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Displaying results 5701 - 5730 of 8077 in total
Conference Session
SPECIAL SESSION: Interdisciplinary Course Design Opportunities for Chemical Engineers
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Baba Abdul, Washington State University; Edgar A. O'Rear, University of Oklahoma; Gary Robert Brown, Washington State University, Office of Assessment and Innovation; Ashley Ater Kranov, Washington State University; Bernard J. Van Wie, Washington State University; Paul B. Golter, Washington State University; David B. Thiessen, Washington State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
, and his impression about who is the primary determinant of the outcome [15].The value of the task is influenced by general or individual interest, its inherent challenge, thevalue attached to it by peers, its relationship to long range goals of the learner and the immediatepay off. The self confidence of the learner is influenced by his record of success at same orsimilar task, possession of all or most of the skills required for task completion, persuasion bypeer or someone else that success is possible, seeing peers succeed at the same task and theperceived difficulty of the task. The learner’s perception of the primary determinant of theoutcome is influenced by the perceived situation of control (internal or external), flexibility ofthe
1999 Annual Conference
J. Elaine Seat; Fred Weber; Daniel C. Yoder; Christopher D. Pionke; J. Roger Parsons
Review for Dynamics Final Exam Page 4.334.4 Figure 1. Course Outline, Spring 1998This hands-on learning experience is presented as a "physical homework" assignment toemphasize that this is something the student must do, and not simply a demonstration that theprofessor thinks is "cool." Students work in pairs (to encourage peer teaching), and their workis evaluated by one of the GTAs staffing the lab. This evaluation is on a proficiency basis,which means that both students in the pair must demonstrate a grasp of the concept and anability to use it. If either student fails to show proficiency, the pair is sent
Conference Session
CE Capstone: Innovations in Learning & Assessment
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gregg Fiegel, California Polytechnic State University; Jay DeNatale, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
, and professional liability Demonstrate an ability to explain the reasons for seeking professional licensure after graduation Demonstrate an ability to write effective essays and technical reportsGraduates have an ability to Demonstrate an ability to compose and deliver an effective oral presentation communicate effectively Demonstrate an ability to prepare a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) for a civil engineering project Graduates have the broad education necessary to Demonstrate an ability to develop community consensus building techniques for a understand the impact of civil
Conference Session
Techniques for Improving Teaching
2002 Annual Conference
Nicholas Steneck; Donald Carpenter; Trevor Harding; Susan Montgomery
students who are involved in campus organizations, such as fraternities, sororities,and athletic teams, are more likely to cheat than their peers 2,18,21,23.Finally, there has been some research performed on how situational factors, such as the pressureto succeed in school, affect academic dishonesty. Other such factors include external workcommitments, heavy course loads, and financial aid or scholarship requirements 1,4,24.Additionally, students frequently place the blame for cheating on the faculty, citing poorinstructional quality, irrelevant course material, and faculty apathy about cheating 23.Overall, we believe that the responsibility for reducing academic dishonesty lies with the entirecollege community, including students, academic
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering by Design II
2005 Annual Conference
Mohamed El-Sayed; Lucy King; Matthew Sanders; Jacqueline El-Sayed
creativity as a right brain activity, on both an individual andteam level. The key for successful brain storming sessions is to suspend judgment and allowcreative ideas to flow. After brain storming the students prepare a list of potential projects. Fromthe list of projects one is selected based on the following criteria: 1. Originality and creativity 2. Enough work for all the team members 3. The ability to deliver desired results within class time frame.In the second and third weeks lectures included the topics: the design process, project selectionand planning, bill of product, product attributes, project management, proposal writing andpresentation. Additional lectures relating the product attributes to the design criteria andengineering
Conference Session
Two Year-to-Four Year Transfer Topics Part I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie A. Rursch, Iowa State University; Douglas W. Jacobson, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
the Iowa State University Information Assurance Center. Dr. Jacobson teaches network security and information warfare and has written a textbook on network security. Dr. Jacobson has received two R&D 100 awards for his security technology and has two patents in the area of computer security. Dr. Jacobson has given over 50 presentations in the area of computer security and has testified in front of the U.S. Senate committee of the Judiciary on security issues associated with peer-to-peer networking. Page 22.127.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 AAS + 2
Conference Session
Integration of Liberal Education into Engineering
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vassilios Tzouanas, University of Houston, Downtown; Lea Campbell, University of Houston, Downtown
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
