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Displaying results 4321 - 4350 of 22930 in total
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sam Kelly-Quattrocchi, University of Washington; Denise Wilson, University of Washington; Rachel Roberts, University of Washington School of Environmental and Forest Sciences; Rachel Yonemura, The University of Washington
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
environment. Overall, 110 students included theenvironment in defining sustainability. Although most definitions there generalized, numerousstudents (N = 42) defined environmental sustainability more specifically in terms of resourcepreservation and management.A small minority of students reflected on the social pillar of sustainability in their responses tothis short answer question. Responses tended to be generalized such as the following: “Sustainability is the ability to sustain any device, instrument, process or an idea for a long period of time with the minimal socioeconomic costs.” (Male, Asian)Most students who mentioned the social pillar of sustainability did so in a generalized context ofsocial equitability and well
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division Technical Session - Ethics Across Contexts
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sharon Tsai-hsuan Ku, University of Virginia; Xiafei Yang, University of Virginia; Sitong Wang, Chongqing University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
conduct mutual interview through which they developboth reflective and reflexive understanding toward each other’s profession, cultures as well as biasduring the communication. The paper is organized in four parts. First, it reviews engineering education in the US andChina, identifying their ontological foundations and differences/similarities in terms ofpedagogies, curriculum and objectives. Seconds, it introduces the design and implementation ofthe Global Classroom in the context of US-China trade war, in particular, how teaching moduleswere concocted to situate ethics discussion in the world with growing hostility, and how themutual interview between US/Chinese students along with the self-evaluation of bias were builtinto the
Conference Session
Enhancing K-12 Mathematics Education with Engineering
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Charles Feldhaus, Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis; Kenneth Reid; Pete Hylton; Marguerite Hart, Washington Township Schools; Kathy Rieke, Washington Township Schools; Douglas Gorham, IEEE
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
from 20.7% to 34%. Schoolenrollment figures reveal that the minority (non-white) enrollment now exceeds the oncemajority (Caucasian) population. This demographic characteristic has tremendous meaning to thedistrict’s efforts to meet No Child Left Behind (NCLB) expectations.In addition to the growing Hispanic population, the district is experiencing significant changes insocio-economic status as reflected by the free/reduced lunch statistics. In 2003, four of the eightelementary schools had a free/reduced lunch rate of between 50% and 58%. In 2006 the rateincreased for all four schools to over 60% and continues to rise. It should also be noted that 85%of those receiving lunch assistance are minority students. In 2003, 54% of the third
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Curricula
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
that these elements are included inrequired courses. Programs must produce documentation that students have actually learned thisinformation and acquired these skills; the result of an outcome based system. Russell et al.5 notethat the Civil Engineering BOK represents a long term direction for the profession, and over timemore of its requirements could be explicitly reflected in accreditation requirements. It isassumed, therefore, that similar expectations would hold true for the EnvE BOK.In January 2007 professors representing environmental engineering programs from across theU.S. met in Tempe, Arizona, to discuss whether a BOK for EnvE was needed and what it shouldcontain.6 At this NSF-sponsored workshop there was significant disagreement in
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Beyond the University
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tela Favaloro, University of California, Santa Cruz; Bryan M. Jenkins, University of California, Davis, Dept. of Biological and Agricultural Engineering; Martin Lehmann, Aalborg University, Denmark; Chresten Træholt, Center for Electric Power and Energy, DTU Department of Electrical Engineering; Ronnie D. Lipschutz, University of California, Santa Cruz; Kurt Lawrence Kornbluth, University of California, Davis; Michael S. Isaacson, University of California, Santa Cruz
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
, solutionsmust not only be technically feasible, but also economically, environmentally, and sociallyviable. Thus, truly impactful innovations cannot be isolated to linear track constructs such aszero net energy or carbon neutrality, but must be addressed holistically as a complex systeminvolving diverse stakeholders and with outcomes that may include such metrics.1Training the next generation of leaders and professionals to tackle such challenges in today’sglobalized economy requires a pedagogy that reflects these complex themes and fosterscreativity, engagement and entrepreneurship required for innovation. Municipalities in Denmarkand California have actively committed resources to achieve 100% renewably poweredcommunities by 2050 and have strong
Conference Session
Insights and Practices for Engineering Leadership Development
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ricky T. Castles, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Leadership Development Division
2016 semester, course leadership was formalized in the Microprocessors course atECU. Students were encouraged to engage in leadership through coming to class prepared,helping other students learn, and asking questions when they struggled to understand courseconcepts. Leadership outside of the class was encouraged through the formation of studygroups. The instructor also created a Piazza site for the students to use an online forum allowingthem to ask questions and to answer each other’s questions. Students were surveyed at themidpoint and end of the semester in order to reflect on their own participation in the course andto evaluate the leadership of their lab partner. Students were encouraged to provide constructivefeedback in order to help
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder; Greg Rulifson P.E., Colorado School of Mines; Nathan E. Canney, CYS Structural Engineers Inc.
