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2000 Annual Conference
Hisham Alnajjar
be the official starting date.AcknowledgementThe contribution of Mrs A. Ader, the RLC instructor, was very critical to the success ofthe fall 1999 pilot. Part of this work was supported by a grant from the NSF, Grant #EEC-9872433, the University of Hartford and the Engineering Application Center at theCollege of Engineering.Bibliography[1] The proposal that was sent to NSF for the Engineering grant. The COE PI’s of the grant: Shetty, D., H. Alnajjar, S. Keshawarz, D. Leon, L. Nagurney, and L Smith and the Dean of Faculty C. Stevenson wrote the proposal.[2] Smith, L. and Shetty, D., “Principles of Engineering and Design: a Multidisciplinary First Year Course”. ASEE Zone I meeting- Spring 1997 Middle Atlantic Section, New England
2000 Annual Conference
Frances S. Johnson; Carlos C. Sun; Anthony J. Marchese; Heidi L. Newell; John L. Schmalzel; Roberta Harvey; Ravi Ramachandran; Paris von Lockette; Kevin Dahm
17.4% (15) Greatest priority 0% (0) In terms of effort, what priority do you assign to writing courses compared to engineering courses? Answer Responses (n=85) No priority 2.4% (2) Low priority 22.4% (19) Some priority 47.1% (40) High priority 27.1% (23) Greatest priority 2.4% (2)4-2. Mid-term EvaluationsResponses to the mid-term evaluations have not yet been analyzed for differencesbetween team-taught and non-team-taught sections. Some
2000 Annual Conference
Robert P. Hesketh; Stephanie Farrell
experimentsrelated to membrane separations, biochemical engineering,and biomedical systems, for all level students at Rowan.Stephanie won the ASEE Outstanding Campus Representative Award in 1998, and she currently serves asNewsletter editor of the Mid-Atlantic Section of ASEE .Robert Hesketh is Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at Rowan University. He received his B.S. in 1982from the University of Illinois and his Ph.D. from the University of Delaware in 1987. After his Ph.D. he conductedresearch at the University of Cambridge, England. Prior to joining the faculty at Rowan in 1996 he was a facultymember of the University of Tulsa. Robert's research is in the chemistry of gaseous pollutant formation anddestruction related to combustion processes
2000 Annual Conference
Raul Ordonez; Harriet Benavidez; Anthony J. Marchese; James A. Newell; John L. Schmalzel; Beena Sukumaran; Ravi Ramachandran; Julie Haynes
. Sukumaran and R. Harvey, ``Multidisciplinary Design and Communication: A Pedagogical Vision'', International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 376--382, 1999.4. J. Mariappan and A. J. Marchese, “TQM Approach to Design in the Sophomore Engineering Clinic”, Proceedings of the 1998 International Mechanical Engineering Congress, November 1998.5. R. Harvey, F. Johnson, A. J. Marchese, J. Mariappan, R. P. Ramachandran, B. Sukumaran and J. A. Newell “Teaching Quality: An Integrated Total Quality Management Approach to Page 5.48.9 Technical Communication and Engineering Design”, ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Regional
2000 Annual Conference
Timothy N. Chang; Daphne l. Chang
test instruments havebeen considered and it was determined that the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)was the most appropriate. A brief discussion of the MBTI is given in Section 3 of thispaper.A number of results describing the role of MBTI in engineering education have beenreported. For example, the use of MBTI in curriculum analysis and design was discussedin [1]. In [2] experimental confirmation of the relationship between MBTI, variouspsychometric factors, and categories of cognitive activities was obtained. MBTI wasalso used as a part of a profile analysis to predict student performance in a first yearchemical engineering course [3] . In [4] the use of MBTI for team formation wasdiscussed.In [5] a group problem-solving model, based on
2000 Annual Conference
Robert P. Hesketh; Stephanie Farrell
research expertise in the field of drug delivery and controlled release, and she iscurrently focusing efforts on developing laboratory experiments related to membrane separations, biochemicalengineering,and biomedical systems, for all level students at Rowan. Stephanie won the ASEE Outstanding CampusRepresentative Award in 1998, and she currently serves as Newsletter editor of the Mid-Atlantic Section of ASEE . Page 5.93.10 Robert Hesketh is Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at Rowan University. He received his 1982 from the University of Illinois and his Ph.D. from the University of Delaware in 1987. After
2000 Annual Conference
Robert P Hesketh; Kauser Jahan; Stephanie Farrell; C. Stewart Slater; Kevin Dahm
London before returning to graduate school. Prior to joining Rowanin September, 1998, she was a faculty member in Chemical Engineering at Louisiana Tech University. Stephanie’shas research expertise in the field of drug delivery and controlled release, and she is currently focusing efforts ondeveloping laboratory experiments related to membrane separations, biochemical engineering, and biomedicalsystems, for all level students at Rowan. Stephanie won the ASEE Outstanding Campus Representative Award in1998, and she currently serves as Newsletter editor of the Mid-Atlantic Section of ASEE .Kevin D. Dahm is Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at Rowan University. He received his B.S. inChemical Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic