values of the corresponding safety factors. The exercise was semi-structured including smallgroup work, large group work, limited time asking the instructor questions, and limited timeusing the internet. A partially affective rubric was used to score the students, and the final examwas only worth 10% of the final grade. The students had been individually assessed on all of theprior material on partial exams. At the end of the exam, students were asked to individuallyanswer some technical prompts (e.g., How would your approach change if you had more time?What additional information would you want? Which of the results are you least confident in andwhy?) and to reflect on the exercise itself. The experience and feedback were overwhelminglypositive
, carrying auseful load of at least four bags of groceries, and use the least amount of energy possible. Theperformance and fuel economy of the motorcycle was evaluated before and after streamlining.Examining data from several Vetter Challenges, dramatic improvement in the fuel economy ofmotorcycles after being streamlined is demonstrated. In parallel with the student team’s technicalresearch, their individual reflections before, during, and after the project were formally gatheredand analyzed. In this paper, the results of the Vetter Challenge competition are discussed alongwith students’ experience and reflections. Ongoing next steps and a pathway to implement thisresearch at other schools are revealed.Background & Introduction
where the instructors could guide the groups, group projects outside of class where thestudents would navigate their own team-building, and individual assignments designed to fosterself-reflections. It is important to note that while team members had specific responsibility forcertain deliverables, the collaborative sessions, group assignments, and various presentationsrequired harmonious orchestration following an Aristotelian model: the whole being greater thanthe sum of its parts.Interdisciplinary sessions are intended to increase the teams' capacity to complete the projectwhile also becoming more aware of themselves in the process. They include: 1. Kickoff session – The purpose of this session is to form connections, elicit and correct
inproblem solving teams when their unique skills, abilities, or knowledge can contribute to theshared objectives. Part of this development makes use of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ® StepII. This assessment provides scores on 40 facets of the eight Myers-Briggs Types. An objectiveof the course is to help students develop a richer vocabulary for thinking about themselves andothers. An individual’s clearest facets are used in the course by each student as part of theirweekly reflections on assigned readings. A visual display of the team’s integrated vocabulary isused as a guide in team decision making. A standard transition from Sensing to iNtuitive toThinking to Feeling then back to Sensing is used as students learn to transition between
meeting with teammates.At the beginning of ERT, students delivered team products through traditional written formats ofWord and Google Docs. Holding onto what had worked well in the past, it appeared thatcompleting team-based work was limited with reliance on “cut-and-paste” methods.New tools that reflected a virtual environment were needed to shift the focus to collaborativelearning. In a just-in-time fashion, faculty learned and utilized tools such as JamBoard [5] andMural [6]. These tools provided platforms for students to discuss, learn from each other, and stillproduce a product. They also allowed the faculty to see students’ collaborative processes, whilestill having a finished product to assess with rubric criteria.Students, used to face
training concurrent with the first term that they teach.Since the seminar occurs during their teaching activity it is based on reflection in action andreflection on action. While this work has helped align GTAs and LAs to our intent in studiopractices, this work is complex and we are seeking ways to further develop this knowledge andskill.PLC Work Around Inclusive Teaming. During the 2017-18 academic year, School facultymembers (all of whom will have completed the DPD Academy), will come together in aProfessional Learning Community (PLC). PLCs are collegial groups that provide teachers acrossdisciplines facilitated opportunities for extensive inquiry-based faculty development around afocal point. This group’s focal point will be the design of
. Page 22.1723.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011! “The Engineer as Leader” Course Design and AssessmentAbstractA course was developed in response to the needs of industry and society at large. This course istargeted to those developing engineering skills who will, in the near term, assume leadershiproles. This course uses the constructivist pedagogical model and was designed with the goal offacilitating “significant learning experiences.”The basic components of the course are a series of readings (24), videos (14), and interactionswith practicing engineering leaders applying a “leaders teaching leaders” approach (5) used asprobes to elicit responses from students who then reflect upon
