3outcomes. Moreover, antecedents and interpersonal outcomes may differ across contexts,resulting in different ways empathy might be observed and different facets that might be mostcritical to empathy’s manifestation. Thus, for the next stop on our tour of empathy models, weexplore Smeenk, Sturm, and Eggen’s [16] Empathic Formation Compass.Smeenk, Sturm, and Eggen’s Empathic Formation CompassSmeenk and colleagues [16] developed their empathic formation compass through a focus onproviding a model that addresses empathy as a construct and process, supports reflection ondesign action, and focuses on designers’ roles and design decisions. The empathic formationcompass integrates several empathy and design models to create a more robust sense of
& Viable Business Models, Multicultural, and Social Consciousness. This e-portfolio includes but is not limited to undergraduate research, projects, and high-impact experiences that can be leveraged to pursue future academic and professional careers. ombining e-portfolios with an interdisciplinary approach to education scenarios allows us toCperform the analysis of our cohort's growth in varied ways. Previous cohorts were tasked with the performance of a pre-and post-program survey as well as a traditional reflection essay[2]. Extrapolating on that idea and the engineers' inherent drive for innovation, in this 2023 cohort we elevated the research design by adding concept maps to assess student
-evaluation, andactive involvement in learning processes contribute to student's academic experiences andoutcomes. Each construct has been carefully chosen and defined to capture the multifacetednature of student engagement in first-year engineering courses. Building on the theoreticalframeworks we discussed earlier, it's important to note how each construct within our instrumentis aligned with specific dimensions of student engagement in first-year engineering courses.Constructive EngagementCourse Knowledge, reflecting the dimension of constructive engagement, is grounded in theconstructive aspect of Chi's ICAP theory [10]. Michelene Chi's ICAP framework categorizesstudent cognitive engagement into four distinct levels based on their interaction
sustainability inrelation to engineering. The reviewed literature revealed many options, and changes weremade to the inaugural curriculum design as the module evolved over a four-year period. Thisongoing development is described as action research. McNiff promotes the action researchmethod for use by individual educators to improve their own practice in teaching as a regularcycle of self-reflection and course appraisal.17 Consequently, the stages of action researchcycle – observation, review, plan and activate – involved lecturer observation and reflection,coupled with a combination informal feedback, and the more formal formative andsummative student appraisal.Project GoalThe project goal was to design and assess a curriculum relevant to an
differ from experts not only by the amount ofknowledge, but in how the knowledge is organized and utilized. This development includeshelping students progress in their epistemological assumptions, described by King and Kitcheneras being three primary phases:13 ● Pre-reflective thinking: do not acknowledge or perceive that knowledge is uncertain. Do not understand that some real problems have no absolutely correct answer. ● Quasi-reflective thinking: recognize that some problems are ill structured and that some issues are problematic. Do not understand how evidence leads to conclusions - have difficulty drawing reasoned conclusions ● Reflective thinking - knowledge must be actively constructed and understood in relation to
all majors defined as ‘non-S.M.E.’ (including those who enter as‘undecided’) is modest (6.2%)” and “ Engineering gains 13.1 percent of switchers from thecomputer and technical fields.” As the book title reflects the emphasis on the broad group of allSTEM majors, it also does not provide a detailed accounting of multiple entry paths toengineering. However, when the focus switches to the dynamics of entry and exit to and from anengineering program, the numbers of those who switch to engineering from the sciences orelsewhere requires consideration, as will be discussed later.An exception to the practice of assuming that migration into an engineering major is negligible isnoted by Donaldson and Sheppard6, who found a 25% rate of inward migration
Metallurgical Engineering from Michigan Technological University and he holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of MinnesotaJennifer A Turns, University of Washington Jennifer Turns is an Associate Professor in the Department of Human Centered Design and Engineering at the University of Washington. She is interested in all aspects of engineering education, including how to support engineering students in reflecting on experience, how to help engineering educators make effective teaching decisions, and the application of ideas from complexity science to the challenges of engineering education.Ken Yasuhara, University of Washington Ken Yasuhara is a research scientist at the University of Washington’s
