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Displaying results 1081 - 1083 of 1083 in total
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division: Faculty and Gender Issues
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Canan Bilen-Green, North Dakota State University; Jenna P. Carpenter, Louisiana Tech University; Stacy Doore, University of Maine; Roger A. Green, North Dakota State University; Karen J. Horton P.E., University of Maine; Kristen L. Jellison, Lehigh University; Sharon Melissa Latimer, West Virginia University; Marci J. Levine, Lehigh University; D. Patrick O'Neal, Louisiana Tech University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
quarter for theAdvocates and Allies group, targeting male faculty) may impact the latter, however. Meetingonce a quarter is beneficial in that it provides time to reflect on issues between meetings, but itmeans that participants will be exposed to new material at a slower pace (particularly given thatthe related workshops and distinguished lectures will likely cease with the end of this academicyear with the expiration of the grant). It is anticipated that project leaders will have to providemore assistance to the Advocates and Allies group until they develop a stronger understanding ofissues, resources, and potential projects.A mixture of quantitative and qualitative measures have been used to assess and evaluate theprogram, including an annual
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Capstone Design
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan E. Walden, University of Oklahoma; Cindy E. Foor, University of Oklahoma; Rui Pan, University of Oklahoma; Randa L. Shehab, University of Oklahoma; Deborah A. Trytten, University of Oklahoma
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Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
Conference Session
Engineering Management Division Technical Session 3
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sara Jansen Perry, Baylor University; Emily M Hunter, Baylor University; Steven C. Currall, University of California, Davis; Ed Frauenheim, The Great Place to Work Institute
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
also a driver of innovation13.As Bower and colleagues have suggested, strategy is often decided in a bottom-up fashion,reflected in the ways lower-level managers choose to allocate resources13. It is imperative that Page 26.1211.10managers at all levels are willing to make resource investments in technologies that develop intothe next disruptive discovery, staying true to the strategic goals of the research organization. As we have shown, several key themes have emerged over the years as scholars havesought to better understand innovation management. In the next section we describe OrganizedInnovation in detail as an overarching