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Displaying results 3331 - 3360 of 34727 in total
Conference Session
COED: Spotlight on Diverse Learners
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward Dillon, Morgan State University; Theodore Wimberly Jr.; Mariah McMichael; Lauren Brown, Morgan State University; Abigail Dina; Krystal L. Williams, University of Georgia
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education Division (COED)
classified below as subtopics: 1. Established identity in CS with themselves and others. 2. Personal experiences and challenges in CS that are gender and/or race related. 3. Psycho-social characteristics experienced. 4. Personal feedback/recommendations for promoting equity, inclusion, and representation of black women in CS.Each subtopic and corresponding findings are discussed below.4.1 Established Identity in CS with Themselves & OthersFindings for this classification were based on five key questions that were asked during the focusgroup sessions: Q1: Do the participant(s) exhibit an identity towards computer science? Q2: Do the participant(s) consider themselves as computer scientists? Q3: Are they proud to be
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Petrulis; Sona Gholizadeh, University of South Carolina; Ed P Gatzke, University of South Carolina
Tagged Topics
Learning Community. He has offered a variety of high-school and first-year introductory and professional development courses over the last two decades. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Student Persistence Factors for Engineering and Computing Undergraduates Robert Petrulis2, Sona Gholizadeh1 , Ed Gatzke1 (1) University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC (2) EPRE Consulting, Columbia, SCAbstractThe research and evaluation team of an S-STEM project at a large, research-intensiveSoutheastern public university conducted a cross-sectional survey as a first step to comparefactors which may influence undergraduate student persistence in
Conference Session
Reviewing Emergent Topics and Theory in Engineering Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jack Elliott, Utah State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
when accomplishing this purpose. Specifically, a largeamount of information is considered indirect knowledge, or knowledge only reasonablyaccessible to a learner through social contact [1]. Further, within the learning context,interactions are adapted reciprocally by the learning environment and learner [2]. These andrelated foundations indicate that understanding the social aspect(s) of the learning environment isessential for understanding and improving learning.To identify and optimize social variables related to student learning, recent engineeringeducation literature shows a growing awareness of and interest in peer support. Theseobservations of student interactions and outcomes indicate improved learning, motivation, andself-efficacy due
Conference Session
The Challenges that Two-year College Students Face when Transferring to a Four-year College for Engineering and Engineering Technology Program
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sophia Isabela Barber, Pasadena City College; Sophia Isabella Ibargüen, Pasadena City College; Chloe Sharp, Pasadena City College ; Aaron Reedy, DataClassroom; Tanya Faltens, Purdue University, Main Campus; Yu-Chung Chang-Hou, Pasadena City College; Jared Ashcroft, Pasadena City College
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Two-Year College
in 2020-21, as shown by the Student Demographics reported in Table 1.Students in this program believe that remote undergraduate research programs “give opportunities tostudents all over the country to participate in research projects …. without having to live in the samelocation”; “[collaborating] with people from different backgrounds …. enhance[s] the research process”;and “[Diversity] is important to gain an extrinsic understanding of how our work can impact others, soby promoting diverse collaboration, it also improves the work itself” (Student Testimonials).The active outreach to high school students allows undergraduate community college researchers to takeon high school mentees. This serves to lessen the gap between undergraduate
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division Technical Session 1: Intercultural Competency-infused Teaching
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jane Lu Hsu, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan; Yu-Kang Lai, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan; Tzu-An Tzeng, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan; Yi-Hsuan Yu, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
courses and pro-environmental knowledge and behavior and environmental attitudes.References[1] S.-W. Liang, W.-T. Fang, S.-C. Yeh, S.-Y. Liu, H.-M. Tsai, J.-Y. Chou and E. Ng, “A nationwide survey evaluating the environmental literacy of undergraduate students in Taiwan,” Sustainability, vol. 10, no. 6, p. 1730, Jun. 2018. Available: 10.3390/su10061730.[2] K. J. H. Williams and J. Cary, “Landscape preferences, ecological quality, and biodiversity protection,” Environ. Behav., vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 257–274, Mar. 2002.[3] Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “AR4 Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report,” 2007.[4] L. Chawla and D. F. Cushing, “Education for strategic environmental behavior,” Environ. Edu. Res., vol. 13, no. 4, pp
Conference Session
Bridging Content and Context in the Classroom
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Stephanie Lezotte, Rowan University; Harriet Hartman, Rowan University; Stephanie Farrell, Rowan University; Tiago R. Forin, Rowan University; Theresa F.S. Bruckerhoff, Curriculum Research & Evaluation, Inc.
