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Displaying results 2911 - 2940 of 34727 in total
Conference Session
Capstone Pedgagogy
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Joyce Blandino P.E., Virginia Military Institute; Jon-michael Hardin P.E., Virginia Military Institute
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
follow-on group. It would providevaluable experience to the students if more clients could be recruited from the community.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank the following ME students who participated in this project: Arlint,A., Durbin, T., Hayes, T.S., Jefferson, S., Jewett, S., Maltbie, J., Mihalec, B., Milne, S., Richards,T., Ward, M., and Willard, J..References[1] R. H. Todd, S. P. Magleby, C. D. Sorensen, B. R. Swan, and D.K. Anthony. “A survey ofcapstone engineering courses in North American,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 84,pp.165-174, April 1995.[2] A. J. Dutson, R. H. Todd, S. P. Magleby, and C. D. Sorensen. “A review of literature onteaching engineering design through project-oriented capstone courses,” Journal
Conference Session
Motivation and Engagement
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jonathan C. Hilpert, Georgia Southern University; Gwen C. Marchand, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
systems, conducting research inengineering education domains focused on interaction-dominant phenomena, and meeting critical datacollection and analysis needs, complex systems research can provide important insights for theengineering education community. ReferencesAnylogic (2016) Retrieved from:, L., Kirn, A., & Faber, C. (2013, June). CAREER: Student motivation and learning in engineering. In ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings.Berggren, K. F., Brodeur, D., Crawley, E. F., Ingemarsson, I., Litant, W. T., Malmqvist, J., & Östlund, S. (2003). CDIO: An international initiative for reforming engineering education. World Transactions on Engineering and
Conference Session
Engineering Design Graphics Division Technical Session 2 - Design & Manufacturing Topics
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven Nozaki, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College; Nancy E. Study, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
being measured. The EGCI aims to measureunderstanding in engineering graphics concepts; thus, unrelated constructs that should not beassociated with an EGCI construct should not have a significant correlation with performance onthe instrument. For examples, high performance on the EGCI should correlate with performancein solid modeling courses or other courses requiring an understanding of engineering graphicsconcepts such as machine design or production design, that require the creation or reading oftechnical drawings, but perhaps not with performance in history or philosophy classes for thesame participants. Works Cited[1] Sadowski, M., & Sorby, S. (2014). (2014). Defining concepts for an
Conference Session
Solar and Wind Energy-System Initiatives
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Adeel Khalid, Kennesaw State University; Christopher Douglas Roper, Kennesaw State University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
. These figures show the comparison of the various parameterchanges with respect to the blade span at 5ms-1 Effect of Angle of Incidence variation on Effect of Angle of Incidence variation Tangential Force Coefficient CD on Drag force from baseline at 5m/s Normal Force Coefficient CN Lift force from baseline at 5m/s
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Senay Purzer, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Robin Adams, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Molly H Goldstein, Purdue University, West Lafayette; K. Anna Douglas, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
continue to be refined as needed.AcknowledgementThis work presented in this manuscript is based upon work supported by the National ScienceFoundation under Grant DUE #1348547 and DUE #1348530. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this paper, however, are those of the authors anddo not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.ReferencesBaker, R. S. J. D., Corbett, A. T., & Wagner, A. Z. (2006). Human Classification of Low-Fidelity Replays of Student Actions. Paper presented at the The Educational Data Mining Workshop at the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems.Goldstein, M. H., Purzer, S., Adams, R. S., Xie, C. (2015). “High School Students’ Ability to Balance
Conference Session
Works in Progress: Faculty Perspectives and Training
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Grace Panther, Oregon State University; Devlin Montfort, Oregon State University; Shane A. Brown P.E., Oregon State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
