Paper ID #30062Replacing Graded Homework Assignments in StaticsProf. Charles S White, Norwich University Prof. White received BS, MS and PhD degrees in Mechanical Engineering from M.I.T. He has worked in government research (U.S. Army Materials Technology Lab), private industry (Gillette/P&G, The Velcro Companies, Saint-Gobain) and academia (Northeastern University, Norwich University). His return to academia in 2018 resulted from a desire to give back and share his experiences. Particular areas of exper- tise include constitutive modeling for mechanical behavior of materials, consumer product development, and
Paper ID #23342Using FEA as a Pedagogical Tool for Teaching Machine Component DesignDr. Wendy S. Reffeor, Grand Valley State University Wendy Reffeor is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the Padnos College of Engineering and Computing at Grand Valley State University. She earned her Bachelors from GMI Engineering & Management Institute, Masters from Purdue University and Doctorate from Michigan State University. Her industrial experience includes designing quality systems for Allison Engine Company in Indianapolis. Since joining GVSU, she has focused on introducing design and build projects in
Paper ID #11427Exploring A New Approach To The Assessment Of Web-Based Materials ForEngineering Statics CourseDr. Paul S. Steif, Carnegie Mellon University Paul S. Steif is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. He received a Sc.B. in engineering from Brown University (1979) and M.S. (1980) and Ph.D. (1982) degrees from Harvard University in applied mechanics. He has been active as a teacher and researcher in the field of engineering education and mechanics. His research has focused on student learning of mechanics concepts and devel- oping new course materials and classroom approaches
Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He obtained a master’s degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the Air Force Institute of Technology while researching hysteretic damp- ing in ceramic coated titanium. Additionally He has worked as a structural engineer on the KC-135 Stratotanker and Chief Engineer for Aircraft Battle Damage Repair Engineering at the Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center.Dr. Paul S. Steif, Carnegie Mellon University Paul S. Steif is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. He received a Sc.B. in engineering from Brown University (1979) and M.S. (1980) and Ph.D. (1982) degrees from Harvard University in applied mechanics. He has been active as a teacher and researcher in the
Paper ID #9239Engagement in Interactive Web-based Courseware as part of a Lecture basedCourse and the Relation to Student PerformanceDr. Paul S. Steif, Carnegie Mellon UniversityDr. Anna Dollar, Miami University Page 24.485.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 STUDENT USE OF OPTIONAL ONLINE COURSEWARE RESOURCES: FACTORS THAT AFFECT STUDENT SELF-REGULATION OF THEIR LEARNINGIntroductionIncreasingly, learning resources beyond the textbook and instructor’s lectures and office
AC 2012-3478: RELATING USAGE OF WEB-BASED LEARNING MATE-RIALS TO LEARNING PROGRESSDr. Paul S. Steif, Carnegie Mellon University Paul S. Steif is a professor of mechanical engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. He received a Sc.B. in engineering from Brown University (1979) and M.S. (1980) and Ph.D. (1982) degrees from Harvard University in applied mechanics. He has been active as a teacher and researcher in the field of engineering education and mechanics. His research has focused on student learning of mechanics concepts and developing new course materials and classroom approaches. Drawing upon methods of cognitive and learning sciences, he has led the development and psychometric validation of the statics
Paper ID #8509Development of a cognitive tutor for learning truss analysisDr. Paul S. Steif, Carnegie Mellon University Paul S. Steif is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. He received a Sc.B. in engineering from Brown University (1979) and M.S. (1980) and Ph.D. (1982) degrees from Harvard University in applied mechanics. He has been active as a teacher and researcher in the field of engineering education and mechanics. His research has focused on student learning of mechanics concepts and devel- oping new course materials and classroom approaches. Drawing upon methods of cognitive and
