it holds a pivotal position withinthe curriculum. Figures 2b and 2d depict the blocking factors for the courses in the illustratedcurricula.Combining these analyses, we introduce a metric to define the cruciality of a course i, denotedCi , as the aggregate of its blocking and delay factors: Ci = Vi + LiThe curriculum’s overall complexity, S, is then calculated as the sum of the cruciality values forall courses: m X S= Ci (1) 1 (a
, numerical, quantitative, and DM qualitative data. 13 Understanding the structure and characteristics of diverse datasets. DM 14 Merging or joining datasets from different sources to create a unified dataset. DM, 15 Using appropriate tools to visualize data distributions of missing values, duplicate values, inconsistency types, and outliers. DM 16 My ability to inform decisions to standardize or normalize values as needed, depending on project requirements. S, ML, B 17 In making informed decisions on handling invalid data. Based on the visualized data distributions and stakeholders
MSIPP DE-NA0003980.The authors are thankful to the support of the DOE/NNSA program manager and the colleaguesat participating universities and national labs. Special thanks to Dr. Stephen Egarievwe atMorgan State University for his constant support and collaboration.References 1. J. Kennedy, P. Abichandani and A. Fontecchio, “An initial comparison of the learning propensities of 10 through 12 students for data analytics education,” IEE Frontiers in Ed- ucation Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, pp. 916-918, 2013. 2. Hirsch, D. D. (2013). The glass house effect: Big Data, the new oil, and the power of analogy. Me. L. Rev., 66, 373. 3. Iqbal, R., Doctor, F., More, B., Mahmud, S., & Yousuf, U. (2020). Big data analytics
in educationalresearch on a broad scale.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the National Science Foundation for theirpartial support of this work (DUE grant number 1504618). Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] National Center for Education Statistics. (2020). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education.[2] M. Parry (2012). " Supersizing" the College Classroom: How One Instructor Teaches 2,670 Students. Chronicle of Higher Education.[3] M. Soledad, J. Grohs, S. Bhaduri, J. Doggett, J. Williams, and S
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further expand somefields as we know them.There is also a growing body of work looking at data science applications in engineering [6].Although we know it may be applied or beneficial for the broader field and its subfields (e.g.,mechanical, industrial, chemical), we are limited in our understanding of how non-computingengineers may apply it in their work or practice. With that said, it is necessary to understand hownon-computing engineers may apply data science in their work, as this remains a challenge in thefield. In the context of engineering education and practice, Beck et al.’s article suggests addingdata science as a “competency” in chemical engineering both in “the university curriculum or ina professional development context.” They also
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with the question, four in-context examples of answers, and the corresponding codes and instructed it to generate thecode(s) for the new answer instance. The in-context examples for GPT-4 prompt are drawn fromthe training split of the manually-coded dataset. We finetuned the Mixtral of Experts (MoE) [30]model using input and target pairs derived from the manually-coded training datasets. Thistrained model was then prompted with new test inputs, and the model-generated coded sequencewas evaluated against the manually coded target sequence. We evaluated both models on a testset of around 140 samples for each thermodynamics question. Using manual and languagemodel-based coding, we aim to answer two research questions: 1. What aspects of student
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technologies in the data science field. One of the limitations of this study is that it only examined job requirement data fromrepresentative metropolitan cities in each region instead of analyzing the job information for thewhole region. Additionally, further analysis of job requirements in different industries couldoffer in-depth insights into the alignment of data science in education and job requirements.Future studies may reveal whether jobs requiring specific domain expertise require students topursue advanced studies or degrees to meet these specific requirements effectively.6. Work Cited[1]. S. Gottipati, K. J. Shim, and S. Sahoo, "Glassdoor Job Description Analytics–Analyzing Data Science Professional Roles and Skills," in 2021
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themes within the dataset, emphasizing the need fora nuanced evaluation of its effectiveness across different thematic categories. Table 3. Topics, Themes, and word clouds emerged from Method #2 (Most Frequently Occurring Words associated with Each Topic (N=1785)) Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 'lecture', 'class', 'lectures', 'student 'office', 'hours', 'hold', 'available' 'practice', 'problems', 'exams', 'p s', 'notes', 'questions', 'time', 'make , 'offer', 'extra', 'help', 'provide', ' rovide', 'examples', 'tests', 'home ', 'online', 'slides' having', 'hour' work', 'extra', 'exam', 'example