can be seen that the input from the instructorshelped reshape the format of the workshop between the years but the same underlying principlesexisted: collaboration, interest in student understanding, and material development. With thesecore principles remaining the same across the workshops, we can then compare how theinstructors’ attitudes and beliefs changed throughout this timeframe.Theoretical FramingFor this research, the Concerns Based Adoption Model (CBAM) has been utilized to compareand contrast how the instructors’ beliefs and attitudes towards the innovation changed over time2.CBAM is a well-researched educational model created in the 1970’s ad 1980’s that helps depictthe change process in an educational setting. There are three
Conference Session
Understanding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion from Students' Perspectives
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susannah C. Davis, Oregon State University; Naeun Cheon, University of Washington; Elba Camila Moise, University of Washington; Susan Bobbitt Nolen, University of Washington
Tagged Topics
ASEE Diversity Committee, Diversity
authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References1. Committee on Equal Opportunities in Science and Engineering, “Broadening participation in America’s STEM workforce: 2011–2012 biennial report to Congress,” National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, 2014. Retrieved from 2012_CEOSE_Report_to_Congress_Final_03-04-2014.pdf2. S. Hurtado, K. Eagan, and M. Chang, “Degrees of success: Bachelor’s degree completion rates among initial STEM majors,” Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA, 2010.3. M. Ong, C. Wright, L. Espinosa, and G. Orfield, “Inside the double bind: A synthesis of empirical research on undergraduate and graduate
Conference Session
Enhancing the Statics Classroom
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ruth E. H. Wertz, Valparaiso University
Tagged Divisions
regular use of taxonomic language throughout thefull duration of the statics course will help with long-term retention of conceptual understandingto support procedural approaches to problems.The objective of the current work-in-progress is to present the early stages of development of theTOPS to a community of educators and researchers that can provide valuable feedback prior tothe tool being applied in the first phase of the aforementioned research design.References[1] R. Streveler, T. Litzinger, R. L. Miller, and P. S. Steif, “Learning conceptual knowledge in the engineering sciences: Overview and future research directions,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 279–294, 2008.[2] M. T. H. Chi, “Three types of conceptual change
Conference Session
Works in Progress I
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chris Venters, East Carolina University; Katie Brown
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
relate to forces and creating free-body diagrams [6]. Moments (of a force)have also been identified as a particular area of confusion for students both because ofconflicting terminologies [3] and their role as “intermediate quantifier[s] of the rotational effectof interactions [between bodies]” [7]. That is, while the net force is the quantity proportional to amass’s translational acceleration, the moment is proportional to the mass’s angular acceleration.That moments build on the already difficult concept of force likely only complicates learning.This work in progress paper describes an early pilot of a study to investigate the process ofconceptual change related to moments in an engineering statics course. Preliminary results fromthe pilot
Conference Session
Curriculum Reform with Cooperative Education
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Cheryl Cates, University of Cincinnati; Kettil Cedercreutz, University of Cincinnati
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
means and standard deviations of student work term performanceindicators. The results are communicated through Mean Standard DeviationMatrixes (MSDM’s) or Delta Mean Standard Deviation Matrixes (ÄMSDM’s).The problem of matching curricular content with industrial needs has been, bothnationally and internationally, approached on a variety of levels. Accountabilityconcerns have created a focus on practical learning outcomes deemed importantby industry. The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)2000 Criteria, developed in the late 1990’s, strongly emphasize an understandingof market needs. Measurement, feedback and continuous improvement formcorner stones of the ABET 2000 philosophy. The thinking behind the criteria islargely
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2003 Annual Conference
Barbara Bernal
and that of the U. S. born population. These statistics point towards asignificant improvement made for the Hispanics during the past three decades. These gains havenot produced a notable convergence with the level of education in the native-born U. S.population due in part to marked improvements of education in U. S. that outpaced the progressof the immigrant’s. The number of high school educated Hispanic immigrants has doubled, andthe number with less than high school has decrease by one-half.1 These changes produced animproved educational profile of the entire adult Hispanic immigrant population.Statistics regarding Hispanics that attend schools in the U.S. have also improved. More than 80percent complete high school or college; that