, lesson plans, and reflections.6 During this phase, we focused onidentifying indicators of concepts and categories that fit the data. Repeatedly appearing Page 22.551.3categories, concepts, and events helped us construct themes based on the events leading up to theteachers‟ attempts in implementing engineering design-based learning tasks. The viability of theconstruction of themes was then tested against other relevant data sets (e.g. field notes fromclassroom observations and other supporting documents). To ensure trustworthiness of the data,we informally conducted member checks with each teacher by sharing analytic notes frominterviews
American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Collecting Programmatic Assessment Data with No “Extra” Effort: Consolidated Evaluation Rubrics for Chemical Plant DesignAbstractIn order to gain accreditation, engineering programs must define goals and objectives,assess whether their graduates are meeting these objectives, and “close the loop” by usingthe assessment data to inform continuous improvement of the program. In ABET’sjargon, program “objectives” describe capabilities that graduates are expected to possess,e.g., “Graduates of the Chemical Engineering program at Rowan University will be ableto….” Thus, the true success of the program in meeting its objectives is reflected in thefirst few years of graduates’ careers. Practically
Beck was built aroundthe University of Chicago’s outstanding graduate research programs in the sciences. The Centerfor Imaging Science was organized around research programs that reflected the interests ofgroups of faculty members from the traditional departments of physics and astronomy,chemistry, mathematics, radiology and computer science. Faculty from the art department andpsychology department also participated in the research projects, as did scientists from ArgonneNational Laboratory. Missing from this research-focused effort was a formal curriculumdesigned to teach, in a unified way, the underlying science and technology. The most comprehensive effort to forge a complete program in Imaging Science wasundertaken by the Rochester
combining internal and external operations derived from the individual’s neurobiology,personality, and development and reflected in learner behavior. Learning style also representsboth inherited characteristics and environmental influences.Dunn 29 described learning style as “... the way each learner begins to concentrate, process, andretain new and difficult information” (p. 224) She noted that this interaction occurs differently foreveryone. Dunn also highlighted that “To identify and assess a person’s learning style it isimportant to examine each individual’s multidimensional characteristics in order to determinewhat will most likely trigger each student’s concentration, maintain it, respond to his or hernatural processing style, and cause long
significantly higher than the control group on assessment items. The student-centered reflective questions indicated also some weaknesses and associated potential actions toimprove the GIS based module. Based on these findings a series of changes to the current tasksin the GIS laboratory were planned.KEYWORDSTransportation Education and Training, Traffic Safety, Crash Data, Geographic InformationSystemsIntroductionThe education and practice of transportation engineering has evolved over the past severaldecades. The task of transportation education, as stated by an Institute of TransportationEngineers (ITE) Committee1, is not only “to train students in how to do various activitiesassociated with current practice”, but also “to provide students with the
reflective environment. One indelibleaspect of web learning is the opportunity for learners to collaborate during problem solving andactively be involved in their learning. However, Ravert and Evans2 showed that expecting Page 15.12.4students at earlier stages of development to learn from courses based on principles ofnegotiation, shared construction, and peer-to-peer learning could be problematic. Therefore, iftools employed in teaching and learning or instructional design run contrary to students‟epistemic beliefs, it would lead to frustration and distress. Students may require greaterscaffolding with aspects of online teaching mostly those who see
reflection. The morning sessionsfocus on deepened content, taught by engineering faculty modeling pedagogical “best practices”.This was followed by teachers going through the section of the curriculum that paralleled thecontent lesson, including hands-on activities and the online module. In the afternoon sessions,the teachers applied their new found technical and pedagogical knowledge as they taught thecurriculum to students enrolled in the Upward Bound program. While teaching, the teacherswere videotaped and observed. After the lesson each day, the teachers reviewed videotapes andhighlighted what went well and what needed improvement. Together, the teachers and PDfacilitators provided constructive criticism on how to improve the delivery of the
Development, Assessment and Implementation of Program Educational Objectives and Program Outcomes of BSEE Program Satinderpaul Singh Devgan Professor and Head, Electrical and Computer Engineering Tennessee State UniversityAbstractSystematic development of program educational objectives and program outcomes andtheir assessment for continuous improvement in program effectiveness requires relevantconsideration of constituent needs or requirements and program mission. The assessmentcriteria should reflect program aspirations and should be reflected in assessment tools.This paper describes successful development of program educational objectives andprogram outcomes
