a detailed description of the two-way exchange program and summarize resultsfrom a systematic analysis of five reflective learning prompts that were administered to thestudent participants throughout the program (i.e., 1 pre-program, 3 mid-program, and 1 post-program). As further background for these efforts, we summarize relevant prior literaturediscussing strategies for scaffolding and assessing learning outcomes, both in general andspecifically in the context of global engineering programs. Based on our preliminary results, wealso discuss both benefits and challenges associated with this innovative programmaticimplementation. Furthermore, we propose directions for improvement, with an emphasis onstudent recruitment, faculty involvement
c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Quantifying and Qualifying the Preparedness of Engineering Students Collaborating with Underserved Communities InternationallyAbstract:Increasing globalization and technological innovations have redefined the role ofengineers in working towards sustainable development. This is reflected in the creationand adoption of ABET Engineering Criteria 2000 which included six professional skillsto prepare engineers who were more aware of how their profession, products and servicesare embedded in the larger global, socio-economic and political context. The question ofhow to measure and evaluate preparedness of engineering students to meet theserequirements remains an open question.This
a soccer game, the Afro- Brasileiro Museum, Pinacoteca Museum, a Sambalesson, a history lesson in Independence Park, Mercadão fruit market, Museu do Futebol,Capoeira instruction class, and a visit to the Latin American Museum. These excursions gave aninsight on some aspects of the Brazilian culture but lacked the importance of these activites onBrazilian history. An example of this lack of historical context was when the students were nottaught the history of Capoeira before learning how to practice it.In addition, the students were asked to keep a blog during their time on the dialogue. They wereprompted to answer questions to reflect on their experiences in Brazil and the digest what theysaw in Brazil and how that is different from the US
-unit course taught in collaboration with SJSU's Department ofHistory. All these changes culminated into making the program the success it is today.Due to these innovations and constant evolution, the 2014 cohort was unlike any other. SJSUstudents were given first-hand experience about technology's global role, entrepreneurship, andcross-cultural collaboration when they participated in the International Innovation &Entrepreneur Leadership Experience (IIELE) at Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU) inJungli, Taiwan. Beginning with the 2014 cohort, we renamed the GTI program to reflect thechange in focus. The new name is the Global Technology Institute (GTI*). In three weeks,students created innovative business propositions, toured
research specifically.9 Page 26.680.2Theoretically grounded work can connect researchers, facilitate generalization across studies,and help the field avoid re-inventing the wheel.10 Moreover, “theoretically engaged empiricalwork allows broader and more complex discussion between scholars – one that extends beyondthe particularities of individual empirical projects”.11 However, much engineering educationscholarship is characterized by a lack of explicit and consistent theoretical engagement,12 andwhen theory is used it is typically only in a limited fashion.13 The lack of engagement withtheory in scholarship on global competencies is thus reflective
global labor market. Furthermore, the most talented employees arethe ones with the greatest opportunity to be mobile. In this context, academic mobilityrequires a wide variety of personal qualities: talent to interact efficiently with other people;analytical thinking; communicative skills that include cross-cultural communication; thecapacity for self-awareness and self-reflection; a willingness to act in the cross-culturalenvironment; as well as respect and tolerance. An academically mobile student is ready for life changes. This quality is revealed inspecific socio-psychological attitudes [4]. Among other factors that allow for academicmobility, it is necessary to note a students’ capacity for independent design of theireducational
they were/are, their undergraduate education, which courses they tookand extracurricular organizations they participated in at the University of South Florida prior toservice, if and where they published their research in an academic journal, and their currentemployment.The second part of the survey had the alumni or student rank how each of the MIP elementssatisfied the four global competencies on a scale of one to five (one being not at all, two being alittle bit, three being somewhat, four being well, and five being very well). This part of the onlinesurvey was divided into three pages: pre-Peace Corps service (on campus), Peace Corps Service,and post Peace Corps service. This reflected the three stages of the MIP. The pre Peace
overcome these challenges. The Experimental Vehicles Program (EVP)participates annually in national and international competitions with multinational collegiateteams. Each year students design and create a new and more efficient vehicle for each of the fiveprojects5. Successful designs not only received awards, but it is a direct reflection of thestudent’s innovative ideas and dedication.This unique program provides great benefits for students such as the professional development ofstudents in addition to providing a great opportunity for students to associate with other studentsfrom similar programs across the globe. For example, at the 2014 Human Exploration RoverChallenge MTSU competed among several different countries such as Russia, Germany
. (ABET 3b, 3e) • Reflection: Critically reflect utilizing multiple forms of communication (oral presentation, poster presentation and formal report writing) (ABET 3e, 3g) • Communication: Communicate ideas/concepts to audiences in multiple cultures. (ABET 3g, 3h) • Collaboration: Effectively collaborate in multidisciplinary teams of students, faculty, staff, and outside constituents (ABET 3d)During a typical course, there can be quite a bit of interaction between students with differentcultural and social backgrounds. However, these interactions are set in the context of anacademic location (in this case, Cambridge, MA or Hong Kong). Very few of the engineeringstudents at Harvard and Hong
the distance students, it was attributed to the fact that “every team member is a full-timeworking professorial”, as a result, “everyone pulled their own weight and contributed equally”.On the other hand, in the rest of locally distributed teams where distance students were mixedtogether, multiple distance students had reflected that their voices tend to be “easily missed if notneglected”, because “the online facet has many conveniences, but my physical presence isabsolutely lacking and it is therefore very difficult to influence any of the group's decisions”.And more than one distance students suggested that they need to work more diligent and behavemore proactively than the other on campus students.No significant difference was identified