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
may indicate that engineering students’ education narrowed to amore technical focus in later years of the curriculum.In-college international involvement related to SRBeyond courses, students and alumni described other international experiences that impactedtheir views of social responsibility. Reflecting back on his involvement in EWB, Sam noted: [EWB] was a way to use engineering skills to help people; I think that was... a big goal of mine … I think I've kind of always just had a sense of, like, I've been given a lot and fortunate to, like, have a good education and those kinds of things, and that part of my responsibility is to do stuff to help other people who maybe haven't had that kind of opportunity. And I think
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Technical Session 6
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Cristiano Cordeiro Cruz, Aeronautics Technological Institute
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
of Brazilian higher education in general and engineeringeducation, in particular. It is dealing with the potentialities and limits posed by such regulationsthat engineering teachers and/or students 3) conceived the three main types of educativeinitiatives aimed at forming, to some extent, this grassroots/educator engineer profile: servicelearning (out-of-classroom and immersive) practices; theoretical and in-classroom practices; andmixed (both in-classroom and out-of-classroom) practices. Then, in the penultimate section, 4) Ifocus on one of such initiatives’ main challenges: assessing its impacts on the students thatundertake them. I conclude the manuscript with some closing remarks.Methodologically, section 1 is a theoretical reflection
Conference Session
ENT Division Technical Session: Creativity and Innovation
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sine Celik, Aalto University; Senni Kirjavainen, Aalto University; Tua A. Björklund, Aalto University Design Factory
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
cities to IoT technologies and datasecurity. Teaching was divided into three interconnected sections on sustainabledevelopment, technology and ethics, and collaboration. Each of these sections combinedtheory with practice through panels with experts from academia and industry and hands-onworkshops, encouraging the students to consider multidimensional aspects of their chosenchallenge and its consequences for the entire system it links to. A variety of design thinkingmethods were introduced for exploring the challenges holistically to define and reframe theproblem at hand, identify ethical dilemmas and understand the needs of stakeholders forsuccessful collaboration.At the end of each section, students were asked to reflect on their incorporation
Conference Session
Perspectives on Service Learning: Challenges, Successes, and Opportunities
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Pierce, Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); William C. Oakes, Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Nusaybah Abu-Mulaweh, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
programs, especially as they are scaled, is critical to demonstrating impact to help makethe case to faculty and administrators on the benefits and potential in engineering. Data can takemany forms including evaluations of student products, interviews and observations and feedbackfrom alumni reflecting back on their experience after graduation. Self-reported studentevaluation and reflections on learning are other forms of data captured in many classrooms.This paper examines student evaluation and self-reported learning over 23 years as onecommunity-engagement program has grown significantly. Where there are clearly limits to theself-reported data, it does offer an insight into the student experience. The paper analyzes thestudent evaluation data
Conference Session
ConstDiv Technical Session 4 - Pedagogy & Accreditation I
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Luciana Debs, Purdue University; Jiansong Zhang, Purdue University; Yunfeng Chen, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Construction Engineering
the originalRFP and how to structure the small group sections to provide the guiding students needed tocomplete the project, as well as how the assessment of the activity was performed. Then, we willpresent our reflections as instructors of the activity and our impressions of the students’ work.Finally, we will present the students’ impressions of the activity and industry judges’ perceptionsof student group presentations.Activity Preparation Both course managers decided that they wanted some type of integration activity at theend of the semester. The RFQ activity was chosen as a logical mid-program preparation for theRFP activity that students are required to do during their capstone course. One of the coursemanagers reached out at
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division Technical Session - Assessment
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Justin L Hess, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Grant A Fore, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Brandon H Sorge, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; M A Coleman, Indiana U Purdue U Indianapolis; Mary F. Price; Thomas William Hahn, IUPUI
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
’ ethical formation. Theresearch question that we seek to address is, “In what different ways and to what extent doesparticipation in departmental engineering and science courses cultivate STEM students’ ethicalformation?” We define ethical formation in terms of several skills and dispositions, includingempathy [10], civic-mindedness [11], and ethical reasoning [12].This study is part of a larger project that strives to explore the effectiveness of integratingcommunity-engaged pedagogy and ethical reflection in the science and engineering curriculum[13]. During the 2018-2019 academic semesters, a subset of faculty from the courses surveyed inthis study participated in a faculty learning community focused on ethics instruction andcommunity-engaged
