with digital savvy, new skills in innovating and collaborating, problemframing expertise, and horizontal leadership skills, while putting emphasis on the impacts in theeconomic development of rural regions.In the initial stages, 1990’s–2000’s, the program’s faculty spent time innovating in courses andcurricula trying to shift towards the recently released ABET 2000 student outcome criteria in arural community college setting. The mid-2000’s brought the development of a multi-disciplinary upper division university satellite program that embraced the Aalborg (DK) modelof PBL. The new multi-disciplinary program had ABET outcomes at its core, focusing on thedevelopment of a whole new engineer, especially developing innovative strategies
, MS1:Milestone 1, in which student teams present their preliminary design ideas. (Note that in thetranscript the pseudo-student/Instructor 2 refers to “MS1”.)Besides building a fully functional autonomous OSV, each ENES100 team is assigned a missionto solve with their OSV design. The students will test their OSVs in a sand pit containinggeographical features such as a liquid pool and varying terrain. In the context of the role-play,pseudo-student/Instructor 2’s “team” was assigned the chemical mission; the “team” had tomeasure and neutralize the pH of the liquid in the pool.The fishbowl structure of the design review roleplay included an inner and outer circle of UTFs.The inner part of the fishbowl contained pseudo-student/Instructor 2 and
Collaboration ReflectionSelf-Reflection AssignmentsThe self-evaluation rubric has been incorporated into a junior-level chemical engineeringundergraduate course through self-reflection assignments. Five times during the semester,students were given an essay prompt to identify one or more skills to work on in the followingtwo-week period (first essay) or one-month period (subsequent essays except the last). Studentswere asked to assess their current proficiency level in that skill according to the self-evaluationrubric, describe their goals related to the skill and their plan for improvement, and share progressin the skill(s) if any had been made since the previous essay. This process required the
over the course of the semester, ensuring that each GTA workedwith each undergraduate precalculus assistant and with all or nearly all of the otherundergraduates. The content of the combined course was closely connected to the precalculusclassrooms at the university and to cooperating teacher classrooms at the high schools.Pedagogical content knowledge was addressed directly and repeatedly, as were reflection onpractice and professional identity.Use of Cases in the Combined CourseIn the 1990’s, the Harvard Mathematics Case Development Project (HMCDP) sought to establisha basis of cases for the preparation of mathematics teaching professionals. Several of those caseswere published as Windows on Teaching Math: Case Studies in Middle and
V2 V2 = Q& net,in + W&net,in + d Esys ∑ m& i h + + gz − ∑ m& e h + + gz Energy dt in 2 i out 2 e Q& j + S&gen with S&gen ≥ 0 d Entropy dt Ssys = ∑Tj + ∑ m&
were associated with academic and social engagement outcomes.These findings on perceived development are further supported by Simmons et al.’s [33] surveyof undergraduate engineering students. Students reported personal development, socialdevelopment, and social engagement as the greatest benefits of participating in extra-/co-curricularactivities. The most common types of participation were in job; sports; design competition team;culture, faith, gender, and identity; and professional experiences (e.g., internships). The variety inthese top activities illustrates a range of engineering student involvement in both engineering andnon-engineering activities. Other studies have affirmed distinct benefits of non-engineering versusengineering
statusquo. As we, as engineering educators, look to the future work of pre-college engineering,continuing to learn with and from BIPOC youth and designing experiences towards counteringexclusion remains vital continued work.References[1] A. Johri and B. M. Olds, “Situated Engineering Learning: Bridging Engineering Education Research and the Learning Sciences,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 100, no. 1, pp. 151–185, Jan. 2011, doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.2011.tb00007.x.[2] G. J. Kelly and J. L. Green, Theory and Methods for Sociocultural Research in Science and Engineering Education. Routledge, 2018.[3] K. L. Gunckel and S. Tolbert, “The imperative to move toward a dimension of care in engineering education,” Journal of Research in