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Culture & Social Justice in Education, Equity
American and Chinese elementary students,” J. Elem. Sci. Educ., vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 23–42, 2009, doi:[5] S. L. Ferguson and S. M. Lezotte, “Exploring the state of science stereotypes: Systematic review and meta‐analysis of the Draw‐A‐Scientist Checklist,” Sch. Sci. Math., vol. 120, no. 1, pp. 55–65, Jan. 2020, doi: 10.1111/ssm.12382.[6] R. Haynes, “From alchemy to artificial intelligence: Stereotypes of the scientist in Western literature,” Public Underst. Sci., vol. 12, pp. 243–2535, 2003, doi:[7] M. G. Jones, A. Howe, and M. J. Rua, “Gender differences in students’ experiences, interests, and attitudes toward science and
Conference Session
Industry and Practice Topics
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Secil Akinci-Ceylan, Iowa State University of Science and Technology; Yiqi Liang, Iowa State University of Science and Technology; Kristen Sara Cetin P.E., Michigan State University; Benjamin Ahn, Iowa State University of Science and Technology; Bora Cetin
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Paper ID #33792Engineering Faculty’s Beliefs About Teaching and Solving Ill-structuredProblemsSecil Akinci-Ceylan, Iowa State University of Science and Technology Secil Akinci-Ceylan is a PhD student in Educational Technology in the School of Education, co-majoring in Human-Computer Interaction at Iowa State University.Yiqi Liang, Iowa State University of Science and Technology Yiqi Liang is a PhD student in Aerospace Engineering in the College of Engineering at Iowa State Uni- versity.Dr. Kristen Sara Cetin P.E., Michigan State University Dr. Kristen S Cetin is an Assistant Professor at Michigan State University in the
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 10
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Katherine L Walters, University of Georgia ; John M Mativo, University of Georgia; Uduak Zenas George, San Diego State University
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Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
inengineering specifically [12-15, 28-29, 31-33, 38]. There were cross-cultural differences in the studies’ findings. In the study from UAE[26], women with higher SES were less likely to choose STEM majors and careers (Fig. 1),unlike in the US and UK where studies found higher SES to significantly impact the likelihoodof persisting in and choosing a STEM major, respectively [22, 24]. In Caspi et. al.’s study [16] inIsrael, they found no gender difference in ninth grade students’ choice of a STEM major whereasgender differences were found early on (i.e., prior to intervention) in STEM attitudes in USstudents [13]. Fig. 1 Likelihood of persisting in and choosing a STEM major Importantly, these studies support the
2021 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Rachel Mosier P.E.; Sanjeev Adhikari; Sandeep Langar
Varicella Vaccine.” Journal of Health Economics V.30 N.5 p. 966–976.Adhikari, S., Mosier, R. and Langar, S. (2021). “Challenge of Delivering Construction courses in anOnline Environment Based on Faculty Experiences.” Conference Proceedings, Associated Schools ofConstruction April 2021.Allen, E., Seaman, J., Lederman, D., and Jaschik, S. (2012). “Conflicted: Faculty and Online Education,2012.” Inside Higher Ed.Amadeo, K. (2020). “History of Recessions in the United States.” The Balance.Ball, W. J. (1995). “Using the Internet as a Teaching Tool: Why Wait Any Longer?” PS, political science& politics. V.28 N.4 p. 718–720.Barr, A. and Turner, S. E. (2013). “Expanding Enrollments and Contracting State Budgets: The Effect ofthe Great Recession on
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Howard L. Greene, Ohio State University; David L. Tomasko, The Ohio State University; Rachel Tuttle, The Ohio State University ; Jan Upton, Institutional Research Consultants, Ltd.