Conference Session
Research Methods II: Meeting the Challenges of Engineering Education Research
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brent K. Jesiek, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Natascha Trellinger Buswell, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Andrea Mazzurco, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
interviewed twice to capture new experiences and changes in perspectivesafter switching job roles, or after graduating and starting their first full-time positions. Anothergroup of subjects is being asked to respond to a series of guided reflection prompts during theirinternship or co-op rotations, culminating with an exit interview. This work goes beyondinvestigating how early career engineers grapple with technical problems to more broadly studythe nature of their encounters with boundary spanning situations and challenges, in part viewedthrough the boundary spanning typology and themes identified during the first project phase.This paper offers additional details about the development and evolution of our ethnographicinterviewing protocol, as well
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacquelyn Kay Nagel, James Madison University; Ramana Pidaparti, University of Georgia; Christopher Stewart Rose, James Madison University; Cheryl Lea Beverly, James Madison University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
scaf-fold on prior learning and experiences, addressing a continuum of lower level to higher levelthinking and deep learning as appropriate for the curriculum. Reflection essays, class discussion,individual and group projects/products, peer review and feedback, or other types of activities willbe used to measure learner progress on the learning objectives, and to provide timely and rele-vant feedback to both the instructor and learner. This information will be used by both the in-structor and learner(s) to guide decision making and engagement in bio-inspired design. Rubricsor grading guidelines will be created for each formative assessment to ensure they align with theproject goals and learning objectives. Summative assessment will occur at
Conference Session
Developing Identities for Robust Careers in Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie P Martin, Clemson University; Renata A Revelo , University of Illinois at Chicago; Shannon K Stefl, Clemson University; Stacey D Garrett, Clemson University; Stephanie G. Adams, Virginia Tech
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
, the alumni participants in the NSBEstudy continued to give back to NSBE even after they graduated. Participants spoke of guidingyounger generations of NSBE members by returning as professionals to the leadershipconferences to train new chapter leaders, run programs, and give advice.Theme 3: Creating a family-like support systemEthnic student organizations create unique environments for students of color attending PWIcampuses to create family-like ties with others who share their cultural identity through spaceswhere these students feel accepted and supported.Central to the SHPE organization is the emphasis on cultivating a SHPE familia. Theorganizational culture of this SHPE familia reflects relationships among the members where
Conference Session
Technical Session: Pedagogical Strategies and Classroom Techniques for Teaching Assistants
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Ilkhanipour Rooney, University of Pennsylvania; Julie Schafer McGurk, University of Pennsylvania; Emily R. Elliott, University of Pennsylvania; Ursula J. Williams, University of Pennsylvania; Leann Dourte Segan, University of Pennsylvania
Tagged Divisions
thesegoals, 3) facilitating positive student group dynamics, 4) providing student feedback, and 5)reflection. It is important to note that this is a collaborative process between the courseinstructor and TA, so the steps in this system involve both parties.BackgroundThe “Active Learning in STEM Courses” mini-course is a series of four 2-hour sessions led bytwo staff members of the University of Pennsylvania’s CTL. The objective of this mini-course isto introduce graduate students and post-docs to active learning techniques and how to createactivities that reinforce and strengthen course goals. This objective is different from the “SAIL(Structured Active In-class Learning) TA Training” (also led by the same two staff members ofthe CTL), which aims to
Conference Session
Integrating Liberal Education and Engineering
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ravi T. Shankar, Florida Atlantic University; Diana Mitsova, Florida Atlantic University; Alka Sapat, Florida Atlantic University; David J. Terrell, Florida Atlantic University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
MSAs and their impact on quality of life metrics, to find multiplealternative hypotheses to pursue, and find ways, both engineering and non-engineering, toimprove such metrics. This should help place engineering solutions in the broader scope ofthings and their impact.We hypothesize that, by providing scaffolding with ’executable’ narrative case studies andinteraction with students in other disciplines, we can help mainstream engineering students tostep out of their comfort zones and reflect on broader societal issues. We also hypothesize thatthis would help non-mainstream engineering students to find a new awareness and strength inbecoming engineers.Our approach is derived from two theoretical models with strong emphasis on studentinvolvement
Conference Session
Track: Collegiate - Technical Session 3
2019 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity
Stephen Secules, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Walter C. Lee, Virginia Tech; Karis Boyd-Sinkler, Virginia Tech; Adam Stark Masters, Virginia Tech; Cynthia Hampton, Virginia Tech; Ashley R. Taylor, Virginia Tech; Dustin M. Grote, Virginia Tech
