include serving in the U. S. Army Special Forces in Asia and in the Reagan White House as a policy special assistant. Dr. Jones research interests include adult learning in work and educational systems, social systems effects on leadership, and adult moral development. Page 12.181.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007 Addressing the Career and Professional Development Needs of Experienced Project ProfessionalsAbstractThis paper presents a new non-degree graduate program in technical project management (TPM)that employs innovative teaching strategies to meet the needs of
Introductory Course.” Journal of EngineeringEducation, Vol. 82, No. 1, 15-21.5. Farrell, S.; Hesketh, R.P.; Slater, C. S. ”A Laboratory Project to Design and Implement a Process for theProduction of Beer.” Proceedings of the 1999 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference andExposition, Session 3226, June 20-23, Charlotte, North Carolina.6. Farrell, S.; Kadlowec, J.; Marchese, A.; Schmalzel, J.; Mandayam, S. “Hands on the Human Body! a.k.a.Introducing Freshmen to Multidisciplinary Engineering Principles through Application to the Human Body.”Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Session1526, June 16-19, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.7. Hesketh, R.; Farrell, S.; Slater, C
(S) or Number Multi Name of of (M) Major TabletPrimary School or Program of Students Course Software or Some Findings Regarding Student in theAuthor Research Firm Study in Study Study Activity Study University of Classroom increased student engagement and real-Anderson Washington CS 44 M Presenter time feedback from instructor DePauw DyKnow well received by students andBerque University CS 81 M DyKnow
were analyzed with respect to only the three primary majors in multivariateanalyses where undergraduate major was an independent variable. Page 12.722.6 2004-05 Academic Year 2005-06 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% % Respondents PhD M S Thesis M S SRP M S Coursework no answerFigure 4. Percentages of respondents per degree program for the 2004-05 and 2005-06 studies
the NSF-funded S- STEM program at UCF entitled the ”Young Entrepreneur and Scholar(YES) Scholarship Program” as well as the NSF-funded STEP program entitled ”EXCEL:UCF-STEP Pathways to STEM: From Promise to Prominence.” Dr. Young’s interests are in improving STEM education.Dr. Michael Georgiopoulos, University of Central Florida Michael Georgiopoulos received the Diploma in EE from the National Technical University in Athens, his MS degree and Ph.D. degree in EE from the University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, in 1981, 1983 and 1986, respectively. He is currently a Professor in the Department of EECS at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, FL. From September 2011 to June 2012 he served as the Interim
form 𝑦 = 𝑎 ∙ 𝑏 ! that could be used to describe thedata; (b) give an interpretation of the constants a and b in (a); (c) find the point in time when thevoltage across the capacitor was 0.05 V; (d) compute the average rate of change over threesubintervals, from t = 5 to t = 10 seconds, t = 20 to t = 25 seconds, and t = 40 to t = 45 secondsrespectively; and (e) write two or three sentences interpreting the negative average rate of changedata in (d). 2.0529 − 4.2245 t = 5 to t = 10 : = −0.43 v/s 10 − 5 .27252
multiplechoice questions (see Appendix) was taken to evaluate students’ knowledge of the FDM 3000operations and applications. The test scores from three groups were tabulated and illustratedbelow (see Table 1 and Figure 9): Table 1: The test performance among the designated three groups Group #1 (Control Group-Live Group #2 (RP Simulator-Old Group #3 (RP Simulator-New Instruction) Version) Version) S. No For 16 S. No For 16 S. No For 16 1 14 1 10 1 9 2 8 2 9 2 9
andmilitary experience and see if they have any type of impact as well.References[1] M. J. Pavelich and W. S. Moore, “Measuring maturing rates of engineering students using the Perry model,” in Proceedings of IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference - FIE ’93, 1993, pp. 451–455.[2] M. J. Pavelich and W. S. Moore, “Measuring the Effect of Experiential Education Using the Perry Model,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 85, no. 4, pp. 287–292, 1996.[3] J. C. Wise, S. H. Lee, T. A. Litzinger, R. M. Marra, and B. Palmer, “A Report on a Four-Year Longitudinal Study of Intellectual Development of Engineering Undergraduates,” Journal of Adult Development, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 103–110, Apr. 2004.[4] R. M. Felder, “A
