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Displaying results 31651 - 31680 of 34727 in total
Conference Session
Hands-on Materials Science and Engineering
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Harvey Abramowitz, Purdue University Calumet
Tagged Divisions
Used to Load BridgeNewA 1000lb Q-Test tensile/compression machine was adapted for use in the bridge testing. Thebottom grip is removed and a support structure put in its place. This structure has a span of 22inches to accommodate the 24 inch long bridge. The upper grip is replaced with a welded steelU- shape. On the bottom of the U are openings for insertion of the steel rod(s). The machine isthen put into compression mode at a constant speed. The software controlling the machine isTestworks 3 from MTS. The loading is much smoother than before and the bridge top staysparallel to the ground. Since using this new method, the students are happier with the testingprocedure. More ‘A’ grades have resulted than with the old tester. The new tester is
Conference Session
Curriculum Development in Civil Engineering Technology
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nirmal Das, Georgia Southern University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
criteria to solve problems without to solve problems, but not without some problems, but the solution (s) contains to solve problems; solutions provided are any errors. minor errors and/or omissions. significant errors and/or omissions with totally inconsistent with the design respect to design parameters. criteria.Perform design/analysis of Provides ample evidence of Provides adequate evidence of Provides some evidence of application of Provides little or no evidence ofbeams for
Conference Session
ASCE Policy 465: Raising the Bar
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jon Nelson, American Society of Civil Engineers; David Hornbeck, Southern Polytechnic State University; James Lambrechts, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Joe Manous, United States Army Corps of Engineers; Robert Stevens, Arcadis U.S., Inc; Leo Titus, ECS, Ltd; Jeffrey Russell
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
technician certification programs. He is also an active member of several other professional organizations. He holds a Master of Science degree in Geotechnical Engineering from the University of Maryland and a Page 14.940.2 Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York. He is a licensed professional engineer in Virginia, Washington D.C. and several other states.© American Society for Engineering Education, 2009Jeffrey Russell, University of Wisconsin, Madison JEFFREY S. RUSSELL, P.E., Ph.D. F.ASCE is a Professor and Chair in the Department of
Conference Session
Sustainable-energy Education: Lessons Learned
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Tom Ferguson, University of Minnesota, Duluth; Paul Weber, University of Minnesota, Duluth
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
Page 14.506.12opposition is especially strong when the construction of a nuclear facility is proposed within aperson’s local area (75% of the participants opposed such construction)2.In contrast, the opinions of editors and reporters whose focus was in energy, agriculture, and theenvironment were more evenly split within the realm of alternative energy sources (i.e. lessheavily weighted towards solar and wind)6. This came in response to the question “which of thefollowing alternative energy sources…hold[s] the most promise in easing US dependence onfossil fuels over the next ten years?”6 Within the responses, hydropower also received negligibleresults. A couple of important differences to note were that nuclear energy was not listed as itsown
Conference Session
Early Engineering Design Experiences
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
M. Reza Emami, University of Toronto
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
other twotypes be brought up only when they are directly relevant to the core type. In a design course,procedure is the primary organizing content, thus the course should centre on a procedural task,i.e., developing a prototype from concept generation to analysis, to synthesis, to fabrication,integration, and testing. During this procedure, relevant concepts and theories should bepresented directly related to what the procedure requires. For example, the Reverse EngineeringAssignment, which will be discussed in the next section, is of conceptual type, but choosing thesubject related to the design project ensures the relevance of the developed concept(s) to theprimary procedural content. The same strategy can be applied to the design and
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Potpourri
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Dominic Halsmer, Oral Roberts University; Nate Roman, Oral Roberts University; Tyler Todd, Oral Roberts University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