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
S-STEM project “HumanConnect” is aligned withthe Humanitarian Engineering Scholars (HES) program in the College of Engineering andsupports scholarships of up to 4 full years for academically talented students who demonstratefinancial need, enabling them to enter the STEM workforce or graduate school following STEMdegree completion. Our two main goals are to 1) Positively impact the retention and graduationof Engineering students with financial need and 2) Improve academic performance relative to acontrol group (selected from another scholars’ community, Green Engineering Scholars or GES).In the first year of the award (2013-14), scholarships were granted to a first cohort of 15 students(11 first year and 4 second year). In the second year
Conference Session
Thermodynamics, Fluids and Heat Transfer - I
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Donald Gray, West Virginia University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
clear and carefulderivations of the control volume equations for the conservation of mass, linear momentum, andenergy (first law of thermodynamics) for compressible fluids using the RTT approach. He alsostated without derivation, comparable forms of the angular momentum equation and the secondlaw of thermodynamics for a control volume. Like his predecessors, Shapiro considered onlynondeforming, nonaccelerating control volumes. Vincenti notes that the explicit control volumeapproach began to appear in thermodynamics textbooks at this time.Spread of the RTT in U. S. Introductory Fluid Mechanics TextbooksVincenti labels the era after about 1955 the period of diffusion of control volume analysis in
Conference Session
International Case Studies, Collaborations and Interactions
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Roli Varma, University of New Mexico
Tagged Divisions
challenges do managers/administrators face in placing Asian Indian scientistsand engineers in decision-making roles within their organizations? Other aspects of the study arereported in the book titled Harbingers of Global Change: India’s Techno-Immigrants in theUnited States, scheduled for printing at the end of March, 2006.15Asian Indians were selected for the study for two primary reasons. First, they are increasinglypresent in the science and engineering (S&E) workforce of the United States. In 1999, out of 1.5 Page 11.317.2million foreign-born S&E degree-holders in the United States, 14% were from India, followedby 10% from China, and 5
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohan Krishnan, University of Detroit Mercy; Shuvra Das, University of Detroit Mercy; Sandra Yost, University of Detroit Mercy; Kathleen Zimmerman-Oster, University of Detroit Mercy
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
, S. Das, S. A. Yost, ”Team-Oriented, Project-Based Instruction in a New Mechatronics Course,” Proceedings of the IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Nov. 1999, pp. 13d4/1-13d4/6.2. S. Das, S. A. Yost, M. Krishnan, ”Effective Use of Web-Based Communication Tools in a Team -Oriented, Project-Based, Multidisciplinary Course,” Proceedings of the IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Nov. 1999, pp.13a2/14-13a2/17.3. S. A. Yost, M. Krishnan, S. Das, “Mechatronics: A Comprehensive, Interdisciplinary Curriculum Development Initiative,” Proceedings of the IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Nov. 1999, pp. 13a1/1-13a1/1.4. L
Conference Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Jackson, Purdue Polytechnic Institute; Nathan Mentzer, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Jiawei Zhang, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Rebecca Kramer, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
. doi: 10.1002/sce.210075. Baker, D., Krause, S., Yaşar, ş., Roberts, C., & Robinson-Kurpius, S. (2007). An intervention to address gender issues in a course on design, engineering, and technology for science educators. Journal of Engineering Education, 96(3), 213-226. doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.2007.tb00931.x6. Adelman, C. (1998). Women and men of the engineering path: A model for analyses of undergraduate careers. (Report No. PLLI-98-8055). Washington, DC: Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education Retrieved from ERIC database. (ED419696).7. Bucciarelli, L. L. (2003). Engineering philosophy. Delft, The Netherlands: DUP Satellite.8. Su, R., Rounds, J., &
Conference Session
Two-year College Potpourri
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William B. Corley, University of Louisville; J C McNeil, University of Louisville
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Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
