Hincher, North Carolina State University; Ton Nguyen; Nicholas Goodwin
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
competencies. Upon the conclusion of the program, theresearch mentors write a letter of completion to the GCSP committee in support of the scholar’sapplication [8].Establishing an effective community of practice, the steps taken this summer to create acommunity between the GCSP-REU’s has effectively established a Grand Challenges ScholarsProgram community of practice that will continue to evolve. For example, the summerGCSP-REUs were invited to participate in a weekly GCSP-REU hangout discussion. Both inperson and virtual options were provided for all scholars (hybrid). By extending this invitation tothe scholars, the research scholars were recognized for their progress and validated by their peersand members of the engineering research field. Both
Conference Session
Reviewing Methods for Educational Research
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Khondhaker Al Momin, University of Oklahoma; Javeed Kittur, University of Oklahoma; Tahrima Rouf, University of Oklahoma; Arif Mohaimin Sadri, University of Oklahoma
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. [1]. Recent research hasdemonstrated how to use network science concepts and data-driven methodologies to quantifysocial influences in social media [2]. Due to the ease and ubiquity of Social Media tools and easeof accessibility via a laptop, smartphone, or tablet, an increasing number of students are usingthem [3]. Students can interact with current and previous peers through social media, which alsomakes it easier to access emotional support and suggests creative activities [4]. This is crucialbecause, for minority students, making connections is one of the essential components of afulfilling academic experience. Due to communication barriers or other reasons, minoritystudents are typically less
2023 IL-IN Section Conference
Julie Mendez
considerchanging the way the material is delivered or providing additional opportunities for students topractice.The 2018 and 2019 courses were taught by the same instructor using a flipped classroomapproach with active learning techniques including Peer Instruction [34] and group problem-solving. In addition to the removal of the lab component, another difference in the course in 2019was the introduction of concept maps to organize course topics. Students were encouraged tocreate concept maps as a study tool and viewed portions of an instructor-created concept map atcertain points during the course. While students found the concept maps useful for some courseactivities, there was not a significant difference in quiz scores compared to the previous
Conference Session
Mentoring, Case Study of Racial and Ethnic Diversity, Identity Dilemmas, Cultural Homelessness and Intersectionality, and Transfer Students
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maimuna Begum Kali, Florida International University; Stephen Secules, Florida International University
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Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
marginalization in engineering settings, specifically focusing on students’ hiddenor non-apparent identities that their peers or professors are unaware of or maybe do not understand. Forrecruitment, we adopted an intentional nationwide strategy. We conducted 21 zoom interviews withstudents, each lasting 45 to 90 minutes and representing a variety of marginalized identity groups.As a way to establish rapport during the interview, we utilized a scaffolding strategy of showing aniceberg or identity wheel [14] containing many identities, including the concept that some identities aremore visible and/or apparent. In contrast, depending on context and person, some are less visible or non-apparent. Some prompts for all participants included: 1) How do you
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division (ETHICS) Technical Session_Tuesday June 27, 1:30 - 3:00
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jessica Koehler, Wake Forest University; Olga Pierrakos, Wake Forest University; Adetoun Yeaman, Wake Forest University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics Division (ETHICS)
across all course pedagogies grouped bytype of virtue (performance, intellectual, moral, civic, and integrated) in Tables 5-9 respectively.According to students, performance virtues are most supported by participating in group workand challenging course material. Intellectual virtue growth is most supported by open-endedproblems and projects and engaging lecturers/instructors. Both performance and intellectualvirtue growth were supported by mastery-based learning pedagogies and peer/instructorfeedback. Moral virtue growth was due to wide-ranging experiences including self-directedlearning opportunities, facing challenging communication scenarios, instructor role-modeling,and personal reflection. Civic virtue growth is linked to connecting course
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Division (GSD) Technical Session 7: Developing Graduate Students' Competencies and Identities
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie M. Rieland, University of Michigan; Shamalee Goonetilleke, University of Michigan; Sarah Jane Bork, University of Michigan; Aaron W. Johnson, University of Michigan
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Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies Division (GSD)