learning in the classroom with real-world experiences in thecommunity. Studying abroad provides students with opportunities to learn how to navigatedifferent cultures, work with diverse peers, and gain new perspectives and global awareness. TheMercer on Mission (MOM) program at Mercer University in Macon, GA bridges service-learning with short-term, faculty-led study abroad opportunities to provide transformativeexperiences for students through academic instruction, cultural immersion, applied research,meaningful service, and personal reflection. In this study, the MOM program was evaluated forits impact on student participants. Program evaluation included a holistic assessment of theprogram. Research goals included evaluation of effectiveness in
, the Collaborative Lounge for Understanding Society and Technology through Educational Research (CLUSTER), is a dynamic in- terdisciplinary team that brings together professors, graduate, and undergraduate students from engineer- ing, art, educational psychology, and social work in the context of fundamental educational research. Dr. Walther’s research program spans interpretive research methodologies in engineering education, the pro- fessional formation of engineers, the role of empathy and reflection in engineering learning, and student development in interdisciplinary and interprofessional spaces. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023
Page 24.880.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 Making a First-year Impression: Engineering Projects that Affect and ConnectIntroductionAfter years of having passed through multiple assessments, iterations, and updates of the coreGeneral Engineering courses in the first-year program at Northeastern University (NU), severalengineering professors wondered the following, “With our engineering courses so full ofactivities, topics, and projects, how can we identify which of those elements have the greatestimpact on our students?” It was time for a more detailed reflection on all that had been put inplace in the first-year courses in order to identify which
Accreditation Board forEngineering and Technology (ABET) professional skills7, 8. Page 24.974.3Review of LiteratureWhat is PBL? Jonassen6, in his handbook on designing problem-solving learning environments, definesPBL as an instructional strategy characterized by: focusing on authentic, ill-structured problems;being student centered; allowing for self-directed learning by the students; and requiring regularself-reflection, where students monitor and adjust their learning. PBL has its foundations insituated learning, which is known for active learning, social mediation, meaningful learning,purposeful participation in communities of practice, and
industrial systems.A specific Humanitarian Engineering program is hosted at Penn State (HESE).29 Their programincorporates a Social Entrepreneurship factor with the Humanitarian Engineering. They haveintentionally established their program to perform international community projects. The courses Page 24.1034.9pertinent to the design aspect of engineering education are: (a) Social Entrepreneurship, (b)Projects in Humanitarian Engineering, (c) Design for Developing Communities, (d) HESE Fieldexperience and (e) HESE Reflection and research dissemination. While these are the maincornerstones for the programs, there are options for additional minors
developing a good workethic. If done properly, these courses can teach students the importance of acquiring a conceptualunderstanding rather than rote memorization of how to plug into equations. When successful,these courses teach students how to digest a problem, sort out the relevant concepts, makeassumptions, and reflect critically on their analyses. Conversely, if done poorly, students begintheir engineering education unprepared, either in conceptual/technical knowledge, problemsolving skills, or both.Throughout its long history, physics has been taught in nearly the same manner – via lectures,often supplemented by a laboratory experience. Several decades ago physics educatorsrecognized the need for change; students were not learning the
of Design in Multidisciplinary Project TeamsDesign is a central and distinguishing activity of engineering and one of the core criteria forevaluating and accrediting engineering programs. Design has been characterized by manydifferent “design process” models1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and definitions which reflect different designapproaches and philosophies. Crismond and Adams (2012)6 draw from many sources in theirdefinition of design as “goal-directed problem-solving activity”7 that initiates change in human-made things, 8 and involves optimizing parameters9 and the balancing of trade-offs10 to meettargeted users’ needs.”11 From the situativity perspective.12 design is defined as “a social processin which individual object worlds interact, and design
