on Education, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 462–471, August 2005. 3. R. W. Ives, B. L. Bonney and D. M. Etter, “Effect of Image Compression on Iris Recognition”, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Ottawa, Canada, May 17—19, 2005. 4. S. Cotter, “Laboratory Exercises for an Undergraduate Biometric Signal Processing Course”, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Louisville, Kentucky, June 2010. 5. S. Cotter, “Assessing the Impact of a Biometrics Course on Students’ Digital Signal Processing Knowledge”, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Vancouver, Canada, June 2011. 6. S. Cotter and A. Pease, “Incorporating Biometrics Technology into a Sophomore Level
students in Texas. Students accumulate transfer student capital, or knowledge about thetransfer process, at sending institutions (i.e., the place(s) where students begin their degreepaths), receiving institutions (i.e., the final degree-granting institution), and potentially from non-institutional sources. The development of transfer student capital may come from experiencesrelated to learning and study skills, course learning, perceptions of the transfer process, academicadvising and counseling, and experiences with faculty. Upon arriving at the receiving institution,students must adjust to the new environment academically, socially, and psychologically, all ofwhich may influence a variety of educational outcomes. Figure 1
platforms, which extend or compliment the LMS features and allow the instructorto provide their desired feedback. This paper summarizes the features of eight additional toolsthat can be used to expand feedback and assignments in engineering courses.References[1] M. D. Svinicki, and W. J. McKeachie, McKeachie's Teaching Tips: Strategies, Research, and Theory for College and University Teachers: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2014.[2] S. Navaee, “Application Of Technology In Engineering Education,” Portland, Oregon, 2005.[3] G. M. Nicholls, W. J. Schell, IV, and N. Lewis, “Best Practices for Using Algorithmic Calculated Questions via a Course Learning Management System,” New Orleans, Louisiana, 2016.[4] A. Jones
students to matriculate intocollege science and engineering programs, or to enroll in the state‟s technical and communitycolleges. There is a strategic imperative for Georgia Tech to promote teaching as a valued careergoal and to support those STEM majors who wish to pursue a career in teaching in the K 12arena. As part of a new, campus-wide initiative, supported by the NSF, Georgia Tech hasimplemented a series of activities to promote careers in K-12 teaching, and has set up theinfrastructure to track and evaluate these initiatives. This paper will describe the initiativesimplemented so far, the types of road blocks encountered, and the numbers of students enteringteaching from various engineering fields. Our goal is to change the perceptions
0 := ⋅ := ⋅ ft Pb 0 in2 Zb 30 K factor Equivalent length Number of pipes 0.78 K := 32 C := N := length ( D) 1 90 Density in lbm/ft3 Viscosity in lbm/ft-s lb lb ρ := 62.4⋅ µ := 0.000658
100 1,000 10,000 0.1 1 10 M agnetizing Force RM S Ampere Turns Per M eter Watts Per Pound (P) (a) Magnetizing force (b) Core loss Page 9.374.2Fig. 1 Core magnetization curve “Proceedings of the 2004
/ Ramón Vázquez Lueny Morell included in the student package. ÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃà UurÃrÃsÃQhT8 S ÃvÃÃvqrà vv Ãvvvà vuÃhà Luis Jiménez UNIV 101 Freshman Course. This course v à ÃivyqÃÃurvÃI6 T6 rqÃrrhpuÃhqÃurvÃvpuÃuvÃsÃrqph Robert Acar
expertise in modeling architectures for complex engineering systems such as transportation, infrastructure, water resources and energy distribution using computational intelligence techniques He is the founder and Boeing Coordinator of the Missouri S&T’s System Engineering graduate program. Dr. Dagli is the director of Smart Engineering Systems Laboratory and a Senior Investigator in DoD Systems Engineering Research Center-URAC. He is an INCOSE Fellow 2008 and IIE Fellow 2009. He has been the PI, co-PI, or director of 46 research projects and grants totaling over $29 million from federal, state, and industrial funding agencies Dr. Dagli is the Area editor for Intelligent Systems of the International Journal of
