citations in the report. Here a few patterns ofincorrect processing were observed. Namely, if the bibliography was all single spaced, the AIstruggled to meaningfully identify and separate each citation. Additional issues were observed ifthe size, emphasis, or color of the font changed within a given bibliography. Figure 1 shows anexample of a bibliography that GPT4’s vision capabilities found particularly challenging toparse. In the cases where the AI was not performing well, additional measures were taken toimprove performance including telling it the number of citations it should find within thebibliography, positive reinforcement, and breaking the bibliography down into multiple parts. Itwas particularly interesting to note how prompting the GPT
students what their preferred way to ask for help would be,given the options available. This ensures students are aware of the multiple points of accesswhen they require help from the Libraries. As a bonus, it also provides us with anecdotalfeedback on how students prefer to interact with librarians.Nearpod also has the ability to share the lesson separately, so one may review it asynchronously.In this post-Covid-19 pandemic environment, this is especially important for students who are illand need to miss class. Faculty can contact the librarians for a link to the Nearpod for thatsemester to share with their student(s). The librarian can then follow up with a report confirmingthe student’s participation. While the previous assignment was on the
.• integrate the Center´s research discoveries in engineered organic composite systems toenrich the existing engineering curriculum at both the undergraduate and graduate levels• develop educational programs for industrial practitioners and foster alliances with industry inthe education and outreach activities of the center.• design and promote experiential programs and pedagogical material for K-12 outreachrecognizing diverse student and teacher backgrounds.• develop a suite of modular educational units for use by the various center constituentsin formats that allow for efficient web-based dissemination.These goals are important components of the overall center vision and are an integral part of itsmission to bring together cutting-edge research
design/build projects at earlier stages in the curriculum, wherestudents will be required to participate in significant design/build projects before having therequisite skills to design the systems that control them. To address this issue, we have long been working to develop a system that would both mimicthe OSU model of the “Platform for Learning” and also enable students to design and buildsystem controllers using skills obtained in the freshman year and enhanced throughout the* The Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) is a very large engineering school with separate tracks for computer engineering and electrical engineering. At the 2005 American Society of Engineering Educator‟s Conference, presenters from MSOE stated that
‟s program, is inconsistent with present thinking regardingeffective curriculum design. The next section addresses the concept of curriculum alignment andhow impromptu design problems can resolve the significant curricular gap in traditionalengineering programs.2. Design education and curriculum theoryThe concept of curriculum alignment provides a sound rationale for integrating design across thecurriculum. The idea that curriculum, instruction, and assessment should be conceived as partsof a cohesive whole (or system) forms the core principle of curriculum alignment. Each of thesethree component parts – curriculum, instruction, and assessment – must be viewed relative to theothers if curriculum alignment is to take place. In this
a point load located ¾’s the away from the Beam Loading support. The ranking points are located on the neutral axis spread horizontally along the Scenario beam. 5: A three dimensional representation of a beam is provided with a cut taken in the middle and 3D representation a moment applied about the x-axis. (See Figure 2) of cut on beam 6: A three dimensional representation of a beam is provided with a cut taken in the middle and 3D representation a moment applied about the y-axis. (Similar to Figure 2) of cut on beam 7
software engineering/mathematics multi-disciplinary development project team in support ofstudent high-altitude ballooning. The National Space Grant Student Satellite Program1incorporates high-altitude balloon launches as the “crawl” phase in a “crawl-walk-run-fly”strategy of sending a student designed and built satellite to Mars. Since 2002, in affiliation withthe Oregon NASA Space Grant Consortium, the LaunchOIT student balloon program at OregonInstitute of Technology (OIT) has provided a channel for undergraduate research in the “E”,“T”, and “S” facets of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education.This project intentionally incorporated the “M” facet as a major component in a softwareengineering project.In addition to an
conclusion addresses strategies for further enhancing engineering educationopportunities as Island Energy Inquiry program expands.Developing Energy Related Engineering Skills in the Education to Workforce Pipeline The state of Hawaii is the most dependent state in the nation on the importation of fossilfuel. Ninety percent of the state‟s energy is imported. Energy sustainability for this remoteisland chain will require reducing our reliance on imported fossil fuels and a significant increasein reliance on renewable energy sources in the islands such as wind, solar, geothermal, and waveenergy. In 2008, Hawaii made a public/private commitment to achieve 70% clean energy by2030. An estimated thirty percent of this involves increasing energy
Mechanics and Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering Science from the Univ. of CO at Boulder. His industrial experience includes Texas Instruments (mechanical design), Naval Research Labs (computational dynam- ics), NASA Langley funded post doc (finite elements), consulting at Lockheed and Lawrence Berkeley National Labs (computational mechanics) MSC Software Corporation (educational multimedia develop- ment) and Creo Consulting (Mechanical Engineering Consulting). He taught at Univ. of the Pacific for 4 years and is currently a Professor in the Department of Engineering Mechanics at the U. S. Air Force Academy. He has published approximately 100 technical publications and generated approximately 2 million dollars of research