original engineer(s). Consider the following quote from page55, “He [reverse engineer] also noted that the letters were so precise they must have beenengraved not by a labourer but by a highly trained craftsman.” Key to the design recoveryprocess was the incorporation of historical and cultural information from that time period.Consider this quote from page 61, “archeologists also studied the rest of the salvaged cargo.Their discoveries help to paint a vivid picture of when the ship sailed, where her load was beingtaken and the sort of world from which she came. From there, we can guess at the origins of theAntikythera mechanism itself, and how it ended up on its final journey.” Thus when relatedhistorical information was combined with direct
1996 Annual Conference
Mark Gordon; Joel Greenstein; Jack Hebrank; Douglas E. Hirt; Daniel P. Schrage; Bill Mason; Tom Miller; Jim Nau
results obtained thus far indicate that relative toother courses taken, students are more satisfied with their experiences in IE 201 along the followingdimensions: atmosphere developed among the students and instructor; degree to which the instructor’sknowledge was communicated; level of knowledge gained; level of ability gained in applying the knowledge;integration of speaking activities; and integration of design activities. Cross-Disciplinary Education in Human-Centered Design , Joel S. Greenstein , Department of Industrial Engineering Clemson University See for complete details.4. Electrical engineering multi-semester entrepreneurial teams develop the technology and business aspects
Conference Session
Frontiers in Engineering Management Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Lenisha Gandhi, IBM
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
such a manner that certain barriers will be easily exhibited within the team (e.g. grouping a team where each team member speaks a different language). Once grouped, give each team real world exercises and reward the team that is able to overcome the barrier(s) and become Page 14.287.13 most productive. ≠ Present case studies and invite the class to identify and resolve the barriers in each case study.Leveraging the BarriersThe barriers that have been discussed so far are generally a hindrance for the team relations andteam productivity. But there are instances where these barriers can be leveraged to
Conference Session
Critical Thinking and Creative Arts
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Helen Donis-Keller, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
Instructor Designed Questionnaire AHS1130 Seeing and Hearing1. Have you met with the TA (name)? ___Yes ___No. If yes, please indicate area of tutorial help ___ digital photography ___ audio ___video Please indicate in a few words your level of satisfaction:2. Have you met with the writing tutor (name) or(name)? (Circle the name(s)). If yes, please indicate in a few words your level of satisfaction.3. Regarding the writing section of the course, did you find the workshops helpful? Did you think there were enough writing assignments? How could the teaching of writing be improved?4. In retrospect would it have been more useful to read the history of documentary early in the course rather than near the end?5
Conference Session
Integrative Projects in Aerospace Engineering
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joel Weinstein, Northeastern University; Randy August, Northeastern University; Len Dow, Northeastern University; Jerome Tapper, Northeastern University; Francis Di Bella, Northeastern University
Tagged Divisions
can also be used by the S.E.T. staff for several other courses.Similar inter-active exhibits are also likely to draw the attention of students and help them discern thebenefits of a Northeastern University education.PROBLEM STATEMENT:Design an integrated catapult and data acquisition system that can be operated safely by a high schoolstudent and that will record and save the measured and predicted distances that an object has been thrown.The object must be less than ½ pound.A similar interactive exhibits can also be proposed by the student and a prototype or model designed, builtand tested11. PET CARRIER/STORAGE COMPARTMENT SYSTEM FOR S.U.V.BACKGROUND:The market for SUV.‘s is still growing despite the increase in fuel costs. One of the
Conference Session
Teaching Innovation in Arch Engineering II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stan Guidera, Bowling Green State University
Tagged Divisions
studies. They also found that STSA influenced perceptions regardingglobalization. Structuring the course as a short-term offering is also aligned with current trendsthat indicate that there has been declining enrollment in full semester study abroad programsover the last decade. Approximately 56% of U. S. students studying abroad in 2005 selected Page 11.793.3programs with a duration that was less than one semester [7].Short-term study abroad programs have been proposed to be of particular benefit to studentsstudying in professional fields, which would include a field such as architecture. Klahr and Ratti[9] stated that while “it is generally
Conference Session
Graduate Student Experiences
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Tammy VanDeGrift, University of Portland; Janet Davis, University of Washington
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