Conference Session
TIME 7: ABET Issues and Capstone Courses
2004 Annual Conference
Karim Nasr; Raghu Echempati; Arnaldo Mazzei
Session 3266 Student Understanding of Program Outcomes through Formative and Summative Course-Level Assessment Raghu Echempati, Arnaldo Mazzei and Karim Nasr Mechanical Engineering Department Kettering University Flint, MI 48504AbstractIn this paper, an approach is suggested to begin a process in which each student, while solving ahomework problem, or a test or a project is asked to provide additional information concerningwhat concept(s) is (are) targeted in each homework problem and to what extent, if any
Conference Session
Trends in Mechanics Education
2002 Annual Conference
John Duke; Don Morris
of the form used to report a summary of the assessment results and anyrecommendations based on the evaluation of the results. Any particular assessment tool,homework, group project, laboratory reports, quizzes, testing, or combination deemed necessaryby the instructor could be used. The assessment might be used to monitor (M) or summatively Page 7.238.2assess (S) the student achievement. Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2002, American Society for Engineering EducationFig. 2. Schematic diagram depicting the process for course
Conference Session
The "Education" in Experiential Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nashwan Younis, Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
of graduation  75% of Co-ops accept full-time career-related jobs with Co-op employersCooperative Education was created at The University of Cincinnati in 1906 as a new teachingmethodology in its College of Engineering. Today, hundreds of thousands of students across thecountry, studying everything from accounting to zoology, continue this growing educationalexperiment, combining traditional classroom learning with paid, major-related professionalexperiences, just like those first University of Cincinnati co-ops. Despite this long history and thegreat benefits to students, little was known about the faculty‟s reaction to cooperative education.In 2005, Contomanolis4 surveyed engineering faculty at the six largest engineering
Conference Session
Technological Literacy and Technological Policy
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Heywood, Trinity College, Dublin
Tagged Divisions
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
that, as in allother knowledge areas curriculum change is the result of a continuous flow of small changes [1].The process is very similar to that which (happens in the year to year changes made to aparticular automobile). Every now and again some innovation necessitates radical change and re-thinking of how thingsneed to be done in the future. In the writers lifetime the big change for him was the advent of thesemi-conductor especially the transistor in electronics. Thermionic vacuum tubes becameredundant overnight, and in the author‟s own field of study the problem of noise in amplifierswas radically changed for the better. Teachers had to re-learn quickly to adapt to the newtechniques. From the broader perspective it created a whole new
2001 Annual Conference
Robert Bernick
Session 1520 The Use of Animation for Visualization of Concepts In a Network Analysis Class Robert Bernick California State Polytechnic University, PomonaAbstractMany new and challenging concepts are introduced in the typical junior level network analysisclass including s-plane analysis, convolution, and Fourier transforms. This paper discusses a setof animated clips that has been developed using Mathcad PLUS to aid in the visualization ofthese concepts in a way not possible with conventional lectures and textbook presentations
2001 Annual Conference
Stephen McClain; Soon-Seng Tang; Louay Chamra
. Page 6.1045.1 Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference &Exposition Copyright © 2001, American Society for Engineering EducationII. Two-phase Annular Flow Frictional Pressure Gradient ProblemProblem Statement:Determine the frictional pressure gradient of a steam/water system at 130 C and 2.7011 barflowing through a 3-cm, vertical, well-insulated tube. The mass flow rate of water is 0.5 kg/s,while the mass flow rate of steam is 0.1 kg/s. For these conditions, assume that the flow isannular and that 40% of the water is entrained in the steam core.III. Two-phase Annular Flow Frictional Pressure Gradient SolutionTo solve the pressure gradient problem, the annular flow with
2000 Annual Conference
Amy Gowder; Narciso F. Macia
lung with the model for an equivalent U-tube analogue. For aninfant, we assume the following parameters: cm3 Cinf = 2.5 cmH2 O cmH2 O Rinf = 0.040 cm3 / s cmH2 O . × 10−4 I inf = 14 cm3 / s 2We can replicate the first two parameters in the U-tube analogue by selecting the U
