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Displaying all 28 results
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 3 Slot 2 Technical Session 1
2021 CoNECD
Emily Knaphus-Soran, University of Washington; Tiffany D. Pan, University of Washington; Eve A. Riskin P.E., University of Washington; Sonya Cunningham, University of Washington; Saejin Kwak Tanguay, University of Washington; Elizabeth Litzler, University of Washington
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
of color who might nototherwise see themselves reflected in the larger engineering community. Students who are thefirst in their family to attend college may benefit most from the aspects of the program that helpthem develop institutional knowledge and strategies for navigating the university system, andprovide them with community and peers from similar backgrounds. Students who havedemonstrated their academic achievement relative to their peers by receiving a high GPA in highschool, but were not taught the critical reading and writing skills or were otherwise preventedfrom demonstrating their achievement due to cultural/language barriers, benefit from theacademic curriculum provided through the program
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 1 Slot 3 Technical Session 2
2021 CoNECD
Christina Viau Haden, Lehigh University; Marci J. Levine, Lehigh University
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
womenis highlighted with an awards ceremony for each team being recognized for itsparticular strengths, and an appreciation activity whereby women write about theirfavorite instances with each other. For dessert, starting in the 2nd year, we’ve invitedLWE alums to join and mingle with the incoming class. When PRELUSION is over,they then help with mOOV in for the rest of the arriving first year class.Let’s look at Lehigh’s overall first year class demographics to understand who mightsign up for PreLUSION LWE. Indicators of LWE Value and Impact ● LWE Participation and Scholarship Rates ● OFYE surveys to participants shortly after preLUsion experience ● Past participants become future LWE Peer Mentors
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 1 Slot 8 Technical Session 3
2021 CoNECD
Julie P. Martin, Clemson University
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
Paper ID #28232How to be an effective journal and conference paper reviewer withoutbeing a jerkDr. Julie P Martin, Clemson University Julie P. Martin is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering. She is an associate professor of engineering education at The Ohio State University, a past president of WEPAN, and a Fellow of ASEE. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021Reviewers and editors are essential to the publishing process, and yet no one evertells us how to write a constructive review. Reviewers typically
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 2 Slot 2 Technical Session 2
2021 CoNECD
Mohamed ElZomor, Florida International University; Gabriella Santi, Florida International University; Piyush Pradhananga, Florida International University; Mais Kayyali, Florida International University; Lu Zhang, Florida International University
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
communication skills training and analyzing students’improvement. Box plots with line plots were used to graphically represent the changes indescriptive statistics of pre and post-peer evaluation ratings for specific presentationevaluation criteria. Finally, to understand the influence of students’ socio-demographicprofiles, an ordered probit regression was conducted. Female and first-generation studentsexpressed a deficiency of communication skills and may benefit greatly from innovativecommunication skills activities that can successfully foster students’ growth. The results ofthis research emphasize the significance of developing minority students’ presentation skills.The findings of this study also provide insights into a sustainable implementation
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 3 Slot 7 Technical Session 3
2021 CoNECD
Alberto Esquinca, San Diego State University; Erika Mein, University of Texas at El Paso; Helena Mucino, University of Texas at El Paso
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
- ular emphasis on engineering identities and literacies among English Learners and bilingual students. Her research has been published in journals such as Theory into Practice, Action in Teacher Education, and Journal of Hispanic Higher Education. She earned her Ph.D. in Reading/Writing/Literacy from the University of Pennsylvania and has been a faculty member at UTEP since 2008.Helena Mucino, University of Texas at El Paso Helena Muci˜no is a Ph.D. student in the Teaching, Learning, and Culture program at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). She holds a master’s degree in Musical Education Research from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She is currently working as a Research Assistant for an
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 2 Slot 8 Technical Session 4
2021 CoNECD
Lisa Benson, Clemson University; Victoria Beth Sellers, Engineering and Science Education; Katreena Thomas, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
