include materials science, the neuroscience of learning, humanitarian engineering, and undergraduate research involvement. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Implementing Entrepreneurial Mindset Learning Activities in Several Engineering CoursesThe entrepreneurial mindset is characterized by the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network(KEEN)’s 3C’s, which are curiosity, connections and creating value. Entrepreneurially MindedLearning (EML) activities are designed to inspire curiosity and teach students to integrateinformation from many sources to gain insight and encourage them to create value by identifyingopportunities and working in a team. To foster an
Michigan University ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Quantum and Classical Supervised Learning Study of Epitaxially–Grown ZnO Surface Morphology Andrew S. Messecar* Steven M. Durbin Robert A. Makin Dept. of Computer Science College of Engineering Dept. of Computer ScienceWestern Michigan University University of Hawaiʻi Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Honolulu, HI 96822 Kalamazoo, MI 49008*Email: andrew.s.messecar@wmich.eduAbstractMaterial synthesis parameter spaces typically have a very high dimensionality and are oftenintractable
betweenengineers, healthcare and legal professionals.AcknowledgementsWe would like to thank Dr. David W. Craig and Dr. Xiaowu Gai for their contributions to the development of thisinterdisciplinary class.References[1] Andrade, G., “Medical ethics and the trolley Problem”, 2019.[2] Berman JJ. “Concept-match medical data scrubbing: how pathology text can be used in research”, 2003.[3] Chen M, Gonzalez, S Vasilakos A et al., Body area networks: a survey. Mobile Netw Appl 2011; 16:171–93.[4] Tom L. Beauchamp and James F. Childress, “Principles of Biomedical Ethics”, 2008.[5] Christenhusz, G. M., Devriendt, K., & Dierickx, K. “To tell or not to tell? A systematic review of ethicalreflections on incidental findings arising in genetics contexts.” European
acknowledge the Cal Poly Pomona SPICE Grant, Mr. Mark Bailey, and Mr.Tristan Sherman.References1. Asp, L.E., Bouton, K., Carlstedt, D., Duan, S., Harnden, R., Johannisson, W., Johansen, M., Johansson,M.K.G., Lindbergh, G., Liu, F., Peuvot, K., Schneider, L.M., Xu, J. and Zenkert, D. (2021), A StructuralBattery and its Multifunctional Performance. Adv. Energy Sustainability Res., 2: 2000093. J. Lee et al., "High-Endurance UAV Via Parasitic Weight Minimization and Wireless EnergyHarvesting," 2021 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech), Irvine, CA, USA,2021, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/SusTech51236.2021.9467437.3. Kudebeh, K., Baez, J., Austin, L., Yu, Z., Lo, A., Dobbs, S., and Rico, J
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set of knowledge. Since these skills and knowledge can be nested, they can be representedby a tree. The depth and number of nodes are different for each tree.Definition 1. Let S a set of nested Skills. S = {s1 , s2 , s3 , . . . , sn }S is the set of all nodes of tree shown in figure 1. Skills S11 S12 ... S1δ s211 s212 . . . s21π1 s221 s222 . . . s22π2 s2δ1 s2δ2 . . . s2δπδ Figure 1: Skills Tree StructureDefinition 2. Let K a set of nested Knowledge. K = {k1 , k2 , k3
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, pinpointing underutilization of key tasks that have been linked tosuccessful problem solutions as well as identifying errors committed in each segment of theprocess. The complete assessment consisted of eight stages and a measure of solution accuracy.Next, the assessment tool was modified into a form that could be used to assess problemsolutions in the absence of a complete recording of the problem solving process. This ensures atool that is more generalizable to the target user group of instructors and education researcherswho would not necessarily have access to a complete digital recording of student problemsolving attempts. To accomplish this, the first two of Pretz et al.’s stages were combined forsimplicity, and two stages were eliminated due
in Odense, Demark in the mid-1970’s, and it is now a program of the U.S.Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) through the currentfederal transportation law, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21). Thedesignated funding available to SRTS projects was eliminated in MAP-21, but those activitiesremain eligible for funding through the Transportation Alternatives program.SRTS accomplishes its goal by improving safety and physical infrastructure and by removingbarriers that currently prevent students from walking or biking to school. Schools form an SRTSaction team consisting of members with expertise in transportation, engineering, education,public health, and public safety. The SRTS planning process
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University of Hertfordshire, (b) LEED Building site with sample features, (c) PFNC Design for an $8,000 home using shipping containers for low income families in Mexico, and (d) Thinnest house in the world designed by Polish architect J. SzczensyStudents are then asked to consider the typical home designed in the 1950’s, such as the one inFigure 4. During this time, home designs have one bathroom for the use of the entire family.When this is placed in contrast to the number of bedrooms and baths in their Dream Home,students are asked, “Why do they need so many bathrooms?” given that people today are notdifferent physically from those in the 1950’s. Students quickly realize that the needs of theindividual have not
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Engineering Education at Purdue University. He keeps a balanced life connecting with nature, staying mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially active, constantly learning and reflecting, and challenging himself to improve. He is interested in learning/teaching collectively, engineering philosophy, and social and environmental justice. His purpose is to help people freely and fully develop in a sustainable world.Mr. Leonardo Pollettini Marcos, Purdue University Leonardo Pollettini Marcos is a 3rd-year PhD student at Purdue University’s engineering education program. He completed a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in Materials Engineering at the Federal University of S˜ao Carlos, Brazil. His research interests are in
balanced strategy for success. While it may be evident to develop short-termtechnological solutions, it is equally crucial to incorporate long-term structural and functional solutions intothe planning process. This holistic approach ensures a more robust and sustainable outcome for the project[2].Based on Gibson et al.'s analysis of data from Anderson Consulting (1993) [1], the goal developmentrepresents a small part of the total lifetime cost of a system (less than 1% in a typical software system), yet"it results in a critical commitment of recourses." When the first 8% of the project budget is spent, 80% ofthe cost of the project/system is determined.Competitiveness in professional practice requires engineers to participate in and accomplish
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depend on the flow type. The current problem is transient, incompressible, laminar, and isothermal flow whose physics is governed by Eq. (1) and (2). Also the fluid properties (density and viscosity), initial conditions (the initial velocity field of a fluid domain), and boundary conditions need to be prescribed. The boundary conditions used for the current problem are given in Fig. 4. The velocity of 2.8 × 10−4 m/s at the inlet and zero velocity at the cylinder surface were assigned. The slip condition was used at the top and bottom of the domain and zero stress was assigned to the outflow. Figure 4: Boundary conditions• Step 4. Discretize the governing equations to obtain solutions. In FEM, the governing
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