AC 2011-615: TEACHING DYNAMICS WITH A DESIGN PROJECTSDavid R. Mikesell, Ohio Northern University David R. Mikesell is an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Ohio Northern University. His research interests are in land vehicle dynamics, autonomous vehicles, and robotics. He joined the faculty in 2007 after work in automotive engineering at Ohio State (MS 2006, PhD 2008), six years designing automated assembly machines and metal-cutting tools for Grob Systems, and four years’ service as an officer in the U.S. Navy. He holds bachelor degrees in German (Duke 1986) and Mechanical Engineering (ONU 1997).John-David S Yoder, Ohio Northern University John-David Yoder received all of his degrees (B.S., M.S
AC 2012-4331: AN INVERTED TEACHING MODEL FOR A MECHAN-ICS OF MATERIALS COURSEDr. Jeffery S. Thomas, Missouri University of Science & Technology Jeffery Thomas is an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Department of Civil, Architectura,l and Environ- mental Engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla, Mo. He received a B.S. and M.S. in mechanical engineering and a Ph.D. in engineering mechanics from Missouri S&T. He is a licensed Professional Engineer. His technical interests are in mechanical characterization, construction, and the influence of force on biological systems. His artistic interests are in music.Dr. Timothy A. Philpot, Missouri University of Science & Technology
Ulseth, Itasca Community College Ulseth is an engineering instructor at Itasca Community and Iron Range Engineering. He is the co- developer of both programs. For the past 20 years he has taught physics, statics, dynamics, fluid mechan- ics, and thermodynamics. For the past 10 years Ulseth has worked with a diverse group of engineering educators to develop and prototype a 100% project-based BS Engineering curriculum.Paul S. Steif, Carnegie Mellon University Paul S. Steif is professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. He received a Sc.B. in engineering from Brown University (1979) and M.S. (1980) and Ph.D. (1982) degrees from Harvard University in applied mechanics. He has been active as a
Paper ID #11392Evaluation of a Flipped Classroom in Mechanics of MaterialsDr. Luke S. Lee P.E., University of the Pacific Luke Lee is Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of the Pacific, where he teaches courses in structural mechanics and structural design and conducts research in infrastructure renewal, structural health monitoring, and durability of composite materials.Prof. Rachelle Kisst Hackett, University of the Pacific Rachelle Kisst Hackett is an Associate Professor in the Benerd School of Education at the University of the Pacific where she teaches research methodology and applied
resilient infrastructure, protective structures, and engineering education.Dr. James Ledlie Klosky, U.S. Military Academy Led Klosky is a Professor of Civil Engineering at the United States Military Academy at West Point and a past winner of ASEE’s National Teaching Medal. He is a licensed professional engineer and works primarily in the areas of infrastructure, subsurface engineering and engineering education.Capt. Todd Mainwaring P.E., U. S. Military AcademyProf. Joseph P. Hanus, U.S. Military Academy Colonel Joseph Hanus is the Civil Engineering Program Director at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY. He received his B.S. from the University of Wisconsin, Platteville; M.S. from the University of Minnesota, Twin
mentoring. More at and Julie S. Linsey, Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Julie S. Linsey is an Associate Professor in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineer- ing at the Georgia Institute of Technological. Dr. Linsey received her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at The University of Texas. Her research area is design cognition including systematic methods and tools for innovative design with a particular focus on concept generation and design-by-analogy. Her research seeks to understand designers’ cognitive processes with the goal of creating better tools and approaches to enhance engineering design. She has authored over 150 technical publications including over
human joint motion and cartilage health, with a particular focus on pediatric hip disorders and MRI-based methods.Dr. Andrea S. Webb, The University of British ColumbiaDr. Sean Maw P.Eng., University of Saskatchewan Dr. Maw currently holds the Huff Chair in Innovative Teaching in the College of Engineering at the Uni- versity of Saskatchewan. In this capacity, his work focuses on learning facilitation methods especially as they pertain to engineering design. He earned his BASc and MASc degrees in Systems Design Engi- neering from Waterloo, and a PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Alberta. His current research interests lie in sports engineering and engineering pedagogy.Ms. Jennifer Kirkey, Douglas College