students 34. Theresearchers found that social support and having a better sense-of-belonging yielded higher ratesof persistence in STEM students.Commuter students. Living off-campus can have implications in student success 35. Off-campushousing requires students to keep track of additional expenses, such as rent, groceries, and utilitybills. This living situation can also make access to student services more challenging becausestudents must travel to campus to access the services. The commuter student demographic beganto expand in the 1960’s, and has yet to see a decline 36. Access to course materials for commuterstudents have improved since the inception of learning management systems (e.g., BlackBoard)that provide electronic access to course
Conference Session
Professional and Regulatory Issues in Ethics
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ramanitharan Kandiah P.E., Central State University; Krishna Kumar V Nedunuri, International Center for Water Resources; Ning Zhang, Central State University
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
) in engineering and science hasbecome much discussed topic in the industry and also in the academia (Detroit Free Press, 2016;Burke, 2016). While the state licensure bodies monitor the professional conduct of the engineers,professional engineering bodies like National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) andAmerican Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) insist and expect their members to have goodmoral character and ethical integrity (NSPE, 2016; ASCE, 2012).However, the ethical contact and the professionalism of an engineer do not start with theengineer’s first assignment as a graduate engineer, but with what this individual learns inclassrooms as an engineering student and how s|he gets trained as an engineering intern. Theseeds of ethics
Conference Session
Architectural Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Negar Heidari Matin, Eastern Michigan University; Ali Eydgahi, Eastern Michigan University
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Tagged Divisions
Architectural Engineering
comfort of occupants and energy efficiency ofbuildings.ReferencesAbas, S. J., and Salman, A. (1992). Geometric and group‐ theoretic methods for computer graphic studies of Islamic symmetric patterns. Computer graphics forum, 11(1), 43–53.Abdullahi, Y., and Embi, M. R. B. (2013). Evolution of Islamic geometric patterns. Frontiers of architectural research, 2(2), 243–251. 26Al-Kodmany, K. (2014). Green towers and iconic design: Cases from three continents. International journal of architectural research, 8(1), 11–28.Alothman, H. (2017). A thesis submitted to the graduate school of applied sciences of near east university. Near East University, Nicosia.Amrousi, M. E. (2017
Conference Session
2-Year College Division: Transferring and Smoothing Transitions
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Cynthia Kay Pickering, Science Foundation Arizona; Caroline Vaningen-Dunn, SFAz Center for STEM, Arizona State University; Anita Grierson, SFAz Center for STEM at Arizona State University; Anna Tanguma- Gallegos Gallegos
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Two-Year College
Mission College S-STEM ATE* S-STEM HSI* Laredo College IUSE AISL HSI* ATE Miami Dade College S-STEM S-STEM* ATE* Palo Alto College IUSE S-STEM* ATE* West Hills CC S-STEM ATE* S-STEM S-STEM* Central Arizona 2 College ATE* HSI* LA Harbor College S-STEM Lee College IUSE HSI-F19 NMSU Grants ATE HSI* Phoenix College DRK12 HSI* HSI-F19 San Joaquin Delta S-STEM
Conference Session
ET Curriculum and Programs II
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Yoonill Lee, Purdue University Northwest
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
) C(S) P(S) y(t) - Figure 1. PID Controller Feedback Systemwhere x(t) is the desired value (i.e., set point) e(t) is the error (i.e., x(t) – y(t)) w(t) is the controller output (i.e., actuator output) y(t) is the actual output (i.e., process variable (PV)) C(s) is the transfer function of the PID controller in the Laplace domain P(s) is the transfer function of the plant in the Laplace domainLet F(s) be defined as the Laplace transform of a function f(t): ∞ 𝐹𝐹(𝑠𝑠) = ℒ {𝑓𝑓(𝑡𝑡)} = ∫0 𝑓𝑓(𝑡𝑡) 𝑒𝑒 −𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑where s is the transform variable.Taking the Laplace
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Megan Frary, Boise State University
Tagged Divisions
Understanding These Four Types of Mistakes Can Help Us Learn’ [21]. Write a short summary of each of the four kinds of mistakes. Which kind(s) do you make most often? Which kind do you think you are most likely to make it MSE 308?” ● As part of their weekly homework in week 9, students were asked, “Review the article ‘Why a Growth Mindset is Essential For Learning’ [22]. Which parts of the article resonate with you? Why? Has you approach to learning evolved in MSE 308 toward more of a growth mindset? Do you have ideas for things to try over the rest of the semester (or in future classes)?” ● As part of their weekly homework in week 13, students were asked, “Read the article ‘Forget Talent’ [23]. Which
