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Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 9
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Uma Balaji, Fairfield University
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) understand specifications of commercially availableparts and use them to create a system – “obstacle avoiding robot” and v) create a robot or asubsystem. In addition, the course envisaged that students develop lesson plans in order toengage in mentoring of middle school students based on the understanding of their educationalbackground, write a weekly reflection report and make improvements on the delivery of lessonplan and help mentees build a finished product – an obstacle avoiding robot, from thecommercially available parts. Topics covered in the course included – Microcontrollers, Programing, Digital I/O,Encoders, Infrared sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, LIDAR, Gyroscope, Accelerometer,Magnetometer, Wireless interface to microcontroller, RC
Conference Session
Integration of Research and Education in ECE
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yuen-Yan Chan, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Wai Yin Ng, Chinese University of Hong Kong
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Electrical and Computer
lesson for Information Security, a case whichdescribed an online bookstore with clients complaining about stolen account andunauthorized transactions were given, and students were asked to investigate into the possiblecauses, and proposed corresponding solutions.Coaching during an inquiryAfter the problem and the expected deliverables are clearly explained, the inquiry process canthen begin. In the lessons, learners conduct inquiry collaboratively in groups, they fullyanalyze and comprehend the problem, plan how to investigate, and summarize and reflect onthe results. Scaffolding aid is critical in this step and is provided in terms of short lecture,reference web sites, hands-on experiments, and guided activities. These scaffoldings wereprovided
Conference Session
Innovations in ECE Education II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stuart Wentworth, Auburn University; S. Hossein Mousavinezhad, Idaho State University; Mani Mina, Iowa State University; Wei PAN, Idaho State University
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engineering laboratories with accessavailable to all faculty and students, mainly for classroom use. Many electrical/computerengineering leading industries use MATLAB and its toolboxes.Waves on Transmission LinesIn a transmission lines first approach towards teaching electromagnetics, students are first (a) (b) Figure 1: MATLAB movie snapshots taken (a) just before and (b) just after wave is incident on the load. The incident wave is blue and reflected wave is red. Page 15.509.4exposed to wave behavior on transmission lines
Conference Session
Innovations in Communications and Wireless Systems Education
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven S. Holland, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Robert A. Strangeway, Milwaukee School of Engineering
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Electrical and Computer
progressing through static fields,dynamic fields, transmission lines, plane waves, links, and electromagnetic interferenceprinciples. The integral forms of the fundamental electromagnetic relations are emphasized inthese required courses. As a result, this antennas elective must incorporate pedagogically-selected background material such as differential operators and the differential forms ofMaxwell’s equations, skin depth, and reflection and transmission of plane waves at materialinterfaces. The course builds a solid foundation in antenna principles that serves studentscontinuing into advanced studies in graduate school as well as those entering industry aftergraduation. This foundation is accomplished by strategically selecting and modulating the
Conference Session
Flipped Electrical and Computer Engineering Classrooms 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kumar Yelamarthi, Central Michigan University; Eron E. Drake, Central Michigan University
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Electrical and Computer
well as the affordances andconstraints of various technological learning tools were evaluated. As a result, a variety of technology learning tools based on research associated with active andcollaborative learning (e.g., Logisim, Chipcast, circuit testing equipment, Arduinomicrocontroller) and the inverted/flipped classroom techniques (e.g., video preview of classes,pre-class quiz, team-based hands-on activities, brief reflections, discussions on cutting-edgeresearch and innovations) were introduced into the course. Further, overall structure and offeringof the course had to be flipped as to encompass several aspects in the domains of technology,pedagogy, and content knowledge as presented in Figure 1.3. Course Implementation The course was
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tom Chen, Colorado State University; Anthony A. Maciejewski, Colorado State University; Branislav M. Notaros, Colorado State University; Ali Pezeshki, Colorado State University; Melissa D. Reese, Colorado State University
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Electrical and Computer
competitiveness of the US economy. This endeavor has become a national priority1.However, the ECE enrollment and attrition trends in recent years are sources for concern.Enrollment in U.S. institutions of higher education has grown steadily at all levels rising from14.5 million students in 1994 to 20.7 million in 2009, but such a growth is not fully reflected inscience and engineering. Institutions of higher education in the United States granted engineeringdegrees in the mid-2000s at a lower rate than in the mid-1980s. The number of Americanstudents earning bachelor’s degrees increased by 16% over the past 10 years, however, thenumber of bachelor’s degrees earned in engineering decreased by 15%. Nationally, less than50% of the students who enrolled in