, andis working to eliminate barriers to participation, create a space that respects diverse traditions,heritages, and experiences, as well as promote diversity in all staff, volunteers, and audiences (C4DISC,n.d.). How do we increase diversity on editorial boards and pools of peer reviewers for EER journals?Other important considerations include how we refer to gender, disability, race and ethnicity, amongother characteristics, in our publications. The American Psychological Association (APA) has provided anonline guide based on their updated 7th Edition Handbook about bias-free language and urges authors to“to use language that is free of bias and avoid perpetuating prejudicial beliefs or demeaning attitudes intheir writing” (APA, n.d.). But
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 3 Slot 6 Technical Session 2
2021 CoNECD
Matthew Bahnson, North Carolina State University at Raleigh; Derrick James Satterfield, University of Nevada, Reno; Adam Kirn, University of Nevada, Reno
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
reduces STEM self-concepts and lowerspersistence for Women, African American, and Hispanic/Latinx students [4], [12 – 16]. Inaddition, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Genderqueer, Asexual, Non-BinaryGender, as well as other traditionally oppressed gender and sexuality minority identities, faceadditional bias and discrimination in engineering spaces with complex intersections of genderand race/ethnicity mistreatment in both undergraduate and graduate education [17], [18].STEM broadly, and engineering specifically, lacks quantitative discrimination and bias measuresthat capture the unique spaces (e.g., labs, classes, offices) and experiences (e.g., research,conferences, advisor, peer relationships) of graduate students. Qualitative
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 2 Slot 3 Technical Session 2
2021 CoNECD
Erika Mein, University of Texas at El Paso; Alberto Esquinca, San Diego State University; Helena Mucino-Guerra, University of Texas at El Paso
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
Theory into Practice, Action in Teacher Education, and Journal of Hispanic Higher Education. She earned her Ph.D. in Reading/Writing/Literacy from the University of Pennsylvania and has been a faculty member at UTEP since 2008.Dr. Alberto Esquinca, San Diego State University Alberto Esquinca is an Associate Professor in the Department of Dual Language and English Learner Education at San Diego State University.Helena Mucino-Guerra, University of Texas at El Paso Helena Muci˜no is a Ph.D. student in the Teaching, Learning, and Culture program at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). She holds a master’s degree in Musical Education Research from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She is currently
Conference Session
CoNECD Session: Day 3 - Slot 3 -- Technical Session 4
2021 CoNECD
Brandi P. Jones, University of Southern California; Helen Choi, University of Southern California; Cheyenne Gaima
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
Choi, University of Southern California Helen Choi is a Lecturer at Engineering Writing Program at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering. She teaches Advanced Writing and Communication for Engineers and is the Co-Chair of the USC Academic Senate Campus Climate Committee. She is a former corporate attorney, licensed to practice in New York and California.Cheyenne Gaima American c Society for Engineering Education, 202112With the research about the roles of affirmation and storytelling inSTEM success and community-building in mind, we created Re-Engineering Engineering Education (RE3) program in whichundergraduate engineering students are hired and trained to
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 1 Slot 6 Technical Session 2
2021 CoNECD
Breauna Marie Spencer, University of California, Irvine; Sharnnia Artis, University of California, Irvine; Marjorie C Shavers, Heidelberg University
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
experience negative interactions with their faculty and and peer groups (Beoku-Betts, 2004; Patton & Harper, 2003; Johnson-Bailey, 2007; Love, 2017; Robinson, 2013; Schwartz, Bower, Rice, & Washington, 2003). Indeed, because Black women exist a backdrop of myth and stereotype, their voices are often distorted and misunderstood. If she is opinionated, she is difficult. If she speaks with passion, she is volatile. If she explodes with laughter, she is unrefined. If she pitches her neck as she makes a point, she is streetwise and coarse. So much of what Black women say, and how they say it, pushes other people to buy into the myth that Black women are inferior, harsh, and less
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 3 Slot 4 Technical Session 1
2021 CoNECD
Andrea Haverkamp, Oregon State University; Michelle Kay Bothwell, Oregon State University; Devlin Montfort, Oregon State University; Qwo-Li Driskill, Oregon State University
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
Oregon State University.Michelle Kay Bothwell, Oregon State University Michelle Bothwell is a Professor of Bioengineering at Oregon State University. Her teaching and research bridge ethics, social justice and engineering with the aim of cultivating an inclusive and socially just engineering profession.Dr. Devlin Montfort, Oregon State University Dr. Montfort is an Assistant Professor in the School of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engi- neering at Oregon State UniversityDr. Qwo-Li Driskill, Qwo-Li Driskill is an Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Oregon State University. They hold a PhD in Rhetoric & Writing from Michigan State University
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 3 Slot 5 Technical Session 3
2021 CoNECD
Annette L. Pilkington, Colorado School of Mines; Amy E. Landis
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