kg / s 462.3With the required temperatures entered into the spreadsheet, the cold fluid mass flow rate (waterchosen as the cooling fluid) is varied until the required hot flow rate of 21.6 kg/s is attained.The following results are then obtained: Num ber of P lates 42 Cold Fluid Fluid Code: 5 Water Properties: Units: M dot 19.20 Kg/s
EngineeringAppropriate Engineering is a holistic approach to engineering design that incorporates social,political, cultural, environmental, economic and human empowerment issues as central, alongwith technical considerations, to the process. For example, many rural inhabitants in much ofAfrica have low incomes and cannot afford to buy batteries for their portable radios. However,hand-cranked radios, which use a mainspring to drive a little dynamo, are highly functional anddesired because of their low cost. These radios allow a small village to “zip back into theInformation Age with a twist of the wrist.”9Many Appropriate Engineering principles have evolved from the work of British economist E. F.Schumacher in the late 1960's and early 1970's on what he called
affect their choices of classes inhigh school. And, of course, the choice of high school classes in turn impacts the student’schances to pursue a technical degree in college. In addition, the first session introduced thestudents to the Internet. Although successive sessions did not need this mini-module, theresearch component of the session was retained. The students were asked to group themselvesin teams of not more than four students (preferably not from the same high school). Then overthe next three weeks of the camp, each group was to submit their “surfing the net” scavengerhunt findings. The scavenger hunt consisted of 20 trivial questions about engineering andengineering management. D i s t r i b u
one “course” per semester, and they have daily contact with their problem group and afaculty member or guide. Since the early 1970’s, this PBL approach has been successful inmedical education at many institutions. There are very few engineering programs that have fullyimplemented a similar model. Are we hampered from adopting more PBL teaching models inEngineering programs because of our fundamental conceptual model of what is an engineeringeducation, and, ultimately, what is an engineer? The System ParadigmWithin the existing structure at most engineering schools, students recognize that each coursecarries equal weight towards their degree, and each course gives them an independent grade thatis equal in value towards their degree and for
, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information, and access and use information ethically and legally7In addition, the ACRL Science and Technology Section (STS)’s ‘flavor’ of information literacystandards8 also maintains that a student ‘…understands that information literacy is an ongoingprocess and an important component of lifelong learning and recognizes the need to keep currentregarding new developments in his or her field.’Viewed from the perspective of lifelong learning, the ability to ‘determine the extent ofinformation needed,’ corresponds to articulating a ‘learning need’. ‘Access[ing] the neededinformation’ and ‘using information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose’ fits within theframework of developing
are the sameFigure 1. A Multiple Choice Question from DIRECT1.08 (Reproduced with permission.) 9) Which circuit(s) will light the bulb?For example, consider a multiple-choice question from DIRECT CI as shown above in Fig. 1.Based on the categories (A) A of analysis discussed above, the question below can be characterized asshown in Table (B)3.C The question targets common student misconceptions about current: current (C) D and order of elements, and current is “used up” in circuit. Option (A) “Pointdepends on direction (D) that1” is a distractor A and C targets misconception that current supplied by the battery is used up in the (E) B and
who did not take the junior Page 15.384.2nanosystems laboratory course).I. IntroductionNanotechnology education is evolving from the inclusion of a broad freshman/sophomore leveloverview courses to greater depth leading to certificates, concentrations, and minors. _ hasdeveloped a complete B. S. level Nanosystems Engineering Degree. Details of the structure ofthis program have been delineated in the literature1,2. The approach utilizes a common freshmanengineering sequence, a nanosystems specific sophomore introductory course, and a junior levelnanosystems seminar course. Pre-existing graduate microsystems engineering courses areutilized to
schedule Page 15.644.13Bibliography1 National Academy of Sciences. (2006). Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future. Washington, DC: Author.2 National Science Board. 2008. Science and Engineering Indicators 2008, NSF 07-308. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics.3 National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2007, NSF 07-315 (Arlington, VA; February 2007). Available from Zweben, S. (2005). 2003-2004 Taulbee Survey: Record
fortransfer to a four-year institution after completion their A.S. degrees in engineering and science.Example of the articulation agreement between Drexel University and BCC is presented below.Articulation Agreement between DU and BCCTable 1 indicates all courses that could be transferred from BCC towards Drexel’s B. S. degreein AET with concentration in Mechanical Engineering Technology. The AET curriculumconsists of 187.5 quarter credits. To transfer to AET, BCC students must complete theirAssociate of Applied Science (A. A. S.) degree at BCC. According to the articulation agreementbetween DU and BCC, BCC students can transfer total of 68 semester credits to Drexel’s AETprogram, which corresponds to 91.5 DU quarter credits. Students are required to