Conference Session
New Trends in ECE Education II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yacob Astatke, Morgan State University; Kenneth A Connor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Dianna Newman, University at Albany-SUNY; John Okyere Attia P.E., Prairie View A&M University; Otsebele E Nare, Hampton University
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Electrical and Computer
have produced, piloted, and internally distributed 64 curriculum modules and/or labs.The purpose of this paper is to provide preliminary results of an investigation of the relationshipof learning setting and instructional use of experimental centric learning, especially for students ofcolor. Learning settings studied include: 1) traditional classrooms, 2) lab settings and 3)homework. Variations by instructional use included: 1) instructor demonstration, 2) cooperativeand 3) independent student use. Student outcomes reflect gains in: 1) pre-requisites to learning; 2)immediate short-term learning; 3) long-term and transferable outcomes and 4) selected ABETcharacteristics (importance and preparedness). Findings indicate that both setting and
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth A. Connor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; John C. Kelly Jr., North Carolina A&T State University; Mohamed F. Chouikha, Howard University; Yacob Astatke, Morgan State University; Petru Andrei, Florida A&M University/Florida State University; Mandoye Ndoye, Tuskegee University; Abdelnasser A. Eldek, Jackson State University; John Okyere Attia P.E., Prairie View A&M University; Dianna Newman, University at Albany-SUNY; Kathy Ann Gullie PhD, University at Albany-SUNY; Ali Reza Osareh, North Carlina A&T State University; Lisa D. Hobson, Prairie View A&M University
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from a multi-year project that is initiatingtechnology supported experimental centric approaches to learning in electrical and computerengineering courses at 13 historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). One of the personalinstrumentation tools supporting experimental student-centered learning at these institutions is theAnalog Discovery Boards (ADBs). The content or setting of use reflects introductory, circuits, andsupporting electrical and computer engineering courses. The students consisted of undergraduatesenrolled in engineering courses across the 13 member institutions. The authors provide an overviewof learning theories that support experiential learning, followed by brief overviews of selectedvalidated instructional modules
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 10
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Diane T. Rover, Iowa State University; Joseph Zambreno, Iowa State University; Mani Mina, Iowa State University; Phillip H. Jones III, Iowa State University; Douglas W. Jacobson, Iowa State University; Seda McKilligan, Iowa State University; Ashfaq A Khokhar, Iowa State University
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Security.” He is a recent recipient of the NSF CAREER award (2012), as well as the ISU award for Early Achievement in Teaching (2012) and the ECpE department’s Warren B. Boast undergraduate teaching award (2009, 2011, 2016).Dr. Mani Mina, Iowa State University Mani Mina is with the department of Industrial Design and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University. He has been working on better understanding of students’ learning and aspects of tech- nological and engineering philosophy and literacy. In particular how such literacy and competency are reflected in curricular and student activities. His interests also include Design and Engineering, the human side of engineering, new ways of teaching
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 10
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Salman Siddiqui, Georgia Southern University; Rami Jubrail Haddad, Georgia Southern University; Mohammad Abdul Ahad, Georgia Southern University
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Electrical and Computer
capstone design project reports. However,the difference here is to have a structure to provide multiple formative feedbacks from theinstructor, the peers, and the student writing fellow (trained by the writing center) to helpstudents reflect on their weaknesses in writing through multiple interactions and assessment overa period of a semester. Furthermore, this vigorous writing-to-learn process is repeated in twosubsequent courses to ensure students proficiency in the process. In this format, the benefits ofusing writing-to-learn methodology have been expressed in many ways in the literature, such asimproved student writing, increased student learning and engagement, student-facultyinteraction, collaborative learning, and critical thinking to name
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 8
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew A. Watkins, Lafayette College
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SystemVerilog of their implementation; and abrief reflection on the difficulties experienced during the lab and how they would approach the labdifferently if they were to repeat the design and implementation.Implementation DetailsWe use a Digilent Nexys4 development board as the target platform and SystemVerilog and XilinxVivado to implement the design and configure the board. Students are introduced to the designtools and the development platform through the first lab (see Table 2) and utilize them in all of theother labs. In general, any HDL and target platform should work. The only elements needed, asidefrom the pulse sensor, are four 7-segment displays, two buttons, and a slide switch, which areavailable on almost any contemporary development board
Conference Session
