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Displaying results 7981 - 8010 of 34727 in total
Conference Session
Projects in ECE
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lin Zhao, Gannon University; Nigel Yu, Gannon University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
cart. It should be pointed out that the high current level golf cart drivesystem is still under implementation with proposed completion in June 2013. So the projectspresented in this paper are all implemented with the lab-size emulated golf-cart drive system asshown in Figure 2. Figure 4 offline simulation model in Simulink Table 2: System parameters Motor Parameter Value Electromotive constant k E 0.0772 V/rad/s Electromagnetic torque constant k T 0.067 Nm/A Armature resistance Ra 0.7454
Conference Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John M Mativo, University of Georgia; Siddharth Savadatti, University of Georgia
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
suggests a mechanism design to achieve higher deflection. The paper will discuss thefirst two models. In conclusion, the paper points out how engineering education could benefitfrom exposure and participation in such a design process even though students were not involvedin this study originally.IntroductionThermoelectric generators convert heat to electricity. Current geometry and materials used indesigns shown in figures 1 and 2 result to rigid devices. The geometry ensures no moving partswhile the materials provide a high figure of merit (ZT). ZT=S2σ/k, where k is thermalconductivity, σ is the electrical conductivity, and S is the Seebeck coefficient. The figure ofmerit, ZT, is dimensionless and is formed by multiplying Z with the average
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Poster Session & Unit Operations Lab Bazaar
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William M. Clark, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
ofoperating conditions for the heater and temperature control experiments but also allows for aninteresting experimental study of the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics for a flow system.Table 2 shows example data and results that demonstrate that energy is conserved and the 2nd lawis not violated in this novel device. H and S values were evaluated assuming ideal gas withtemperature dependent heat capacity. Page 23.126.8Figure 6. Example temperature readings with vortex tube in operation.Table 2. Example vortex tube data and results. Inlet Cold stream Warm stream Total Air flow mol/s 0.142
Conference Session
Contemporary Issues in Manufacturing Education
2003 Annual Conference
Paul Ranky
- Page 8.762.2networked teams ([13] to [15]).Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition.Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Education.Specifically, our methodology suggests the following activities, or processes withcontinuous quality and requirement feedback-loops:§ Research and analyze the manufacturing needs, for all key processes, and then§ Develop a comprehensive system model.§ Create a pilot system, a prototype that you can realistically implement, validate, refine, then§ Create the full system as specified by your customer(s)/ sponsor(s) and then§ Validate/ test, support, maintain and educate all parties involved.In more detail, the process by which you
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Poster Session
2003 Annual Conference
Paul Ranky
open-sourcecomputational. Then we have implemented over thirty open source, 3D browserreadable, interactive multimedia, web-enabled library cases, covering a wide range ofengineering technology, design, manufacturing, IT, management, and biomedicalengineering topics.Each case in this library first looks at the real-world customer requirement, then expertsoffer one or more solution(s) by explaining real-world solutions, working with realmachines, or processes, or systems, and / or engineering management tasks, and thendiscuss further development, service, maintenance, integration, connectivity and manyother issues with several feedback loops, sound methods, and practical examples. Duringthe discussion, as well as at the end each 3D multimedia
Conference Session
Intro to Engineering: Not Just 1st Year Engineers
2003 Annual Conference
Janet Schmidt
weekly two hour meetings throughout the semester, the course's dual purpose was toprovide group processing time where TFs could discuss course issues and problems and well asaddressing issues related to the successful teaching of college freshmen. For example, topicssuch as learning styles, classroom climate issues (gender and race/ethnicity), and studentdevelopmental theories are among the original topics still included in the current seminar.With the advent of ABET's new EC 2000 directives for the satisfactory education ofundergraduate engineers, greater emphasis has been placed on the role of teamwork in theengineering classroom.14 In the early 1990's, ENES 100 was likely to be the only team basedcourse that many engineering students could
