Paper ID #22281Teaching Mechanics in Another Country – Reflections on a Professorenaus-tauschDr. Brian P. Self, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Brian Self obtained his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Engineering Mechanics from Virginia Tech, and his Ph.D. in Bioengineering from the University of Utah. He worked in the Air Force Research Laboratories before teaching at the U.S. Air Force Academy for seven years. Brian has taught in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo since 2006. During the 2011-2012 academic year he participated in a professor exchange, teaching at the Munich
Paper ID #242422018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and ComputingDiversity Conference: Crystal City, Virginia Apr 29Insights on Diversity and Inclusion from Reflective Experiences of DistinctPathways to and through Engineering EducationDr. Ann F. McKenna, Arizona State University Dr. Ann F. McKenna is a Professor of Engineering and Director of the Polytechnic School in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University. Prior to joining ASU, she served as a program director at the National Science Foundation in the Division of Undergraduate Education. She received her B.S. and M.S
Paper ID #21485Fostering Civic Identity in Architectural Technology Students through theEvaluation of Critical Reflection in Service Learning CourseworkBeth Huffman, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis Beth Huffman is a lecturer at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) in the interior design department. She is a licensed architect with specialties in sustainability and construction. Beth’s classroom pedagogy is focused on the practices of design/ build. She often encourages students to build a portion of their projects at full scale, in order to understand construction connections and
EPIC through their MEPchapter, so many students may have felt that they were placed in the camp versus selecting it forthemselves, and for most students, it was their first experience at an overnight camp. In ourattempt to ensure a positive EPIC experience for all students, we provided an inclusivity trainingfor camp counselors and lab instructors. We also translated some camp materials in Spanish, andsome of the EPIC counselors and staff members were bilingual.With this work-in-progress paper, we share our reflections and lessons learned, and we welcomefeedback from the engineering education community. We present the steps taken in preparationfor the MEP students, and examine how effective those steps were. Preliminary data from thepost
Engineering. Her research interests are in recruitment and retention of underrepresented groups in computing and engineering fields. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Reflections from Past Chairs of the Women in Engineering DivisionAbstractIn celebration of 125 years of the American Society of Engineering Education, past Chairs of theWomen in Engineering Division (WIED), Beth Holloway, Donna Llewellyn, Sarah Rajala, andNoel Schulz convened in a focused panel that looked back through the division’s history. To helparchive the historical perspective of these leaders, this paper was developed to help the formerChairs focus their perspectives with guiding questions. One additional chair, who could
; Inclusion. He is investigating university-community engagement as empow- erment settings and working to further the research agenda of the global community of practice within Diversity and Inclusion in Engineering Education. His research laboratory aims to support an inclu- sive, global pipeline of STEM talent and to unify the needs of the engineering education stakeholders in order for engineering education to more accurately reflect societal needs. Diversity and inclusion, univer- sity/community engagement, informal learning, action research, and student led initiatives fall within the scope of his academic endeavors. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 A pilot study
to make adjustments as needed. Specifically, students who effectively employ metacognitivestrategies, such as reflection and self-assessment, are more likely to master the problem solvingskills that are essential to programming success [3].Writing to learn (WTL) activities promote metacognition in any discipline. Based on the ideathat writing is a visual representation of thinking [4], WTL activities are usually short, low-stakes writing assignments that are designed to promote reflection, analysis, synthesis, anddeeper understanding of course material. When integrated into a problem-solving assignment,such as a programming lab, WTL prompts allow students to think about the choices they aremaking and the reasons for those choices. When
reflect upon and assess diversity and inclusion efforts within ECE [2].To interrogate students’ perceptions of diversity and inclusion, we interviewed 13 current or pastundergraduate ECE students. With nearly 40 percent of the undergraduate ECE studentsidentifying as international students, such a significant international population posestremendous learning opportunities as well as challenges related to diversity and inclusion. Thus,formal efforts within ECE have been made to bridge cultural differences, develop interculturalcompetencies, and promote inclusion of internationally and domestically diverse ECE members.However, these efforts have met with mixed results. Our analysis of the interview data suggeststhat these efforts often were not