serves as a guide to other departments seeking ways to bridge their advisors andfaculty.Literature ReviewAcademic advising emerged in the mid-1800’s when colleges began to develop programs withelectives and more academic choices [19]. College administrators noted that students neededguidance in navigating their growing course options and class electives as colleges introducedmore majors and career paths [5]. Kenyon College was one of the first colleges that required theirstudents to choose a faculty member to assist them in this process and mentorship [20]. Aboutthirty years later, Johns Hopkins University would establish one of the first formal advising modelsbetween students and faculty members [21]. During these early years, the faculty would
faculty (VF) ○ Motivation: Decrease workload and increase project variety ● 2020-21 Single principal instructor model with assigned collaborative faculty (AF) ○ Motivation: Maintain project variety and reduce faculty workload while short- staffed lead instructors ● 2021-22 Multi-instructor model with split responsibilities (MI-S) ○ Motivation: address workload and project management difficulties of previous models 6 NUMBEROFPARTICIPATINGFACULTY 5
LIS scholarship, Peterson believes that multiculturalism has“clogged our literature primarily with the mantra ‘Everyone is different, and isn't that special?’[4]” Observing a superficial treatment of these underlying issues with little reflection or analysison the implications for our practice, Honma [26] builds on Peterson’s work, noting that althoughLIS scholarship often uses words like diversity, equity, and inclusion when discussing race andracism, “the precise reasons why we need to ‘diversify’ seldom receive(s) any close scrutiny.”Honma goes on to say that “the focus on concepts such as ‘diversity’ and ‘ethnicity’ elides anymention of race, problematically divorcing these terms from the distinct power relations of theirracialized
to get to the shake table faster and getting that out of the way.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.CMMI-1943917. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. The authors would also like the thank Dr. Hong Lin of the Center for FacultyExcellence at the University of Oklahoma for her assistance with the assessment.References [1] K. L. Ryan, S. Soroushian, E. Maragakis, E. Sato, T. Sasaki, and T. Okazaki, “Seismic simulation of an integrated ceiling-partition wall-piping system at E-Defense. I: Three-dimensional
engagement. The tradeoff is that time is needed for problem design,but these problems could be reused and allow automatic grading and customized feedback.In Fall 2019 when Mastering was tried, the author did a survey in the middle of the semester.Despite their willingness to continue using Mastering in that course and potentially in futurecourses, when the students were asked if they would pay for Mastering, no one said yes, asshown in Figure 11. Table 1 has summarized student opinions regarding the Mastering platform.This was the driving motivation for the author to explore alternative approaches to implementmulti-part problems with parameter randomization in LMSs. S T U D E N T P E R C E P T I O N I N FA L L 2 0 1 9 O N M A S T E R I N
Example “I would use a parallel circuit because if one light 1 light(s) 48 goes off, the other will continue working.” “Maybe we could take this, tape it or drill it on a 2 tape 39 tree or something.” “It didn't work the first time, so we tried a second 3 work 36 time and it didn't really work. It just didn't move.” “So we were reading in the kit that the
PrairieLearn’s collaborative assessments to extract the timestamp ofeach student’s submissions to a given collaborative problem. Each submission was labeled asquick (Q), medium (M), or slow (S) based on its duration and whether it was shorter or longerthan the 25th and 75th percentile. We then applied sequence compacting techniques, sequentialpattern mining, and correlation analysis to identify latent patterns that characterize variousproblem-solving strategies across three database query languages (SQL, MongoDB, Neo4j). Theobjective of this study is to investigate the potential of temporal information - the amount of timespent on each submission attempt – in uncovering the recurrent patterns in groups’ submissionsequences. The next step is to perform
expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and donot necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.REFERENCES[1] E. O. McGee, “Interrogating Structural Racism in STEM Higher Education,” EducationalResearcher, vol. 49, no. 9, pp. 633–644, Dec. 2020, doi: 10.3102/0013189X20972718.[2] Y. A. Rankin, J. O. Thomas, and S. Erete, “Real Talk: Saturated Sites of Violence in CSEducation,” in Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer ScienceEducation, Virtual Event USA: ACM, Mar. 2021, pp. 802–808. doi: 10.1145/3408877.3432432.[3] E. W. Huff et al., “Going Through a Process of Whitening: Student Experiences WithinComputer Science Education,” in Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium onComputer
