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determine the effectiveness of the project at meetingskillset-based course outcomes (course outcomes a, b, c, and h), individual performance on thoseoutcomes by students that complete the project will be compared to the performance of students whodo not.AcknowledgmentsThis work began at an Innovating Curriculum with an Entrepreneurial Mindset workshop organizedby KEEN. I would like to acknowledge the critical feedback and support provided by workshopfacilitators Andy Gerhart, Glenn Gaudette, and Brad Dennis, as well as the ongoing support andcoaching of Heather Dillon.References[1] R. Marra, D. Jonassen, B. Palmer, and S. Luft, “Why Problem-Based Learning Works: Theoretical Foundations.,” J. Excell. Coll. Teach., 2014.[2] C. L. Dym, A