institutions distinct fromstaff and undergraduate students. They are notably subject to elevated levels of stress associatedwith research, teaching, and publishing responsibilities as well as high levels of uncertainty withregards to advisor expectations, financial security, and career prospects [2]. The excessive levelsof stress and uncertainty around graduate school has contributed to a concerning mental healthcrisis, with one study identifying PhD students as nearly twice as likely to be experiencingpsychological distress than highly educated peers in the general public [3]. In graduate studentoriented spaces, negative aspects of academic culture are readily named and critiqued, especiallythrough online communities and anonymous online message
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) Technical Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shanmuganeethi Velu, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research; Janardhanan Gangathulasi, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research Chennai; Dinesh Kumar KSA, National Institute of Technical Teacher Training and Research Chennai; Muthuramalingam Sankayya
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED)
of the typical intervention methods, including emails,phone calls, instant messages, postings and news on LMS, group consultations, in-personconsultations, video recordings, peer review, and online courses. The most significant problem,according to Rienties et al.[18] is the ambiguous effect that various sorts of interventions will haveon learners' attitudes, behaviours, and cognitive processes. The intervention has been found topresent difficulties for both learners and trainers. According to Werners et al. [19], at-risk learnersmay struggle to understand the learning analytics data and take appropriate action, which calls forstrong metacognitive abilities and self-regulation. Avella et al.[4] examined analytic methods, primary benefits
Conference Session
Effective Teaching and Learning, and Post-Pandemic Classrooms
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wei Shen Theh, Iowa State University of Science and Technology; Rachel Shannon, University of California Los Angeles; Mani Mina, University of California Los Angeles
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
Paper ID #39084Revisiting classroom environment and activities: Reexamination ofmistakes and learning cyclesWei Shen Theh, Iowa State University of Science and Technology Wei Shen Theh completed his BS in Electrical Engineering at Iowa State University and is currently pursuing a PhD in Electrical Engineering. His interest includes collaborative engineering work and trans- formation of engineering education for the 21st century. He has served with the peer mentor team for freshman electrical engineering students and as guest speakers for incoming students. As a Teaching As- sistant, he has valuable experience working
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division (WIED) Technical Session 4
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nadah Al Theeb, Purdue Engineering Education
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Women in Engineering Division (WIED)
Mathematics (STEM) fields, particularly in engineering. This studyconducted a systematized literature review to identify these challenges, guided by the researchquestion: "What challenges affect Arab women's engagement in STEM fields, particularlyengineering?" A search was conducted using databases such as ERIC, Education Source from theEBSCO platform, and Compendex, Inspec from the Engineering Village platform. After applyinginclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of twelve peer-reviewed articles were selected and analyzedto examine the challenges that Arab women encounter in these fields. The analysis revealed threemain themes: The inherent nature of Arab culture and society and the role of family support in theEngineering field, gender
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julia Yoo, Lamar University; Selahattin Sayil, Lamar University; Gleb Tcheslavski
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
study the effectiveness of online lab experiences with the goal of improvingstudent success and self-efficacy. Online lab sessions must offer active learning experiences,which may include ample opportunities for students to interact with their peers and instructors,and tackle real problems by experiencing trials and errors. This research on the online labs cangreatly contribute to enhancing EE engineering student learning. Further, it will address thecritical component of EE engineering - experiential learning - with a lot of hands-on lab learningexperiences that can lead to a deeper understanding of engineering concepts. Well-designedonline labs can help students maintain enthusiasm for engineering fresh and can also increase theretention rate
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Division (GSD) Technical Session 5: Graduate Student Experience and Decision-Making
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Majid Nabavi, University of Nebraska - Lincoln ; Jena Shafai Asgarpoor, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies Division (GSD)