engineer in the group. d) At the next design meeting, focus the agenda on the impact of J. T.‟s behavior on the success of the project and threaten to speak with the project manager if he does not “shape up.” e) Have another senior-level engineer in the group have a private conversation with J. T. about his work.The final unit looks at the nuances of teaming within a virtual environment in which fellow teammembers may be located in a distant country and may come from diverse backgrounds. Toolswhich can be used to support and enhance virtual collaboration are explored. Discussion boardsand collaborative writing and editing within a course management program or via a documentediting program like Google Docs are used to
Conference Session
Active and Project-Based Learning
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lauren A. Rockenbaugh, University of Colorado, Boulder; Daria A. Kotys-Schwartz, University of Colorado, Boulder; Derek T. Reamon, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
agricultural tools for developingcommunities.MethodsA pre-project survey was piloted in February 2010 to determine a baseline for ComponentDesign students’ attitudes toward engineering as a practice and profession, attitudes towardservice-learning and community, sense of belonging in engineering and “seeing” themselves as Page 22.1192.6engineers, confidence in technical skills specific to Component Design and non-technical skillsincluding teamwork, communication, and technical writing. All of the students in the coursewere required to complete the survey for a portion of their homework grade. The 21-questionsurvey was administered halfway through the
Conference Session
Ethics and Technology
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sylvia W. Thomas, University of South Florida
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
students’ interviews with peers, friends, and family, on how aspects of theirresearch will affect the general public and the environment. The specific areas addressed inthis article are 1) Nanotechnology in Solar Cell Development, 2) Nanotechnology inElectronics, 3) Nanotechnology in BioEnergy, and 4) Nanotechnology and Fuel Cells.III. MethodologyAs utilized by anthropologists, sociologists, and psychologists, this work has employed acombination of techniques, “survey research design” and “convenience sampling”.4,5 Withthe summer research program having a duration of ten weeks and limited funding, these twomethods were deemed appropriate to address the two concerns of this work. Particularly,survey research designs are very valuable tools for
Conference Session
K-12 and Pre-college Engineering Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Adrian Lee, Central Illinois Technology and Education Research Institute
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
towards teaching science,technology, engineering, and mathematics principles both within and outside the classroomenvironment. Collaboration amongst academic researchers and educational practitioners hasyielded exceptional opportunities for students to increase technological literacy throughparticipation in structured formal and informal learning activities. This paper outlines a resourcefor students to display their creativity and independent learning skills by presenting a journalisticapproach to publishing student-initiated research projects. Comparable in format to professionaltechnical journals, the establishment of a peer-reviewed, online and open-access journal gearedfor the 7-12 grade audience is presented. This concept is currently being
Conference Session
Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Ethics Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel F. Jennings PE, Texas A&M University; Bimal P. Nepal, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
studentsdepending upon the class size. This is a key component of a student overall grade in the course.This assesses students’ ability to communicate in writing. Peer evaluations are used to assignindividual grades. Each member of each group is required to complete a peer evaluation formwhich is provided by the instructor in the course packet.Oral Presentation of the Written Leadership Project: Each group is required to make an inclass—oral presentation of their written project. All members of the group are required toparticipate. The class participation is highly encouraged in the whole presentation process. Forexample, each class member and the course instructor jointly assign a grade to the oralpresentation for each of the individual presenters.Guest
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Homero Gregorio Murzi, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
scienceeducation. Using the search terms “active learning,” “teaching, ” “learning,” and “team-based learning” in any field, the searched was focused on articles published in peer-reviewed journals between January 1993 and December 2013. A 20-year period wasselected intentionally in order to include relevant work related to cooperative learning donein the late 90´s, and to achieve saturation. In the initial search 49 articles were found.Analyzing the full text of every article refined the search. The final articles were chosen fordemonstrating all the following selection criteria: 1. The research must have used a type of active learning in the theoretical framework. 2. The research was focused on improving student learning in the engineering
Conference Session
FPD 1: The Path to Engineering
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Catherine E. Brawner, Research Triangle Educational Consultants; Marisa K. Orr, Louisiana Tech University; Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University and Central Queensland University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
