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Conference Session
ChE: Curriculum Reform & Assessment
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Turton, West Virginia University; Joseph Shaeiwitz, West Virginia University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
elective(s) in unit operations could be Table 1: Suggested Traditional Chemical Engineering Curriculum Required Subjects Basic Sciences basic skills/freshman class math material and energy balances chemistry thermodynamics physics fluid mechanics biology heat transfer mass transfer/separations Possible Electives transport phenomena§ safety reaction engineering biochemical engineering control materials/polymers unit operations laboratory class(es
Conference Session
Innovative Classroom Techniques
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Todd Johnson, Washington State University; Reid Miller, Washington State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
education, and assessment methodologies31-32. For some engineering programs, ablended instructional environment could provide the initial step towards the development of anonline learning experience for students and faculty31-32. However, additional research into theblended learning environment for engineering students’ learning, satisfaction, and retention isneeded to assist these programs in using the technology wisely31-32.PurposeThe purpose of the present study was to compare blended instruction to a traditionally taughtsophomore level chemical engineering material and energy balances course (a traditionalintroductory course in the chemical engineering curriculum). Specific research questions to thisstudy were: 1). How does the use of
Conference Session
ChE: Innovation to Improve Student Learning
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
C. Stewart Slater, Rowan University; Mariano Savelski, Rowan University; Robert Hesketh, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
engineering metrics for lab-scale (discovery),intermediate and pilot-scale processes were compared. Life cycle assessment was made usingoverall material and energy balances along with environmental performance tools. Tier 1 toolssuch as economic criteria, environmental criteria, exposure limits, toxicity weighting inanalyzing various drug production pathways. Since organic solvents typically account for 80% of all chemicals in a pharmaceuticalprocess, a significant part of the work focuses on process modifications to reduce solvents used.Several process opportunities for greener processes were explored. A life cycle assessment isconducted to compare these alternatives and show broader impacts on the ecosystem (greenhousegas production, etc
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Curricula
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
James E. Kilduff, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Jong-In Han, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
material and energy balances. Table 1includes the suggested topics and the time that will be spentBasic MicrobiologyFundamental microbiology such as cell biology, metabolism, kinetics, and molecularbiology, will first be taught. Uniqueness of this part is that a significant amount ofengineering aspects will be incorporated, in particular in the area of metabolism andkinetics, which the science counterpart does not traditionally emphasize. This allowsengineering students to have a clue on how much and how fast substrate includingpollutants will be transformed. A goal of this part of the course is that students becomefamiliar with basic microbial concepts and terminologies
Conference Session
Capstone Courses II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
C. Stewart Slater, Rowan University; Mariano Savelski, Rowan University; Robert Hesketh, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
analyzed. Green engineering metrics for lab-scale (discovery),intermediate and pilot-scale processes were compared. Life cycle assessment was made usingoverall material and energy balances along with environmental performance tools. Tier 1 toolssuch as economic criteria, environmental criteria, exposure limits, toxicity weighting inanalyzing various drug production pathways.Since organic solvents typically account for 80% of all chemicals in a pharmaceutical process, asignificant part of the work focuses on process modifications to reduce solvents used. Severalprocess opportunities for greener processes were explored. A life cycle assessment is conductedto compare these alternatives and show broader impacts on the ecosystem (greenhouse
Conference Session
EM Program Trend and Development
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gordon Geiger, University of Arizona
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
. 3CE 214 Statics 3ECE 207, Elements of Elect. Engr. 3CHEE 201, Material and Energy Balances 3SIE 431, Systems Simulation 3E.M. Seminar, ENGR 495S 1SIE 498 Senior Capstone Internship 5SOC 326, Workplace Sociology 3SIE 462, Operations Management 3ACCT 200, Financial Accounting 3SIE 265, Engr Economics/Proj Mgmt 3SIE 467 ENGR Management II 3CHEE/ENGR 454 Law for Engineers 3MIS 465 Total Quality Management 3COMM 312 Corporate
Conference Session
ChE: Departmental Issues and Integrating Freshmen into the ChE Program
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Silverstein, University of Kentucky; Daina Briedis, Michigan State University; Kevin Dahm, Rowan University; Richard Zollars, Washington State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
resourcesintended to encourage nominations of division members for Fellow grade in the ASEE. The third grouping serves as the core of the site. The Course Discussion group holdstopics discussing what works, does not work, and what might work in chemical engineeringeducation, broken down according to traditional course areas in chemical engineering. Currently,those course areas are: material and energy balances; thermodynamics; equilibrium stagedseparations; fluid mechanics; heat and mass transfer; process control; modeling and simulation;computers in the curriculum; process and plant design; safety; kinetics and reactor design;electives and emerging areas; and freshman engineering. Educational research, theory, and methods is the fourth focus
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Josef Rojter, Victoria University of Tech.