Tagged Topics
Collegiate, Diversity
documenting the structure and effectiveness of such practices,primarily from a pragmatic perspective grounded in highlighting programmatic features ordocumenting assessment results. Building on these efforts, our research team is working towardsclarifying and critiquing the strategic aims and nuanced choices involved with crafting suchinitiatives. The purpose of this paper is to identify key dilemmas associated with enhancing theaccessibility of institutional support practice. To address this purpose, we used collaborativeinquiry methodology to reflect on various issues related to program participation, structure,advertisements, messages, recruitment, etc. The results of our study highlight subtle ways thatwell-intentioned educators and student
Conference Session
ET Pedagogy III
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sonia Travaglini, Stanford University; Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University; Helen L. Chen, Stanford University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
-funded Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education, National Center for Engineering Pathways to Innovation (Epicenter), as well as the Consortium to Promote Reflection in Engineering Education. Helen holds an undergraduate degree in communication from UCLA and a PhD in communication with a minor in psychology from Stanford University. Her current research and scholarship focus on engineering and entrepreneurship education; the pedagogy of portfolios and reflec- tive practice in higher education; and redesigning how learning is recorded and recognized in traditional transcripts and academic credentials. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Moving an agenda
Conference Session
K-12 and Bridge Experiences in Engineering Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Susan Thomson Tripathy, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Kavitha Chandra, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Diane Reichlen, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
such asCalculus, and increase their sense of belonging, preparedness, and self-efficacy. To understandstudent perspectives and experiences, we utilized Participatory Action Research (PAR) toconstruct a series of formative assessments prioritizing the views and participation of the RAMPstudents themselves. PAR was selected as a research and assessment strategy due to its emphasison student participation and empowerment linked with action for positive change. Onlinesurveys and four focus groups involved the students in topics geared towards developing apsychologically safe space for sharing experiences, providing feedback on program activities,and reflecting on personal goals, values, and aspirations. Based on our findings, we identify
Conference Session
Service-Learning in Developing Communities
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Frank Giannelli, Lafayette College; Sharon Jones, Lafayette College
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
of a community and is coordinatedwith an institution of higher learning and with the community; helps foster civic responsibility; isintegrated into and embraces the academic curriculum of the students enrolled; and includesstructured time for the students to reflect on the service experience.”2According to studies done at the Higher Education Research Institute of the University ofCalifornia, Los Angeles3, certain things must be done to ensure that a service-learningexperience is effective. The first is that students must receive sufficient training through coursematerial before engaging in the service. The second is that instructors must engage students inconversation about their service. The last is that students must reflect on their
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tamara J Moore, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Aran W Glancy, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Kristina Maruyama Tank, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Jennifer Anna Kersten, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Micah S Stohlmann, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Forster D. Ntow, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Karl A Smith, University of Minnesota & Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
, and Mathematics (STEM) for America’s Future5 indicates the need toproduce individuals with a strong STEM background in order to be competitive internationally.Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter EconomicFuture6 notes that economic growth and national security are related to well-trained people inSTEM fields.STEM integration can provide students with one of the best opportunities to experience learningin real-world situations, rather than learning STEM subjects in silos7. However, the mostprevalent methods of structuring and implementing STEM education do not “reflect the naturalinterconnectedness of the four STEM components in the real world of research and technologydevelopment”1 (p. 150). This
Conference Session
Graduate Student Experience
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Janet Y Tsai, University of Colorado at Boulder; Daria A Kotys-Schwartz, University of Colorado Boulder; Beverly Louie, University of Colorado, Boulder; Virginia Lea Ferguson, Mechanical Engineering; University of Colorado; Boulder, CO; Alyssa Nicole Berg, University of Colorado Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies, Student
. During theirparticipation in the mentoring program, undergraduates are assessed via pre- and post- surveys togauge several dimensions of their engineering identity and confidence. Additionally,undergraduates respond to biweekly reflective questions to give researchers a qualitative flavorof their experiences in the mentoring program. Graduate mentors similarly respond to severalreflective questions about their experiences during their participation in the program andcomplete pre- and post- assessments.This paper presents the qualitative data collected from graduate student mentors during the firsttwo years of program implementation. Graduate student responses have been examined in thecontext of each individual mentoring partnership to understand