HSGPAranges.Continuing from the insights provided by the KDE analysis, we further examine the variability inprogram complexity among universities. This part of the exploratory data analysis focuses on howthe structural aspects of university curricula influence student enrollment decisions. As highlightedin Figure 3, the distribution of program complexity varies notably between different institutions,such as University ’1’ and University ’3’. This variability is not merely incidental but indica-tive of these institutions’ diverse academic cultures and curricular frameworks. The KDE plot forUniversity ’1’, with a multi-peaked distribution, suggests a curriculum that offers a wide array ofprograms ranging from less to more complex. In contrast, University ’3’s
research paper will specifically explore the past production of solar energy in all the statesin the US, and with the use of data analysis tools will predict the production to the year 2030.The reduction of CO2 emissions with the use of renewable solar energy is in direct support of thethree elements of sustainability, namely the 3Es: Environment, Economics, and Equity (or socialjustice). This research will quantify the past benefits already realized in all these three areas forsolar energy, and project them up to 2030. Cluster analysis technique will be applied to solar generation across all US States to identifygroup(s) at distinct levels of production. This can help States to follow the leading State(s) policyand process to increase their solar
following three co-occ features: cGA , corresponding to giftaid; cSH , corresponding to self help aid; and cW S , corresponding to federal work study. Based onthe non-zero median (10 credits) for the excess credit category seen in Fig. 2, the students weredivided into low excess (Low-Ex) and high excess (High-Ex) student cohorts, and thecorresponding co-occ features were derived. Table 1 provides the summary statistics for theseco-occ features.The results for all students show that cGA seems to have the most co-occurrences of gift aid withTable 1: Summary statistics for financial aid-based co-occ variables for all (All), low excess (Low-Ex), and high excess (High-Ex) student cohorts. Mean Std Median Q1
requirements and required minimum num-ber of credits W . Set requirement tree TCC = ∅ and transfer equivalency map A = ∅. Next, set the Pncredit hours of each course requirement equal to cr[c1 ] = w1 , . . . , cr[cn ] = wn , set wi = S. Let i=1xi = 1 denote that course i is excluded in the produced degree plan, and xi = 0 denote that coursei is included in the plan. Then, any solution to the OTP problem using these instances exists only n Pif set I = {i
helps to communicate key findings [3]. By considering various datavisualizations methods as well as the design principles used to present them, understanding andinterpretation by the user can be improved.In the 1890’s, W.E.B. DuBois published artistic visualizations of African American civil rightsviolations that grabbed the public’s attention and clearly displays the intended conclusions [4].These pioneering data visualizations demonstrate the profound significance of creativity withinthe field of data representation and analysis. Through his use of intricate hand-drawn charts,graphs, and maps, DuBois demonstrated that the presentation of data could go beyond statisticsand become a powerful tool for conveying complex realities. For example
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copy and paste the answer without understanding the learning concept, it could be affect[ing] the way they learn. If they only want to complete an assignment to get a good grade or pass the class, it could be a bad idea. So I think it depends on the way the student use[s] it.Another student connected this reasoning to the question around continuing to allow access to AIin class: “I feel that if it was not allowed, people would use it without trying to learn from it, itbeing acknowledged encourages people to use it in a learning way.” Engineering educators mayfind this perspective comforting as they make choices about acknowledging or encouraging theuse of AI in their own classrooms.Other students talked about how one’s own
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Engineering at Valparaiso University’s College of Engineering, joining as an Instructor in 2013. He received the B.S. EE and M.S. EE in 2005 and 2006, respectively, and the Ph.D. in Ele ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 A Preference-Based Faculty-Assignment Tool for Course Scheduling Optimization1 IntroductionCourse scheduling is one of the most time-consuming tasks that department chairs must performevery academic semester. The course scheduling problem includes assigning a faculty member,the course time/day(s), and a classroom for each offered course. Course scheduling is an NP-hardproblem that has been extensively studied over the years.In
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