Electromagnetics & Power Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Donald M. Peter P.E., Seattle Pacific University
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put emphasis on the importance of understanding students andfaculty perceptions of engineering education. It also mentions the importance of curriculumorganization and impact of curriculum organization on instructors. Need for student reflection,exposure, and discussion. It also supported the theme of industry cooperation to help professors.In nearby Canada, McGill University, University of Sherbrooke, Hydro-Quebec, ALSTOM havepartnered together to create a joint Institute of Electrical Power Engineering based on theperceived need for more power engineer who are optimally trained.11Finally in recent years there are those who have addressed ways to optimize the introductorypower engineering classes at the university. This can apply not only to
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Rania Hussein, University of Washington; Denise Wilson, University of Washington
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Electrical and Computer
decisions and critique the accuracy of the information. Students who evaluate well can provide reflections on approaches taken to solve a problem and demonstrate their ability to assess underlying concepts in the process of choosing the best among multiple alternative solutions. ● Create: putting elements together to produce a new pattern or original work. In engineering, the previous levels of the taxonomy culminate to the design of a component or system that invokes all previous levels of the taxonomy. Such efforts to create are often stimulated in capstone design classes but can also be invoked in smaller projects in lower- level courses.Promoting the integration, design, and evaluation capabilities of students is
Conference Session
Insights for Teaching ECE Courses
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kent A. Crick, Iowa State University; Matthew T. Seipel, Iowa State University; Lisa M. Larson Ph.D., Iowa State University; Mack Shelley, Iowa State University
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Electrical and Computer
leadership course with otherECSEL participants. This course was designed to promote professional development, communityamongst the scholars, and connection to the campus community at large while enhancing theiridentity as ECSE majors. As a part of the course students were required to volunteer on campus,share current events with their fellow scholars, participate in in-class activities centered onleadership practices, participate in faculty mentor meetings and complete a reflection paper aboutthat experience, and present to the class an artifact reflective of one’s background. Theseactivities were designed to cultivate an environment of support and connection among scholarswhile also engaging participants in an active learning experience. Such
Conference Session
Optical and Wireless Communication Systems
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ernest Kim, University of San Diego
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tailored to complement the laboratory exercises that canoften include engineering design concepts.A typical electromagnetics course topical coverage at our institution is: 1. Review: Vectors and Vector Calculus (1 week) 2. Maxwell's Equations (1.5 weeks) 3. Uniform Plane Waves and Propagation (2 weeks) 4. Reflection and Transmission of Waves (1.5 weeks) 5. Transmission Lines and Waveguides (2.5 weeks) 6. Transmission Line Principles in Circuit Design (2 weeks) 7. Antennas and Radiation (2 weeks)The laboratory content of the electromagnetics course (for Fall 2006) was: 1. Transmission Line Characteristics (1 week) 2. “Microwave Training Kit” Experiments (4 weeks) 3. Introduction to Agilent Advanced Design
Conference Session
Embedded System Design
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mouna Nakkar, University of Sharjah
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Electrical and Computer
industry and is expected to grow more in the next few years.To reflect on this, several leading universities are incorporating alternative teaching methods ofEmbedded Systems1-5. This change is of an agreement to proposals made by chief industryengineers. For example, G. Martin6 mentioned that few universities are changing its curriculumto reflect on industry's needs. Further, he added that the industry have a shortage of SoCengineers that universities are not providing.B. Teaching Embedded Systems/SoC/FPGA designDespite the improvement of reconfigurable hardware, FPGA, and EDA tools associated withthem, FPGA/SoC design is still a difficult pedagogical task especially for undergraduate courses.The design requires a good understating of the
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth A. Connor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Yacob Astatke, Morgan State University; Charles J. Kim, Howard University; Mohamed F. Chouikha, Howard University; Dianna Newman, University at Albany - SUNY; Kathy Ann Gullie PhD, Evaluation Consortium: University at Albany - SUNY; Abdelnasser A. Eldek, Jackson State University; Satinderpaul S. Devgan P.E., Tennessee State University; Ali Reza Osareh, NC A&T State University; John Okyere Attia P.E., Prairie View A&M University; Saleh Zein-Sabatto, Tennessee State University; Demetris L. Geddis, Norfolk State University
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as an Assistant Professor in 2004. From 2008 to 2011, he was a Research Engineer at the Georgia Tech Research Institute where he fabricated scalable multiplexed ion traps for quantum computing applications. Prof. Geddis returned to NSU as an Associate Professor in 2011. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 2016 ASEE ConferenceAbstractThis paper presents the initial pilot findings from a multi-year project that is initiating experimentalcentric approaches to learning in electrical engineering courses via the use of an Analog DiscoveryBoard (ADB). The specific audience emphasized in the paper reflects participants in circuits-content courses; the majority
