AC 2011-2134: EVALUATION AND RESULTS FOR AN INTEGRATEDCURRICULUM IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGJoseph J. McCarthy, University of Pittsburgh Professor of Chemical EngineeringRobert S. Parker, University of Pittsburgh Page 22.650.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Evaluation and Results for an Integrated Curriculum in Chemical EngineeringAbstractIncreasing knowledge integration has gained wide-spread support as an important goal in en-gineering education. The Chemical Engineering Pillars curriculum is one of the first fullyintegrated curricula in engineering, and is
AC 2011-1072: DEFINING GLOBAL COMPETENCE FOR ENGINEER-ING STUDENTSStacy S Klein-Gardner, Vanderbilt University Stacy Klein-Gardner is the Director of STEM Outreach for Peabody College and the School of Engineer- ing at Vanderbilt University. She is also an associate professor of the practice of biomedical engineering, teaching & learning, and radiological sciences.Alanna Walker, Clemson University Page 22.420.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Defining Global Competence for Engineering StudentsAbstractIn this study, we collected the opinions of
AC 1999-292: Microelectronics Teaching Factory At Arizona State UniversityEastmesa, Arizona, USAAlbert L. McHenry,Lakshmi Munukutla, Arizona State UniversityR. S. Cartier, Page 4.382.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 1999 "Session 2547" Microelectronics Teaching Factory at Arizona State University East Mesa, Arizona, USA L.V. Munukutla, A.L. McHenry and R.S. Cartier Arizona State University East/Motorola Inc., Chandler, Arizona
Session 2520 A Proposed Model for A Web-Based Course On “Introduction to Computers” Yousry S. El-Gamal, Abd-Elhamid Elmaghrabi, Sherif M. Tawfik Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime TransportAbstractDuring the past 5 years, the manner in which information is shared over the Internet has beendramatically improved by the introduction of World Wide Web (WWW). The World WideWeb provides standards for representation of multimedia information and protocols, whichallow access and navigation to multimedia documents in the Internet. Recently, the WorldWide Web has become a major contender
Session 1308 Thermodynamics for Living Systems1 John S. Cundiff Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech George E. Meyer, Dennis D. Schulte, L. Davis Clements Biological Systems Engineering, University of NebraskaAbstract A thermodynamics course specifically designed for the engineering disciplines that dealwith living systems is described. At most universities, thermodynamics courses are taught in themechanical engineering and chemical engineering departments. Traditionally, these courses givelittle attention to
Session 1647 CBI Courseware Development – Lessons Learned S. Chickamenahalli, M. Bollepalli, V. Nallaperumal, C-P. Yeh, B. Shellnut Wayne State University/Greenfield CoalitionAbstract This paper presents our experiences while developing computer based instruction (CBI)materials for an Electrical Machines course for the NSF-funded Greenfield Coalition (NSF-GC)for new Manufacturing Education. Greenfield Coalition for new Manufacturing Education is apartnership of six diverse educational institutes and five manufacturing companies, the Societyof Manufacturing Engineers and Focus: Hope, a civil rights
-Fighting Mobile Robot’, 1998 ASEEAnnual Conference Proceedings9. G. H. Staab, ‘The Growing Appeal of TOGA PARTY’, 1998 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings.10. Capt. S. D. Pinski, ‘Competition in Senior Design Projects’, 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings.AKIHIKO KUMAGAIA. Kumagai is an Assistant Professor of Engineering Technology at Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. He earnedhis B.S. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florida in 1983 and 1985 respectively, and hisPh.D. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 1993. His current teaching andresearch interests include manufacturing, kinematics, dynamics, robotics and controls. Prior to joining WSU, heworked for Motorola and United
Session 2793 A Collaborative University-Industry Agreement to Establish an Advanced Communication Laboratory Ali Eydgahi , Mohammad Fotouhi, Ronald Baddock, Catherine S. Bolek University of Maryland Eastern Shore/ University of Maryland Eastern Shore/ Amtek Company/University of Maryland Eastern ShoreAbstractThis paper describes the details of a partnership and collaboration that have recently beencreated between University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Lab-Volt systems, and AmtekCompany. This partnership has been envisioned to meet several goals and objectives foreach partner. The individual goals when combined, benefit the
Session 2625 Session 2625 Safety, Health, and the Environment in the Engineering Curricula: The Institute for Safety Through Design Donald S. Bloswick, Wayne C. Christensen, Robert B. Roemer University of Utah/National Safety Council/University of UtahThere appears to be a need for the consideration of safety, health, and environmental issues in thedesign process. In response to this need, the National Safety Council Institute for Safety ThroughDesign was established in 1995. The mission of this organization is to reduce the
Session 1602 Bringing Research and New Technology into the Undergraduate Curriculum: A Course in Computational Fluid Dynamics Homayun K. Navaz, Brenda S. Henderson, and Ravi G. Mukkilmarudhur Kettering UniversityAbstractAs technology advances in the industries which graduating engineers wish to enter, technology inthe undergraduate curriculum must also advance. A course in computational fluid dynamics wasrecently developed which meets the challenge of bringing advanced topics to undergraduatestudents. This paper addresses techniques used to enable undergraduates to enter the work forcewith the ability to solve and