communication skills. The term paper concept is based on theprinciples of ideation and implementation, the key elements of creativity and critical thinking.The development of ideas based on the students’ subject area(s) of interest serves as a drivingforce for implementation of the ideas. Implementation takes the students through the process ofliterature search for acquisition and development of knowledge base, design of experiment tovalidate and verify idea(s), performance of experiment for data acquisition, analyses andinterpretation of acquired data, and the ultimate report writing and presentation. Report writingteaches the students how to write and is an additional medium for learning the subject material.Presentation introduces and initiates the
the questionSpeaker A Insert expansion Fins rephrases questionSpeaker B Second Pair Part Sb answers questionSpeaker A Post-expansion Fpost asks a follow-up questionSpeaker B Post-expansion Spost answers follow-up questionThere were generally seven different iterations of this schematic found within the excerptsanalyzed for this study. The most common forms of talk are noted in Table 1. Notably, talkinclusive with post-expansions were most commonly found within the excerpts analyzed for thisstudy. Number of Excerpts that included parts of talk (Schegloff, 2007) F pre S pre Fb Sb SCT PCM F post S post 15
. The transfer function between and an external torque, , can be expressed in the form given in Equation 3, where is the output of interest (represented by Y(s)) and is the input (represented by U(s)) Y ( s) K n2 2 U ( s ) s 2 n s 2 n (3) From Equation 2, we can see that the pendulum is a 2nd order-system (and we can compare it to the general
other contexts were not considered.• The research should incorporate at least one significant finding related to the discrimination encountered by Asian engineering students, even if this is not the primary research question the study aims to address. After refining the search criteria, we identified nine studies. These studies arelisted in Table 1.Table 1Selected Studies 1 Bahnson, M., Hope, E., Satterfield, D., Alexander, A., Briggs, A., Allam, L., & Kirn, A. (2022). Students’ Experiences of Discrimination in Engineering Doctoral Education. 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. https://peer.asee.org/41006.pdf 2 Lee, M. J., Collins, J. D., Harwood, S. A., Mendenhall, R., & Huntt, M. B
of some complexity, and case participants need todiscuss and come to some solution(s) or plan(s) for the case. Shapiro’s book [9] lists the basicprocess as: 1. Case learners prepare for the case by reading and analyzing it 2. Optionally - students can perform a deeper preparation by having a priori small group discussions 3. An in-class discussion is done for the case 4. An end-of-class summary is provided by the facilitatorAs there are many books on the case method, our approach uses ideas from Rosenthal andBrown’s book for examples of pedagogically strong cases [10], and Barnes, Christensen, andHansen’s book [11] on how to teach cases (readers should note that this book is not only good forlearning about the case method, but
, pp. 151–185, 2011.[6] Elementary science teachers’ sense-making with learning to implement engineering design and its impact on students’ science achievement[7] C. M. Cunningham and G. J. Kelly, “Epistemic Practices of Engineering for Education,” Science Education, vol 1010, no. 3, pp. 486–505, 2017.[8] T. J. Moore, A. W. Glancy, K. M. Tank, J. A. Kersten, K. A. Smith, and M. S. Stohlmann, “A Framework for Quality K-12 Engineering Education: Research and Development,” Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), vol. 4, no. 1, 2014.[9] American Society for Engineering Education and Advancing Excellence in P12 Engineering Education. Framework for P-12 Engineering Learning, 2020
was measured using a “catch and time” approach. A beaker was placed inthe lower reservoir to collect solution while a stopwatch was used to determine the time passed.Before each obstruction experiment, fluid volumes were collected over three time intervals: 5minutes, 4 minutes, and 3 minutes. Each volume was divided by its respective time to get anaverage fluid flow rate in mL/s. The lowest flow rate we used in our trials was 0.092 mL/s andthe highest was 0.262 mL/s. The apparatus is capable of sustaining higher flow rates, but theflows were turbulent. Velocity was measured by observing the distance a particle in the flowmoved between two sequential video frames, i.e. ∆t = 1/30 s = 0.033 s. Four trials were averagedto calculate the mean
dt QS m RS W hRSW hZWV m INZ cPM, INZ tREL, INZ tREL, Z m INF DA MA cPM, OA tREL, OA tREL, Z DA MA (26)In contrast, the corresponding equation from EnergyPlus with the missing moisture-related termemphasized is reproduced next: d tREL, Z m DA MA Z c PM,Z
