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Conference Session
Main Plenary 2 - Establishing Innovative Strategies Through the Virtuous Cycle of Research in Engineering Education - Korean Society for Engineering Education (KSEE)
2012 ASEE International Forum
Dong Joo Song, Yeungnam University
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ASEE International Forum
engineering ethics education in Korea is to bepresented in the paper. Various courses handling ethical issues in many universities areto be discussed. And international cooperation between JSEE and KSEE on engineeringethics education will be discussed. It is only a beginning in Korea, however, due toABEEK accreditation, i.e., ethics outcome and due to societal needs to educateengineering students with responsible, critical and reflective ethical thinking capability,engineering ethics education will be emphasized greatly in Korea and further variousaction including government financial support will be developed to improve currenteducation system. Page 17.13.2
Conference Session
International Forum Poster Session & Welcome Reception: Sponsored by Quanser and Cypress Semiconductors
2012 ASEE International Forum
Christina Kay White, University of Texas, Austin; Joules Webb, Transformation 2013 Texas STEM Center
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ASEE International Forum
way thatwe face solving the NAE 21st Century Engineering Grand Challenges, which are notably linkedto our interactions with the world‘s citizens.HSTEAP Professional Development Design and CurriculumUpon assessment and reflection of prior years of HSTEAP professional development, LSU‘sOffice for Diversity Programs leveraged the strengths of the program and included newapproaches to evolve the program to further enrich engineering education. Three priorities andstrengths of Year (YR)1 and YR2 professional development and curriculum were to 1) exciteand empower teachers and students through high quality, design- and project-based STEMeducation 2) attract diverse student populations to the STEM fields and expand the STEMpipeline, and 3) provide
Conference Session
Reception & Poster Session
2013 ASEE International Forum
Keith W Buffinton, Bucknell University; Xiannong Meng, Bucknell University; Margot A Vigeant, Bucknell University
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ASEE International Forum
of Electronic Science and Technology in China in Chengdu. Before each of thesevisits, a student team studied the cultural, engineering, and other important aspects of the site orcompany and reported to the entire group to give an overview of what would be visited. Duringthe visit, students attended presentations made by the company or the university, many of whichincluded a question-and-answer session, or listened to stories about a cultural attraction by a tourguide. After the visit, students debriefed the visit in group meetings and each wrote thoughts andreflections in their course journals. At the end of the course, each student was required to write asummary paper to discuss what they learned and to reflect on what they experienced
Conference Session
Reception & Poster Session
2013 ASEE International Forum
Jung-Uk Lim, Arkansas Tech University
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ASEE International Forum
Page 21.11.3cylinder indicates the amounts of generating power and two different kinds of reserves eachgenerator provides. Three-dimensional display also can identify critical regions and help focusproblem-solving strategies. Figure 2. Example of 3-D Display 3. ContouringContouring technique illustrates how a particular quantity varies with location. Since one-linediagrams usually reflect the geographic arrangement of system equipment, contour plots providea valuable picture of how quantities such as voltage or transmission loadings vary across thesystem. This technique enables students to pinpoint specific regions of concern when inspectingthe system as a whole. Figure 3 shows a contour plot of bus voltage
Conference Session
International Forum Poster Session & Welcome Reception: Sponsored by Quanser and Cypress Semiconductors
2012 ASEE International Forum
Sabah Razouk Abro, Lawrence Technological University; Jerry Cuper, Lawrence Technological University
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ASEE International Forum
% Deviation from target 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% TME1023 MCS2023 TIE2063 TIE2093 MCS2323 The general conclusion from the table and the data is that the target score for the objectives were generally met and exceeded in all the courses. A question could be raised when the actual score exceed the target score significantly, Such as in TIE20263 where the actual achievement exceeded the target by 22.5%. The argument could be that either the target score does not reflect the level of mastery required or the test tools do not explore the missing skills of the students. It is recommended that when there is this kind of significant deviation from the target, whether the
Conference Session
Reception & Poster Session
2013 ASEE International Forum
Brett Tempest, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Miguel Pando P.E., University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Sandra Loree Dika, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Michael Adam Hoff, UNC Charlotte
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ASEE International Forum
paper presents an “in-their-own-words” student evaluation of the value ofinternational service to engineering education with the purpose of reconciling facultyperspectives and student perspectives. Engineering educators speak in an institutionalizedlanguage of objectives and outcomes which relate the intent of educational activities with theirimpact on student knowledge and preparation for the profession. Most often, this specializedvernacular is not shared by students; and their perception of the importance of various activitiesmay depart from the perception held by the educator. Also, the international landscapeexperienced by outward bound millennial (and post-millennial) students reflects a much differentset of world affairs than their
Conference Session
Reception & Poster Session
2013 ASEE International Forum
Edward Godfrey Ochieng, Liverpool John Moores University; Andrew David Price, Lougyhborough University; Ximing Ruan Ruan, University of the West of England