, biomedical engineering issues. This approach helpsdistance learners as well as educators to work with the material in real-world classroomand/or virtually web-networked teams.Specifically, our methodology suggests the following activities, or processes withcontinuous quality and requirement feedback-loops: 1. Research and analyze the needs, for all key processes, and then 2. Develop a comprehensive object oriented system model. 3. Create a pilot system, a prototype that you can realistically implement, validate, refine, then 4. Create the full system as specified by your customer(s)/ sponsor(s) and then 5. Validate/ test, support, maintain and educate all parties involved.In more detail, the process
or engineering design. The language of industry may not be typical oflanguage used in the classroom or in the text book(s). While issues of jargon and terminologymake clarity of communication via a survey challenging, it can lead to dialogue needed toachieve commonality in meaning. This dialogue was sought with the open-ended questions. In apaper, or survey; however, dialogue is still somewhat illusive. Nonetheless, by the time thispaper is published, it is expected that some face-to-face dialogue on this area of capstone willhave occurred at the bi-annual Capstone Conference ( 1: Problem statement characteristics (coding) used in the Likert scale question General statement, definition or description, an
example, if the mainerror being made is related to switching the x and y components of a force due to sine and cosineconsideration. A non-graded worksheet could be prepared that focuses on that specific non-conceptual error. Some thought has been given to developing a booklet of problems thatspecifically identify the common errant paths; however, there is still a lot of data to analyze priorto the execution of that thought.Bibliography 1. Newcomer, J. L. and Steif, P. S. (2008) “What Students ‘Know’ About Statics: Specific Difficulties Common Among Students Entering Statics”, Proceedings – 38th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, ASEE/IEEE. 2. Newcomer, J. L. (2010) “Inconsistencies in Students’ Approaches to Solving
Career Development model is based on a life-long process where individualsreflect on their changing self concepts as they pass through stages of growth, exploration,establishment, maintenance, and disengagement with each career decision and transition. 6, 7Super used the “growth” and “exploration” stages to develop a children’s model that he believed“contribute[s] to career awareness and decision making”. 8 This model includes stages of Page 25.907.3curiosity, exploration, using occupational information, identifying helpful people, naming likesand dislikes, recognizing locus of control, and understanding one’s self-concept. 8Identifying helpful
enrollments at theseinstitutions are: over 10,000 at PUC, over 8,000 at Ivy Tech, and more than 28,000 at COD. The NSF-ATE project goals are: 1) augment and reorganize existing electrical andmechanical engineering technology courses into thirty-two enhanced modules at three differenttiers, 2) incorporate experiential learning in each module level so that the modules aremeaningful and practical, and 3) incorporate innovative delivery of lecture and laboratorymaterials. The innovative aspects of this project are: a) meet student learning needs based on theirdiverse educational background, b) provide multiple delivery options, c) complete modules(rather than courses) to receive college credit(s) or certificate(s), and d) provide
goal of every engineeringschool. Overall, we should be considering both pathways to creating a more inclusive system. Bibliography 1 "Abstracts of Studies about Diversity in Engineering and Science" Online Ethics Center for Engineering 8/6/2009National Academy of Engineering 2 "Synergies (2008 Annual Report) ". Rep. National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering. Web..3 Lim, V. "A Feeling of Belonging and Effectiveness Key to Women's Success." Diverse: Issues in HigherEducation 26.2 (2009): 17.4 Kukreti, A., Simonson, K., Johnson, K., and L. Evans. "A NSF-Supported S-STEM Scholarship Program forRecruitment and Retention of Underrepresented Ethnic and Women Students in Engineering." ASEE AnnualConference and Exposition, Conference
issued Z-number which serves as a unique identifier for eachparticipant for each measurement period. This will ensure that proper statistical analysis can beconducted. The primary analyses will focus on the two aforementioned research questions andthe hypothesis. To examine the first research question— What do engineering Faculty know Table 2. Measures Table Measure Description Purpose Assessment(s)Faculty Knowledge of SDT 12 items adapted from Faculty Knowledge of From faculty beginning of Questionnaire William & Deci [33] Self-Determination Theory Spring 2014 and Spring