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anne M. Lucietto, Purdue University; Diane L. Peters P.E., Kettering University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
; Daly, S. R. Returning to graduate school: Expectations of success, values of the degree, and managing the costs. Journal of Engineering Education 102, 244-268 (2013).2 Peters, D. L. & Daly, S. R. The Challenge of Returning: Transitioning from an Engineering Career to Graduate School in Annual Conference & Exposition.(2011)3 Lucietto, A. M. Who is the engineering technology graduate and where do they go? in Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2016 IEEE. 1-7 (IEEE).4 Lucietto, A. M. Identity of an Engineering Technology Graduate, in ASEE's 123rd Conference and Exposition (ed ASEE) (New Orleans, LA, 2016).5 Statistics, N. C. f. E. Graduate enrollment in programs in engineering, physical and
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division: Design Methodology
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jin Woo Lee, University of Michigan; Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan; Aileen Huang-Saad, Northeastern University; Colleen M. Seifert, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
Sussex, England: Wiley, 2008.[2] H. Dubberly, How do you design. A compendium of Models, 2004.[3] A. Eide, R. Jenison, L. Northup, and S. Mickelson, Engineering Fundamentals and Problem Solving, 6 edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education, 2011.[4] A. Ertas and J. C. Jones, The Engineering Design Process, 2 edition. New York etc.: Wiley, 1996.[5] M. French, J. Gravdahl, and M. J. French, Conceptual design for engineers. London: Design Council, 1985.[6] R. A. Baron, “Opportunity Recognition as Pattern Recognition: How Entrepreneurs ‘Connect the Dots’ to Identify New Business Opportunities,” Acad. Manag. Perspect., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 104–119, Feb. 2006.[7] J. W. Lee, S. Daly, A. Huang-Saad, and C. Seifert, “Divergence in
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Weihang Zhu, University of Houston; Julia Yoo, Lamar University; James C. Curry, Lamar University; Brian Craig P.E., Lamar University; Hsing-wei Chu P.E., Lamar University; Jiang Zhou, Lamar University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
Awarding S-STEM Scholarships to Current StudentsAbstractLamar University in Beaumont, Texas was awarded an NSF S-STEM grant “Industrial andMechanical Engineering Scholars with Scholarships, Career Mentoring, Outreach andAdvisement, Professional Societies and Engineering Learning Community (SCOPE) S-STEMProgram” in 2015. Unlike most scholarship programs that target incoming students, thisscholarship targets enrolled students who have demonstrated successful progress towards aMechanical Engineering or Industrial Engineering degree by having minimum grades of B inCalculus I, Calculus II and Physics I and an overall GPA of at least 3.0. The SCOPE programrequires scholarship recipients to be an active member of the
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elliot P. Douglas, University of Florida; David J. Therriault, University of Florida; Marah B. Berry, University of Florida
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
participants’ social realities in a dependable way?” Wewill revisit the Q3 framework in the beginning of the project and throughout as the projectprogresses. We will modify the project protocol as needed when reviewing the Q3 framework forquality.ConclusionThe literature review illustrates that ambiguity has not been adequately operationalized. Ourproject has just begun, so at this time we are collecting data, but the goal of this project is tounderstand the different ways that students and practicing engineers experience ambiguity duringproblem solving. The result of our project will be a taxonomy of ambiguity developed from theoutcome space(s). This taxonomy will deepen our understanding of problem solving, allowing usand other researchers to
Conference Session
New Engineering Educators Division Technical Session 3
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Madeleine Arvold, Seattle Pacific University; Steven David Mow, Seattle Pacific University; Zachary W. Cook, Seattle Pacific University; Natalie Goode, Seattle Pacific University; Caitlin H. Wasilewski, Seattle Pacific University; Rida Y. Al-Hawaj, Seattle Pacific University ; Melani Plett, Seattle Pacific University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
reporton the role of oral communication in the workplace. Communication Education, 52, 1-16.2. Borrego, M., Karlin, J., McNair, L. D., & Beddoes, K. (2013, October). Team effectiveness theory from industrialand organizational psychology applied to engineering student project teams: A research review. Journal ofEngineering Education, 102(4), 472-512.3. Prescott, D., El-Sakran, T., Albasha, L., Aloul, F., & Al-Assaf, Y. (2012, Spring). Teambuilding, innovation andthe engineering communication interface. American Journal of Engineering Education, 3(1), 29-40.4. Dannels, D. P., Anson, C. M., Bullard, L., & Peretti, S. (2003, January). Challenges in learning communicationskills in chemical engineering. Communication Education, 52, 50-56.5