Paul, Oregon State University ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Lab Safety Awareness in Incident and Near-miss Reporting by Students Participating in Engineering Societies: A Case StudyAcademic laboratory safety has gained considerable attention from researchers and researchinstitution administrators since several high-profile incidents in the late 2000’s. Another part ofstudent learning in engineering, though informal, occurs in co-curricular activity such asengineering societies and team competitions where students conduct hands-on activities toachieve certain objectives, usually with minimal (if any) authoritative figures in presence. Thesafety aspect of these co-curricular
either Discord or a Google account.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under the NSFEAGER Grant DUE-1745922. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions, or recommendationsexpressed in this paper are those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation. The authors extend their gratitude to all interview participantswho allowed us to add their narratives to this study. The authors also extend their appreciation tothe anonymous reviewers for their thoughtful comments and feedback.References[1] C. Hodges, S. Moore, B. Lockee, T. Trust, and A. Bond, “The Difference Between Emergency Remote Teaching and Online Learning,” Educase Review, no. 27
thatparticular paper or because the author(s) felt it was an obvious part of any such program. Table 3: Bridge Program Non-Academic Content References Advising Social Professional Skills College Knowledge [35, 16] X X X [22] X X [27] X X X [3, 25, 21, 24] X X [29, 8, 46] X X [10, 11] X X [34, 23, 36, 19, 20] X [12, 13] X X [37] X X
. In contrast to the concept map view, the topics provides a rich environment toqualitatively examine related data.Data CollectionGaming research papers in engineering education were infrequent in the early 2000’s 10 9 , andprior to 2006, there were few abstracts published in the ASEE annual conference proceedings.Therefore, the data search included all ASEE annual conference papers from 2006-2020 using theASEE Conference Proceedings Search.The search terms included game, gaming, gamer, gamify,and gamification in the title of the paper. Relevant paper abstracts and metadata were included inthe sample. We reviewed each abstract and excluded papers on topics not related to games andlearning, such as game theory or sports, and papers without
ethnicity of the childparticipants included 36.7% African American, 13.3% Asian, 36.7% Caucasian, and 13.3% self-identified as “other” or two or more ethnicities. Caregiver’s educational backgrounds rangedfrom a high school degree to a doctoral degree and approximately 30% of the caregivers having acareer in a STEM field and/or some experience related to STEM. Pseudonyms are used toidentify participants.ResultsResults are organized by research aim and include finding highlights from on-going analyses.The data sources that informed these insights are from multiple data sources – interviews withchild(ren) and caregiver(s), video recordings of in-person sessions using stand-alone cameras,and video recordings of at-home interactions with the
. [Accessed: 06- Mar-2021].[4] R. Miller and B. Linder, “Is Design Thinking the New Liberal Arts of Education?,” 2015.[5] A. F. McKenna, “Adaptive Expertise and Knowledge Fluency in Design and Innovation,” in Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research, A. Johri and B. M. Olds, Eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp. 227–242.[6] M. J. Safoutin, “A methodology for empirical measurement of iteration in engineering design processes,” Citeseer, 2003.[7] A. F. McKenna, J. E. Colgate, G. B. Olson, and S. H. Carr, “Exploring Adaptive Expertise as a Target for Engineering Design Education,” in Volume 4c: 3rd Symposium on International Design and Design Education, 2006, vol. 2006, pp
during thefaculty connection hour events helped our instructions in the fall semester; (b) Q8-Q14 gauge facultyinterest and preference for future development opportunities.Again, your honest feedback is greatly appreciated.Q1 How many times did you attend the faculty connection hour(s)?Q2 What did you benefit the most from the faculty connection hour(s)?Q3 I believe that I was better prepared for my lab course(s) because of attending the faculty connectionhours. A. TRUE (1) B. FALSE (2)Q4 The faculty connection hour(s) helped me mentally while preparing for the fall semester. A. TRUE (1) B. FALSE (2)Q5 The faculty connection hour(s) helped me better engage my students in the fall semester. A. TRUE (1) B. FALSE (2)Q6 Many strategies