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2003 Annual Conference
Rufus Carter; Tim Anderson; Marc Hoit
their attitudes and opinions regarding theirfirst semester experience in engineering. This survey was first piloted and addresses factors ofmotivation, time conflicts, family support, academic preparedness, and academic progress. Thedatabase contains responses from 1060 students’ responses from 2 colleges of engineering.Introduction Less than 50% of students beginning in engineering continue in engineering and half ofthose leave during the freshmen year (Besterfield-Sacre, 1997) 1. In engineering, the annualgraduation rate decreased by approximately 20 percent in the 1980’s. (Board of EngineeringEducation-National Research Council, 1992) 2 Astin (1993) 3 found that only 43% of thefirst–year engineering students in his population
Conference Session
Design Experiences in Energy Education
2003 Annual Conference
Tim Meyers; Robert Weissbach
Session 2433 Honors Thesis Work in Renewable Energy for an Undergraduate Student Robert S. Weissbach, Timothy S. Meyers Penn State Erie, The Behrend CollegeAbstractRenewable energy has become an important area of research and development for bothenvironmental as well as economic reasons. At the academic level, it is possible to introducestudents to issues related to renewable energy. This paper discusses the effort one student has putin, as part of a thesis, to develop an economically feasible, self-sufficient, renewable energysystem for a
Conference Session
Real-Time and Embedded Systems
2003 Annual Conference
Richard O'Brien; Jenelle Piepmeier
industry-standard data acquisition boards availableincluding A/D, D/A, digital I/O, quadrature encoders, counters, mouse, joysticks, etc. Thecapability for serial communication support Simulink is especially useful.ExamplesRobotic Visual ServoingAn experimental testbed was designed to test the controller and demonstrate the flexibility ofuncalibrated visual servo control of an uncalibrated robotic manipulator. The system consists of acolor camera, a two-link reconfigurable robotic manipulator, and a desktop PC running MATLABwith Simulink. The controller (implemented in an S-function) is a Gauss-Newton optimizationtechnique that utilizes system estimation [7]. A CMUCam5 provides color-tracking data of amoving colored object. The CMUCam features on
Conference Session
Engineering Education and Comparative Studies at Universities throughout Asia, Far East
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rafiqul Islam, Northwestern State University
Tagged Divisions
) examination are allowed to take the admission test. The screeningprocess permits 8000 students to sit for the admission test from a pool of approximately 40000applicants. Only about 1000 students are allowed to get admission after the admission test.There is no requirement for verbal interview for the undergraduate applicants.There are 26 seats for the foreign students in undergraduate level. The pre-requisite qualificationfor admission is HSC (Higher Secondary Certificate) or GCE A level or equivalent with goodgrades in mathematics, physics, and chemistry4.North-South University (NSU) was the country‟s first government-approved private institutionof higher education established in 1992. The university where the language of introduction isEnglish
Conference Session
Spatial Visualization
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Theodore J. Branoff, North Carolina State University; Modris Dobelis, Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
- 24, 2012.5. Strong, S., & Smith, R. (2001). Spatial visualization: Fundamentals and trends in engineering graphics. Journal of Industrial Technology, 18(1), 1-6.6. Adanez, G. P, & Velasco, A. D. (2002). Predicting academic success of engineering students in technical Page 25.548.11 drawing from visualization test scores. Journal for Geometry and Graphics, 6(1), 99-109.7. Leopold, C., Gorska, R. A., & Sorby, S. A. (2001). International experiences in developing the spatial visualization abilities of engineering students. Journal for Geometry and Graphics, 5(1), 81-91.8. Hsi, S., Linn, M. C
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie Elizabeth August, Loyola Marymount University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Page 25.569.2 recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Components of TAILS Lab ExperimentsTAILS will deliver the tale of each AI algorithm or concept through a story with nine parts,including a description of the concept, relevant applications, sample test data, design description,exercises that guide the student in implementation, a test driver, suggested experiments, sourcecode that implements the algorithm, and complexity analysis. This choice of components ispatterned after the organization found in the files of software support that accompany Winston'sapproach4 and standard software engineering practice. Previous work5 identified
Conference Session
FPD X: Addressing Retention in the First Year
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andria Costello Staniec, Syracuse University; Helen M. Doerr, Syracuse University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