fuel technology,atmospheric and manufacturing industry, agriculture and urban pollution.Production of steel Full material and energy balances in production of steels.The assessment of the subject is fairly flexible. Though it essentially consists of two testscontributing to 25 percent of the total subject assessment and a major three hour examination Page 11.658.4at the end of the semester which contributes to the remaining 75 percent of the subjectassessment, there are built-in assessment flexibilities. Students who perform better in thesemester examination than in the tests will have the test results replaced by scaled
Conference Session
Capstone Courses II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Borchers, Kettering University; David Rinard, Steelcase, Inc.; Trevor Harding, Kettering University; Terri Lynch-Caris, Kettering University
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
selection, and computer tools. Page 11.1327.54.) Process design and improvement. Students will be introduced to methods of identifying the most damaging part of the process flow through material and energy balances. Common practices for reducing energy consumption and waste will be discussed. In addition, strategies for environmentally sustainable product packaging and delivery will be presented.5.) End-of-use strategies. This module addresses strategies and challenges associated with reducing the environmental impact of a product after it has been used by a consumer or business. Discussion will focus on re-use, remanufacturing
Conference Session
Introductory Materials Engineering Courses of 2020
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Brian Mitchell, Tulane University
Tagged Divisions
Science Foundation; and Mentor for the Louis Stokes Louisiana Alliance for Minority Participation. Material and Energy Balances, Heat Transfer, Materials Science, Unit Operations Laboratory, and Statistics and Probability are some of the courses he has taught. He is also a Senator from Engineering to Tulane’s University Senate. In addition to his current teaching and research duties, his research experiences include an NSF-NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University Karlsruhe, a German Academic Exchange Fellowship at the University of Freiberg/Sachsen and the German Federal Materials Laboratory, and an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship at the German Aerospace Agency. He has
Conference Session
ChE: Departmental Issues and Integrating Freshmen into the ChE Program
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Deborah Follman, Purdue University; George Bodner, Purdue University; Mica Hutchison, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
been given ample exposureto both material and energy balances, the two main focuses of CHE 205. At this point in thesemester, students had significant experience with the CHE 205 environment, assignments, andexams, however, the semester had not progressed far enough that students were able to makeconcrete predictions concerning their final course grades.Instrument Students’ perceptions of the learning environment and their efficacy beliefs based ontheir experiences in CHE 205 were probed using a modified survey based on one previouslyused21, 22 to investigate the perceptions of first-year engineering students. The first-year surveywas adapted by replacing references to other courses with reference to CHE 205. Items askingstudents to
Conference Session
ChE: Innovation in Existing Courses
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Zollars, Washington State University; Jim Henry, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
outcomes a, c, e, and k as well as the AIChE outcomes of demonstrating aworking knowledge of material and energy balances applied to chemical processes,process dynamics and control, and appropriate modern experimental and computationaltechniques.In the past this course was taught in a traditional manner – covering the mathematicalbases of process dynamics (unsteady-state balances, Laplace transforms, etc.) first beforegoing on to cover control and tuning. Starting in the Fall Semester of 2002 the coverageof topics was changed with students analyzing process dynamics and tuning first,followed by coverage of the mathematical aspects and then more recent developments incontrol schemes. The initial homework assignments thus required that the