Two Body Solutions: Strategies for the Dual-Career Job Search
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shannon Ciston, University of California, Berkeley; Katy Luchini-Colbry, Michigan State University; Christopher M Weyant, Drexel University; Robert L. Nagel, James Madison University; Jacquelyn Kay Nagel, James Madison University; Amber L. Genau, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Kristina M. Wagstrom, University of Connecticut; Daina Briedis, Michigan State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators, Student, Women in Engineering
Yeong Ryu, State University of New York, Farmingdale; Hazem Tawfik, State University of New York, Farmingdale; Brandon Scott Weisberg, Farmingdale State College; Gonca Altuger-Genc, State University of New York, Farmingdale
Rachel Jannette McFalls, Mississippi State University; Carla Danielle Grimes, Mississippi State University; M. Jean Mohammadi-Aragh, Mississippi State University; Rani W. Sullivan, Mississippi State University; James Warnock, Mississippi State University
Marian S. Kennedy, Clemson University; Natasha Mamaril, University of Kentucky; David Ross Economy, Clemson University; Ellen L. Usher, University of Kentucky; Caihong Li, University of Kentucky; Julia L. Sharp, Clemson University
Brian E Moyer, University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown; Randy Dean Kelley P.E., University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown; Richard A. Youchak PE, University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown
Christina Kay White, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Lori Breslow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Daniel E. Hastings, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jenefer Husman, Arizona State University; Katherine C Cheng, Arizona State University; Krista Puruhito, Arizona State University; Evan J Fishman, Stanford University
Carla B. Zoltowski, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Patrice Marie Buzzanell, Purdue University, West Lafayette; William C. Oakes, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Megan Kenny Feister, Purdue University; David Torres, Purdue University
Women in Engineering Division: Retention of Undergraduate Students
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elaine Zundl, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey; Laura Stiltz, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey; Helen M. Buettner, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Ricardo Jose Morocz, Georgia Institute of Technology; Bryan D Levy, Georgia Institute of Technology; Craig R. Forest, Georgia Institute of Technology; Robert L. Nagel, James Madison University; Wendy C Newstetter, Georgia Institute of Technology; Kimberly Grau Talley P.E., Texas State University; Julie S Linsey, Georgia Institute of Technology
Fundamental: K-12 Students and Engineering Design Practices (Part 1)
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kristen Bethke Wendell, University of Massachusetts Boston; Christopher George Wright, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Patricia C Paugh, University of Massachusetts Boston
Yizhe Chang, Stevens Institute of Technology; El-Sayed S. Aziz, Stevens Institute of Technology; Zhou Zhang, Stevens Institute of Technology; Mingshao Zhang, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; Sven K. Esche, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Engineering and Science)