Conference Session
UAV and other Team Projects in Aerospace Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Subodh Bhandari, Cal Poly Pomona
Tagged Divisions
systems, and other topics. The projects give students an opportunity to design, analyze,build, integrate, and test unmanned aerial systems, both in simulation and flights. The projectsalso give students experience working with faculty member(s) and help well prepare them intheir oral and written communication skills. Lack of strong written and oral communications hasbeen identified as deficiency in STEM education, resulting in poor success rate. The studentsfrom several departments including Aerospace Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering,and Computer Science Departments work on these projects in an interdisciplinary environment.The goal is to involve the students in these projects for an extended period of time, starting withthe
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division Postcard Session 1: Retention and Student Success Strategies
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Suzanne Zurn-Birkhimer, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Mayari I. Serrano, Purdue Polytechnic Institute; Beth M. Holloway, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Rachel Ann Baker, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
switched for Workshop 2 such that the participants will complete 8 CADmodules first and then the 4 origami modules. Workshop 3 will consist of 12 origami modules andWorkshop 4 will consist of 12 CAD modules with each module increasing in complexity anddifficulty. All 4 workshops will be deployed in Fall 2018 to first-year female engineering student. Itis estimated that there will be 50 - 75 participants in each workshop cohort.References [1] M. S. Khine, Visual-spatial Ability in STEM Education. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2016. [2] M. C. Linn and A. C. Petersen, “Emergence and characterization of sex differences in spatial ability: A meta-analysis,” Child development, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 1479–1498, 1985. [3] G. Park, D
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division Postcard Session 2: Identity and Sense of Belonging
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Saira Anwar, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Muhsin Menekse, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Damji Heo Stratton, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Dayoung Kim, Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
Christian College. Her research interest revolves around technology innovations in education, software estimation, software design and curriculum design of software engineering course(s).Dr. Muhsin Menekse, Purdue University, West Lafayette Muhsin Menekse is an Assistant Professor at Purdue University with a joint appointment in the School of Engineering Education and the Department of Curriculum & Instruction. Dr. Menekse’s primary research investigates how classroom activities affect conceptual understanding in engineering and science for all students. His second research focus is on verbal interactions that can enhance productive discussions in collaborative learning settings. And his third research focus is on
2019 ERC
Kara T Hall
steve.lanctot - kb_0563cf, CC BY New York Times, Feb 15, 2009 2.0, .php?curid=9486032 Complex societal and scientific challenges Multi-level, multi-factorial, interacting influencesVariations in Team Science Collaboration Is Complex Multi-level Contextual FactorsStokols, D., Misra, S. Moser, R., Hall, K. L., & Taylor, B. (2008). The ecology of team science: Understanding contextual influences on
Conference Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen R. Turns, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Peggy Noel Van Meter, Pennsylvania State University; Thomas A. Litzinger, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Carla M Firetto, The Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
Paper ID #6305Development of an Intervention to Improve Students’ Conceptual Under-standing of ThermodynamicsProf. Stephen R. Turns, Pennsylvania State University, University Park Stephen R. Turns, professor of mechanical engineering, joined the faculty of The Pennsylvania State University in 1979. His research interests include combustion-generated air pollution, other combustion- related topics, and engineering education pedagogy. He has served as an ABET mechanical engineering program evaluator since 1994. He has received many teaching awards at Penn State, including the Milton S. Eisenhower Award for Distinguished