Statics and Mechanics of Materials and motivatesthe groups to write their lines. Once complete, each group leaves the classroom to record theirlyrics (which must be appropriate) and then uploads the videos to an online file drive. When allthe teams are done, the class watches the videos. I then have a rap of my own to share live,dramatically revealing my ‘dyed’ Eminem style hair (Figure 1a) and then rapping the entirecourse outline. The major learning objective for the day is for students to become comfortabletalking in front of their peers and not being afraid to ask any questions, because as I say, “onceyou have rapped in front of each other, how hard is asking a question?”Greek Rush DayThe value for this theme is its applicability to many STEM
ESPTs and in engineering praxis, they experience apowerfully rich and authentic identity, they experience becoming an engineer.In the following, we used three cases, that is, three women participants (Nickie, Bhee, and Annie– all pseudonyms) to illustrate the overall thematic findings noted in the passage above.Nickie is a member of an upper middleclass family with two parents (neither of whom areengineers), one sister and two brothers. She was born in the northeastern part of the UnitedStates. She differentiated herself from the other members of her family, “I was probably the leastathletic person ever, so I had to find other things….” She enjoyed reading, writing and drawing.“I became very artistic … and “was super curious” about space
writing. Each program hasa cognizant WIMS faculty or staff member who has responsibility for the educationalinstruction and overall management of the program.For in-school and teacher education initiatives, the WIMS Education Program has formedpartnerships with the K-12 school districts of Ann Arbor, Houghton/Hancock, Okemos andEast Lansing area schools, and DAPCEP (Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program, anacademic outreach program associated with Detroit schools), and with university-level outreach Page 12.1330.3organizations. Other individual schools that have partnered with WIMS are Grand Rapids HighSchool, Cass Tech High
Development. In addition, she has developed numerous tools to mentor young women considering engineering as a career and has been involved in the development of a women in engineering role model book for K-12 students.Patricia Carlson, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology PATRICIA A. CARLSON is professor of rhetoric at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. She is a long-time advocate of writing in engineering education. Carlson has been a National Research Council Senior Fellow for the U. S. Air Force, as well as having had several research fellowships with NASA (Langley and Goddard) and the Army's Aberdeen Proving Ground. She has also been a research fellow at NASA's Classroom
the group write down the proceedings (and thus not 8participate) or stop the proceedings to write down what has happened thus far. These “digitaldocuments” are easily shared among group members and the faculty advisor if necessary.Once the brainstorming and conceptual analysis is complete the students have to decide whichconcept best meets the project specifications and should be carried forward to detail design -Phase 3. Each alternative is ranked using a rational methodology, such as Pugh’s method [1],and from the ranking make a recommendation as to which concept best meets the designspecifications and should go forward to detail design. Normally the industrial sponsor would beinvolved at this
going to the environmental engineering conference, regardless of their own field, especially given that they are still undergraduates3. List the top three things that you learned (within and outside of your discipline) duringthis program. • Important – Should have a presentation on how to give presentations, i.e., PowerPoint, Communications • Bacterial source tracking and methodology • Presenting research • How broadly something like water uses the skills of so many academic fields • Research in general as what I want to do • How to go about research • How to present • How to write a research paper • Learn about a new area of a field (geology) • Learning to present chemistry to non-chemists
security.John K. Estell, Ohio Northern University John K. Estell is Chair of the Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science Department, and Professor of Computer Engineering and Computer Science, at Ohio Northern University. He received his doctorate from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His areas of research include simplifying the outcomes assessment process, user interface design, and the pedagogical aspects of writing computer games. Dr. Estell is a Senior Member of IEEE, and a member of ACM, ASEE, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, and Upsilon Pi Epsilon.Brenda Hart, University of Louisville Professor Hart is the director of student affairs in the School of Engineering