gap, this study aims to gain adeeper understanding of the faculty‟s experience with LTS. Herein, we present the thoroughdevelopment of the LTS Faculty Survey, designed with content and construct validationprocesses in mind and included quantitative and qualitative items, as well as key findings fromsurveyed LTS faculty experts (N=25). The survey enabled us to measure characteristics of LTScurricular and extracurricular efforts, perceived barriers faced by faculty, motivations forimplementing LTS efforts, attitudes about LTS, etc. all from a faculty perspective. Key findingssuggest that major barriers for LTS implementation are (1) faculty time/workload, (2) problemscoordinating with the community, and (3) the lack of policy on the role of LTS
. Raghavan serves as a Professor and Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies at Embry Rid- dle Aeronautical University. Her research interests are in the areas of Mechanics of aerospace structures and materials. She joined UCF in Fall 2008 after completing her doctoral studies at Purdue University, Indiana, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics in the area of Structures & Materials. She obtained her M.S., Aeronautical Engineering in Structures at ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse, France where she also worked with Messier Bugatti in Velizy, Paris (S-92 wheels and brakes testing). Prior to this, she com- pleted her B.Eng in Mechanical Engineering at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. She has 7 years of
essential that this work is done intandem, as it would be unethical to recruit women into an environment that is known tosystemically disadvantage them. Though chemical engineering has made great strides in genderparity compared to other engineering disciplines, the results of this study reinforce the idea thatdiversity is not the same as equity.References [1] NSF. Bachelor’s degrees awarded to women, by field, citizenship, and race/ethnicity: Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities in science and engineering, 2008. [2] C. E. Brawner, S. M. Lord, and M. W. Ohland, Undergraduate women in chemical engineering: Exploring why they come. ASEE Conference Proceedings, 2011. [3] J. Trapani and K. Hale, “Higher education in science and
successes of the pilot and are ready to expand the program. We would like todouble the size of our cohort, increase the student financial support for participation and providemore dedicated mentoring for the students. Of the first two cohorts, 80% have remained in SpaceGrant for additional project experience, some moving into project leadership roles. COSGC staffcurrently run the program and mentor the student teams and projects. The plan for AY 23-24 isto expand this mentoring to include near peer mentors in the next cohort. We will also beimplementing a pre and post assessment of student STEM identity.REFERENCESAtkins, K., Dougan, B. M., Dromgold-Sermen, M. S., Potter, H., Sathy, V., & Panter, A. T. (2020). “Looking at Myself in the Future
to and survive in unwelcoming, toxic,and systemically oppressive computing environments, the aforementioned activities (and thoseof the greater Alliance) shift this focus to ensure that staff, educators, and administrators have thetools necessary to address and remove systemic barriers to student success in computing.References[1] S. Zweben and B. Bizot, “2020 Taulbee Survey,” 2020. [Online]. Available: https://cra.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/2020-CRA-Taulbee-Survey.pdf[2] M. Broussard, Artificial Unintelligence. The MIT Press, 2018. Accessed: Dec. 21, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/artificial-unintelligence[3] R. Benjamin, Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code, 1st edition
students' experience with the activities.4.5. Overall Insights of AWPThe benefits respondents listed from participating in the AWP focused on having a betterunderstanding of POGIL and more confidence in their ability to write and implement POGILin their classroom. They also appreciated getting feedback on their work and collaborating withothers in the same discipline. Specific comments included: I feel like I have a MUCH better understanding of what POGIL activities should look like and how to go about writing them. It was also great to have one fully completed POGIL activity and one that`s almost ready to be submitted. Collaborating with colleagues that are interested in the same discipline, and at times in the same