problem solving in multidisciplinary andinterdisciplinary teams. Undergraduate engineering students often are trained in disciplinaryconcepts and techniques of their specializations, but rarely given opportunities to reflect uponhow they work with collaborators. Here, we discuss a course that brings students fromengineering and non-engineering fields together to grapple with a technical and conceptualchallenge: designing and building drones for humanitarian purposes. This paper describes an“Engineering Peace” course and discusses preliminary findings from surveys, focus groups, andobservations regarding the course’s effects on students’ multidisciplinary and interdisciplinaryskills. This material allows us to analyze the emergence of professional
2018). 3) Develop an expanded curriculum for a new stand-alone honors course (to be taught in Autumn 2018).The general format of our curriculum is: lecture to introduce topic, pre-assignment includingreading and written reflection, in-class discussion, and post-class reflection. We will sharecurricular materials such as lectures, assignments, reading lists, and in-class discussion promptsat the conference. Please see the honors course schedule in Appendix A.Preliminary AssessmentOver three quarters, we have introduced parts of our curriculum in an introductorybioengineering course through the addition of two class sessions and a reflective assignment. Inaddition, we made an effort throughout the course to explicitly relate ethics and
controls system and the use of technology to enhance engineering education. Dr. Mason is a member of the Amer- ican Society of Engineering Education and the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. He is a licensed professional engineer.Dr. Jennifer A. Turns, University of Washington Jennifer Turns is a Professor in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the Univer- sity of Washington. She is interested in all aspects of engineering education, including how to support c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Paper ID #22165engineering students in reflecting on experience, how to
and of the study abroad trips are presented along with reflections ofstudent learning.Course DescriptionSeveral factors contributed to the decision to address the need for developing globalcompetencies. Like many universities, the University of Cincinnati (UC) has made a concertedeffort to increase its global interactions and colleges and units are encouraged to contribute tothis global strategy. Many of the businesses that hire our graduates are global companies andthey are seeking employees who are comfortable working in this global context. Finally,students are requesting these opportunities at a greater rate than they had in the past.The College sought to provide content and experiences that met the global engineering skill setdefined by
competency are reflected in curricular and student activities. His interests also include Design and Engineering, the human side of engineering, new ways of teaching engineering in particular Electromagnetism and other classes that are mathematically driven. His research and activities also include on avenues to connect Product Design and Engineering Education in a synergetic way. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Designing a curriculum that helps students create connected narratives in electrical engineeringIntroductionThis paper proposes a framework for helping students construct conceptual narrative arcsthroughout a traditional Electrical Engineering
, etc.) or have been created specifically for thecourse by the instructor or other subject matter experts. Further, live virtual guestspeakers are periodically incorporated. The use of open and/or custom created resourcesis an obvious economic benefit to students, but also allows the instructor to easilycustomize and update the course. Each week, students engage with print and/or videocontent through the learning management system and submit a variety of graded works.Weekly assignments vary by module, but a typical module may include a quiz, groupdiscussion and self-reflection assignment. Additional detail of module content andstructure will be presented in the next section.The updated course continues to cover core topics, with additional
to develop and implement workable, appropriatesolutions [7], and that failures to do so can have consequences for their technologies [8]. Whileability to reflect on the context of engineering solutions is associated with their success in theprofession [9], training students to do this—and doing so in ways that are well-integrated into therest of a course—is by no means easy. As historian Atushi Akera has pointed out, althoughcurrent ABET criteria would ideally be considered a space for supporting educationalinnovation, these criteria are often just another set of requirements that educators must developstrategies to meet [10]. Indeed, ABET’s shift to focus on students as emerging professionals hasvaluable outcomes [11], but includes many