Central Queensland University Matthew W. Ohland is Professor of Engineering Education at Purdue University and a Professorial Re- search Fellow at Central Queensland University. He has degrees from Swarthmore College, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and the University of Florida. His research on the longitudinal study of engineer- ing students, team assignment, peer evaluation, and active and collaborative teaching methods has been supported by over $12.8 million from the National Science Foundation and the Sloan Foundation and his team received Best Paper awards from the Journal of Engineering Education in 2008 and 2011 and from the IEEE Transactions on Education in 2011. Dr. Ohland is past Chair of ASEE’s
Conference Session
Themes in Renewable Energy and ET
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Chiou, Drexel University; Radian G Belu, Drexel University (Tech.); Michael G Mauk P.E., Drexel University; M. Eric Carr, Drexel University; Tzu-Liang Bill Tseng, University of Texas, El Paso
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
course sequence was organized following the ABET guideline forcapstone and/or senior project design courses. The senior design class is organized in a verystructured form.1. Teams: All students have to work in teams of three or four. We consider this to be theoptimum team size. A team of two may result in distress in cases where one of the students wasnot able to do his or her share of the work, while for teams larger than four may have difficultiesto choose projects which were challenging enough for such a big group of students and stillcould be finished within three-quarter time frame.2. Self and Peer Review: A very simple self and peer review system has been introduced. Thestudents must evaluate their own and their team members' performance
Conference Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nihad Dukhan, University of Detroit Mercy; Mark Schumack, University of Detroit Mercy
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
change. Abulencia et al.9 described an inquiry-based exercise in whichstudents were required to develop an instructional video that could teach a concept inthermodynamics using common metaphors, and to watch (and critique) similarly constructedvideos by peers. Prince et al.11 presented results that showed the effectiveness of inquiry-basedactivities in addressing some thermodynamic misconceptions held be engineering students, i.e., Page 23.1280.8heat, energy, temperature and entropy.Field43 described guided inquiry investigations of thermodynamic properties and cycles in asophomore thermodynamics class. Students were required to modify a
2024 South East Section Meeting
Arezou Shafaghat, Kennesaw State University; Mohammad Jonaidi; Hoseoen Lee; Craig A Chin, Kennesaw State University; Ali Keyvanfar, Kennesaw State University
Tagged Topics
Engagers: Show hesitation or uncertainty, need additional support to engage moreactively.'Z' (Assessment Wants) explored are: - Direct Submission Assessment: For submission assignments that involve submitting workdirectly, such as assignments, projects, or exams. - Indirect Submission Assessment: For submission assignments that involve feedback orevaluation from others, like peer reviews or self-evaluations. - Qualitative Submission Assessment: For submission assignments that involve non-numericalevaluation, focusing on quality of writing, understanding, or creativity. - Quantitative Submission Assessment: For submission assignments that involve numericalevaluation, such as grades or scores. - Direct Formative Assessment: Assignments
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Technical Session 12
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicole Delgado, New Mexico State University; Hilda Cecilia Contreras Aguirre, New Mexico State University; Luis Rodolfo Garcia Carrillo
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
. The ROLE program at the HSI supports engineeringsophomore, junior, and senior-level students in developing research skills needed in technicalfields; interpersonal skills needed to be successful employees; and academic and professionalskills that are transferable in their decisions to enter graduate studies or the professional world.ROLE students learn technical skills through hands-on activities in a laboratory setting; receivenear-peer and faculty mentorship from individuals with similar cultural and linguisticbackgrounds; attend culturally relevant workshops that support academic, interpersonal, andprofessional growth; and participate in outreach events within the local community and K-12school environments. This study will work
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineering Division (BED) Technical Session 2: Experiential Learning in Biomedical Engineering
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sabia Zehra Abidi, Rice University
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering Division (BED)
different learning style, auditory, compared to the usual reading and writing learning style we usually do. This helps me stimulate a different part of my brain and engage with the course material in a new view, which helps me retain the information better as this was a unique learning experience. • While the heart on its own doesn’t sound very musical, describing it as music is a good way to remember certain concepts. • Being able to listen to the sound manifestation of blood flow in the heart was really helpful and allowed me to better interpret the physiological processes we had learned in class. • I am sure that approaching the heart from this new angle will help me retain much more of the
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Technical Session 7
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kiana Alexa Ramos; Julia Gardow; Emanuel Joseph Louime; Eunice Yujin Kang; Avneet Hira, Boston College
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