) only report result for the 'sweet-spot' factorsalong one or two dimensions (e.g., student educational history⸺ quizzes, assignment, andexams; demographic features⸺ sex, age, marital status, state) [1-2], (b) are carried out withdiverse and fragmented factors using dissimilar machine learners making their results difficult tocompare [3]. Towards this end, the paper exploits all the attributes (i.e., sixty-seven attributes)over ten dimensions (listed in Table 1) using five machine learning algorithms. The Objective ofthe work-in-progress (WIP) is two-fold: (i)To leverage machine learning to identify the factorsthat are the best predictor of an at-risk student(s) in a programming course and (ii) Compare theperformance of the machine learner(s
accepted responses forseveral weeks.Results and DiscussionImpacts of the AIChE Education Division’s VCP program on the delivery of chemicalengineering courses during the COVID-19 pandemic were wide-ranging. After a web-basedinterest form was circulated to attendees and other members of the AIChE community,respondents answered whether they would like to participate in a VCP, to identify course(s) theywere teaching, and to indicate their willingness and ability to lead/moderate a VCP. Within oneweek, 88 faculty members filled out the form, and the communities began to materialize. Thetotal number of interested participants continued to grow through the semester and into thefollowing semester. From March 2020 to December 2020, 191 participants from
passage throughan atmospheric pressure argon plasma, operated at 1 kW or less power. Specifically, irregularlyshaped particles of gamma-alumina with an average diameter of 11 mu m were converted to smaller(ca. 4 mu m) spherical particles primarily consisting of delta- and alpha- (corundum) phases. Alsonotable was the finding that modifications of the particles, such as changes in surface area, correlateto applied plasma energy. The plasma torch was operated with an argon flow rate of 5 slpm, powerof between 400 and 1000 W, and average particle residence time in the plasma of 0.1 s. IntroductionThere are many methods for producing nanoparticles including, lame reactors, pyrolysis reactors,evaporation and
3 3 -S U MAc ? 0 : / MAc / Ä L - 2 L Õ © PL ? 0 MAc ? / 5PL MAc ? 5PL S Å 3 Ö 2 EI 6 EI 6 EIBy rules 9 and 10 in Section II, the slope sA and the deflection yA at the free end A of the actual cbeam in Fig. 3 are, respectively, given by the “shearing force” VA and the “bending moment” cM A at the fixed end A of the conjugate beam in Fig. 4. We write PL2 3 sA ? VA c ? Acy ? yA ? MAc ? / 5PL 2 EI
highlyexpressive and widely used in formal verification tools such as the model checkers SPIN [8] andNuSMV [2] . LTL is also used in the runtime verification of Java programs [18]. Formulas in LTL are constructed from elementary propositions and the usual Boolean operatorsfor not, and, or, imply (¬, ∧, ∨, →, respectively). In addition, LTL provides the temporal operatorsnext (X), eventually ( ), always (✷), until, (U), weak until (W), and release (R). These formulasassume discrete time, i.e., states s = 0, 1, 2, . . . The meanings of the temporal operators arestraightforward1 • The formula Xp holds at state s if p holds at the next state s + 1, • p U q is true at state s, if there is a state s ≥ s at which q is true and, if s is such a state, then
. Fromabsorbance data, students can evaluate the effectiveness of removal of the contaminant underpredetermined conditions (i.e. contaminant concentration, water superficial velocity).The procedure for running the experiment is: (a) open a browser to the server’s IP address; (b)download the “Labview” runtime (automatically prompted for download and installed if it is notalready installed on the user’s computer); (c) rinse the contaminant from the media with a diluteacid solution (~10% HCl) for about 30 s by pushing the “acid rinse” pump toggle switch toinitiate the acid rinse, and pushing it again to stop; (d) flush the acid from the media by flowingclean rinse water (purified water) through the column for 2 min by using the “rinse water” pumptoggle
engineering students at the J.B. Speed Schoolof Engineering (SSoE) at the University of Louisville must take.The interest barrier, defined in this paper as “student beliefs related to the significance and/orusefulness of engineering”, inherently includes student perception(s) related to the level ofpleasure experienced in conducting engineering-related tasks or activities. Research has identifiedinterest as the most significant retention impediment for SSoE students; specifically, an increasein interest predicted which students remained in engineering. Yet the significance of the interestquestion extends well beyond SSoE to engineering programs all over the country.First-year engineering makerspace courses can have a positive impact on first-year