. McNair, Virginia Tech Lisa D. McNair is a Professor of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech, where she also serves as Director of the Center for Research in SEAD Education at the Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT). Her research interests include interdisciplinary collaboration, design education, communication studies, identity theory and reflective practice. Projects supported by the National Science Foundation include exploring disciplines as cultures, liberatory maker spaces, and a RED grant to increase pathways in ECE for the professional formation of engineers.Dr. Marie C. Paretti, Virginia Tech Marie C. Paretti is a Professor of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech, where she co-directs the
, various aspects of diversity in the absence of an intrinsicallydiverse classroom composition, as well as allow them to reflect on their own professional andpersonal experiences. Specifically, this module includes activities about implicit bias, stereotypethreat, and cross cultural competence. Student response has largely been positive, and studentreflection assignments have demonstrated critical thinking on the matter. As this is a recent pilotintervention, long-term longitudinal effects have yet to be investigated. Included here aredescriptions of the module activities, generalized student responses, and instructor perspective.While this topic is of great importance to all educators, it is often difficult to incorporate suchmaterial in well
Concept Presentation 10 6 Final Design Presentation 15 10 Final Design Report 15 11 Individual Design Debate 5 0 Reflective Essay No.1 10 5 Reflective Essay No. 2 10 11Data Collection MethodsDEFT is a web-based system that facilitates frequent student reporting of their
programs offer support with various levels of structure andcollaboration. These programs include: 1.) Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL), which providescollaboration and more structure 2.) drop-in tutoring, which incorporates a more flexibleenvironment with potential for one-on-one support, and 3.) MATHLab, which serves as a middleground between PAL and tutoring. These three programs support primarily freshman andsophomore level courses at our institution. With this participant group in mind, we have designedour programs to address student problem solving and self-direction in order to better equip firstyear students to take ownership over their own learning. Self-directed learning builds students’ability to critically reflect and effectively deepen
Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University. He has been working on better understanding of students’ learning and aspects of tech- nological and engineering philosophy and literacy. In particular how such literacy and competency are reflected in curricular and student activities. His interests also include Design and Engineering, the human side of engineering, new ways of teaching engineering in particular Electromagnetism and other classes that are mathematically driven. His education research and activities also include reframing and finding ways to connect Product Design and Engineering Education in synergetic ways.Dr. Benjamin Ahn, Iowa State University c American Society
students build community, fostercollaboration, and practice communication skills, while at the same time, developing criticalthinking by examining scientific and technological progress over the last hundred years anddeveloping their own ideas about how science and technology will change over the next 100years. Students are also invited to use design and improvisation to reflect on the ethical andsocietal issues surrounding science and technology.FDS was initially trialed as a faculty retreat to receive feedback about the educational value andformat. Additionally, two truncated versions, omitting the rather expensive professional improvactors, were performed. First for a group of almost 100 undergraduate teaching assistants andthen for
reflection and evaluation data. Our analysis andrecommendations focus on inclusivity, which is the ability of students of all backgrounds toengage meaningfully with the course. Since the goal of such courses is to attract students with arange of experiences and backgrounds, inclusivity in every course component is critical.I. IntroductionIt is well documented that today’s engineering students, faculty, and practitioners in the U.S. donot represent the demographic profile of the national population [6]. While a strong argument infavor of diversity based on social and demographic group membership can be made on thegrounds of fairness, there is another, perhaps more compelling argument to be made. William A.Wulf captures that argument when he states
structure is enhanced through mentoring relationships withpeers, faculty, and alumni who can share experiences and direct students to resources. Finally,students work in teams to complete impactful projects that show them the relevance of theSTEM disciplines to the important problems of the world. Throughout all of these activities,students are given ownership of their experiences through choices in the classes, projects, andactivities that lead to the learning objectives of the program. Additionally, the students areencouraged to reflect regularly on their experiences, becoming more self-aware and better able tocontribute to their society. The ACES program has benefited from partnerships across thecampus of Wartburg College, liberal-arts private 4