experience – perhaps a reflection of the latter’s potentiallack of current and real-world understanding or the realization that useful knowledge can also begained in the working environment. Co-op students’ GPAs were also found to decrease lessbetween the second and third years than those of non-co-op students. The finding regarding theimpact of co-op on work self-efficacy is claimed in this study to have opened up the so-called“black box of co-op,” which articulates the practices and behaviors of cooperative education thatshape its contribution to the undergraduate experience.Among the demographic variables, a relatively high GPA was found to be an inducement topersist in engineering and in school. It was also found, at the second survey point of
, political, and economic needs shaped the Page 24.1218.3objectives, curriculum, and teaching methods for engineering education in China.Tsinghua University has played a very important role in the history of engineeringeducation in the People’s Republic of China. Its history of both general education andengineering education reflects not only China’s own political and social development,but also global trends. The system of engineering education at Tsinghua Universityexperienced numerous changes, often as a result of political movements or changes ingovernmental education policy.2 Influenced by several complicated factors, therelationship between engineering
case study, the term learning is a student activity that may includeexplorative strategies, scheduling, or reflection. In contrast, the term instruction is a purposefulfunction of the educator to communicate with learners that often includes scaffolds such asprompting, modeling and phasing task assignments.Literature Review Page 24.1220.2 There is enduring, convincing evidence of knowledge transformation throughcollaboration. When compared to individual learning, collaborative learning has been shown tobeneficially impact learner achievement, self-efficacy, and relationships among learners4. In areview of 168 studies contrasting
. ○ Recruiting techniques for more and diverse computing majors. ○ Pedagogical best practices that result in more and diverse computing majors (e.g., pair programming). ○ Teacher success stories. ● Time every day to reflect, plan for action, and share thoughts and experiences. ● Physical movement, especially as the end of the day approaches. ● Both at-workshop and follow-up evaluation of workshop efficacy and follow-up evaluation of participant outcomes, ● Participant compensation out of respect for their interest in improving high school computer science education and recognition of the value of their time.Each of these principles is addressed in the following sections.Organizer recruitment, selection, and
provides an overview of IM. In thethird section, we describe the professional development program and early results from teacherobservations. We conclude with a summary of planned extension activities.1. From Media Computation to iMPaCT-Math Page 23.1332.2iMPaCT-Math (IM) is an approximate acronym for Media-Propelled Computational Thinkingfor Mathematics Classrooms, which fairly reflects our ambition and our stance – engagementwith graphical programming challenges that focus student attention towards exploringmathematics principles will propel students towards exploration of science, computationalthinking and engineered design.IM consists of
patronization, saviorism, and poverty voyeurism.The Ohio State University (OSU) has been offering engineering service-learning courses sincethe early 2000s, that have spanned mostly the international context. These early courses adopteda traditional approach to service-learning which often did not see the community as co-equalpartners and overlooked systemic inequalities. Reflecting on this period, the success of manyimplemented projects (from Honduras to Haiti) remains unclear. To rectify this and transitionengineering service learning to a critical paradigm, with the aim to deconstruct systems of powerand dismantle the inequalities they perpetuate, a collaborative effort among faculty members,also the authors of this paper, teaching local and
fromcomputer science (University of Maryland Baltimore County) participated in the sustainablerobotic agriculture project and worked closely with undergraduates in Agriculture and Engineeringmajors from the home institution to assist with setting up experiments; collecting and analyzingdata. The students were required to submit a short report reflecting on the experience and resultsof the findings. During the entire academic year, there were 5 students (2 as a part of theirundergraduate research experience; and 3 as part of their paid assistantships) participated in thisproject. Out of the six students; two were from general engineering majors; one from agriculturemajor; one from computer science major; and two were from Biology majors.2.2 Farmbots
literature review (ScLR) conducted toelucidate the current landscape, trends, methods, and potential gaps in the literature surroundingequitable design pedagogy in engineering education. The ScLR follows the methodologypresented by Arksey and O’Malley (2005), which breaks the process into five stages: (1)identifying the research questions, (2) identifying the relevant studies, (3) study selection, (4)charting the data, and (5) collating, summarizing, and reporting the results. These stages wereperformed iteratively, which allowed for reflection and study team collaboration along eachstage. The study was grounded in four central inclusion criteria: (1) equitable design, (2)engineering education, (3) engineering course, and (4) secondary education