Science Foundation under Grant No.2000599. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. The preliminary stages of this work are supported by funds from the Office of theExecutive Vice President and Provost at The Pennsylvania State University as part theuniversity’s strategic plan related to transforming education.References[1] D. R. Brodeur, P. W. Young, and K. B. Blair, “Problem-based learning in aerospace engineering education,” ASEE Annu. Conf. Proc.,2002, doi: 10.18260/1-2-10974.[2] J. T. Bell and H. S. Fogler, “Implementing virtual reality laboratory accidents using the half-life game
Case-Based Learning: A Creative Experience in Comparison to Traditional Teaching Methods Waddah Akili Geotechnical EngineeringA b s t r a c tThis paper describes the steps taken in planning, developing, and executing a case study/ casehistory course in geotechnical/ foundation engineering at an international university. The paper ed : a ab e a ec e a a ed a ; e a a ecourse; and the results of evaluating the effectiveness of this approach versus traditionallecturing. Problems and challenges that could arise when offering the course for the first time arealso addressed. Embedded in this
groups of students were allowed to take the course, but were warned that they wouldbe responsible for pre-requisite knowledge. Students were also given access to content from thepre-requisite course. For building teams, the CATME tool was used to design a survey that would obtain responsesto the following questions from each student: 1. Sub-discipline within civil and environmental engineering that they specialize in (undergrad- uate students at the University of Illinois are required to specialize in a primary area of study as well as a secondary area, while graduate students are required to specialize in one area) 2. Whether they had taken the pre-requisite course(s) 3. Months of work experience 4. Availability to meet
Paper ID #21841Impact of Undergraduate Research Experiences on Diverse National and In-ternational Undergraduate ResearchersDr. Jacques C. Richard, Texas A&M University Dr. Richard got his Ph. D. at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1989 & a B. S. at Boston University, 1984. He was at NASA Glenn, 1989-1995, taught at Northwestern for Fall 1995, worked at Argonne National Lab, 1996-1997, Chicago State, 1997-2002. Dr. Richard is a Sr. Lecturer & Research Associate in Aerospace Engineering @ Texas A&M since 1/03. His research is focused on computational plasma modeling using spectral and lattice Boltzmann
promoting diversity in graduate engineering education, Proc. 2006 ASEE AnnualConference, Chicago, IL, June 2006.4. Eugene M. DeLoatch, Sherra Kerns, Lueny Morell, Carla Purdy, Paige Smith, Samuel L. Truesdale, and BarbaraWaugh, Articulating a multifaceted approach for promoting diversity in graduate engineering education, Proc. 2007ASEE Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI, June 2007.5. Phillip C. Wankat, Analysis of the first ten years of the, Journal of Engineering Education 88 (1), 1999, pp. 37-42.6. R.G. Batson, T.W. Merritt, and C.F. Williams, Barriers to increased engineering graduate enrollments:counterforces and their implementation, Journal of Engineering Education 82 (3), 1993, pp. 157-162.7. S. Baker, P. Tancred, and S. Whitesides, Gender and
unchanged pre to post.Table 1: All Students Pre to Post Comparison Pre Post Pre Post S Effect S Effect#1 Mean2 Mean2 Size3 Opinion4 Change5 #1 Mean2 Mean2 Size3 Opinion4 Change5 Interest in learning Relationship to Math and Science1 2.5 2.43 0.06 Disagree Extreme *6 6 3.93 3.98 0.05 Agree Extreme12 3.09 3.16 0.07 Agree Extreme 11 4.17 4.05
, 2006.[2] X. Tang, Y. Yin, Q. Lin, R. Hadad, and X. Zhai, “Assessing computational thinking: A systematic review of empirical studies,” Comput. Educ., vol. 148, no. January, p. 103798, 2020.[3] H. Shoaib and S. P. Brophy, “A systematic literature-based perspective towards learning and pedagogy of computational thinking,” ASEE Annu. Conf. Expo. Conf. Proc., vol. 2020-June, 2020.[4] P. J. Denning, “Computational Thinking in Science,” Best Writ. Math. 2018, pp. 67–77, 2019.[5] D. Weintrop et al., “Defining computational thinking for mathematics and science classrooms,” J. Sci. Educ. Technol., vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 127–147, 2016.[6] K. Brennan and M. Resnick, “New frameworks for studying and