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2016 St.Lawrence Section Meeting
Rebecca K. LaForest; Iulian Gherasoiu; Daniel White; Harry Efstathaidis
-world situations, students find the material more engaging. 2It has been pointed that “improving performance in the STEM subjects and inspiring youngpeople to consider careers in science, technology engineering and mathematics are complexgoals that only can be achieved by a multifaceted, systematics and sustainable initiative [6].” Thekey to success is changing the school culture to one of collaboration with high expectations andcontinual reflection for growth. We propose that given the right environment, schools canincrease the quality of STEM instruction through an integrated and hands-on approach. The P-TECH 9-14 school model aims to create
2016 St.Lawrence Section Meeting
Victoria Sorg; Lilian Johnson; Alexandra Westbrook; Susan Daniel
event was also good because it connected me with other females on the same track as me.” The responses demonstrate the program’s success in broadening the participants’ view of fe-males in STEM and introducing them to a field they may not have considered beforehand.Discussion and Conclusion: Implications and lasting effects ofWOMEN EventThese statistics reflect the impact the WOMEN Event is having on the rural community surround-ing Cornell. The two-thirds of the participants in the WOMEN Event had not previously partici-pated in a STEM related outreach event but by the end of the event, 88% reported that they wouldseriously consider a career in STEM. In our followup survey, at least four years after the WOMENEvent, all our respondents
2016 St.Lawrence Section Meeting
Alex Avery; Joe Hudden; David Ruan; Eric Schulken; Cody Smith; Jessica VanGiesen; Michael Zielinski; Ray Ptucha
, themicrocontroller. The steering system is implemented using a microcontrollers, and the onboard sensors.Proportional Integration Derivative (PID) feedback loop usingan encoder mounted on the steering rack. Similar feedback Ultrasonic Sensorssystems control the braking and speed control using a brake In order to ensure the safety of riders, pedestrians and theencoder and speed tachometer respectively. The APM is able vehicle itself, detecting objects is an important feature of allto detect objects in front using a LiDAR for light reflecting autonomous vehicles. One of the methods selected for objectobjects and seven ultrasonic sensors for sound reflecting detection was ultrasonic rangefinders. The Maxbotix
2016 St.Lawrence Section Meeting
John Foo; Iwijn De Vlaminck; Kimberly Williams
were reviewed by thefirst author for general themes. The first author then went through all the responses again, andlooked specifically for evidence of each theme in each response and labeled them accordingly.The number of times a theme was brought up was tabulated.2.2.3 Classroom ObservationsThe instructor recorded his observations and reflections after each class period. The instructoralso invited a peer to observe the first class period.3. Results3.1 Results from online surveyOf the 44 students in the class, 33 students participated in the survey, giving a response rate of75%.3.1.1 Demographic InformationOf the survey participants, all were freshmen save one, who was a sophomore. The genderbreakdown was 73% female, and 27% male. In terms of
2016 St.Lawrence Section Meeting
Ryan Milcarek; Michael Garrett; Ryan Falkenstein-Smith; Jeongmin Ahn
” or “strongly agree”) or lower (“disagree” or “strongly disagree”).Table 1 shows the results of this assessment. While it is clear that students were twice as likely torate their understanding of resilience as lower than their understanding of sustainability, themajority of students felt the same about both resilience and sustainability. This trend was evidentfor the undergraduates surveyed. This again may just be a reflection of the fact that theundergraduates are in the early stages of their programs. This conclusion has some merit as thegraduate students rated resilience lower than their understanding of sustainability almost as muchas they rated them the same. Regardless, graduate students and all undergraduate disciplinessurveyed except