understandings of the ABET skills and how they maybe expressed in student team performance, set program outcomes or performance benchmarks,apply results to teaching improvements, and track longitudinal growth. It also offers richopportunities for faculty development and collaboration with industry professionals. Thecurricular debrief method can also be used as a teaching tool, so that students can practice theirABET professional skills in just one class period, gaining insight from faculty and peer feedback.The Scoring Tool: Guide to Assessing ABET Professional SkillsFirst, a rubric to be used as the rating tool was developed for the ABET professional skills.“Rubrics are scoring guides that describe the various levels of student performance for a
an effort in theCollege of Engineering at the Ohio State University where the freshman engineering classeswere redeveloped into a combined course with hands-on laboratory elements2. Teamwork,project management, report writing and oral presentations were the main parts of this program.Recently, in their research, Smith et al. focused on classroom-based pedagogy of engagement3.The authors recognized that active and collaborative learning provides better ways for students tolearn by being intensely involved in the educational process. These learning methods can furtherbe implemented by encouraging the students to apply their knowledge in many situations. Thearticle, as illustrated in, also indicates the superiority of the problem-based learning
Debra Gilbuena is a graduate student in Business Administration and Chemical Engineering at Oregon State University. She currently has research in the areas of solar cell development through thin film technology, business plan writing and engineering education. Debra has 4 years of experience including positions in semiconductor manufacturing, propellant manufacturing, electronics cooling and sensor development, an area in which she holds a patent and has provided international consulting. Debra was awarded the Teacher's Assistant of the Year Award for the College of Engineering at Oregon State University for her work as a Teacher's Assistant in thermodynamics courses. She has interests in
general strategies have beenimplemented in specific ways in classroom inquiry activities that include: pair discussions18;writing activities and team collaboration19; laboratory experiments, team work and veediagrams20; and computer-aided learning21.While some aspects of conceptual knowledge about characteristics of materials at the atomic-scale are developed in chemistry and physics courses, other important atomic-scale andmicroscale structural features of materials related to macroscale phenomena and properties arenot presented. To understand the conceptual framework and associated mental models thatexplain and predict macroscale properties of materials, new content on atomic-scale andmicroscale structure is introduced in MSE classes. In one
-engineering subspecialties can be implemented in order to bestow great additional value to thenewly graduated engineer.Background:A faculty-driven, high-quality biomedical systems engineering concentration was implementedwithin an established and EAC-of-ABET accredited five-year interdisciplinaryelectromechanical engineering program1. Of note is that under EAC rules, the existingelectromechanical engineering program had simultaneously met the accreditation criteria forelectrical engineering and for mechanical engineering. The graduates of this program are trueinterdisciplinary engineers. A graduate of this program is as comfortable in tackling a thermo-fluid problem as he/she is comfortable in designing the electronic hardware and writing thecontrol
, or an honors thesis) and to participate in the departmental and university- Page 14.685.4wide structured undergraduate research programs is another excellent way to increase thestudents’ sense of ownership of their research. Additional methods common to our laboratoryinclude applying for university-sponsored, undergraduate-specific research grants to defray thecost of the experimental work; being required to write a project report and/or present a poster atthe departmental level at the conclusion of the semester; and applying for departmental, college,university, or even nation-wide paper and presentation opportunities and awards. In
including the process of identifying the problem, designing the data collection method to address the problem, analyzing the results and making decisions. A low level response to this simply identified experimental design as an outcome. Situated Nature Place the laboratory experiment in the context of their future professional environments or scenarios. Communication/Documentation Develop written and oral communication skills and practice report (Comm/Doc). writing, including reporting results to clients
ofstudy at the university, leading to long term and sustained contact over time. Faculty in thismodel get to know the students well and can provide the most relevant advice as needed becausethey know the students' abilities, their weaknesses, and what works well for them. The intimateand close contact allows the faculty member to write much stronger and more specific letters ofrecommendation for students when they apply for positions, graduate school admission, orscholarships, as well. Students get to know one faculty member well and this can enable them toknow the faculty more as a person than just an institutional representative. The strengths oflongitudinal advising are enhanced when combined with situational leadership approaches[8