the Graduate Teaching Fellowship from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Departmental Doctoral and Masters Awards in Mechanical Engineering from Clemson University, and the R.C. Edwards Graduate Recruiting Fellowship from Clemson Univer- sity. Dr. Caldwell is a member of ASME and Pi Tau Sigma.Dr. Michael Helms, Georgia Institute of TechnologyDr. Julie S Linsey, Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Julie S. Linsey is an Assistant Professor in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technological. Dr. Linsey received her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at The University of Texas. Her research area is design cognition including systematic methods and tools
AC 2011-1910: THE EFFECT OF ON-LINE VIDEOS ON LEARNER OUT-COMES IN A MECHANICS OF MATERIALS COURSEJeffery S. Thomas, Missouri University of Science and Technology Jeffery Thomas is an assistant teaching professor in the department of Civil, Architectural and Environ- mental Engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla, MO. He received a B.S. and M.S. in mechanical engineering and a Ph.D. in engineering mechanics from Missouri S&T. He is a licensed professional engineer. His technical interests are in mechanical characterization, construction, and the influence of force on biological systems. His artistic interests are in music.Richard H Hall, Missouri University of Science &
. Julie S. Linsey, Texas A&M UniversityDr. Tracy Anne Hammond Ph.D., Texas A&M University Page 25.244.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 Automatic Identification of Student Misconceptions and Errors for Truss AnalysisAbstractThe use of concept inventories in mechanics education has great potential to identify areas whereinterventions are either working or not working for particular concepts. Concept inventories arevalidated measures and easy to implement. Where intended interventions are not working, thereis potential for enhancing student learning
- versity. Dr. Talley teaches courses in the Construction Science and Management and Civil Engineering Technology Programs, and her research focus is in student engagement and retention in engineering and engineering technology education. Contact: talley@txstate.eduDr. Julie S. Linsey, Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Julie S. Linsey is an Associate Professor in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineer- ing at the Georgia Institute of Technological. Dr. Linsey received her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at The University of Texas. Her research area is design cognition including systematic methods and tools for innovative design with a particular focus on concept generation and design-by-analogy. Her research
model example, we propose to evaluate the position, velocity and the time at which the 1pound block leaves the surface of a cylindrical surface on which it slides. The block is assumedto have an initial velocity V0 at the top of the cylinder and is subject to a constraint friction forceof kinetic coefficient of friction, µk (See Figure 1). To achieve a stable numerical solution, weassume, without loss of generality, a specific initial speed of 10 ft/s for the block and considerthe coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and surface to be zero in one case and 0.2 inthe other. The radius of cylinder, r = 5 ft. V0 r
: d ∂T ∂T ∂V − + = uT . (1) dt ∂ q˙ ∂q ∂qThe kinetic energy T may be derived for one beam element i with respect to the center ofgravity Si with Equation 2: 1 1 (Si) Ti = m v TSi v Si + ω Ti I i ω i , (2) 2 2 (S)with the mass mi , the inertia tensor I i , the velocity v Si and the angular velocity ω i .The potential energy of the weight forces (index i) and the spring moments (index j) withEquation 3
engineering program is that students canconduct mechanical system designs including mechanical component design. To design beam-like components such as beams and shafts, we must analyze the loading conditions on thecomponents, that is, the Shear force and Bending moment diagrams (the S/B diagrams). So, theability to draw the S/B diagrams on beam-like components is an important skill for mechanicalengineering students. In our mechanical engineering program, the S/B diagrams of a beam wereintroduced during Engineering Statics by using the method of sections in the first semester oftheir sophomore year. In the second semester of their sophomore year in the course Mechanicsof Materials, the S/B diagrams were discussed again by using both the method of
ignored the significantdifferences-in-kind between researchers’ and instructors’ knowledge. Upon reflection it is asmall leap from the constructivism we hope to apply in our classrooms to a more collaborativemodel of curricular innovation and adoption.References1. Brown, S. A. & Montfort, D. B. Curricular Materials and Methods for Student Conceptual Understanding in Mechanics of Materials. in Annu. Conf. Am. Soc. Eng. Educ. (2013). Page 26.1085.62. Brown, S. A., Findley, K. & Montfort, D. B. Student Understanding of States of Stress in Mechanics of Materials. in Proc. Am. Soc. Eng. Educ. Annu. Conf. (2007). at 3