AC 2011-2787: A COMBINED CURRICULUM IN AEROSPACE AND OCEANENGINEERING38 YEARS LATERLeigh S McCue, Virginia TechJoseph A Schetz, Virginia Tech Dr. Joseph A. Schetz is currently the Holder of the Fred D. Durham Chair in Aerospace and Ocean Engineering at Virginia Tech, in Blacksburg, Virginia. Dr. Schetz was born and raised in New Jersey and then attended Webb Institute of Naval Architecture in New York receiving a BS in 1958. The launch of Sputnik in 1957 caused him to change directions and enter the aerospace field. He went on to receive his MSE (1960), MA (1961) and PhD (1962) in Mechanical Engineering from Princeton University. He started his professional career at General Applied Science Lab. in New York in 1961
AC 2011-280: A MODEL FOR INITIATING ABET-ACCREDITED ENGI-NEERING DEGREE PROGRAMS USING DISTANCE EDUCATIONDarrin S. Muggli, Benedictine College Dr. Muggli is a Professor and Chair of the Engineering Department at Benedictine College. Previously, he was a Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of North Dakota, where he taught both traditional and distance courses for ten years. Dr. Muggli received his Ph.D. from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 1998. He has taught a broad range of chemical engineering and foundational general engineering courses.Brian Tande, University of North Dakota Brian Tande is an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the
Paper ID #14275Effective STEM Curriculum for GirlsDr. Stacy S Klein-Gardner, Harpeth Hall School and Vanderbilt University Dr. Stacy Klein-Gardner serves as the Director of the Center for STEM Education for Girls at the Harpeth Hall School in Nashville, TN. Here she leads professional development opportunities in STEM. This Center also leads a program for rising high school girls that integrates community service and engineering design in a global context. She continues to serve as an Adjoint Professor of the Practice of Biomedical Engineering Vanderbilt University
Session 3420 Abstraction in Computer Network Education: A model based approach G. Kohli, S. P. Maj, G. Murphy & D. Veal Edith Cowan University, Perth, WA, AustraliaAbstractRapid developments in network technology have resulted in the inclusion of ACM/IEEErecommendations for Net-Centric computing as a part of the Computer Science UndergraduateBody of Knowledge. Accordingly ACM/IEEE networking curriculum now represents anincreasingly significant component of Computer Science curriculum. Furthermore, relativelyinexpensive equipment, such as switches and
Session 1763 An Examination of Vendor-Based Curricula in Higher and Further Education in Western Australia G. Murphy, G. Kohli, D. Veal and S. P. Maj Edith Cowan University, Perth, WA, AustraliaAbstractVendor-based curricula are becoming increasingly prevalent in two-year college (Technicaland Further Education (TAFE) courses and in University programs in Western Australia.This reflects a world-wide trend in the provision of such programs; for example, in October2003 Cisco Systems reported that there were over half a million students enrolled in CiscoNetworking Academies in 150
Paper ID #9276STEM Explore, Discover, Apply – A Middle School Elective (Curriculum Ex-change)Dr. Krystal S Corbett, Cyber Innovation Center Dr. Krystal Corbett is the Director of Curricula at the Cyber Innovation Center (CIC). She received her B.S. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (2008/2010), M.S. in Mathematics (2012), and Ph.D. in Engineering Education (2012) at Louisiana Tech University. Through the CIC, Dr. Corbett manages various educational enterprises. Additionally, she is designing and implementing a three-part middle school elective course, STEM: Explore, Discover, Apply, which fosters excitement in STEM.Mr
Paper ID #8493STEM Summer Institute Increases Student and Parent Understanding of En-gineeringDr. Stacy S Klein-Gardner, Harpeth Hall School and Vanderbilt University Dr. Stacy Klein-Gardner began as the Director of the Center for STEM Education in April 2011 just as the Center began. An engineer by training and in her ways of thinking, she received a BSE in biomedical and electrical engineering from Duke University in 1991. She then earned her M.S. from Drexel University in 1993 and her Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from Vanderbilt University in 1996. Dr. Klein-Gardner’s career focuses on K-12 science, technology
various professional IT consulting assign- ments. Dr. Ghani holds MSEE from Illinois Institute of Technology, MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management and Doctorate from Northern Illinois University.Dr. Ahmed S. Khan, DeVry University, DuPage Dr. Ahmed S. Khan is a Senior Professor in the College of Engineering and Information Sciences at DeVry University, Addison, Illinois. Dr. Khan has more than thirty years of experience in research, instruction, curricula design, development, evaluation, implementation and program accreditation, management and supervision. Dr. Khan received an MSEE from Michigan Technological University, an MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management., and his Ph.D. from Colorado
, the effects of curriculum on design cognition, the effects of differing design pedagogies on retention and motivation, the dynamics of cross-disciplinary collaboration in both academic and industry design environments, and gender and identity in engineering.Ms. Courtney S Smith, Page 23.924.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 Negotiating Masculine Spaces: Attitudes and Strategies of First- Year Women in EngineeringAbstractResearch throughout the late 20th and early 21st century explored the kinds of barriers andchallenges women faced in