• Formal mentoring (peer and otherwise)• Living-learning communities• Affinity groups (e.g. SWE) WISEM.MINES.EDUSLIDE Notes: Research tells us that a sense of community can increase retention. Community can be built througha variety of practices (listed on slide) WISEM.MINES.EDU Community Building at MinesSociety of Women EngineersFlorence Caldwell Scholarship WISEM.MINES.EDU #womenatminesCommunity Building Best Practices Mines Examples:The Mines student section of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) is the largest student organization on campus
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 1 Slot 7 Technical Session 3
2021 CoNECD
Nadia N. Kellam, Arizona State University; Vanessa Svihla, University of New Mexico; Susannah C. Davis, Oregon State University; Susan Sajadi, Arizona State University; Jasmine Desiderio, University of New Mexico
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
experienceswithin the screenplay. Examples of this could be engineering/non-engineering or White/peopleof color. Next attendees fill out power lines on the intersectionality wheel by placing moreprivileged identities on the top half of the wheel and more oppressed identities along the sameline and at the bottom of the wheel (see Figure 2 for an example of this). After creating powerlines that emerged out of the scenario, the attendees are encouraged to identify -isms that willappear on the power line. In Figure 2, this is the addition of engineeringism along theengineering/non-engineering power line. Finally, at the end of activity 1, the entire group reportsout examples of power lines and -isms. Attendees are encouraged to write down any that emergefrom
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 1 Slot 3 Technical Session 3
2021 CoNECD
Adrienne Decker, University at Buffalo, SUNY; Monica McGill, Knox College
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
speaks to our effortto help improve the quality and rigor of the research in the fieldis the conducting research section. In this section, we haveguides for writing research questions, choosing an evaluationinstrument, and reporting on activities. We have heard lots ofpositive response from the various guides on this part of thesite and there are conferences that are pointing to them intheir guides for authors submitting to the conference as a wayto help them ensure the quality of the papers they aresubmitting. However, the part of the site that is most importantto the work we are discussing today is the article summaries. 9 Articles Inclusion Criteria (https
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 2 Slot 8 Technical Session 1
2021 CoNECD
Lisa Lim, Pennsylvania State University
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
lesson plan development • Technology supportScheduling- Most students on the EST time zone, 1 student in CST time zone- A 9-5 day with study halls, classes, and sessions in that time- Would schedule more breaks in between (longer lunch, or small breaks in between each session)- Students were zoom fatigued by the end of each day so by the end of the week, it was challenging for them to always stay engagedTechnology- Worked with PSU IT to get loaner laptops and hotspots to students who were having internet issues- Used Zoom for all sessions- Supplied students with electronic writing tablets for math class – which they then used to play PictionaryCommunity building- Activities and sessions ran by Program Assistants, students forming
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 2 Slot 1 Technical Session 1
2021 CoNECD
Taylor Lightner, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Monica E. Cardella, Purdue University at West Lafayette; Natali Huggins, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Cynthia Hampton, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Walter C. Lee, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; David B. Knight, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
the United States.Cynthia Hampton, Virginia Tech Cynthia Hampton is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech. While at Virginia Tech, Cynthia has directed summer bridge programs, led peer support initiatives for un- derrepresented groups, and served on various commissions, committees, and research groups focused on student support, organizational change, graduate student policy, and culturally responsive evaluation. Her research interests include organizational behavior and change as it pertains to engineering education and broadening participation, faculty change agents, and complex system dynamics. Her research investigates narrative inquiry of faculty who use their agency
Conference Session
CoNECD Session: Day 3 Slot 2 - Technical Session 4
2021 CoNECD
Agnieszka Miguel, Seattle University; J. McLean Sloughter, Seattle University; Jennifer M. Dorsey, University of Texas at Austin; Rebecca Hartley, Seattle University; Frank J. Shih, Seattle University; Joy Crevier, Seattle University
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
schools. One of them is the Collegeof Science and Engineering (CSE) which hosts eight departments. CSE is in the midst of a multi-year project to develop programs and policies to better support students from underrepresentedpopulations in engineering and computer science.Previous work examined data on undergraduate students who were enrolled in the fourengineering majors in the College of Science and Engineering for any part of their time at SeattleUniversity. Our analysis showed that female-identifying students appeared to primarily facebarriers to access as they were less likely to pursue engineering degrees, but those who didshowed comparable rates of completing those degrees to their male-identifying peers. In contrast,URM-identifying
