explicate thedevelopment of a professional skills certification framework for undergraduate students in amicroelectronics engineering workforce development program and creation of the mechanism(s)to assess professional skill development. The framework facilitates students’ acquisition ofprofessional skills through experiential learning as viewed through the overarching theoreticallens of both social cognitive career theory and self-determination theory. The certificationframework, rubric, and assessment development are described, and the implications arediscussed.Tags: professional skills definitions, implementation, portfolio, professional skills,microelectronics, reflections, rubricIntroductionEmployers and educators alike have recognized a lack
; implementation and evaluation are also crucialcomponents. While a well-designed strategy can offer a framework for evaluation, insufficientpreparation cannot precede successful implementation.Engaging in writing accountability activities and seminars, among other forms of professionaldevelopment training, is more effectively optimized through planning. Effective planning, whichspans the duration of the project, involves the following: identifying the objectives (goal setting),iterating the roadmap (structure), assigning timeframes for task implementation and milestonerecognition (timelines), engaging in brainstorming sessions regarding project progress(reflection), and providing feedback based on individual perceptions of the project. As a result
other institutions and organizations to provide professional skills training to their ownaudiences. Nearly 11,000 participant trainings were completed in the first six years of the project, withhelp from 120 volunteers trained as program facilitators, and several organizations have stepped in toprovide ongoing support to continue the training program after the NSF funding ended.This paper reflects on the lessons learned over the first six years of this project, documenting both thechallenges that had to be overcome and the collaborations that led to the success of this workforcetraining effort. Specific suggestions are offered for building collaborations with individuals, publicinstitutions, and private organizations to create sustainable