1998 Annual Conference
James A. Newell
, Cambridge, MA, (1991).2. Ohlsson, S., “The Enaction of Thinking and Its Educational Implications,” Scandanavian Journal of EducationalResearch, Vol. 27, pp. 73-88, (1983).3. Fosnot, C. T., Enquiring Teachers, Enquiring Learners: A Constructionist Approach for Teaching, Teachers CollegePress, New York, (1989).4. Fogler, H. S. and S. E. LeBlanc, Strategies For Creative Problem Solving, Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River,NJ, (1995).5. Schulz, K. H. and D. K. Ludlow, “Incorporating Group Writing Instruction in Engineering Courses,” Journal ofEngineering Education, Vol. 85, No. 3, pp. 227-232, (1996).6. Hawkins, S., M. B. Coney, and K. E. Bystrom, “Incidental Writing in the Engineering Classroom,” Journal ofEngineering Education, Vol. 85, No. 1, pp
1997 Annual Conference
E. J. Mastascusa; Maurice F. Aburdene
students can be asked to consider. These questions address the “How?” question in the Kolbcycle1. There are 16 possible combinations of switches, and therefore 16 possible equivalent resistances and corresponding current values. Can you list them? Page 2.65.3 Session 26592. Let us consider S1 , S 2 , S3 , S4 to be “1” when a switch is open and to be “0” when a switch is closed. For what combination of switch closures is the minimum value of Re (maximum current level) obtained? (When S1 , S 2 , S3 and S4 are closed (S1 = S2 = S3 = S4 = 0
Conference Session
ECE Education and Engineering Mathematics
2002 Annual Conference
Bruno Osorno
Copyright  2002, American Society for Engineering Education” 2002-774Fourier analysis of voltage and current As stated earlier, the trigonometric Fourier analysis of a repetitive waveform can be obtainedusing equations 1 through 10. If we let v s ( t ) = 2v s sin( ωt ) be the input voltage for a typicalcircuit (see figure 1) the input current can be obtained as: i s (t ) = i s1 ( t ) + ∑h≠1 i sh (t ) 11Where:i s1 (t ) is the fundamental component (at line frequency f1 ).i sh (t ) is the component at the “h” harmonic frequency (fh ). D30 D31
Helen Elizabeth Geller, University of Texas at El Paso; Peter Golding P.E., University of Texas at El Paso; Alejandro Gonzalez; Annalisa Perez, University of Texas at El Paso
Tagged Topics
. Michalsky, “Peer mentoring in mathematics: Effects on self- efficacy and achievement” Journal of Educational Psychology, 109(6), 767-778, 2017. Dual-Form Mentoring Model: Near-peer mentoring 4. C.M. Eddy & K.A. Hogan, “Peer mentoring in a university first-year science course: impact on academic performance and perceived experiences.” Journal of College Science Teaching, 49(2), 38-44, 2019. combined with reverse mentorship was employed. Near- 5. D. Yomtov, S. Plunkett, & R. Efrat “Can Peer Mentors Improve First-Year Experiences of University Students?” Journal
Conference Session
Software and Web-based Learning in ECE
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohamed Tawfik, Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED); Elio Sancristobal, uned; Sergio Martin, UNED - Spanish University for Distance Education; Rosario Gil, Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED); Alberto Pesquera, UNED; SANTIAGO MONTESO FERNANDEZ, UNED; Félix García Loro, Predoctoral fellow; Maria José Albert Gomez, UNED; GABRIEL DIAZ ORUETA, UNED; Nevena Mileva, Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski"; Mihail Milev; juan peire; Manuel Castro, Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
, he is collaborating in a research project of Open services integration for distributed, reusable and secure remote and virtual laboratories (s-Labs). Page 23.1274.1Prof. SANTIAGO MONTESO FERNANDEZ, UNEDMr. F´elix Garc´ıa Loro, Predoctoral fellow c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 Paper ID #6854 Industrial Engineering degree from the Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED). Assistant teacher in Wind Energy Expert Course (Continuing Education, UNED). Managing AVIP
Conference Session
MECH - Technical Session 1: Foundations of Engineering Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amir H. Danesh-Yazdi, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH)
follow a similar set of rules.In general, any property that needs to be “accounted” for during a process would lend itself wellto be represented visually. A summary of such properties, their definition, and the courses thatthey are encountered in presented in Table 1. Before proceeding though, it is important toestablish the generalized accounting principle and define some nomenclature that will be usedthroughout the rest of this work.Table 1 Properties that can be accounted for, their definition, and course(s) in which they primar-ily appear — Ek , Ep , Usys , Eother are kinetic, potential, internal, and other sources of energy in thesystem; s is entropy per unit mass; T0 and P0 are the dead state (thermodynamic term) temperatureand pressure
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session 22