excellence. One of the signature programs offered is the “Academic ExcellenceWorkshop” (AEW). This program is offered as a one-credit pass/fail course for students in theirfirst and second years in the College and has met with varying levels of success, as measured bystudent performance, feedback on student surveys, and faculty perceptions of their effectiveness.Approximately 100 AEW courses are offered throughout the academic year for mathematicscourses (pre-Calculus through Calculus III) and select engineering classes. Students register forAEWs that correspond to the particular mathematics and/or engineering course(s) in which theyare enrolled. Because Syracuse University students pay block tuition, there is no financialdisincentive to enrolling
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Javier Angel Kypuros, University of Texas, Pan American; Martin William Knecht, South Texas College; Constantine Tarawneh, University of Texas, Pan American; Horacio Vasquez, University of Texas, Pan American; Robert D. Wrinkle, Center for Survey Research
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
concepts10,11,12,13. Everett et al.14,15 developed counter intuitive Dynamics examplesdesigned to expose students’ misconceptions.Education experts continue to urge Engineering educators to transform from a lecture-basedparadigm to one that is more inquiry-based. The 2000 National Research Council report16indicated that “[s]ixth graders in a suburban school who were given inquiry-based physicsinstruction were shown to do better on conceptual physics problems than eleventh and twelfthgrade physics students taught by conventional methods in the same school system." In spite ofthe potential advantages for student learning, there is a limited amount of research on the use ofinquiry-based learning in Statics and Dynamics.Despite advancements, widespread reform
Conference Session
Engineering Design
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Taryn Melkus Bayles, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Joshua A. Enszer, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Julia M. Ross, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
and analysis will be included in the ASEEannual conference.Acknowledgements The funding provided by the National Science Foundation DRK-12 program is gratefullyacknowledged, as well as the participation of area middle school and high school students and Page 25.760.11teachers.References 1. Brophy, S., Klein, S., Portsmore, M., & Rogers, C. (2008). Advancing Engineering Education in P-12 Classrooms. Journal of Engineering Education, 369-387. 2. Puntambekar, S., & Kolodner, J.L. (2005). Toward Implementing Distributed Scaffolding: Helping Students Learn Science from Design. Journal of Research in
Conference Session
Capstone and International Experiences
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Scott Danielson, Arizona State University, Polytechnic; Chell A. Roberts, Arizona State University, Polytechnic
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
many companies.During the first year of implementation, meetings were held with 20 potential external partners.Often, a first meeting occurred at the potential partner’s location with a second meeting at thePolytechnic Campus. With some partners, the process from introductions to securing supporttook up to eight meetings. After this first year, five of the partners agreed to provide a realisticengineering project for the students, to provide a project mentor for two semesters (we alsoprovide faculty mentor(s)), and monetary support for the projects, with sufficient overhead thatwe could sustain the program. Importantly for the success of the industry involvement, wedeveloped a model where the external partner could retain the intellectual
Conference Session
New Classrooms, New Challenges II: Assessing Non-traditional Approaches
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tracy Q. Gardner, Colorado School of Mines; Susan E. Kowalski, Colorado School of Mines; Frank V. Kowalski, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
explorethe sims to the point where they thought they understood as much from them as they could,students’ scores increased from pretest averages in the 30’s to 50’s up to averages in the 50’s to70’s. The average increase from PRE to AFP on a given sim for the six topics presented herewas ~12%, or one letter grade (if letter grades below 60% were differentiated!). The scores thenfurther increased to AGP averages in the 70’s to high 80’s, by an average of 21% more, or twomore letter grades, after the students played with the sims again in class with guided questioningby the instructor. Coupling formative assessment using pen-based mobile technology in theclassroom with exploration of interactive computer simulations thus lead to significantlyincreased
Conference Session
DEED Potpourri
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Oscar Nespoli, University of Waterloo; Steve Lambert, University of Waterloo