Conference Session
New Trends in ECE Education I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth A. Connor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Dianna Newman, University at Albany/SUNY; Kathy Ann Gullie Ph.D., Evaluation Consortium University at Albany/SUNY; Yacob Astatke, Morgan State University; Charles J. Kim, Howard University; John Okyere Attia P.E., Prairie View A&M University; Petru Andrei, Florida A&M University/Florida State University; Mandoye Ndoye, Tuskegee University
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in computational electronics, electromagnetics, energy storage devices, and large scale systems.Dr. Mandoye Ndoye, Tuskegee University c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 2016 ASEE ConferenceAbstractThis paper presents findings from a multi-year project that is initiating experimental centricapproaches to learning in electrical engineering courses at 13 Historically Black Colleges andUniversities. The tool supporting to experimental student-centered learning at these institutionswas an Analog Discovery Board (ADB). The content or setting of use reflect introductory,circuits, and supporting electrical engineering courses. The students were 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 7
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Yang Victoria Shao, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Zuofu Cheng
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free space and wave velocity 7 Wave Equation and Induced EMF Wave propagation in material Solutions medium 8 Wave Solutions in Visualization of magnetic Damped wave in conducting Conducting Media fields media Module 3: Transmission Line Theory 9 Wave polarization and Wave reflection due to Reflections impedance mismatch 10 Transient Response and Transmission line reflection Transient time domain Bounce Diagram
Conference Session
Pedagogy and Assessment in ECE III
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Kelnhofer, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Stephen Williams, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Owe Petersen, Milwaukee School of Engineering
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deliver the results required for continuous improvement. At thesame time the process should on a steady basis be able to provide the data that is expected to bean integral component in the preparation of the ABET Self-Study when the time comes forrequesting accreditation.In this paper we describe such a process. The process consists of three components: 1. A fast feedback procedure to implement continuous improvement at the course level. This procedure includes a course improvement form completed by the course instructor that documents their positive and negative reflections, suggested actions for course improvement, and deviations from the institutional syllabus in their offering of the course. A mechanism for
Conference Session
Assessment of Learning in ECE Courses
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jinhui Wang, University of South Alabama
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evaluation data are shown in Table 1 and listed in Fig. 1. They arerespectively about (a) the instructor had clear policies (e.g., grading, attendance, and assignments);(b) the instructor provided useful feedback on my progress within the course; (c) the instructor waswell prepared for in class meetings; (d) examinations and other assignments reflected stated courseobjectives and course material; (e) the instructor was successful in clarifying difficult concepts; (f)the instructor was well prepared for online class sessions and activities.Strongly disagree 1 ----- 5 Strongly agree INSTRUCTOR HAS CLEAR POLICIES INSTRUCTOR PROVIDED FEEDBACK 2018 Fall 2019 Spring
Conference Session
Active & Cooperative Learning in ECE
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zahrasadat Alavi, California State University, Chico; Kathleen Meehan, California State University, Chico
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learning in this important path byemploying a customized version of experiential learning model. Kolb’s Model of ExperientialLearning [5] relies on the humanistic perspective that experience plays a critical role in learning.The four stages of the experiential learning cycle are shown in Figure 1a. The first stage in thismodel is concrete experience where a student or a team is assigned a task and learn by doing, notonly by watching or by listening to an instructor. The reflective observation is the step that thelearner reflects on the subject by communicating with the team or another individual. Theabstract conceptualization involves interpreting the experiment results. The final stage, activeexperimentation, is when the learner uses the outcomes
Conference Session
Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Digital Systems Education 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cheng Chih Liu, University of Wisconsin Stout
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include the followingparts: infrared proximity sensor, reflectance sensor array, magnetometer with six-degree-of-freedom, speaker, and Bluetooth and WiFi radios. Android tablets with built-in Bluetooth andWiFi were available in the lab for students to connect to the Bluetooth module on the robots.Figure 2 shows a robot chassis and an assembled FPGA robot. The total cost of the assembledparts was $160 per robot (aluminum robot chassis $25, two continuous rotation servos $26, twoplastic wheels and one wheel ball $10, a Parallax board of education shield PCB $35, a DE0-NANO FPGA board $59, 5-cell AA battery pack, nuts, screws, and standoffs $5). This low costrobot made it possible to have one robot per student. The university provides each student
Conference Session
ABET Accreditation, Assessment and Program Improvement in ECE.