outreach providedvia financial assistance and outreach that costs parents and/or students a significant amount ofmoney.Bibliography1. Artis, S., Friedman, R., & LaRue, G. (2010). Strengthening the engineering pipeline one field and one woman at a time: The role of single-discipline, single-sex engineering camps in the U.S. Proceedings from the 2010 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. Louisville, KY: ASEE.2. AWE, Assessing Women and Men in Engineering Project. (2012). Retrieved from Baxter, K. B. (2010). Women in science and engineering: Thriving or surviving? (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Southern California
appeared recently.[24]The module-based layout does not compromise typical topical coverage[25] but ratherencompasses coverage in the context of real-life, open-ended problems. For each module,students tackle a practical, complex but well-designed, problem(s) to solve, employing just-in-time discovery of principles in a cooperative-learning environment. The class motto is "thinkbetter and retain more". The first two modules are, to a large extent, the largest and mostextensive as concepts encountered there are extended to the other modules. The instructor firstintroduces the application, followed by the students setting initial desired objectives (power andefficiency) of the problem. The instructor facilitates the modeling phase, probing students
Empty-Handed Demonstr ations for Engineer s: Think Inside the Box Maurice F. Aburdene*, Beverly JaegerŒ, Susan FreemanŒ *Bucknell University, ŒNortheastern UniversityAbstractRecently there has been much emphasis on the inclusion of technology to improve student learning inengineering and this has proven to be very effective in a variety of engineering courses. The objective ofthis paper is to supplement technology-based education by teaching fundamental concepts using "empty-handed" demonstrations. This instructive technique is defined as one that is accomplished by usingwhatever is typically available in or near traditional classrooms and by simulating concepts with studentsand/or
. Vocational Education Journal, 67(5), 24-25, 47.2. Alexander, M. W. and Stone S. F. (1997, February). Student perceptions of teamwork in the classroom: An analysis by gender. Business Education Forum, 51(3), 7-10.3. Kunkel, J. G. and Shafer, W. E. (1997). Effects of student team learning in undergraduate auditing courses. Journal of Education for Business, 72(4), 197-200.4. Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). (2002), Criteria for accrediting Engineering programs. ABET:MD5. Ravenscroft, S. P. and Buclkess, F. A. (1995). Incentives in student team learning: An experiment in cooperative group learning. Issues in Accounting Education, 10(1), 97-110.6. Richardson, J., Montemuro, M., Mohide, E
experience helpedthem to understand better the meaning of being a real team member and what a real teammeans. They mentioned that the training experience will help them in future teamsituation either in their academic programs or in the work place.References1. Alexander, M. W. and Stone S. F. (1997, February). Student perceptions of teamwork in the classroom: An analysis by gender. Business Education Forum, 51(3), 7-10.2. McFarland, W. P. (1992, May). Meeting of the Minds: Recognizing Styles of Conflict Management Helps Students develop ‘People Skills’. Vocational education Journal, 67(5), 26-273. Overtoom, Ch. (2000). Employability skills: An update. ERIC Digest No. 220. (Report No. EDO-CE- 00-220). U.S.: Ohio
into manageable pieces, making and justifying appropriate assumptions and designdecisions, and making judgments as to the reasonableness of a finished design.In the following sections of this paper, several problems are included from the first offering ofthis course (Fall 2003), from homework assignments, laboratory exercises and exam questions.Then the discussion and conclusions section describes overall student performance on theseexercises and includes suggestions for incorporation into courses designed for non-sciencemajors.Homework ExercisesAssignments typically included one open-ended design problem which was to be done as a teamwith their lab partner(s) along with a set of textbook exercises targeting the lower levels ofBloom. The open
Session 3454 EMILE: A concerted tech-based entrepreneurship effort between Engineering and Business José L. Zayas-Castro, Cathleen S. Burns, Thomas J. Crowe, Mary E. Marrs, Douglas D. Moesel, Luis G. Occeña, Sally S. Schwartz, Bin Wu University of Missouri-ColumbiaAbstractBeginning in the fall of 1999 a team of faculty from engineering and from business at theUniversity of Missouri-Columbia joined efforts to address the following question: How can weadapt and build upon the work of other universities to close some of the competency gaps forthose students hired as