yd ? yn 1 / | ,2 A ? x - ÄÄ 0 2 ÕÕ , h ? tan /1 ÄÄ ÕÕ . yd Å v0 - |y n x0 Ö 0 Å ÖThe method for studying this problem now proceeds as follows. Students are asked to write aMATLAB program to compute x(t) for set values of the parameters m, k, c, x0, and v0. Anexample is shown below: % free sping/mass/damper clear,clc,close all % set parameters % all dimensions in m, kg, s k=100;m=4;c=4; x0=.2;v0=0; % calculate
measure angular velocity yabout the z direction (pointing out of the page). Page 13.1054.4ii Background on accelerometers can be found in 5.iii A rate gyro works by measuring Coriolis acceleration. For more on rate gyros, see 6. y Path Traversed by Point P a2 ay s a1 s
an extension of the 1-D Bar elementin local coordinates (Figure 5).Çk 0 /k 0 Ê u ix Û Ê f ix ÛÈ0 Í Í Í ÍÈ 0 0 0ÙÙ Í uiy Í Í f iy ÍÈ/ k Ë Ü?Ë Ü 0 k 0Ù Íu jx Í Í f jx ÍÈ ÙÉ0 0 0 0Ú ÍÌu jy ÍÝ ÍÌ f jy ÍÝ Page 12.966.7Figure 5. 2-D Truss element as 1-D Bar element Figure 6. Trigonometric transformationsThe stiffness matrix in the global coordinates is obtained with trigonometric transformations(Figure 6)}U ? ]T_}u and }F ? ]T_ }fwhere the transformation matrix [T] can be shown to be Çcos s / sin s
- > x / xK @2 / > x / xw @4 6 EI 2 EI 6 EI 2 EI 24 EI w1 / w0 (10) m0 / > x / xw @ - 5 > x / xm > 3 120 EI ( L / x w ) 6 EIBy letting x = L in Eqs. (9) and (10), we obtain the model formulas for the slope s b and deflec-tion yb at the right end b of the beam ab as follows: Va L2 M a L s b ? sa - - / P ( L / xP ) 2
. Page 11.502.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2006 Dynamic 3D Visualization of Stress TensorsAbstractSophomore and junior engineering students in majors such as mechanical, aerospace, civil, andmaterials engineering learn about the concept of the “state-of-stress” at a point within an object.Many engineering students have some difficulty in thoroughly grasping this concept, especiallythe more mathematical and visual aspects. To date, the best method we have for visualizing thestate-of-stress has been to use Mohr’s circle(s), named after the famous 19th century Germancivil engineer, Christian Otto Mohr. Mohr’s circle applies to the case where rotations of adifferential cube about a principal direction (only) are
hierarchical ornetwork form, with labeled nodes (in circles or boxes) denoting concepts, and linking words orphrases specifying the relationships among concepts. Two or more concepts that are connectedby linking words or phrases form a proposition (i.e., a meaningful statement). Figure 1 showsthe structure and characteristics of concept maps 8.Since its development in 1972 by Joseph Novak and his colleagues 7, 8, who sought to follow andunderstand changes in children‟s knowledge of science, concept mapping has been adopted innearly every discipline ranging from STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics),psychology, and medicine to business, economics, accounting, history, and literature by
response to themed exams, a short surveywas developed. The survey questions (Appendix A) generally focused on overall like/dislike ofthe exams along with some of the advantages and pitfalls. Of 71 surveys sent out, 52 werecompleted (73% response). Students were asked whether they liked exams with a theme/story ona 100-point slider where 0 was “Not at all,”50 was “Ambivalent,” and 100 was “VeryMuch.” With 50 responses, students ratedstory exams at 78 ± 21. Exams with astoryline have also held students’ attentionwith 46% reporting that they had toldsomeone outside of engineering about takinga themed exam.Nineteen students rated exams with a storyat 90 or above (eleven 100’s), indicating astrong positive response. The top threereasons students cited
analytic techniques areexcellent. However, while the analysis is appropriate for undergraduates, many of theapplications are focused on higher-level structural design. There are two, much older, referencesonline that offer a more focused undergraduate presentation, the 1906 “Text Book on GraphicalStatics” 4, a thesis for the “Degree of Civil Engineer” (M.S.) from the University of Illinois, byCharles Wesley Malcom and the “Graphical Analysis, A textbook on Graphic Statics"5, byWilliam S. Wolfe, 1921. Both books look more at forces and equilibrium than design, makingthem more appropriate for topics in Statics for undergraduate mechanical and civil engineeringstudents. Additionally, a detailed explanation and illustrations of force and funicular