involved in that area of research. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Preparation of the Professional Engineer: Outcomes from 20 years of a multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral capstone courseAbstractThe grand challenges outlined by the National Academy of Engineers and addressed by theABET (Accreditation Bureau for Engineering and Technology) learning outcomes reflect thechanging landscape of undergraduate engineering education. Indeed, to be competitive, the nextgeneration of engineering professionals must obtain skills and preparation beyond those in atraditional technical discipline. Accordingly, learners must principally demonstrate the ability to:understand ethics and social
colleagues. Yet, teamwork skills are rarely “taught” inengineering curricula; in fact, compared to business representatives, university educators havebeen found to underestimate the value of teamwork KSAs. Instead, students are expected todevelop teamwork and leadership skills via a sink-or-swim approach where they are assignedgroup work and left to perform as they can. Often, these poor teamwork experiences combinedwith the lack of training and opportunities for guided reflection lead to students disliking workingin groups, impacting not just the cognitive but also the affective domain of learning.In response to this identified weakness, a committee of representatives from the Faculty ofEngineering and other support units at the University of
assessment data.The WGG project created blended engineering design challenges that engage youth in problemsolving and reflection. Through the WISEngineering online learning environment, youth arepresented with a design challenge. They are guided through knowledge and skills builders(KSBS) that help them to learn the content knowledge needed to successfully complete thedesign challenge. Youth are later asked to evaluate their design solutions according to criteriathat were presented along with the challenge. After completing the design challenge, the youthengage in guided reflection about the experience. This informal learning activity was deliveredat Boys and Girls Clubs. The project team was very aware that if the assessment resembled aschool “test
aswell as to allow faculty to provide feedback on their growth. In addition to reflective writing,students sketched in their journals. Sketches could be ideas for their project or as responses to theweekly questions. In addition to encouraging reflective growth, these activities were designed tohelp students become comfortable with the basic skills, like sketching, required to implementdesign thinking. Notably, some student disciplines were relatively unfamiliar with narrativereflection while others rarely sketch as part of their work.The first iteration of the course was offered as a special topics course in each discipline and crosslisted through Interprofessional Education at James Madison University. Biology and healthscience students did
: Pedagogical Objectives The pedagogical foundation for the 2D Design Activity rests in the Kolb learning model18, whichdescribes the complete progressive cycle of learning experiences. As shown in Figure 1, thismodel is based on four fundamental progressive experiences needed for learning: concreteexperience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. In theKolb model of learning, the goal for any course or teaching activity is to follow this progressionof student led learning, and to act as a facilitator in the natural inquisitive exploration that willoccur in this progression. Concrete
-linear world of knowledge. It can thus reflect more closely the professional reality. Page 14.100.5 Table 1. Five curriculum planning models MODEL BRIEF DESCRIPTION ISSUESContent-led Content (knowledge) to be taught is Lacks flexibility identified and sliced-up into smaller components.Rational Learner needs are identified and learning This is a rigid and systemic outcomes (LO) are selected accordingly. model with resource
notion of ‘the public’.Application of Nursing Theory to Engineering Education Emphasizing Two CoursesTo explore the apparent disconnect among the ‘practice’ of engineering and the ‘practice’or nursing as reflected in the professional codes focused upon ‘every person’ ascompared to ‘the public’ for nursing and engineering, respectively, Nightingale’senvironmental theory was used as a starting point for interdisciplinary discussion amongengineering students and nursing students who participated side-by-side in a series ofeducational offerings over a period of approximately ten years. As described in Table 1,six seminal events – including instruction in two separate courses – over a period ofapproximately one decade were instrumental in the
to reflect on three areas of learning. Theirresponses are presented as case studies.IntroductionEngineering schools with predominantly undergraduate enrollments traditionally emphasizeresearch opportunities for upper level undergraduates working in conjunction with facultymembers. At such institutions, the level of faculty research is often congruent with what a highlymotivated rising senior can contribute to in a meaningful way. Consequently, accommodation isoften made through offering independent study courses taken during the academic year for credit,or focused summer research stints of variable length, or even a combination of the two, to enablethese experiences for students, especially those who may be thinking of going to graduate