youth.Our project’s focus on strengthening belonging through the use of youth participatory actionresearch (YPAR) in technology-rich spaces to develop deliverables iteratively, cater to theserecommendations. As shown technology and makerspaces provide opportunities to create physical artifactsthat build personal connections with engineering and technology [10], [11], [12], [13]. Howeverthere have been unequitable uses of said spaces and resources for youth from underservedcommunities that place youth at a disadvantage compared to their more privileged peers [1],[14], [15], [16]. Therefore the use of YPAR in technology rich spaces, youth may use researchmethods to make sense of and address social problems impacting their communities [17
Conference Session
Technical Session 9 - Paper 1: The New Normal: Student Perspectives on Supportive University Policies during COVID and Beyond
2022 CoNECD (Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity)
Maimuna Begum Kali, Florida International University; Stephen Secules, Florida International University
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
populations (e.g., Black, Latinx, first-generation students,community college transfer students) [5]. Some of these students enter the university withexisting mental health concerns; others develop mental health challenges during college. Awide range of backgrounds and factors can influence a students’ mental health and wellbeing:living and financial conditions [6], academic preparation [7], student-faculty interactions [8],food insecurity, and family responsibilities [3], and peer relationships [9]. These stressorshave wider impacts on student success [3]: a decrease in a student’s wellbeing can negativelyimpact their educational experiences, leading to academic dissatisfaction, resulting indecreased academic performance or attrition [10]. A
Conference Session
College Industry Partnerships Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Shuvra Das, University of Detroit Mercy; David Pistrui, University of Detroit Mercy; Darrell K. Kleinke P.E., University of Detroit Mercy; Eric T. Gehrig, Target Training International, Ltd.; Ron Bonnstetter
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
College Industry Partnerships
and bored in the classroom where the entire learning mode is passive listening. They learn by doing or through tactile activities. An overwhelming majority of our learning systems are set up to be used as a passive learning resource. This effectively excludes students who are not good at working in that mode.Inclusive systems seek to remove barriers and provide the means for educating ALLstudents with high quality instruction, interventions, and support such that all studentshave the opportunity to be successful. Inclusive schools have a collaborative andrespectful culture where all students are presumed to be competent. They encourageand develop positive social relationships between peers and recognize all students as
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Teaching Part Three
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Collins, J.P. Morgan Chase; Gerard Lennon, Lehigh University; John Ochs, Lehigh University; Richard Weisman, Lehigh University; Vincent Munley, Lehigh University; Joseph Sterrett, Lehigh University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
"dcemitqwpf" to complete the design. 2. Design a sports facility including the evaluation of considerations such as economics, ethics, societal, environmental impacts, and constructability. 3. Write a project report that is of a quality commonly found to be acceptable in the engineering profession. 4. Orally present the results of an engineering design project to a wide audience of students, faculty, staff, including coaches and student athletes, using a presentation package such as PowerPoint that is of a quality commonly found to be acceptable in the engineering profession.B. Project SelectionThe process of selecting feasible projects is especially crucial to the success of thecourse. They must present workable
Conference Session
Military and Veterans Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder; Greg Rulifson P.E., Colorado School of Mines; Nathan E. Canney, CYS Structural Engineers Inc.
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Military and Veterans
viewsocial responsibilities related to the engineering profession and perceive negative feelings fromtheir peers related to the ethics of military service? (3) How do engineering students with ahistory of military service view social responsibilities related to the engineering profession andperceive negative feelings from others related to the ethics of military service? The first RQ wasexamined using the results from two large surveys of engineering students attending 17institutions with about 3300 respondents, including 222 students attending one of the U.S.military academies. The professional connectedness element of social responsibility wasmeasured using 19 Likert-type items with a 7-point response scale. It was found that the
Conference Session
Professional Development for Teachers and Counselors
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kristen Clapper Bergsman, University of Washington; Jill Lynn Weber, Center for Research and Learning; Eric H. Chudler, University of Washington
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
(TableC3 in the Appendix). Survey results indicate a majority of teachers (64%) continue to use thecurriculum units they designed as part of their RET program. Almost all respondents felt thatthe curriculum units were useful teaching resources (91.7%). One hundred percent of teacherswho enacted these units found them to: attain their learning objectives; be effectivelypresented through engaging, real life contexts; presented at an appropriate age level; includeadequate resources to support student learning; and be well aligned to the NGSS. Teacherresponded that they have made changes to the curricula after piloting to ensure the best fit intheir classrooms. Survey results confirm that teachers are disseminating the curriculum unitsto their peers
Conference Session
FOCUS ON EXHIBITS: Welcome Reception & NEW THIS YEAR! 2018 Best Division Paper Nominee Poster Session Sponsored by Engineering Unleashed
