management response, transportation planning and control, forestry and agricultural management, tourism, and personal navigation. These applications illustrate the tremendous variation in both the geographic scale of the problem or issue being addressed and use of geographic information in these applications (7 Longley et al., 2005). Several agencies of the Federal government have recognized the need to increase the supply of Geospatial Technology professionals. These needs are reflected in the following research reports issues by the Federal government: The 2004 U.S. Department of Labor report Geospatial Industry Snapshot identified 12 diverse geospatial-related occupations, and employment in each was projected to increase
EC related course topics among overall importance, education and current known. Inorder to make the study more complete, we conducted a series of follow-up interviews with 12responding software engineers with most knowledge “learned in education”, and 12 respondentswith most knowledge “learned on the job”. Also, we compared the curriculum of IT departmentof a well-know vocational college in the southern part of Taiwan and interview the relevantfaculty of the IT department who are currently teaching the related EC-related topics torigorously justify our research results.All of the interviewees including the relevant faculty members asserted that the findings in thisstudy regarding the knowledge levels of each course can accurately reflect the
higher level.The Cognitive TheoryIt is widely known that programming, even at a simple level, is a difficult activity to learn. Why isthis so? Are novice difficulties really inherent in programming or are they related to the nature ofthe programming tools currently given to novices? Bonar and Soloway11 presented evidence thatcurrent programming languages do not accurately reflect the cognitive strategies used by noviceprogrammers. Instead, Bonar and Soloway11 have found that novice programmers possessknowledge and experience with step-by-step specifications in natural language. This knowledgeand experience gives them powerful intuitions for using a programming language. Programminglanguages, however, are not designed to appeal to these
cost.Pedagogical ApproachProviding one form of education through lecture and reading alone is known to be an effective Page 15.637.4approach for only a subset of learners. In Kolb’s theory of experiential learning,11 the mosteffective learning environment provides learning in several modes: abstraction conceptualization,concrete experience, reflective observation, and active experimentation. The pedagogicalapproach to the courses seeks to provide a range of learning experiences in each of these areasthrough a combination of lectures, discussions, laboratory assignments, and challenges requiringstudents to solve at least one difficult problem in the
a required first-year engineering course with enrollments of as many as 1700 students in agiven semester. The earliest MEA implementations had student teams write a single solution to aproblem in the form of a memo to the client and receive feedback from their TA. For researchpurposes, a simple static online submission form, a static feedback form, and a single databasetable were quickly developed. Over time, research revealed that students need multiple feedback,revision, and reflection points to address misconceptions and achieve high quality solutions. As aresult, the toolset has been expanded, patched, and re-patched multiple developers to increaseboth the functionality and the security of the system. Because the class is so large and
for the LinksysStudents observe various MAC layer setting of Linksys wireless routers such as authenticationtype, CTS protection mode, beacon interval, DTIM interval, fragmentation threshold, and RTSthreshold. Students get knowledge about each of these parameters and how they affect theperformance of wireless networks. Students write a reflection report by including thoseparameters. Lab Router Internet Linksys Wireless