procrastinate when making decisions and producing deliverables[25]. Thiscoupled with time constraints due to the large Engineering Science workload and the short Page 14.1216.10length of the term, cause many students to delay the writing until shortly before the deadline,leaving them with insufficient time for preparation of the final document and oralpresentation of the project. It is thus necessary to ensure that the course strongly guidesstudents through the desired, iterative design process. We have found that this is generallybest done by requiring interim deliverables, which force iterations in a low-stressenvironment where feedback is readily
described in the Journal of Engineering Education articleentitled ‘The Effect of a First-Year Integrated Engineering Curriculum on GraduationRates and Student Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Study.’(30) From surveys, students felt thatinteractions with faculty and peers were very important. This led to block scheduling sothat groups of first-year students take at least 2-3 courses together, i.e., integrating thefirst year in ‘connection modules’.‘New Programs Welcomed at Faculty Meeting’(31) from the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology News Office. A new undergraduate course in biological engineering willteach engineering entirely in the context of biology. Also, there was a merging of theDepartment of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of
lab 0 1 Project review grading with the rubrics 2 5 Contrast between student vs. professional culture 2 8 Giving constructive feedback 5 9 Too little time in lab to complete a project 0 15 Writing a team contract 0 20Table 6. Tallies of curricular factors ranked as “most helpful 3” or “least helpful 3” fordeveloping professional teamwork. Effect of Teammate’s Actions on the Professional Teamwork Most Positive
paper surveys,including classroom climate, teacher personality traits, student-to-student interactions, and eventhe day of the week or the time of year that students complete the assessment. Many of thesecomplicating external factors may be playing a much greater role than our program ininfluencing student attitude, which confounds the application of a straightforward quantitativedata analysis.Post-program attitude scores from our participating schools can be compared with each other andwith the results of the TIMSS study to provide a benchmark indicator of how our students’attitudes measure up to their peers, both locally and across the country (Figures 2 and 3). Datashown include the average post-program values from four questions in our “I
teachers revealed that they saw engineering as beingless accessible to their students than teaching, medicine, law, and business. “It’s hard, andfemales and minorities cannot succeed in the engineering world,” is the prevailing attitude, thesurvey concluded. It is difficult to imagine that the teachers are not passing this viewpoint on totheir students.It is revealing to look at how engineering is viewed from the perspective of girls and the peoplewho influence them – teachers, school counselors, parents, peers, and the media. A recent studyby the Extraordinary Women Engineers Project (2005)3 indicates that these groups simply do notunderstand what a career in engineering involves. Engineering is just not on anyone’s career“radar screen.” The
teach this body ofknowledge. It concludes that civil engineering faculty must be scholars, effective teachers,practitioners, and role models. While true, there are a number of complex issues that arise suchas whether it is possible for one person to possess all of these attributes, whether such a modelbest serves the projected trends in civil engineering education, and whether these needs areapplicable to and can be enforced for non-traditional, non-university civil engineering programs.As a new committee (BOK-2) has formed to write the second edition of this document, theASCE Committee on Faculty Development is revising the “who should teach” chapter for thiseffort. This paper discusses some key issues that are relevant to the civil
where you’re just like, ‘book work. Here you go. Write it down.’ This actually revved up my mind and made me want to work harder in math and science to make sure it all works.One 8th grade student described how the hands-on STEM-ID course aligned particularly wellwith her learning style: It's hands on and you don't have to sit at a desk all day and do computer work. It actually gives you a chance to experience things. You get to learn up close. I'm a visual learner. I learn from what I see and what I can touch and play around with and it helps me function very well to know that I can do my hands-on work.Finally, as detailed further below, in describing their favorite aspects of the course, manystudents
partnership with the Kern Family Foundation in 2007. That firstgrant supported implementation of the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN)initiative. Subsequent grants from the Kern Family Foundation have supported intrapreneurshipdevelopment and intercollegiate entrepreneurship opportunities, faculty training to attain the goalof including EML into at least half of the engineering classes in the College, and creation of anEngineering Entrepreneurship minor that can be attained during the school year or through asingle summer-intensive program.The training workshops for faculty at Villanova University are held each summer.Approximately eight faculty members from all four departments participate each year. At thetime of writing about 1/3 of
