and program evaluator at University of Michigan. Also he taught an ”individual learning skills” as an assistant instructor in the University of Texas at Austin for five years. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Inclusive Leadership in an Engineering Leadership CourseBackground Engineering educators have seen significant changes in the Accreditation Board forEngineering and Technology (ABET) criteria starting in the early 2000. Pre-empted byworkforce demands, these modifications seek to address changing workplace dynamics andglobalization. One change reflects the evolution of teamwork in ABET’s Criteria 3, studentoutcomes, which now states
discussions and incorporate that into classexamples. For example, I start every class by playing music from a playlist that contains all thestudents’ favorite songs and we promote discussions around that. I try to incorporate as much oftheir experiences as I can and to demonstrate that there are no good or bad examples, there arejust different examples.I think it is also important to help students learn how their own development of racialconsciousness is linked to mastery of professional competency. For example, if they weredesigning cars, I ask them to think about what problems they will face if they design the car forpeople that are exactly like them.All these practices also demand for me to work on myself. I need to actively reflect on my race
organizations across campus: “People use it as a springboard more often thannot. Most of our mentors are a part of multiple clubs, both within engineering and outside… I’malso a part of clubs for chemical engineering, so I’m also in leadership in one of our science peerorganizations on campus that’s not associated with the College of Engineering.” Another benefit most often noted by the peer mentors was improved communicationskills. Amber reflected: “Public speaking and putting presentations together and learning how topresent myself in a meeting or interview, over the phone, I guess, just presenting in front of agroup of people and to speak loudly and be well versed.” Paul discussed how this benefit wasmore than a matter of being an
publics • Engineering incorporates many domains beyond technical • Engineers impact the worldColes [12] described his view of professional practice with 10 lessons for practice: • professionals engage on society’s behalf, with people who present them with complex, indeterminate problems • professionals work with high levels of uncertainty • professional practice fundamentally involves making judgement • professional judgement is based on ‘practical wisdom • professional judgement is acquired through experience and conversations with respected peers • the learning process that underpins this is the critical reconstruction of practice • this involves ‘deliberation,’ which is more than ‘reflection • deliberation