are much smaller in terms of attendance, so you should havemany opportunities to interact with the attendees.It is never too early to start working on your teaching philosophy statement. A teachingphilosophy statement is a document describing the way you approach teaching and learning andhow you put your philosophy into practice. Some teaching philosophy statements also includeteaching interests (courses and topics you enjoy teaching) and examples of courses that you havetaught.Think about forming relationships with faculty members other than your advisor(s). Forinstance, these could be professors for which you were a teaching assistant, faculty whocollaborate with your advisor(s), or mentors working in industry. Ask if your school
Conference Session
Curriculum Development and Applications
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
La Verne Abe Harris, Arizona State University; Richard Newman, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
a long-termsustainable institutional enterprise that can provide a much-needed service and learningenvironment to faculty, students and the institution, but all the obstacles need to be addressedwithout reservation first.VII. References [1] Segal, N. (2001). Creating quality streaming video. SMV News. Retrieved May 18, 2005 from [2] Adobe Dynamic Media Group (2005). A Streaming Media Primer. [3] Mack, S. (2005). Successful Webcast ingredients: Ready for Webcasting? Here, a streaming media leader Page 11.1152.13 walks your through the steps; September 6, 2005
Conference Session
Approaches to Teaching Entrepreneurship
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Sherrill, University of Houston; Thomas Duening, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
”factor(s) is or are, it is the opinion of many critics of entrepreneurship education that the topiccan be taught, but you can’t make someone an entrepreneur who does not have this “different”factor as a function of god’s will or fortunate genetics. As it is sometimes pithily articulated, oneis either born an entrepreneur or not.Legions of entrepreneurship educators around the country have heard this question and havegrown weary of responding. In our opinion, the question furtively is one of those trick questionsthat sounds profound but has no possible satisfactory answer. It’s similar to a question like “Areyou still beating your spouse”? The very attempt to answer the question provides it withundeserved legitimacy. The question about teaching
Conference Session
Capstone Design I
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
John K. Estell, Ohio Northern University; Juliet Hurtig, Ohio Northern University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education 2005 [Online]. Available: http://www.teach- S. M. Blanchard, M. G. McCord, P. L. Mente, D. S. Lalush, C. F. Abrams, E. G. Loboa, H. T. Nagle, Rubrics Cubed: Tying Grades to Assessment to Reduce Faculty Workloads, Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition.4. V. L. Young, D. Ridgeway, M. E. Prudich, D. J. Goetz, B. J. Stuart, Criterion-Based Grading for Learning and Assessment in Unit Observations Laboratory, Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition.5. What is a Rubric? Relearning by Design, Inc., 2000 [Online]. Available:
Conference Session
Engineering Physics and Physics Division Technical Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jiliang Li P.E., Purdue University Northwest, Westville Campus, INDIANA, USA; Jinyuan Zhai, University of Akron
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics & Physics
also be used to introduce thevertical strain concept which will be very helpful and utilized in consolidation settlementestimation. The difference of can be obtained from normal consolidated or over consolidatedsoil consolidation test curves. The original void ratio can be estimated from the followingthree phase diagram as well.Wa = 0 Air (a) Va = e – Va = e - wGs Vv = Va + Vw =Ww = wWs = w1Gs γw =wGs γw Water (w) Vw = Ww/ γw = wGs eWs = Vsγs = Vs Gs γw = 1Gs γw Solid (s) Vs = 1Wt = Ws + Ww + Wa Vt = Vs + Vw + Va = 1Gs γw + wGs γw + 0 =1 + e =(1+ w)Gs γw = Gs γw (1+ w
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Beyond the University
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Roxanne Moore, Georgia Institute of Technology; Meltem Alemdar, Georgia Institute of Technology; Sunni Haag Newton, Georgia Institute of Technology; Anna Newsome Holcomb, Georgia Institute of Technology, CEISMC
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
Conference Session
Integrating Liberal Education and Engineering
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David DiBiasio, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Paula Quinn, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Kristin Boudreau, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Laura A. Robinson, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; John M. Sullivan Jr, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; John Bergendahl, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Leslie Dodson, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