discuss both whatthey thought would happen and what actually happened. Instructors can additionally lead aclassroom discussion to process any of their misconceptions about the expected materialbehavior and their observations of what actually happened in the simulation. By clearlyarticulating and capturing on paper what their initial concepts or misconceptions are, and thendiscussing the actual results in comparison with their initial ideas, students’ are more likely torecognize any previous misconceptions as incorrect understandings.Students need to be engaged in and monitor their own learning process, referred to as meta-cognition. Pre-lab and lab reports provide an opportunity to encourage student reflection on theirown learning. A section
, “value change is a change in theimportance of a value, evident in a change in the rating or ranking of a value on a questionnaire.This can be a short-term (temporary) change, such as in the response to an experimentalmanipulation, or a long-term change.” 8The overarching premise for our research project is that students generally embrace admirablevalues related to sustainability, but often encounter a “cognitive dissonance” when asked toexplain whether their actions accurately reflect their values.9 In short, students often do not actaccording to their values and beliefs. In this study, we investigate the values of students withrespect toward working as a member of an engineering team. This falls under the category ofsocial
improvestudent learning within a large-scale, multidisciplinary capstone design course. The experientiallearning model is referenced while redesigning a course to ensure that planned activities give fullvalue to each stage of the process. The learning methodology is based on an existing educationalmodel which includes four basic stages; active experiences, reflective observations, abstractconceptualization, and active experimentation. Motivations for course transformation are basedon continuous course assessment which revealed improvement opportunities within studentlearning. Beginning in 2006/07, student-centered workshops replaced traditional lectures forinstruction of product design and development. An annual course assessment conducted duringthe
as “a form of experiential education where learning occurs through a cycle of action andreflection as students work with others through a process of applying what they are learning tocommunity problems, and at the same time, reflecting upon their experience as they seek toachieve real objectives for the community and deeper understanding and skills for themselves.”It is essential therefore to provide a structured environment in which participants will be able todiscover their own styles of leadership, what works for them, new approaches to explore throughconstructive criticism from the learning communities that includes faculty, students (peergroups), and the community they serve.Service learning at Jackson State UniversityThe mission of the
, and to summarize thecombination model of university path selection. Specifically, the research questions in thisstudy are as follows: (1) What are the core paths of China's new engineering construction? (2) What is the selection model of the "new engineering" construction path for differenttypes of colleges and universities?2. Literature review2.1 The concept of new engineering conceptThe "new" of new engineering construction is reflected in five aspects [4]: (1) The newconcept of engineering education. With the new economy and new industries as thebackground, the new engineering construction needs to establish a new concept ofinnovative, integrated and full-cycle engineering education. (2) The new structure of thediscipline
aim is to teach skills, and notcontent. To ensure that skills are developed, in-class challenges are given for each of the analysis stages,deep learning assignments are given at major milestones in the course, and students complete a courseproject. Many assignments require justification of answers to break the student mentality of “what is theright answer” and lead them toward developing solutions that address system requirements and balancetradeoffs. The reflection that comes along with justification solidifies concepts and enables mastery ofthe systems analysis process.IntroductionThe engineering program at James Madison University provides an emphasis on engineering design,systems thinking, and sustainability. Our young engineering program
threat to the stability and quality of the world environment.According to the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), globalwarming appears to be accelerating, resulting in higher increases in global temperature andhigher rises in the sea level. To effectively address this problem, there is a need fortransdisciplinary, transnational approaches, reflecting the complexity of the problem and theinterdependence of people’s lives around the world. Consequently, the Davidson College ofEngineering at San José State University (SJSU) has programmatically encouraged andsupported the development of new green engineering curriculum and research, collaborating withSilicon Valley companies, many of which are at the forefront of
arts majors, aswell as between the liberal arts and the areas of study leading to a major or profession.Our findings suggest that the learning objectives and the pedagogical approaches used in thecourse are adequate for a broad range of non-computer majors. Performance on writing andcomputing assessments as well as final grades (75% of students obtained a grade of C or better)indicated that a vast majority of students successfully achieved the learning objectives. Theseresults were consistent with student perceptions as reflected in an end-of-course survey. There isalso evidence that students satisfactorily integrated creative writing and computer programmingto develop their video game prototypes, making in-depth interdisciplinary connections