explained how receiving sucha grade triggers a probationary status on the student’s record by the Graduate School. And thenshe gave the faculty member what he really needed – the knowledge of what was a “typical”grade distribution for a graduate course, in his department. That is, she gave him a copy of thegrade distributions of other faculty in the department, in writing, for him to reflect on. Theassistant professor did a really good job of listening. He did not launch into explanations of whythe students had earned a grade of C, or act defensively – he listened. (Tactic 3), and did not takethe fact that the associate dean had called a meeting as a personal affront to his judgment (Tactic7: Do not take negotiations personally – emotions do not
and uses of IPA. All of the authors of this study have proposed and utilized IPAas a methodology in nationally funded research studies, dissertations, or both. As such, all ofthe authors have found and defended the value of IPA for understanding a topic of interest inengineering education. In writing this work the authors hope to promote the use of IPA, whileproviding a transparent dialogue related to the critique of methodological changes. Given thegoal of promoting this methodology, the authors may not evaluate the methodological changesto the same level as someone who is critical or skeptical of the methodology. While theauthors attempt to set this aside and provide a critique grounded in the traditions of IPA, thepositionality of the
reportdemonstrating that the team has acquired in-depth knowledge in areas related to the health careinnovation. The final oral deliverables, with non-engineering peers of the students again inattendance, were given over two classes at the end of the semester.Wrap-up ProjectWith the final major project concluded, the students were asked to conduct one more project forthe class. In looping back to the first day when the students broke into small groups and playedvarious versions of The Game of Life, student teams were challenged to purchase a commonboard game of their choice and convert that game into a health care related game. The gamecould have opportunities for decisions, chance occurrences, various patient outcomes, diseaseidentification, etc. While this
perception, spatial attention, and multisensory integration. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers and given numerous contributed and invited talks. He is a member of the Editorial Board for the international journals NeuroReport and Vision, and is an Associate Editor for the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Dr. McCourt is a regular reviewer for over 50 scientific journals, and has reviewed for major funding agencies such as NIH, NSF, AFOSR, the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, the US-Israel Bi-National Science Foundation, the Canada Research Chairs Pro- gram, the Canada National Sciences and Engineering Council, and the Wellcome Trust. Dr. McCourt has received over $31M in competitive
Graduate Research Assistant on the VT PEERS project studying middle school students regularly engaging in engineering activities. Drawing on previous experiences as a mathematics and engineering teacher, her current re- search interests include studying the disconnect between home and school, with a specific emphasis on prekindergarten students. She will continue to pursue these research interests in the coming years with the support of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowships Program. In addition, she dedicates her spare time to exhibiting at the Virginia Tech Science Festival and hosting several sessions for the Kindergarden-to- college (K2C) Initiative.Ms. Ashley R. Taylor, Virginia Tech Ashley Taylor is a doctoral
networking topics.Teams are collaborating across the UW System through the Canvas learning environment, whichhas recently been implemented at all campuses. Canvas “courses” have been created for each ofthe IoT modules, and “instructors” – those with read/write privileges – have been assigned.These instructors come from multiple campuses, with some from industry also participating.b IT/OT = Information Technology / Operational Technologyc MES = Manufacturing Execution System; ERP = Enterprise Resource PlanningUsing Canvas allows instructors to readily share and develop materials, and it will also facilitatedissemination after the modules are completed. The Canvas course modules in progress thus farare listed below. IoT Networking Protocols
assigning the course grade. Fellow student evaluations(peer evaluation) are taken into consideration in evaluating individual students’ performance.Internet of Things (IoT) ProjectThe rapid increase and use of mobile technologies and wireless communications has opened thedoor for many smart home applications that monitor and control energy consumption. TheInternet of Things (IoT) has researchers investigating controlling appliances remotely in smarthomes. By utilizing the technology of IoT [15], the capstone team analyzed the main parametersthat should be taken into consideration when building an energy management system. Ourpartner, as a facility, is relatively large and presents unique challenges. The capstone team drewon previous work in this