continue their jobs and maintain theirstandard of living while pursuing their educational goals remotely. On the other hand, studentsmust be self-disciplined as there is no schedule other than potential synchronous sessions withtheir peers or professors. Other advantages of in-person education are developing a sense ofcommunity and extracurricular activities which are somewhat more difficult to achieve indistance education, especially at the undergraduate level. In this work, we use the terms “online”and “distance” interchangeably. Similarly, “in-person” and “on-campus” are interchangeable.Literature ReviewA survey of college instructors and administrators involved in online teaching showed thepopularity of online learning, rise of blended
Conference Session
Student Division (STDT) Technical Session 1: Student Success and Mentoring
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn Christopher, Grand Valley State University and Western Michigan University; C.J. Witherell, Grand Valley State University; Aziz Gram Sarhan
Tagged Divisions
Student Division (STDT)
classrooms to help with student engagement andknowledge retention.IntroductionResearch shows that student success in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics(STEM) fields can be correlated not only to their innate ability and intelligence but also to theirself-efficacy and implicit beliefs (growth mindset) [1, 2]. Many students enter their courses at theuniversity level with the belief that their peers are only doing well because they are more intelligentor more naturally gifted. While there may always a few students with greater natural ability, thereason for most engineering students’ success appears to be their ability to learn, grow, and adjustbased on feedback and criticism instead of crumbling under pressure.Providing students with
Conference Session
Reviewing Methods for Educational Research
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexandra Mary Jackson, Rowan University; Cheryl A. Bodnar, Rowan University
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Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
engineering students are often notconsidered [4, 13].As described by Polkinghorne [20], narrative research commonly includes two forms of analysis:narrative analysis, in which structured narratives are built from existing data, and analysis ofnarratives, in which data already exists in narrative form. This outcome of the analysis ofnarratives technique often consists of a set of themes that the researcher can use to makeinferences about the sample they studied. Meanwhile, the outcome of the narrative analysistechnique is a story, ordered chronologically, that synthesizes various data into a cohesiveelement. This form of narrative analysis can be thought of as writing an account of someone'slife, such as a biography. The researcher may interview the
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Integration at the Program Level
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James T. McLeskey Jr., Randolph-Macon College; Deonna Woolard
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
Engineering Mechanics with the core courses typicallyfound in Mechanical and Civil Engineering programs (Table 1). This choice also helped makethe program unique as many newer Engineering programs are focusing on Electrical andComputer Engineering. The program gives students time to explore the myriad of engineeringfields over their four years of study before deciding on a specialty.Table 1. Engineering Physics Curriculum at Randolph-Macon College. Credit hours inparentheses Engineering Physics Courses Science Courses and Math General Education Courses Prerequisites before 2021* Intro to Engineering (3) Introductory Physics (8) Writing and
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - WIPS 3: Identity & Belonging
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Evelyn Walters, Temple University; Cory Budischak, Temple University
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Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
and thus effective teamwork?InterventionWe have adopted several modules of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Tools for Teamwork:Asset Mapping and Team Processing Handbook [11] to introduce students to important teamconcepts. Prior to forming groups and as part of the Handbook, students are asked to reflect ontheir identities, strengths, communication and conflict styles. As part of this, they complete aseries of self-assessments [12] and generate an asset map where they give thought to how theirlife experiences, not only educational experiences, will benefit a team. For an example of whatan asset map looks like, see examples in [4], [13]. Further, students read several articleshighlighting diversity and engineering and write a short
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH) Technical Session 8: Thermo-Fluids Theory and Computation
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wenhai Li, Farmingdale State College; Foluso Ladeinde, Stony Brook University
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Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH)
(CFDHT) courses aredesigned more as “numerical fluid dynamics and heat transfer” courses, in which the focus isplaced on teaching the students the fundamentals of one or more numerical methods, such as the © American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 2023 ASEE Annual Conferencefinite difference method (FDM), the finite element method (FEM), and the finite volume method(FVM), and how to use them to solve the differential equations that govern fluid flow and heattransfer. The objectives of many CFDHT courses are to enable the students to write a piece of theirown code and use it to simulate benchmark fluid mechanics and heat transfer problemscharacterized by simplified physics