Education, vol. 32,no. 3, pp. 411-413, August 1989.[5] Lego Website:[6] M. P. Driscoll, Psychology of Learning for Instruction, 1st ed. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 1994.[7] J. S. Bruner, “The Act of Discovery”, Harvard Educational Review, vol. 31, pp. 21-32., 1961.[8] P. Corbeil, “Learning From the Children: Practical and Theoretical Reflections on Playing and Learning”,Simulation and Gaming, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 163-180, June 1999.[9] J. S. Brown, A. Collins and P. Duguid, “Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning”, EducationalResearcher, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 32-42, February 1989.[10] B. Beatty, Preschool Education in America: The Culture of Young Children from the Colonial Era to thePresent, New Haven, CT: Yale
knowledge base and professional practice, today’sengineers must also cope with continual technological and organizational change in the workplace. Inaddition, they must cope with the commercial realities of industrial practice in the modern world, aswell as the legal consequences of every professional decision they make.7Despite these challenges, Mills and Treagust7 noticed that the predominant model of engineeringeducation remains similar to that practiced in the 1950’s - “chalk and talk”, with large classes andsingle-discipline, lecture-based delivery the norm, particularly in the early years of study. Theyconsider that developments in student-centered learning such as problem-based and project basedlearning have so far had relatively little
. This hasincluded a comparison of TA and expert scoring11, progression of students’ mathematicalmodels13, and s progression of students’ problem formulations14.15. The results of the researchhas helped reform the content of TA training materials, MEA design, and the MEA Rubric and I-MAPs. This dynamic nature of MEAs also has helped the PR to acquire adaptive expertise – anability to adapt instruction to ever-changing student needs16. This also provided the experiencewith utilizing research to enhanced and informed classroom instructions. Since research is oftencurrent and changing, classroom instructions should also acquire these traits. Page
Language 8 Page 25.33.4 Ruby Unit Testing Relational Databases Web Application Frameworks 9 Introduction to Ruby on Rails Ruby on Rails 10 Testing in Rails Final Exam Week 11 (Practicum in C or Ruby) Table 1. – SE350 Course OutlineClass ActivitiesActivities were developed for each class and are worked on by student pairs. Classes have s
everyday experiences.into sub-factors. Second, to come up with multidimensional scales of Engineering-related Beliefsitems, a content validity test was conducted.Systematic Literature ReviewWe selected three representative journals of engineering education: such as Journal ofEngineering Education (JEE), European Journal of Engineering Education (EJEE), andInternational Journal of Engineering Education (IJEE). The search for JEE and IJEE wereperformed in Web of Science (up to January 2012) with the following search terms: "beliefs" or"perception" or "understanding" – AND – "survey" or "test(s)" or "questionnaire" or "scale"–AND – journal name (i.e. “Journal of Engineering Education”, “International Journal ofEngineering Education”). The search for
internal funding of a faculty member. Under this model, one or more individualsparticipate in a faculty member‟s research and are funded either directly by the research orthrough supplemental funding obtained through a funding agency such as the National ScienceFoundation (NSF). Another model, the focus of the current research, is the establishment of aresearch experience site targeting a certain segment of the population. There are also researchprograms for prospective students in K-14 levels, including a week-long hands-on high schoolresearch experience camp7 with desired program outputs and a two-week community collegeresearch experience program with retention and recruitment goals8.A research experience site can be sponsored by an external or
Session 1458 Multimedia Web-based Resources for Engineering Education: The Media Design and Assessment Laboratory at UMR Vicki M. Eller, Steve E. Watkins, Richard H. Hall, Joel Balestra, Asha S. Rao University of Missouri-RollaAbstract The design, development, and assessment of web-based multimedia learning resourcesare important aspects of engineering education. The Media Design and Assessment Laboratoryat the University of Missouri-Rolla was established to facilitate the interaction between webdesigners and content providers. It was created under the auspices of the Instructional