Conference Session
Women in K-12 Engineeering & Outreach Programs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Shannon Ciston, University of New Haven; Ellen Worsdall, Northwestern University; Jessica Swenson, Northwestern University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
more of*; what activity should have less time allotted*. (*Asked only during summer 2009session.) These were analyzed to reflect on the objectives of the program, and to providefeedback for modifying future programs. In 2008 post-program surveys were collected from 14of the 16 girls. In 2009 surveys were collected from all 24 of the girls who participated.In the fall of 2009, graduate and undergraduate student participants were contacted to determinetheir motivation for participating in the program, and to determine the impacts of the program ontheir career goals, etc. Student were first asked about their involvement with STEP (whatyear(s), what roles) and educational program (what major(s), what year in program). Studentswere asked to rate
Conference Session
Student Attitudes and Perceptions
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Justin Micomonaco, Michigan State University; Jon Sticklen, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
can be better understood by examining the studentexperience holistically.Theoretical Framework Veenstra et al. proposed a few minor changes to Tinto’s model to reflect the departuredecision of undergraduate engineers (See Figure 1).23 In their retention model, pre-collegecharacteristics affect how students experience college both academically and socially. Thestudent experience in turn impacts two broad commitments and academic success that influencea student’s decision to persist in the discipline. Thus the student experience is a critical variableand is defined by the student’s academic and social integration. Accordingly students’ academicand social integration is a key predictor of persistence in the Model of Engineering
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Paper Session
2004 Annual Conference
Glenn Ellis; Susannah Howe; Donna Riley
real-world contexts, and supportive of critical thinking and reflective action.Ethics are woven across five required courses in the Smith curriculum: a design-basedintroductory course, a first year course in mass and energy balances, continuum mechanics,thermodynamics, and the capstone design clinic. The first-year courses motivate a well-roundedengineering education and social responsibility, encourage reflective thought and valuesarticulation, and introduce frameworks for ethical problem solving and case analysis. Coreengineering courses build on this experience, employing additional cases that integrate relevantengineering content. In the capstone design course, students apply what they have learnedpreventively to identify potential
Conference Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alan Cheville, Bucknell University; Michael S. Thompson, Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
. Week Milestone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 160: Team Formation / Project Selection 0-T1: Problem Definition / Project Scoping 1-T2: Team Research: Project 2-T3: Project Decomposition 3-T4: Individual Research: Subsystems 4-I5: Develop Mock-Up 5-I6: Report / Reflect
Conference Session
Research On Student Teams
2005 Annual Conference
Edward Evans; Sandra Spickard Prettyman; Helen Qammar
problems completing the tasks becauseof teamwork issues are assigned the most attentive mentors.Meeting minutes and progress memos are submitted by the teams. Students are asked to submit Page 10.1039.3individual work logs describing their weekly activities as well as reflective journals. A final “Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2005, American Society for Engineering Education”design report, a poster presentation, and/or a 15-20 minute oral presentation are graded by theproject instructors.Research Methodology and Theoretical FrameworkThis
Conference Session
K-8 Engineering & Access
2005 Annual Conference
Glenn Ellis; Catherine Lewis; Susan Etheredge; Thomas Gralinski
pedagogical strategies and project-based curriculum design of the institute reflect “best practices” as informed by the currentcognitive science literature on teaching and learning. For example, the theoretical grounding forthe instructional approach is rooted in inquiry-based teaching and learning models that foster andsupport the kind of discourse community essential for knowledge construction to take place. Thepaper illustrates how the social-collaborative context created during the summer institute guidedand supported the teachers’ developing understandings and skills in engineering education.Teachers report how the exploration and engineering of pop-up books teaches them aboutengineering principles and design processes and further inspires them
Conference Session
Learning and Teaching Issues
2003 Annual Conference
Glenn Ellis; Alan Rudnitsky; Borjana Mikic
object.• Labeling the nature of the connections between concepts.• Identifying locations on the map where concepts are quantified.Several weeks into the course, this initial map was revised. The need for revision becameapparent when students were assigned a project to analyze the structural safety and efficiency ofthe Washington Monument. Their questions and the ways they were putting concepts togetherrequired a map that more accurately reflects how an engineer uses the concepts (see Figure 2).The revised map more effectively shows how loading and geometry are combined to calculateinternal forces and stresses. The emphasis on grouping concepts as internal and external to theobject was replaced with an emphasis on how the concepts are combined in