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 2 Slot 6 Technical Session 2
2021 CoNECD
Ekundayo Shittu, George Washington University; Jennifer Dashiell-Shoffner, North Carolina A&T State University; Hyung Nam Kim, North Carolina A&T State University
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
know what exactly, I know the area I want to go into. I just need to find the gap in that area and dig into it and exploit it… (March, 2018)”As data collection continued, over time, participants’ responses to the anticipatory cognitionquestions shifted focus from topic selection and problems that were hindrances for getting startedwith their research projects to problems they did not anticipate with the actual implementation oftheir research, specifically about writing and data collection. For example, one participant stated, “The main challenges, at this time, (long pause) lit review, literature review, designing, the appropriate instruments and administering that. That is the plan for the summer, which is upon
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 1 Slot 1 Technical Session 4
2021 CoNECD
Medha Dalal, Arizona State University; Stacy S. Klein-Gardner, Vanderbilt University; Jennifer Kouo, Towson University; Kenneth Reid, University of Indianapolis; Cheryl Beauchamp, Regent University; Briana O'Neal, University of Maryland College Park; Jackelyn Raquel Lopez Roshwalb, University of Maryland, College Park; Darryll J. Pines, University of Maryland College Park
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
. Stereotype threat is most robust in situations thatinclude a variable that “triggers” the stereotype. Tests that are explicitly framed as ability testsor difficult tests are more likely to heighten stereotype threat [18]. As Ben-Zeev, Fein, & Inzlichtreported [19], an identity threat, such as telling women who identified with math that they wouldtake a very difficult math test, was enough to cause them to perform poorly on a test completelyunrelated to math and easy to do - writing their name backwards.Literature recommends numerous techniques to reduce stereotype threats in a learningenvironment: ● Teach students about the phenomenon of stereotype threat [20]. ● Provide students with situational (as opposed to stereotype-based) explanations
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 3 Slot 1 Technical Session 2
2021 CoNECD
Enrique Dominguez, University of Texas at Austin; Amy Marie Beebe, University of Texas at Austin
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
positions such as Project Engineer, Lead University Recruiter, Logistics Engineer, Cost Engineer and Project Manager.Amy Marie Beebe, Women in Engineering Program Amy Beebe is the student program coordinator for the Women in Engineering Program (WEP) in the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin whose mission is to recruit, retain and graduate more women to advance gender equity in engineering. As a program coordinator, Amy assists in coordinating programming for current students which includes the WEP Leadership Collaborative student organizations, WEP’s Peer Assistance Leaders and WEP Kinsolving Living Learning Community. In addition to current student programming, she coordinates
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 1 Slot 4 Technical Session 1
2021 CoNECD
Niesha C. Douglas, Educate, Activate, Transform; Cathy Howell, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Lisa R. Merriweather, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Anna Sanczyk, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
students in doctoral STEM programs is a recalcitrant issue that hasbeen taken up by scholars and government agencies with great vigor. Sowell, Bell, Kirby, andNaftel [5] found that financial support, mentoring and advising, family non-financial support,and social environmental/peer group support were among the top things that impactedattrition. Okahana, Allum, Felder, and Tull [6] further reported that institutional levelinterventions for URM STEM doctoral students were scant and limited in intervention focuswith most providing additional financial resources as the means to reduce attrition. Beyondthat, institutional-based support existed in the forms of peer support groups and mentoring.Mentoring in particular has been noted as a key intervention
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 1 Slot 5 Technical Session 2
2021 CoNECD
Tojan Rahhal, University of Missouri; Miguel Elias Ayllon, University of Missouri
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
Leadership by Jo Ann Ross and Willa Zakin Hallowell  “Leadership for Engineers: The Magic of Mindset” by Ronald Bennett & Elaine Milliam Book Excerpts 9The EDGEs program included ten 1.5 hour sessions. Each week a topic was covered utilizingan array of readings, articles, videos, and activities. The course starts with an overview ofdiversity, inclusion, and equity- understanding the terminology and diving into eachperson’s individual identity as it relates to their peers in the classroom and internationally.Then students took on understanding bias, stereotypes and even imposter syndrome. Next,we dived into privilege, what it is, and
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 3 Slot 5 Technical Session 2
2021 CoNECD
Gretchen A. Dietz, University of Florida; Elliot P. Douglas, University of Florida; Erica D. McCray, University of Florida
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