what type of intervention(s) you would recommend.Our preliminary findings indicate a strong grounding in collaboration for all teams andindividuals; strong evidence of empathy among some (but not all) teams and individuals; andvarying degrees of learning that integrates the humanities and engineering. We summarize ourfindings below.Collaboration: All teams and individuals appeared to be engaged. Individuals seemed to haveroughly equal contributions in terms of time on task and specific contributions. All teamsdemonstrated appropriate teamwork. People listened to each other, responded to each otherappropriately, and seemed to value others’ contributions. There was little or no domination byany single person or pair of persons, no
Conference Session
Mechanics, Music, Meaning, and Mohr
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jakob C Bruhl P.E., U.S. Military Academy; James Ledlie Klosky, U.S. Military Academy; Joseph P. Hanus, U.S. Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Conference Session
Pre-College: Perceptions and Attitudes on the Pathway to Engineering (3)
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aimee Cloutier, Texas Tech University; Guo Zheng Yew, Texas Tech University; Siddhartha Gupta, Texas Tech University; C. Kalpani Dissanayake; Paula Ann Monaco, Texas Tech University; Susan A. Mengel, Texas Tech University; Audra N. Morse P.E., Michigan Technological University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
Conference Session
Nontraditional Teaching Approaches
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Waddah Akili, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
the faculty and the impression(s) arrived at by the author, leads oneto believe that it is highly unlikely that new more effective teaching-learning strategieswould be deployed any time soon, unless drastic measures are undertaken. The author ismore convinced now than ever, that classroom reformation, including deployment of activelearning strategies, would happen only if the institution mandates it!The Pros and Cons of the Lecture FormatWhen asked why he/she lectures, one faculty responded: “It is a tradition. It was part of mytraining, and seems to dwell in me and seems like what I should be doing. I feel guilty when Iam not lecturing” (13). This candid statement suggests one of the great dilemmas faced by allwho teach at the postsecondary
Conference Session
Division Experimentation and Lab-Oriented Studies - Pedagogy of Lab Courses
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John M. Santiago Jr, Colorado Technical University; Jing Guo, Colorado Technical University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
Conference Session
Studies in Faculty Development
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Caitlin Ashley Keller, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Stacy L. Chiaramonte, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Beth Wilson, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Kate Beverage, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Rachel LeBlanc, Worcester PoIytechnic Institute; Terri A. Camesano, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Jody Reis, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
Market ResearchUPCEA Hallmarks of Excellence in Online Leadership. The UPCEA Hallmarks of Excellencein Online Leadership was developed by the UPCEA National Task Force on Hallmarks ofExcellence in Online Leadership: Jay A. Halfond, Boston University & Senior Fellow UPCEACenter for Online Leadership and Strategy (chair); Andrew Casiello, Old Dominion Universiy;Dave Cillay, Washington State University; Nancy Coleman, PlattForm; Vickie Cook, Universityof Illinois Springfield; John LaBrie, Northeastern University; Mary Niemiec, University ofNebraska; and Witt Salley, Clemson University.Bauer, S., & Bastedo, K., November 17, 2016, Advanced Professional Development for Experienced Online Faculty. Lecture presented at Online Learning
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Design in the First Year
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Joseph Frank, Ohio State University; Kelly Lynn Kolotka, Ohio State University; Andrew H. Phillips, Ohio State University; Michael Schulz, The Ohio State University; Clare Rigney, Ohio State University, Engineering Education Department; Allen Benjamin Drown, Ohio State University; Robert G. Stricko III, Ohio State University; Kathleen A. Harper, Ohio State University; Richard J. Freuler, Ohio State University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
is a senior lecturer in the Department of Engineering Education at The Ohio State University. She received her M. S. in physics and B. S. in electrical engineering and applied physics from Case Western Reserve University, and her Ph. D. in physics from The Ohio State University. She has been on the staff of Ohio State’s University Center for the Advancement of Teaching, in addition to teaching in both the physics department and department of engineering education. Her research interests address a broad spectrum of educational topics, but her current foci are adapting problem-solving instructional techniques to first-year engineering and incorporating engineering elements into K-12 science courses.Dr. Richard J