respondents would be completing theirsenior year. The current investigation compares student attitudes as reflected in 2004 to those ofseniors in 2007. The research questions that guide this investigation are: 1. Is there a difference in students’ attitudes with respect to service learning activities as measured by CSAS from 2004 to 2007? 2. Can identified differences in student attitudes with respect to service learning be linked to the activities of the Humanitarian Engineering program?II. MethodsThis section describes the Humanitarian Engineering program at CSM, the courses in which datawere collected, the participating student population, and the analysis techniques.II.1. Humanitarian Engineering ProgramThe Humanitarian Engineering
clinical care facilities. The results of the health assessment were then analyzed by thecourse instructors after returning from Guatemala. In order to assess the impact of themultidisciplinary experience on the students, a set of pre- and post-course surveys weredeveloped and administered. The results from the surveys showed increased student-reportedconfidence in their ability to develop solutions to global health issues after completing thecourse. Additionally, student comments reflected the personal and professional growth thatoccurred during the experience, including a desire to apply their respective professional skills tohelp others in need.IntroductionModern engineers must be adept at functioning in a variety of roles in the workplace
, student andfaculty reflections and data received automatically by the game programs. Preliminary analysis ofstudent feedback and faculty reflections indicates increased learner motivation, enhanced reviewof technical content and an upbeat atmosphere to the classroom. Faculty reflections also notedthat the use of games that allow learners to answer the questions individually helped facultyidentify those students who had successfully mastered the concepts, which allowed the instructorto structure peer-to-peer active learning opportunities during class more effectively. Future workincludes analyzing test scores, and other measures of long-term retention of concepts. Overall,use of these gamification tools was found to be a significant addition to
evidence. By applying story, youcan support both your engineer’s logical thinking and their need for empathetic and socialengagement with the team… Stories unfold logically: beginning, middle, and end; cause andeffect. Stories will help your engineers focus on the connections between information. So,sharing a short story that reflects those patterns serves to reinforce logical, patterned thinking.”[5]“As Neil Postman describes a concept first introduced by Northrup Frye, a story is able to comealive in a listener or culture when it achieves resonance, which is the right combination ofcontext and connection so as to ‘acquire a universal significance.’ In other words, regardless ofthe setting, the listener of a story with resonance is able to hear
for the semester. This was documented in a learning contract (by week 3). Moststudents wanted to learn AutoCAD skills. Their projects included a 3D model of a guitar, aformula 1 racing car, a bicycle, various buildings and the Humber Bridge (suspension bridge,UK).The learning process included introductory lectures, online tutorials (from UNSW 17), studentseminars to teach the class and recommend learning resources, a final seminar to demonstratewhat was achieved, a final report, learning journal and reflections on the process.As students got started on their projects, they quickly exceeded their limited knowledge base,so they switched from using their technical skills back into learning mode. Their learningresources included the whole range
disciplines at VU had the lowest entrance of any university in Melbourne. Such poor intake often translated into high attrition rates combined with unacceptable graduation rates, which reflected poorly on the university as a whole. It was hoped that the adoption of a new educational paradigm would differentiate engineering education at VU from those at other universities and make it a more attractive alternative for senior secondary students in choosing as a course of study at a university; Page 15.453.2• Engage students with their course of study, and as a consequence reduce the prevailing high attrition rates; and
identifies perceived benefits and challenges for the students engaged in thecompetition. Complementing the report of the team's experience at the 2018 RTZ, this studyemphasizes the importance of teamwork collaboration in the present context of the AEC industrywhile drawing upon concepts of sustainable construction. The study encompasses data collectedfrom: (1) a survey with all the 8 students, (2) interviews with the faculty leader and the studentteam leader, and (3) the reflections of two of the authors of this paper based on their ownexperiences and observations as participants in the 2018 RTZ competition team. Three categoriesemerged from the data and background literature analyzed: teamwork, education and knowledge,skills, and abilities (KSA