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ASEE International Forum
growth occurred and to monitor anydeliverables from their altered practice. This crucially reflective type of review is usual inHigher Education, providing an arguable conclusion to the learning project activity. Thefollowing section provides engineering educators with a palate of tools for how to structure aproject engineering curriculum.Process of developing a global curriculumProgramme aim Produce global engineering professionals who are able to provide a more holistic perspective of global project processes; and Provide students with an innovative and forward-looking view of managing global engineering projects.Learning outcomes A higher level of generic and transferable management skills; A better understanding of the
Conference Session
Reception & Poster Session
2013 ASEE International Forum
Mary E. Besterfield-Sacre, University of Pittsburgh; Gisele Ragusa, University of Southern California; Cheryl Matherly, The University of Tulsa; Sarah R. Phillips, Rice University ; Larry J. Shuman, University of Pittsburgh; Lucia Howard
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ASEE International Forum
data set, as well aselements of frequency, extensiveness, and intensity within the data. Ideas or phenomena wereinitially identified and flagged to generate a listing of internally consistent, discrete categories(i.e., open coding), followed by fractured and reassembled (axial coding) categories by makingconnections between categories and subcategories to reflect emerging themes and patterns.Categories were then integrated to form grounded theory using selective categorization to clarifyconcepts and to allow for response interpretations, conclusions and event potentially taxonomydevelopment associated with critical features of a “global engineer”. Frequency distribution ofthe coded and categorized data was obtained. The intent of this
Conference Session
International Forum Poster Session & Welcome Reception: Sponsored by Quanser and Cypress Semiconductors
2012 ASEE International Forum
Margaret Pearl Lyn Blackstun, Air Force Institute of Technology
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ASEE International Forum
curriculum would provide juniors atUSAFA with the opportunity to get more hands-on satellite design, build, and test experienceusing CubeSats developed at AFIT. In comparison, USAFA currently provides their juniors ahands-on experience during a two-day lab with a pre-fabricated satellite kit. This paperevaluates curriculum changes that would allow undergraduate students the opportunity to create,test, and learn from their own satellite designs and evaluates the groundwork for thedevelopment of this labor intensive and challenging curriculum at the undergraduate level.Key words: Satellite Design, Hands-on Curriculum, Hardware Build and Test* The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy
Conference Session
Reception & Poster Session
2013 ASEE International Forum
Steven Chingnam Goh, University of Southern Queensland
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ASEE International Forum
reflections Figure 1. A proposed learning journey for professional engineering programConclusionsThis paper argues the case for the establishment of a global accord for the postgraduatelearning journey of engineers. The establishment of agreements covering educationalqualifications in engineering and competence standards for practicing engineers have resultedin increased engineering mobility and improved global standards. However, the papersuggests that the capability to perform provided by these competencies agreements do not Page 21.3.8ensure the professional development of engineers are complementary and adequate for them
Conference Session
Reception & Poster Session
2013 ASEE International Forum
William Robinson, Stevens Institute of Technology; Michael Pennotti, Stevens Institute of Technology
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ASEE International Forum
leaders had been told that thecompetition was a “must win” project for their business, and the pressure that created appearedto inhibit them from reframing the problem when the design teams got into trouble. Instead, theyresponded to each successive difficulty by making the best of a bad situation. In the end, theleaders realized that they had missed numerous opportunities to press reset, redefine the problem,and move off in a new direction. We called this the “Leadership Box.” Page 21.9.6Finally, the Customer Simulation revealed the problem had one more dimension, one that wasidentified by the acquisition professionals themselves. Upon reflecting
Conference Session
Reception & Poster Session
2013 ASEE International Forum
Kwadwo Osseo-Asare, Penn State University; Victor A Atiemo-Obeng, The Dow Chemical Company (Retired)
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ASEE International Forum
relevant evaluation forms will be provided. Attire: Business casual.This assignment was designed to encourage the students to appreciate the minerals-materialslinkage, and to go beyond factual information to conceptual understanding and problem-solving.It was to challenge the students to reflect on and think broadly about their work as scientists andengineers. We wanted them to be aware of and appreciate the wider context and the policyimplications of their science and engineering activities. It was also to nudge them towardsviewing themselves as active participants in addressing Africa's science and technologychallenges.In tackling this assignment one of the major obstacles encountered by the students was the greatpressure related to the
Conference Session
Reception & Poster Session
2013 ASEE International Forum
Ruth Rodriguez Gallegos, Tecnológico de Monterrey
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ASEE International Forum
Mathematics courses. A study of textbooks and modelling processes of high-school senior students. En Mathematical applications and modelling in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Proceeding from Topic Study Group 21 at ICME-11 en Monterrey, Mexico.Universidad de Roskilde. Dinamarca. 2009. 10. Rodríguez, R. (2010). Aprendizaje y Enseñanza de la Modelación: el caso de las ecuaciones diferenciales. Revista Latinoamericana de Matemática Educativa, 13 (4-I): 191-210. México. Disponible en: Page 21.33.1411. Arslan, S., Chaachoua, H. y Laborde, C. (2004). Reflections on the