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
Ring-Herron, Lahav Gil, Ray Cracauer and Oscar Nespoli, “dotLab® System Industrial Design”, WCDE-00073, Waterloo Cases in Design Engineering, December 2009.12. S. Lambert, “Elora Home Heating”, WCDE-00022, Waterloo Cases in Design Engineering, May 2008.13. O.G. Nespoli, A. Hagedorn, C. Campbell and S. Lambert, “A Comparison of Business Case and Engineering Design Case Structures”, Proceedings of the Canadian Design Engineering Network (CDEN) Conference, Page 15.480.12 2008.14. O.G. Nespoli, A. Hagedorn, C. Campbell and S. Lambert, “Creating Engineering Design Cases from Student Work Term and Design Project Reports
Conference Session
Systems Approach to Teaching ET
2005 Annual Conference
David Myszka
different approaches used in mechanics courses indifferent engineering technology programs. Additionally, a study that distinguishe s thefactors of success in the engineering mechanics courses at the University of Dayton willbe reviewed. Using these studies, recommendations for an ideal approach will besuggested.IntroductionStatics and Dynamics is the first course, or courses, in a series commonly referred to asengineering mechanics. It is a fundamental prerequisite for subsequent courses such asstrength of materials and kinematics. Further, performance in these latter courses can bedirectly correlated to success in Statics.4Since understanding Statics and Dynamics is crucial to the future work of technicalprofessionals, Concept Inventory projects
Conference Session
Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics
2005 Annual Conference
Jr., Donald Mueller; Hosni Abu-Mulaweh
properties, Ⱦand ׾ , are available to fix the outlet temperature, ̾ . For the isentropic compression of a gas withconstant specific heats, ̾ can be calculated directly, while for a gas with temperature-dependentspecific heats a numerical solution is required. P2 1 T T2 P1 compressor T1 2 s
Conference Session
Mobile Robotics in Education
2004 Annual Conference
Robert Mauro
is true then execute statement1(s) statement1(s) if condition is false then execute statement2(s) { ELSE statement2(s) } ENDIF FOR Counter = StartValue TO set variable Counter to the value StartValue initially, execute statements, and then EndValue {STEP StepValue} increment Counter by StepValue (1 if StepValue not used), repeat this loop again statement(s) and again until Counter exceeds EndValue NEXT Table II. Selected BS2 Instruction Set Command Reference. Page 9.96.5 Proceedings of the
Conference Session
Teams and Teamwork in Design
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Senay Purzer, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
studies were conducted to identify how teams learn and to guide thedevelopment of the MERIT kit. Hence, the kit has a strong theoretical and research foundation.The kit addresses an important need for instructional tools and methods that can support studentlearning when working in teams. Despite these strengths, further research is needed to determinethe impact of the MERIT kit in supporting individual student learning.ReferencesABET Engineering Accreditation Commission (2007, November 3). 2008-2009 Criteria for accrediting engineering programs. Retrieved December 15, 2008, from, C.J., Adams, R.S., Cardella, M.E., Turns, J., Mosborg, S., and Saleem, J. (2007). Engineering design processes: A comparison of students
Conference Session
Capstone Design II
2004 Annual Conference
Tom Davis; Maximillian Peeters; John Curtis; Jennifer Miskimins
Petroleum Design, iscelebrating a decade of existence. The idea for the course originally came from amultidisciplinary team research project undertaken by CSM faculty for the United StatesDepartment of Energy.2 This project realized an incremental benefit of $20 million discounted at10% and showed the power of a multidisciplinary approach. The results of this project alsoendorsed calls in the early 1990’s that suggested engineering curricula needed to be improved inthe area of engineering design and teamwork processes.6 When the requirements of ABET weremodified to include capstone design courses, CSM felt strongly that programs of this kind wouldbenefit its graduates and make them more valuable to future employers. In addition to
Conference Session
A Potpoturri of Innovations in Physics
2004 Annual Conference
Greg Mowry
A Pr oposal for Unifying some of the Fundamental Concepts of Engineer ing Gr egor y S. Mowr y Engineer ing Depar tment, Univer sity of St. ThomasAbstractMathematics is the descriptive language of engineering while physics provides the foundation forengineering. At many engineering institutions, mathematics and physics are frequently taught bydepartments other than the engineering department. This tradition often has the result thatundergraduate students experience considerable difficulty in applying their mathematics skills inphysics and engineering. Additionally, students infrequently learn the relevance and significanceof several
Conference Session
Technical Issues in Architectural Engineering
2004 Annual Conference
Gouranga Banik