Process Office, 2003-2009. Dr. White left MITRE in July, 2010, to offer a consulting service, CAU-SES (”Complexity Are Us” - Systems Engineering Strategies).Dr. S. Jimmy Gandhi, California State University, Northridge S. Jimmy Gandhi is currently an assistant professor in the Manufacturing Systems Engineering & Man- agement (MSEM) Department at California State University, Northridge. He teaches courses in quality management, entrepreneurship and systems engineering. Prior to coming to Cal State, he was with the School of Systems and Enterprises at Stevens Institute of Technology and also taught at the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College, which is part of the City University of New York (CUNY). Dr. Gandhi
Paper ID #6133The iCollaborate MSE Project: Progress Update 2013Prof. Kathleen L Kitto, Western Washington University Kathleen L. Kitto is currently the acting vice provost for research and the dean of the Graduate School. Additionally, she serves as special assistant to the provost for strategic initiatives. She is a faculty member within the Department of Engineering Technology and specializes in Materials Science and Engineering.Dr. Debra S. Jusak, Western Washington University Dr. Jusak is vice provost for academic resources. She is also a professor, having taught computer science for twenty-two years
Paper ID #41895Interdiscipinary Project (ME/EE) for Students in Shop to Increase Conductivityof Aluminum StockGiselle S. Veach, University of IdahoDr. Herbert L. Hess, University of Idaho Herb Hess is Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Idaho. He received the PhD Degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1993. His research and teaching interests are in power electronics, electric machines and drives, electric ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 A Review and Proposal for Increasing Conductivity of Aluminum
Paper ID #43872Poetry Writing as a Creative Task to Enhance Student LearningEmma S Atherton, University of Florida Emma S. Atherton is an incoming Management Consultant and a recent graduate from the University of Florida with a Master of Engineering in Industrial and Systems Engineering, with a concentration in Production and Service Operations. She additionally received her Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the University of Florida, with a minor in Sales Engineering.Prof. Elif Akcali, University of Florida Dr. Elif Akcali is an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial and
pursue PhD degree where I can work on AI problems that serve science and society.Dr. Catia S. Silva, University of Florida Catia S. Silva is an Instructional Assistant Professor in the ECE department at the University of Florida. Her expertise is in machine learning, data science and engineering education. Dr. Silva is a GitHub Campus Advisor and can help integrate GitHub with your courses. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Adaptive Affect-Aware Multimodal Learning Assessment System for Optimal Educational Interventions Abstract— Researchers recognize the potential of affective, or emotional, features inenhancing learning systems, but many current
complete the problemoutside of class and upload it to Canvas.In Spring 2024 semester, the students were asked to create a circuit and find the transfer functionrelating the input to the output in either the frequency domain or the s-domain. One of therequirements was that the circuit should contain a dependent voltage or current source and thatthey should use mesh current analysis to find the transfer function.Previously, the students had learned how to apply mesh current analysis to a circuit to findcurrents and voltages within a circuit. They also learned how to find the transfer functions ofcircuits using source transformations and current and voltage division. This assignment whichwas also for bonus points combined the two topics.The Results
, doi: 10.18848/1836- 6236/CGP/v01i02/51392.[5] Paul. S. Steif and A. Dollar, “A new approach to teaching and learning statics,” in American Society for Engineering Education, Nashville, Tennessee, 2003.[6] C. L. Rao, J. Lakshinarashiman, R. Sethuraman, and S. M. Sivakumar, Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2003.[7] P. S. Steif, “An articulation of the concepts and skills which underlie engineering statics,” in 34th Annual Frontiers in Education, 2004. FIE 2004., Oct. 2004, pp. F1F-5. doi: 10.1109/FIE.2004.1408579.[8] E. Asa, “Designing a New Course: Construction Statics and Mechanics,” in 9th International Conference on Engineering Education, San Juan, PR, Jul. 2006, pp. 7–11
Paper ID #45351Design of Web-based Engineering Courses to Enhance Student LearningDr. Shashi S. Marikunte, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, The Capital College Shashi S. Marikunte is an Associate Teaching Professor of Civil Engineering and the Acting Chair of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University, Middletown, Pennsylvania. He serves as the Program Evaluator for the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commision (ETAC) and Engineering Accreditation Commision (EAC) of ABET. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Design of Web-based
276 USE OF EMBEDDED SYSTEMS TO ENGAGE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS IN RESEARCH ON MECHATRONICS DESIGN AND APPLICATIONS Andy S. Zhang Ali Harb Alex Wong awong@digilentinc.comNYC College of Technology NYC College of Technology Digilent Inc. 186 Jay Street 186 Jay Street 1300 NE. Henley Court Brooklyn, NY 11201 Brooklyn, NY 11201 Pullman, WA 99163 Iem Heng
Integrating Freshmen into Exploring the Multi-‐faceted World of Engineering and Sustainability through Biofuels Synthesis from Waste Cooking Oil Laura-‐Ann S. Chin1