D VecitisJason Dyett, Harvard University, DRCLAS Jason Dyett is Program Director of Harvard University’s David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (DRCLAS) Brazil Office. Since establishing the Office in S˜ao Paulo in mid-2006, he has worked to expand research and teaching opportunities for Harvard faculty and students and their Brazilian col- laborators across disciplines. Dyett first moved to S˜ao Paulo in 1996, after two and a half years at the DRCLAS in Cambridge. From 1997 to 2002, he established the office of the Economist Intelligence Unit’s telecommunications research division in Brazil and went on to gain experience growing technol- ogy companies in the country. He rejoined DRCLAS from the
inaggregate they appear to, while for high correlations they would be very likely to have had thesame opinion between questions. For sets that are independent, the interpretations remain thesame, although the strength or significance of those conclusions cannot be strongly asserted. It isalso important to note that the ANOVA statistical significance and correlation coefficient are allin reference to student responses based on the terms of word phases utilized in each question.Results_________ ____’s “______ ____ ___ ___” program offers an outstanding resource for graduatestudent instructor development of teaching skills through in-class mentoring of first-year collegestudents 9, 10. Aforesaid survey question categories were utilized to discern the
verses for acetylene.References [1] Jeremy Allaire. (2009, Allaire, Jeremy. “Macromedia Flash July 8) Macromedia Flash MX- A next generation rich client. [Online]. [2] (2009, July) Flash Player penetration. [Online]. [3] C. P. Paolini and S. Bhattacharjee, "A Web Service Infrastructure for Thermochemical Data," J. Chem. Inf. Model., vol. 48(7), pp. 1511-1523, 2008. [4] C. P. Paolini and S. Bhattacharjee, "A Web Service Infrastructure for Distributed Chemical Equilibrium Computation," in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer
s t r in at ec ro ge lv Fi hi rim lD So lP oj Pa to
the signals at TP1 and TP2are nearly in phase on the oscilloscope. Slowly adjust the oscillator ten-turn potentiometer untilboth signals are in phase (overlap). The frequency displayed on the counter is the crystal seriesresonant frequency, fS. Record this data together with the peak reading on the RF detector. Thebatch of nominal 3.579 MHz TV color burst crystals yielded an average series resonantfrequency, fS =3.579578 MHz.The motional capacitance, Cm, is calculated from the formula given by Brink [9]. Where: 2C1 (f Cap − f S ) Cm = (1) fSCapacitor
Hall, 2004. 3) Marc E. Herniter, Schematic Capture with Cadence PSpice, Prentice Hall, 2001.Reference Texts: 1) Mohan, Underland, Robbins, Power Electronics Converters, Applications, and Design, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 1995.Course Policies: ….Grading Policy: Identified passing criteria Passing Objective Criteria: To receive a passing grade in this course, all students must meet the following minimum criteria demonstrating how well they have mastered the course learning objectives. Each objective is assigned one or more Key Assignments, which will be graded specifically on the course objective(s) and related program
instrument front panels are used to control and read theinstruments by means of remote control. To avoid potentially serious student mistakes e.g.overloading a component the teacher can preset limits to the source voltages which areaccessible to students. The teacher can also restrict student circuits by, for example, dictatingminimum impedance in loops created with aid of the components provided. The number ofnodes provided on the virtual breadboard is adequate for experiments in undergraduateeducation. The laboratory is always open and can be used by registered students and guest usersalike. The time-sharing scheme used allows simultaneous access for up to 8 client PCs. A 56kbit/s modem and MS Internet Explorer are all that are required. The
))^0.8 5 Figure 2: EXCEL formula sheet for the three-reservoir illustration.Students can readily identify the correspondence between cell C12 and energy conservationbetween fixed grade nodes R-1 and R-2; cell C13 and energy conservation between fixed gradenodes R-1 and R-3, and cell C16 and mass conservation at junction J-1. Figure 3 depicts thecorresponding EXCEL Solver function input screen. The three simultaneous equations denotedby cells C12, C13, and C14, are set equal to zero by solving for the three unknown flow ratesdefined in cells G2-G4. For the problem data presented, the calculated volumetric flow rates ineach pipe are Q1=28.1 ft3/s, Q2=14.5
s G F -E -C th om ic m s un ic
Session #1526 Design and Development of a New Wireless Cell Site for Powertel: A Multimedia Case Study Chetan S. Sankar, Department of Management P.K. Raju, Department of Mechanical Engineering Auburn University Abstract The Laboratory for Innovative Technology and Engineering Education (LITEE) atAuburn University develops multimedia case studies that bring real-world issues intoclassrooms. These case studies are currently being used at different universities in order to showthe
engineering module developed this year into one such project.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank the departmental technical support staff, in particular JerryBallman, Daphi Jobe, Erich Keyes, Bill Stanton, Ken Walsh and Mike Wilson, for their Page 10.10.11assistance with supporting the course. Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright ©2005, American Society of Engineering EducationBibliography[1] S. Sheppard and R. Jenison, "Freshmen Engineering Design Experiences and Organizational Framework," International Journal of
. Thewires were categorized according to length and function. Where before, the studentswere always searching for the right type and length of wires, the wires were now easy tofind. As an added benefit, the wires were always returned to where they belonged, andthe students developed a sense of responsibility for taking care of the lab. As a matter offact, the morale and attitude of the students improved. The students did not have anymore equipment available than before the re-organization, but now it could be easilyfound.Then there was the matter of getting rid of some of the old equipment that was in the lab.There was reason to believe that certain items were just stored in there. There was a1950’s vintage overhead projector. Someone had donated