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dhruv Gambhir, Nanyang Technological University; Yifan Xie, University College London; Ibrahim H. Yeter, Nanyang Technological University; Junaid Qadir, Qatar University; Andy Khong, Nanyang Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
, I think, because anybody can use the tool to give me a summary. I guess my view on that would be that maybe assessments can start looking at students' ability to critically analyze these summaries that GenAI tools provide, to reason about what is accurate, what is not accurate.’ (George)Our findings also aligned with Nikolic et al.'s (2023) suggestion for a shift in assessment fromonline to oral or in-person exams. A similar conclusion was reached by Qadir (2023), whobelieved a shift in assessment methods towards oral exams or individual projects could reducethe risks posed by GenAI, while the traditional way of assessment can be used as daily exercisewith less focus on the students’ final grades.Hillary proposed
Conference Session
ELOS Technical Session 5 - Remote, Virtual, and Digital Realities
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Deborah Moyaki, University of Georgia; Isaac Damilare Dunmoye, University of Georgia; Cheryl T. Gomillion, University of Georgia; Dominik May, University of Wuppertal; Nathaniel Hunsu, University of Georgia
Tagged Divisions
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies Division (DELOS)
that VR-based simulators were useful as a means of improving training in prostatepalpation through virtual prostate palpation simulator. Also, Singh et al. [18] study comparedthe effectiveness of VR videos to traditional 2D videos in fostering immersive experiencesfor interdisciplinary teams addressing clinical problems. Their study highlighted that VRenhanced collaboration and communication skills among participants, potentially extendingvirtual immersion to global clinical settings for broader student awareness in BME education.In addition, the study by Wilkerson et al.'s [19] explored the efficacy of VR videos inengaging students and improving their understanding in an undergraduate course. While thestudy revealed positive impacts on
2008 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Wei Cao; Yanqing Gao; Jason Robert Mace
different operation platforms work together as aswarming group; the organization and function of a swarming team is just like bees or ants. Theindividual intelligent robot can run in either autonomous mode or cooperative mode. Normally, there isone or more ground station(s) to coordinate and initiate the swarming team. The path planning andobstacle avoidance will become a part of formatted cooperative team work. The communication between the ground station(s) and individual intelligent robots has beendeveloped in a systematic manner in the past decade. However, there is no convinced and reliablephysical communication means between individual robots available. And the fact of that there isn’t anymethodology of information exchanging between
Conference Session
Outreach and Beyond in the Chemical Engineering Classroom
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Byron Hempel, University of Arizona; Paul Blowers, University of Arizona; Kasi M. Kiehlbaugh, University of Arizona
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
Conference Session
ERM: Design!
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohamed Jalal, University of Ottawa; Hanan Anis, University of Ottawa
being a potential transformative path to developing interest in engineering (S. Jordan& Lande, 2013) (Martin, 2015) as it provides for practical opportunities for the public to applyengineering principles in everyday life (Browder, Aldrich, & Bradley, 2017; Kohler, 2015),increases knowledge of production processes, and reduces the barriers of entry to markets(Hagel, Brown, & Kulasooriya, 2014).Making as a pedagogical approach provides unique opportunities for educators to incorporatepedagogies that places the student at the center of the learning process such as project and 2problem based learning (Vossoughi, Hooper, & Escudé, 2016
Conference Session
Reflective & Critical Pedagogies
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katarina Larsen, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology; Johan Gustav Gärdebo, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
and developing arguments in writing. Thisstudy draws on experiences from changing a course previously relying onmandatory attendance towards challenging and encouraging the students‟contribution to each other‟s learning. Page 26.1586.21. Introduction: Tools For TransformationImagine coming into a classroom, an auditorium housing 150 students. After settingup your computer and PowerPoint-presentation, the bustle quiets down and you beginby welcoming the crowd to your country and university. Though they come from allover the world,from different societies, cultures and schooling, thestudents have twothings in common: all of them are engineering students, and; none of