Conference Session
STEM Education at the Two-Year College
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zeynep Akcay Ozkan, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College; Yuanhong Yu, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College; Ewa Stelmach, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College
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Tagged Divisions
Two-Year College Division (TYCD)
Native Alaskan Age 13-73 Gender Female, Male New Student Description First-time Freshmen, Transfer GPA 0-4 Credits completed 0-188 Course Grade A-D, F, W, Other Math/Reading/Writing Passed, Failed, Exempt, Not tested Placement Exam Score First Generation Status Yes, NoData set comprises characteristics of students and the sections they are enrolled. The students’characteristics include age, gender, ethnicity, first-generation college status, placement examscores, GPA, credits completed, and whether they are freshmen or transfer students. Coursecharacteristics include
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries Division (ELD) Technical Session 2: Understanding Our Users
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Parker, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries Division (ELD)
less common [3], and researchers may be reluctant, with a preference to sharedata only when requested [4], [5] or only with peers [6].How well prepared are engineering faculty to deposit data in a repository to fulfill funding orpublication requirements? In 2021, Canada’s federal granting Tri-Agency Council released itsdraft Research Data Management Policy, mandating that by Spring 2023 some fundedresearchers will be expected to complete data management plans (DMP) [7]. All fundedresearchers will be required to deposit their data into a repository with the expectation thatresearchers “provide appropriate access to the data where ethical, cultural, legal and commercialrequirements allow, and in accordance with the FAIR principles and the
Conference Session
Curricular Innovations in Computing - 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David H. K. Hoe, Loyola University Maryland; Mary Lowe, Loyola University Maryland; Dave Binkley, Loyola University Maryland
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
-confidence, and personalinitiative. Finally, it provides opportunities for professional development through networkingwith peers and mentors, and publication of their work [2]. In addition, such research experienceslead to increased retention in STEM fields and a greater likelihood of pursuing a graduatedegree. Noteworthy as well is that undergraduate research experiences are beneficial to studentsat risk of underachieving [4].To ensure a student has an impactful undergraduate research experience, it is important toprovide appropriate projects. Students are highly motivated when they know that they arecontributing to an authentic research question. At the same time the project must be tailored tothe knowledge and capabilities of the student so that
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Division (ChED) Technical Session 4: Junior & Senior Year Curriculum
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joaquin Rodriguez, University of Pittsburgh; Schohn L. Shannon, University of Pittsburgh; Michael McMahon; Hseen Baled
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering Division (ChED)
the instructor (80%) and more generally by apanel (other instructors, TA, experts) (20%). Similarly, the 15-min presentations are alsoprescribed in the number and content of the slides, and the balanced participation of all membersof the team. A panel grades the presentation by evaluating both the team and individualperformance.Team and communication skills developmentThe lab course also provides a comprehensive experience on team development, includingtraining, coaching and performance evaluation (self, peer and external). There is a suggested capnumber of 36 students in the lab, resulting in a maximum of six students per team to cover thesix available experiments. Though 4-5-member teams have also been operative in the past, thecurrent
Conference Session
College Industry Partnerships Division (CIP) Technical Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Martha Cervantes, Johns Hopkins University ; Sydney Danielle Floryanzia, University of Washington and Johns Hopkins University; Jackie Sharp; William Roberts Gray-Roncal; Erik C. Johnson, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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Tagged Divisions
College Industry Partnerships Division (CIP)
relative to their peers - reflecting opportunity gaps but notdeficits in capability. To normalize each applicant, students summarize their skills and interestsin an application consisting of demographic information, short answers, and eight 200-500 wordessays. The essays focus on the lived experiences of each student, offering students an opportunityto demonstrate their qualifications for the CIRCUIT program in their (1) potential for leadership 3 Table 1: A summary of the CIRCUIT pillars and benefits to stakeholdersPillar Description Student Benefit Nation BenefitHolistic Student selection Critical enabler for Evidence-driven