overcome their academic weakness. Also, the class environment can be better nourished bythe students’ academic strength and capability.However, the American teaching style creates challenges for the Chinese students as well 1, 2, 7, 11,12, 13 . These challenges are primarily reflected by the language and cultural barriers, such as lackof written and oral communication skills in English, unfamiliarity in English technicalterminology, and lack of involvement in classroom dynamics. The authors of the paper believedthat if the instructors can effectively help the Chinese students get over these barriers, thestudents will gain much more from the American classroom environment. To build such alearning environment, the instructors built a three
enthralled with the one-on-one interactions with this iconic teamas seen in Figure 4. The presentation content and TTU team’s competency boosted the Indianteams’ energy as reflected in the written student feed-back shown below in Table 1. The resultsshow that students gave high scores (8.26 or higher out of 10) to the TTU team’s presentationstyle, competency, and with the Q & A session. Page 26.1659.7 Figure 2. Vellore workshop Figure 3. Demonstration by the 2011 championship vehicle Page 26.1659.8Figure 4. One-on-one interactions with TTU Baja team members and Indian
past several decades, there has been an increasing emphasis on the importance of engineerspossessing important professional skills, including global readiness or awareness. In 2004, theNational Academy of Engineering (NAE) described the Engineer of 2020 as being proficient in“interdisciplinary teams [with] globally diverse team members” (p. 55).1 As the NAE stated,“While certain basics of engineering will not change, the global economy and the way engineerswill work will reflect an ongoing evolution that began to gain momentum a decade ago.” (p. 4).Engineering graduates will be called to solve increasingly global problems and to work in teamsthat contain members who are either from international locations or are globally distributed.Across the
exploring topics using the four elements inKolb’s5 theory (concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, andactive experimentation). For each topic all the elements exist, but entry into Kolb’s learningcircle can begin at any one of the four elements16 with some elements overlapping one another.A typical sequence would be: (1) study engineering concepts in a classroom setting, (2) travel tolocation see the application of these engineering principles, (3) complete a computationalassignment that incorporates classroom learning and field observations, and (4) complete a Page 26.640.5reflective assignment and/or develop
and Political Weekly, 46(21), 106-114. 7) Mack, N., Woodsong, C., MacQueen, K. M., Guest, G., & Namey, E. (2005). Qualitative research Page 26.753.10 methods: a data collectors field guide. 8) Shenton, A. K., & Hayter, S. (2004). Strategies for gaining access to organisations and informants in qualitative studies. Education for Information, 22(3), 223-231.9) Johl, S. K., & Renganathan, S. (2009). Strategies for gaining access in doing fieldwork: Reflection of two researchers. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 8(1), 37-46.10) Gurney, J. N. (1991). Female researchers in male-dominated
improving teaching, developing research plans, and selecting appropriate service activities. Become efficient in teaching, as well as professional development and service. Continuously evaluate your teaching by self-reflection and by analyzing students’ course evaluations. Seek advice from your mentor and other senior faculty. Visit classrooms of other faculty and ask your mentor and other senior faculty members to attend your classes. Attend teaching workshops to learn from other teaching experiences. Achieve balance between work and personal life by setting goals and establishing priorities. Develop good rapport with students. Try implementing the exercise "who is this professor
and meetingand conversing with local people. Third, the program provides students with an opportunity toexperience different countries where the political, technological, social, cultural, educational andenvironmental systems are different than that of the U.S. by completing in-class assignments thatlink to experiences when traveling abroad. Reflective assignments are completed after studentsfinish the international module.Program ComponentsEach spring, a new cohort of RSAP participants enroll in a semester-long course on GlobalEngineering Practice: Leadership and Culture. The course, which meets weekly for three hours,is designed to: 1) prepare students for travel abroad and 2) get students to consider engineeringchallenges and solutions
this subscale. Furthermoreincreasing the awareness of engineering students to experiences in other cultures andunderstanding how these experiences may impact growth in their own lives could stimulatediscussion and reflection. American Professional Group Difference Diversity of Contact 19.77 26.27 6.50 Relative Appreciation 22.11 24.73 2.62 Emotional Comfort 25.36 24.91 -0.45 Table 8 A comparison of American undergraduate student attitudes to attitudes from a group of global professionals
student biases and misconceptions areexposed and a broader perspective is gained of the world in which we live and work [2, 3, 4, 5]. Inrecent years there has been a significant increase in the number of engineering-specificinternational programs reflecting the increasing globalization of the engineering enterprise.As engineering educators one might ask if engineering students learn differently on study abroadprograms than do students in other majors? And, if so, what implication does this have indeveloping and conducting these programs? The field of international education has, for sometime, sought to find ways to adequately assess international programs [3]. There is a consensus inmuch of the literature that studying abroad can have a positive
better than satisfactory ratings, respectively. Having limited number of offcampus bus services at SIUE was reflected on the survey as poor. The program coordinator atSIUE brought the issue to the attention of student affairs office to remedy the situation. The localmunicipality now offers improved services, especially on Sundays. Table I - Service component survey results1-not important, 2-important, 3-very important, 1-not satisfied, 2-satisfied, 3-very satisfied Rank Aspect Importance Satisfaction 1 Friendliness and helpfulness of the program coordinator at ITU 2.88 1.63 2 Friendliness and helpfulness of the program
that these models changedover the five weeks of instructions. After the five weeks of instruction, the models were moresophisticated and complex, reflecting deeper thinking and understanding of engineering and technology.In 2014, the definitions of engineering and technology, and the examples of the latter showed expansionon the students’ views. These results are consistent with prior findings. Shumway et al. (2011) showedthat over the five weeks of instruction students developed more sophisticated and deeper understanding ofengineering and technology.While how the students actually explained the concepts of engineering and technology may not reflecttheir full understanding, it is possible to infer that the mental models that emerged from