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Diane T. Rover, Iowa State University; Douglas W. Jacobson, Iowa State University; Ahmed E. Kamal, Iowa State University; Akhilesh Tyagi, Iowa State University
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begins in a sophomore course, Program Discovery, and is continued in a juniorcourse, Program Exploration. Portfolios are a means to document and communicate student workfor faculty review and student outcomes assessment. The process of creating a portfolio alsogives students the opportunity to reflect on their academic program. The portfolio is submittedelectronically, typically as a link to a web site designed by the student. The main elements of aportfolio used for assessment by the portfolio review committee are: 1. Career objective and resume 2. General education component and reflection 3. Examples of prior work 4. Technical work experience 5. Senior design project 6. Cumulative reflectionThe general education
Conference Session
ECE Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
S. Hossein Mousavinezhad, Western Michigan University
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subject area for engineeringmajors. In our school, the text by Alexander and Sadiku1 is used for the first course andalso the second on signals & systems (network analysis). Another textbook is the recentedition of basic engineering circuit analysis by Irwin and Nelms2, including manyexamples of a Web-based tutorial. Assuming good coverage of fundamental concepts ofcircuit analysis typically consisting of resistive, first-order/second-order RC/RL and RLCcircuits, AC voltages/currents, impedance and power relationships; the students will beready to study such concepts and principles as impedance matching, lossless transmissionlines, reflection coefficients, standing waves in a first electromagnetics course (assumingfour hours of lecture per
Conference Session
Capstone Design Projects in ECE
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lynne A. Slivovsky, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; James M. Widmann, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Brian P. Self, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; J.Kevin Taylor, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
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recreational activities. The end-users of these devices are given opportunities to exercise and experience greater independencethrough the devices designed by students in the class. This paper presents the design of thecapstone class and the intent behind the in-class activities and out-of-class assignments thatguide students through the design process.BackgroundService-learning occurs when “Students engage in community service activities with intentionalacademic and learning goals and opportunities for reflection that connect to their academicdiscipline” (Cress et al, 2005)1. It has been shown to be one of ten high-impact (i.e., those thatprovide for deep learning) “educationally purposeful activity” 2,3. The reflection aspect ofservice-learning is
Conference Session
Laboratory Development in ECE
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexander Ganago, University of Michigan; Inger Bergom, University of Michigan; Britton Wolfe, Indiana University–Purdue University Fort Wayne
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important.” Participants generally agreed that talking with andobserving experienced TAs in person tended to be the most effective and convenient way tolearn from them. Wiki has very little content so far. Because the wiki is relatively new, it does not containa lot of content posted by TAs themselves. Understandably, lack of content is a reason why TAssaid they don’t use the wiki. One TA commented, “I think somehow you need to give the feelingof completeness so that people will go there first, as opposed to somewhere else.”Suggestions for Wiki Improvement from TAs TAs suggested that it would be helpful if the wiki had a teaching reflection component, inaddition to practical tips and advice. One person commented, “It would be nice if
Conference Session
Design in the ECE Curriculum
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Natalia Litchinitser, SUNY at Buffalo; Albert H. Titus, SUNY at Buffalo; Alexander N. Cartwright, SUNY at Buffalo; Vladimir V. Mitin, SUNY at Buffalo
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in conjunction with a photoinitiatedpolymer to form a periodic modulation in the refractive index of the resulting materials (due to aphase separation of the constituent materials) [8-11]. This periodic modulation can producesimilar structures (top right of Figure 4) to that of the butterfly (a simplified version of theintricate structure produced by nature) that can also result in preferential reflection. Thus, thismodule will require modeling of photonic bandgap structures and understanding the relationshipof nanostructure to optical properties and will allow students to characterize the optical andstructural properties of butterfly wings and artificial gratings. Because of the simple process toproduce the gratings, students will fabricate
Conference Session
Laboratory Development in ECE
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Yakov Cherner, ATeL, LLC; Amin Karim, DeVry University; Ahmed Khan, DeVry University; Gary Mullett, Springfield Technical Community College
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scanning range of all optical methods. To fulfill the experimentassignment, students have to apply the proper alignment procedure to calibrate the sensor. Theycan vary such parameters as emitter power, alignment, and distance between light source andreceiver; change size and transparency of the target; and make sensitivity adjustments. Thediagram at the right in Figure 2 illustrates the impact of each parameter and the detectioncapabilities of the sensor. Figure 2. A screenshot of the virtual laboratory Opposed Optical Sensing Method Page 15.1358.6The third lab, Retro-Reflective Optical Sensing Method, was designed to enable students toexplore
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nizami Z Vagidov, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; Vladimir Mitin, University at Buffalo, SUNY; Athos Chariton Petrou; Joseph L Zawicki Zawicki
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a function ofφ. Then, they will analyze the data and verify Malus’s law: I = I0 cos2φ. Finally, the studentswill verify that a wire grid can act as a polarizer or an analyzer for microwaves.(b) Standing waves. The setup of Fig.2 will be used. The transmitter sends a wave along the rail on which the various components are mounted. At the other end of the rail a reflector is placed with its plane perpendicular to the emitted wave. The emitted and reflected waves form