scores, schools payless attention to non-tested academic subjects2. As Diane Ravitch (2010) points out in her book“The Death and Life of the Great American School System” even the National Academy ofEducation worries we are apt to measure what we can, and eventually come to value what ismeasured over what is left unmeasured (p.167)3. In response to an educational background thatinforms the study habits of many students, this study is exploring teaching methods that focus ondeveloping students’ confidence in their actual abilities of visualization and graphic expressionthrough classroom experience and reflection. The experience in the classroom can either confirmstudents’ perception or broaden their framework. As Mezirow (1991) pointed out in his
skills and critically reflect on their own learning experiencesThe next section of the paper describes the implementation of the spatial visualization skillsintervention during the course labs along with pre and post-test data.Spatial Visualization Skills InterventionIn order to obtain a measure of spatial ability, the Purdue Spatial Visualization Test ofRotations (PSVT:R) was administered to all students who were in attendance during the firstlecture of the semester. One hundred and twenty (120) students completed the pre-test. Theresults for this are detailed in Table 4. As this test was administered during the first week ofsemester 1, it is valid to compare with the scores reported
prevalent in engineering design graphics, explainengineering design graphics instruction within the context of cultural-historical learning theory,and describe specific learning examples within this theory.Introduction / Review of LiteratureThe process engineering graphics educators use to design instruction, select course materials, andexecute an educational plan is influenced by many factors. Some educators instruct primarilyusing methods that they experienced as students. They use instructional strategies that havesuccessfully produced results over time. Others are reflective practitioners and ponder the theorythat motivates their classroom instruction. The learning theory they embrace informs the types ofinstructional strategies they use in the
69th MidYear Meeting Proceedings, Normal, IL.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1044269. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. Page 26.627.10
College during the fall of 2014 in the Incubator experience. Although the pilot study did notfind an advantage of teaching integrated courses, it was an important step towards the re-envisioning of the existing curriculum. The Purdue Polytechnic Incubator operated as a facultynetwork that explored best practices on education by deconstructing the models of traditionaldisciplines. This allowed for re-visioning of the traditional educational model by including co-teaching and group reflections as a core component of the experience. The integration ofhumanities and technology provided with a rich ground for student development. Rather thanfocusing only in a mechanistic approach to technology, students were able to draw parallels withtheir cultural
. Page 26.381.7Student performance on a graphics exam in a first-year engineering course required by allengineering majors at Michigan Tech was compared for students taking the PSVT:R on paperand through the LMS to determine if there was a difference in spatial ability between thesegroups. In the first-year engineering course, ENG1101, approximately five 1.5 hour classsessions are spent on sketching topics, followed by an exam. The graphics topics covered in thiscourse include isometric and oblique sketching, orthographic projections of normal, inclined, andcurved surfaces, rotations, reflections, and planes of symmetry. Students scoring 60% or belowon the PSVT paper and LMS versions were excluded from this analysis because they wererequired to
multiple-choice and 13 sketching) 4 - Orthographic Projection (20 multiple-choice and 11 sketching) 5 – Inclined and Curved Surfaces (26 multiple-choice and 15 sketching) 6 - Flat Patterns (36 multiple-choice and 0 sketching) 7 - Rotation of Objects about 1 Axis (28 multiple-choice and 18 sketching) 8 - Rotation of Objects about 2 Axes (25 multiple-choice and 7 sketching) 9 - Object Reflections and Symmetry (24 multiple-choice and 17 sketching) 10 - Cutting Plane (26 multiple-choice and 0 sketching)During Lessons 3 and 4, a few mistakes were identified in the programmed sketching solutions,which led to incorrect grading of sketches. This led to a bit of student frustration, but by Lesson5 these mistakes
pillar is sometimes added to reflect the people-related processes. The three Page 26.656.4pillars are (1) Just in Time - optimizing the workflow to respond to customer demand, (2)Thinking People System - developing and utilizing each employee’s entire potential, and (3)Jidoka - delivering high quality goods and services. 1. Just in Time - Smooth, continuous, optimized workflows Heijunka - Minimizing inventory, Producing goods according to demand. Leveling processes. Mura - Unevenness in workload Takt - The rate of customer demand Takt Time - The work-cycle to produce an item for 1 customer