multiple marginalized identities for all three participants. 4As mentioned, this presentation is part of a larger NSF funded study assessing thein/authentic experiences of engineers in tech. We are interviewing 40 engineers, 10each of Black men, Black women, White men, and White women. Data is currentlybeing collected for the study. The three participants for this presentation werechosen due to their unique stories centered around their self-identified intersectingmarginalized identities. At the time of writing, there were only five womeninterviewed. Four White women working in the tech industry and one Black womanworking outside of tech.Two semi-structured
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 2 Slot 6 Technical Session 4
2021 CoNECD
Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado Boulder
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
reaching analysis or higher level of Bloom’s taxonomy). It is unlikely thatthere is broad consensus on what a sufficient level of ESI education for engineering studentswould entail.Some of the survey-takers and faculty who were interviewed advocated for greater integration ofSJP into engineering education. For example, a write-in comment on the survey stated “I thinkmost of our students get a reasonable exposure to ethics related to professional code of conduct,engineering design, and disasters. I would like to see more exploration of ethics at theintersection of humanitarian engineering and social justice, and the conflicting tensions that arisefrom trying to do good and solve problems using technology.”Constraints to integrating ESI broadly and
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 1 Slot 5 Technical Session 3
2021 CoNECD
Jerry Austin Yang, University of Texas at Austin; Audrey Boklage, University of Texas at Austin; Maximilan Kolbe Sherard, University of Texas at Austin; Christine Julien, University of Texas at Austin; Maura J. Borrego, University of Texas at Austin
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
tied to engineering culture’sdepictions of hegemonic masculinity and homophobia: as Hughes states, “expressions ofmasculinity in the culture and climate of the engineering school informed students’ perceptionsof the risks of being open about their sexual orientation with their peers…due to the ways theirpeers’ expressions of masculinity were homophobic or heterosexist” (2017, p. 396). Culturalscripts of heterosexism and masculinity in engineering led to significant discomfort for the gaymen Hughes studied – while they felt a strong sense of belonging in the engineering community,the belonging was mediated by the experiences of silence and heterosexism in their engineeringspaces. The effects of cultural scripts on LGBTQ+ engineering
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 1 Slot 4 Technical Session 2
2021 CoNECD
Yousef Jalali, Virginia Tech ; Christian Matheis, Guilford College; Christine Tysor, Virginia Tech; Vinod K. Lohani, Virginia Tech
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
. This site has 115 alumni to date. He also leads an NSF/Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) site on interdisciplinary water re- search and have 25 alumni. He also leads an NSF-funded cybersecurity education project and serves as a American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Paper ID #28454co-PI on two International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) projects funded by the NSF. He haspublished over 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Sustaining
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 4 Slot 1 Technical Session 3
2021 CoNECD
Danyelle Tauryce Ireland, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Cindy Greenwood, University of Maryland, Baltimore County ; Erica L D'Eramo, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Katherine Bell O'Keefe
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
other pre-professional programs)Lessons LearnedThis event is planned and facilitated by a staff member and student planningcommittee working together as a team. The team meets with the keynote speaker inadvance of the event so that the students get to provide their input to the speakerabout what topics they think their peers will be most interested in hearing about,among the possible topics offered by the speaker. Committee members also host andintroduce the speaker on the night of the event, plan an open networking event for thefirst 30 minutes of the event, help the speaker plan for the table discussions after thekeynote, and sometimes manage the question and answer period at the end of theevent. These responsibilities give the
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 2 Slot 7 Technical Session 1
2021 CoNECD
Catherine Mobley, Clemson University; Catherine E. Brawner, Research Triangle Educational Consultants; Rebecca Brent, Education Designs, Inc; Marisa K. Orr, Clemson University
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
/ethnicity on the third, outer ring, suggesting that race was tertiary in importance ascompared to the other identities placed in his circle. “Child” and “spouse” were also placed inthe third ring.When Taresh was describing his identities, family seemed to be paramount to him. His parentswere especially supportive of his educational efforts: My parents, they always have my back through thick and thin. Even now, they still encourage me like, ‘Yeah, you're an engineer.’ They really encourage me.Regarding age, Taresh referred to his maturity and “wisdom” as compared to his peers incollege. He was slightly older and felt he had learned to balance the competing challenges ofcollege: I kind of understand a little more that you can have