of working on a problem has directed the attention to the 'managementof meaning' and thus the role of the consultant intervening in the act of deliberation."Furthermore, as well as the abilities to deal with these types of situations, students need to learnthe underlying issues so that they can make conscious choices about their style of practicing theprofession. As one example, Eden and Sims (1996) describe three paradigms that a consultantmay adhere to in order to affect the actions of the client: (s)he may attempt to coerce the clientinto using models and solutions devised by the consultant; (s)he may attempt to develop empathywith the client, discover the definition of the problem and help the client to devise a satisfactorycourse of
Conference Session
TIME 7: ABET Issues and Capstone Courses
2004 Annual Conference
Wei Zheng; Dong Young Jang; Donald Harby; Yuyi Lin
work with others in a more productive way.3. Developing detailed design specifications using the Quality Function Development(QFD) method Ullman [2003] popularized the QFD method in US engineering schools in his well adopted book The Mechanical Design Process. This method is important for turning vague, not measurable customer needs for a new design into a set of measurable engineering specifications. Although this method was proposed in Japan in the mid-70's, it is still not well known or popular in Asian engineering schools. Experienced design engineers can design well without explicitly using this method, however, it is very helpful to learn this concept in teaching and learning the design process. Figure 2 is a very good
Conference Session
Program and Curriculum Design Initiatives
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jaby Mohammed, The Petroleum Institute
Tagged Divisions
. Mosst of the studdents go throough afounddation prograam before thhey are enrollled as a fresshmen student in PI. Thee foundationnprogrram is designned to help students s develop knowleedge, study sskills, techniical,analy ytical, and co ommunicatio on skills whiich are necesssary to meeet the PI’s enntrancerequiirements andd assist them m in their futu ure studies att the Petroleeum Institutee. Thefounddation prograam at the PI is called as the Advanceed Universitty Placementt program.Courrse framewo orkOncee the student reaches the freshmen leevel there aree core coursees that have to completeirresp
Conference Session
Innovative Teaching Techniques in the Classroom
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Goli Nossoni, Manhattan College
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
years. Although some of the students focused on thecreative aspect of the project more than the civil engineering aspects, they nevertheless createdsomething new, understood the concept of concrete design better through hands-on activities,experimented with new materials, and found the experience interesting.References1. Crofton, F. S. “Educating for Sustainability: Opportunities in Undergraduate Engineering.” Journal of Cleaner Production, 2000: 397-405.2. Woodruff, P. H. “Educating Engineers to Create a Sustainable Future.” Journal of Environmental Engineering, April 2006: 434-444.3. Davidson, C. I., Matthews, H. S, Hendrickson, C. T, Bridges, M. W., Allenby, B. R., Crittenden, J. C., Chen, Y., Williams, E., Allen, D. T., Murphy, C
Conference Session
Use of Technology for Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sheng-Jen Hsieh, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
draw after about 28 minutes. Figure 3 shows hisdrawing. It is intended to be a carousel-type layout, but he had difficulty drawing a circle, so hedrew a rectangle instead, with blocks indicating the stations. The design is intended to includenine stations arranged in a circle, with the 1st station adjacent to the 9th station. He used the pinkstar to point to which part(s) would be assembled at each station as he talked. The designincludes five robot stations (3, 4, 5, 6, and 9) and four manual stations (1, 2, 7, 8).Figure 4 shows his typed cost estimates (the text overlap on the first line is due to a videosynching issue). He also listed items that would normally be included in a proposal, such as aschedule
Conference Session
Innovations in Electrical Engineering Courses
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicole P. Pitterson, Purdue University; Ruth A. Streveler, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
Education, 55(1), 16-21. 3. Metioui, A., Brassard, C., LeVasseur, J., & Lavoie, M. (1996). The persistence of students' unfounded beliefs about electrical circuits: The case of ohm's law. International Journal of Science Education, 18(2), 193-212. 4. Bernhard, J., & Carstensen, A.-K. (2002). Learning and teaching electrical circuit theory. Paper presented at the Phyics Teaching in Engineering Education, Leuven. 5. Ainsworth, S. (2008). The educational value of multiple-representations when learning complex scientific concepts. In J. K. Gilbert, M. Reiner & M. Nakhleh (Eds.), Visualization: Theory and Practice in Science Education (pp. 191 - 208). Surrey, UK: Springer. 6. Holton, D., Verma, A., &