Conference Session
Motivation and Engagement
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter Rogers, The Ohio State University; Denny C. Davis, The Ohio State University; Sarah Winfree, The Ohio State University ; Kaycee Ash, The Ohio State University; Bashirah Ibrahim, Ohio State University; Lin Ding, The Ohio State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
discipline in some and multidisciplinary in others.Project sources varied across instructor-initiated, government or industry-sponsored, professionalorganization-sponsored, and student-initiated. Project focuses included research-driven,community service, design competition, and entrepreneurial product development. Table 12summarizes characteristics of classes participating in pilot testing of MTP assessments.Table 12. Description of Capstone Project Classes Included in Pilot Test of Prototype MTPClass Semesters Discipline(s) Students A 2 Multidisciplinary (beyond engineering) 66 B 1 Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering 135 C 2 Biomedical
Conference Session
Design Tools and Skill Development
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Annie Abell, Ohio State University; Kelly DeVore, Columbus College of Art and Design
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
Conference Session
Graduate Education Model, Industry and Practitioner Experience - Graduate Studies Division Technical Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Diane L. Peters, Kettering University; Molly H. Goldstein, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Joanne Lax, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
transition to academic writing moreeasily so that the costs of the transition do not undermine them.References1. D. L. Peters and S.R. Daly, “The challenge of returning: Transitioning from an engineering career to graduate school,” in 2011 Proc. ASEE.2. W. Schilling, “Issues affecting doctoral students returning to engineering education following extensive industrial experience,” in 2008 Proc. ASEE.3. D.L. Peters and S.R. Daly, S. R., “Why do professionals return to school for graduate degrees?” in 2012 Proc. ASEE.4. D.L. Peters and S.R. Daly, “Returning to graduate school: Expectations of success, values of the degree, and managing the costs,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 102, no. 2, pp. 244-268, 2013.5. J.S. Eccles, “Subjective task
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Assessment
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brittany Ann Kos, University of Colorado, Boulder; Sarah Miller, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
country you’re going to and what courses internship. they offer.Table 2: Common feedback comments left on Week 6’s writing assignmentCreating a list of common feedback comments allowed our grading team to address students whohad similar questions or issues more efficiently since their feedback was copied directly from alist of pre-assembled comments. The students who brought up other issues in their assignmentswere given individual feedback that addressed their content of their homework more directly.IV. QualityOne of our concerns was that students would take advantage of the mass-grading and turn in poorquality work weekly. To combat this, the TAs would first hand-grade the assignments, so theycould monitor the quality of student work
Conference Session
Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: The Role of Engineering Education towards Attaining UN Sustainable Development Goals
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven J. Burian, University of Utah; Mercedes Ward, University of Utah; Tariq Banuri, University of Utah; Sajjad Ahmad, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Rasool Bux Mahar P.E., Mehran University, Pakistan; David Lawrence Stevenson, University of Utah; James A. VanDerslice, University of Utah; Kamran Ansari; Abdul Latif Qureshi
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering, Community Engagement Division, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society, Minorities in Engineering
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Inez Hua, Purdue University; Loring Nies, Purdue University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
.” Answer questions 1c and 1d with complete sentences. c. (25 points) Identify the public institutions(s) and private organizations responsible for managing air quality, and explain each entity’s role. d. (10 points) Identify the criteria pollutants that are being managed.Scoring Rubric:Excellent: All answers are complete and correct. Student demonstrates knowledge of allappropriate organizations and their role in managing air quality. All criteria pollutants beingmanaged are correctly identified.Acceptable: Most answers are complete and correct. Student shows partial misunderstanding ofroles of institutions. At least one of two criteria pollutants is correctly identified.Marginal: Student has no answer or is completely incorrect about most of the