. The presentation highlighted two free campus tutoring centers, described professor office hours, and gave the students an opporunity to meet the Student Success Center advisors. The students were assigned to go to any office hours or tutoring before the first midterm. They were required to get the instructor’s or tutor’s signature as well as answer four short reflection questions.2. Time Management: The College of Engineering Dean gave a presentation to the students about the importance of time management. The follow-up assignment had students complete a time budget of their weekly schedule and write a short reflection about the results.3. Participation in Campus Activities: Involvement in campus activities are beneficial to
Engineering Technology,and Telecommunications Systems Management programs at Murray State University reflect ontheir study abroad program successes and practices. The study abroad programs were 16-week (3credit hour) courses with instructional period throughout the semester, with travel occurring duringspring or summer breaks. All five study abroad programs concluded with students traveling to theinternational partner’s location and providing a unit of work or deliverable. Topics discussed inthis paper are student recruitment, project identification, finding international partnerships,program expenses, equipment logistics, knowledge transfer, and project sustainability.Keywords — Project-based learning, Engineering Technology, Study Abroad
efforts specifically for residents Cape Town, South Africa.Students were instructed that their solution should extend the residents’ current water supply aslong as possible. Researchers in engineering design emphasize the need for empathic educationalexperiences [19] and incorporating global perspectives into engineering curricula [20]. As suchthe design challenge focused on designing a product with social impact for a real-life crisis.Students were also instructed to use the design processes, methods, and tools taught in class todevelop a solution. At the conclusion of the in-class activity students were told they had 48 hoursto submit an individual reflection about the design challenge. The reflection asked students toconsider the design
to improve such courses incrementally. In our course AME4163 –Principles of Engineering Design, a senior-level engineering DBT course, we haveincorporated David Kolb’s experiential learning construct into the fabric of courseactivities, assignments, and structured exercises. We now seek to additionallyleverage Piaget’s cognitive constructivism and Vygotsky’s sociocultural theoryinto structured learning exercises. One such exercise is the ‘Learning Statement,’(LS) a reflective exercise in which students directly translate experience intolearning and articulate expected future value from that learning. In employing theLS as an instrument for a formative assessment, we attempt to identify the students’Zones of Proximal Development (ZPD
processby comparing engineering design to the design methods used by non-engineering fields. Thiswill allow students to see how design is used across the world and how it can enable cross-disciplinary work. The final assignment involves students exploring ethical, moral, and socialissues in engineering through the use of movies that highlight actual events in engineering. Theuse of visual media to reflect issues in engineering can help engage more visual and reflectivestudents and allows all students to observe the direct implications of ethics to engineering andhow it affects society. This paper can be used to stimulate the development and elaboration ofother assignments that have similar qualities and objectives.Introduction At Rowan
scheduled design review days.Although this approach was not expected to provide students with as personal of an experienceinteracting with their partner as seen with other successful service-learning approaches in theliterature [4,5], it intended to minimize logistical challenges and provide reflection opportunitieswhere students could consider themselves in the role of the kid for which they were designing.The course was divided into three phases: (1) individual phase where students used CADsoftware to mock up potential solutions, (2) group design phase where students were grouped inteams based on shared ideas and worked to flesh out a design for fabrication, (3) groupmanufacturing phase where each group member adapted a specific role towards
design and implementation of a student-driven laboratory method which supports the development of authentic leadership skills. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 But how do you Feel?Authentic Leadership Development for undergraduate students through a student-driven,experiential, and emotion-laden course using a laboratory method addressing the whole person.AbstractBased on 324 reflections written by 27 undergraduate students from two independent cohorts,this study examines the effectiveness of a semester-long authentic leadership developmentcourse which is based on a student-driven, student-centered, and experiential laboratory method.This study shows firstly