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Reeping, Virginia Tech
Tagged Topics
ASEE Headquarters
reflections. The cycle was augmented by Greenaway’s Active Reviewing Cycle,a model which provides a different way to examine experiential learning [19]. The keywordsfrom this cycle are shown within parentheses in Figure 1. FIGURE 1. KOLB EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING CYCLE WITH GREENWAY’S KEYWORDSThe concrete experience stage is used to engage students in performing some sort of activitywhere they apply their ideas and skills. Experiences from activities generate facts – the events,moments, and details associated with the activity. Next, the reflective observation stageencourages students to reflect on their experiences through mechanisms such as self-evaluation,peer discussion, and instructor feedback. Reflections generate feelings, an
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division: Engagement, Experiential Learning, and Balance
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado - Boulder; Marissa H. Forbes, University of Colorado - Boulder; Jacquelyn F. Sullivan, University of Colorado - Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
(median 18-19%) and total choice (65-81%), and lower technical requirements (median47-54%), as compared to engineering degrees. The results demonstrate that environmentalengineering students have comparatively less choice and curricular balance that peers in naturalscience and math. However, there are accredited and highly ranked environmental engineeringprograms that allow both choice and greater curricular balance. These programs serve asexamples to others who may want to design programs that allow students to exercise their innateneed for autonomy and also balance their educational experience.IntroductionSelf-determination theory indicates that human beings have an innate psychological need forautonomy, satisfied through choice.1,2 Choice is
Conference Session
Examining Social Ties and Networks
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Janet Y Tsai, University of Colorado Boulder; Daria A Kotys-Schwartz, University of Colorado Boulder; Daniel Knight, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
of this critical year in undergraduate engineeringeducation is warranted, and advocate for a new perspective in analyzing the social and culturalenvironments of gateway engineering mathematics courses of the sophomore year - specificallyCalculus 3 for Engineers and Differential Equations & Linear Algebra. Our study seeks toidentify how students connect to various resources, peers, and content and to what effect as theynavigate the curriculum of these high-stakes prerequisites for subsequent major-specificcoursework. We study ethnographically the experiences of undergraduate students, graduatestudent teaching assistants, and faculty instructional staff as they traverse these courses, in orderto map out the social and cultural terrain upon
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary First-year Experiences
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lizabeth T. Schlemer, California Polytechnic State University; Kylie Hensley, SUSTAIN SLO; Rachel Pittman; Jada Golland, SUSTAIN SLO
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
how the student narratives spoke to these two questions: 1)How is SUSTAIN different than the traditional course experience? and 2) How did SUSTAINaffect you?In their interviews, students reported that SUSTAIN SLO was different than traditionalexperiences as it included 1) open assignments and structure, 2) a new look at education andlearning, 3) different relationship with faculty and peers, 4) a recognition of the importance ofspace to be yourself, and 5) significant collaboration and team building. As for the impact ofthese differences, students reported 1) increased capacity for personal reflection, 2) a new senseof ownership in education, 3) a discovery of internal motivation and the joy of learning, and 4)deepened friendships that led to
Conference Session
The Best of Computers in Education
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Reeping, Virginia Tech; John K. Estell, Ohio Northern University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
experiential learning [19]. The keywordsfrom this cycle are shown within parentheses in Figure 1. FIGURE 1. KOLB EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING CYCLE WITH GREENWAY’S KEYWORDSThe concrete experience stage is used to engage students in performing some sort of activitywhere they apply their ideas and skills. Experiences from activities generate facts – the events,moments, and details associated with the activity. Next, the reflective observation stageencourages students to reflect on their experiences through mechanisms such as self-evaluation,peer discussion, and instructor feedback. Reflections generate feelings, an assessment of theexperience from various modes of input. During the abstract conceptualization stage, studentsintegrate their
Conference Session
Mental Health of Graduate Students
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Amanda C. Arnold, Arizona State University; Kerrie G. Wilkins-Yel, University of Massachusetts Boston; Jennifer M. Bekki, Arizona State University; Bianca L. Bernstein, Arizona State University; Madison Natarajan, University of Massachusetts Boston; Ashley K. Randall, Arizona State University ; Roxanna Francies, Arizona State University; Chinwendu Elyse Okwu, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
alpha (α)EFFECTS OF STEM CLIMATE ON MENTAL HEALTH 4 Lack of interpersonal Participant describes feeling 0.796 0.006 support in academic unsupported by their professors, setting mentors/advisors, peers/friends, colleagues, or general program climate within the academic setting Difficult interpersonal Participant describes difficult 0.885 0.003 interactions with peers, interpersonal interactions with staff, post-doc, etc. program staff