the mentoring experience beneficial to you?ResultsThe results from this study were produced from surveys where students are asked to reflect ontheir experiences with the mentoring framework. Table 4 contains the results from the menteesurveys and Table 5 contains the results from the mentors. For both the mentors and the mentees,the response rate was as high as 10% of the enrolled students. Table 4. Results from Mentee Assessment. Survey Responses Survey Questions Mean Mode General Mentoring: Mentees (n = 25
/sgd0000603L.K. Fung, T.L. Ulrich, K.T. Fujimoto, and M. Taheri, “Neurodiversity: An invisible strength,” JOM, vol. 74, No. 9, pp. 3200-3202, 2022. Houdek, “Neurodiversity in (Not Only) public organizations: An untapped opportunity?” Adm. Soc., vol. 54, no. 9, pp. 1848-1871, 2022.P. Jaarsma, S. Welin, “Autism as a Natural Human Variation: Reflections on the Claims of the Neurodiversity Movement,” Health Care Anal., 20, pp. 20–30, 2012. Kirby and T. Smith, “Neurodiversity at work: Drive innovation, performance and productivity with a neurodiverse workforce,” Pers. Psychol., 2021. X. Lin-Siegler, C. S
% of the variance in performance. The greatest weight inexplaining performance is given by academic self-efficacy, thus the perceived confidence inthe ability to learn, demonstrate, and apply course content should be strengthened. The results lead to reflect that the academic environment should promote activities thatcan strengthen students' self-efficacy so that they can confidently enjoy the course and, thus,succeed in school and professionally. Important limitations of the study are highlighted, the main one being the sample, whichcame from a single institution and was not very diverse in terms of where the students camefrom age and engineering course. The specificity of the instrument used in the research. Thefive dimensions
R. Koestner, “Examining how parent and teacher enthusiasm influences motivation and achievement in STEM,” The Journal of Educational Research, vol. 113, no. 4, pp. 275–282, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.1080/00220671.2020.1806015.[7] D. Reider, K. Knestis, and J. Malyn-Smith, “Workforce Education Models for K-12 STEM Education Programs: Reflections on, and Implications for, the NSF ITEST Program,” J Sci Educ Technol, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 847–858, Dec. 2016, doi: 10.1007/s10956-016-9632-6.[8] K. Perez, “Influence of Subject Taught (STEM), Title I, and Grade Level of Instruction for Components in an Effective Professional Development Design,” Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University, United States -- Florida, 2018. Accessed: Feb. 13
organizations. However,participation in the STEM workforce still does not reflect population demographics.The research literature provides an evidence-base that early STEM experiences canimpact K-12 students intention to enroll in STEM degree programs. Over the last twodecades pre-college engineering programs and pathways have been developed toprepare K-12 students for engineering degree programs at the post-secondary level. Asecondary goal of these pathways was to broaden interest in engineering professionsand diversify the engineering pipeline. Pre-college programs that provide a positiveSTEM experience may increase the pipeline and diversity of students interested inpursuing STEM at the postsecondary level. The Project Lead the Way Program(PLTW) is
enroll in Coastline’s cybersecurity andcomputer networking programs each year with a broad distribution of races and cultures, self-identified as Asian, Hispanic, and White. Coastline’s dedication to building the cybersecurityworkforce is reflected in the pathways of five degrees and 12 certificates offered. The content forthese courses is aligned with the NCAE-C Community’s knowledge units derived from the workroles of the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework [10].Over the years, the College has been awarded several grant-funded project opportunities,including one to help establish relationships among community colleges and universities as theSouthwest Regional Hub, another to develop a federally registered cybersecurity apprenticeshipprogram
Florman defines engineering as the “art or science of making practicalapplication of the pure sciences.”1 By this definition, we can see that students ofengineering need to learn at least two disciplines: 1) “the pure sciences” and 2) “practicalapplication” of these sciences. Combine these two necessities with the imperative fromnearly every employer that engineers must learn communication skills, and we have quitea wealth of information to teach our students in four (or increasingly five or six) years. Inorder to meet each of these goals, we must have a concerted, self-reflective teachingstrategy.Here is where James Britton, et al. enter the picture, because their study TheDevelopment of Writing Abilities2 illuminates students’ learning
topic such as revisionmanagement, data mining, or additive manufacturing. The lectures are curated to cover thefundamentals of a broad set of topics, serving as starting points for further exploration. Thoughpresented in person, these seminars are also available as recorded, asynchronous lectures, whichstudents can watch at their own pace. Making the seminars available virtually allows studentsgreater flexibility in learning the material, a worthwhile objective given the busy curriculummost of the students are enrolled in. Brief reviews of the seminars are offered during the weeklyclass meetings, allowing students to reflect on the material and ask questions in person. 2. Collaborative Project MeetingsThese weekly, collaborative meetings
. Table 2 summarizes thefrequencies of participants’ responses. Overall, participants suggested somewhat morestrategies for textbook difficulties, perhaps reflecting greater familiarity and facility withthose materials. One noteworthy difference was in the Make Notes strategy, whichparticipants suggested frequently for textbook difficulties but not for CD materials,pointing to a qualitative difference when processing the two kinds of materials, and apotential limitation to the CD format. The CD materials also may have been perceived assomewhat incomplete, compared to the textbook, as evidenced by higher frequencies forthe strategy of Using Other Sources to Understand. DiscussionWe have shown that verbal
. Although data was reviewed from theU.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) IntegratedPostsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) databases in addition to data provided by thesubject schools, the data analyzed for this study did not include enrollment or retention ratesbecause the schools did not report or publish those rates specifically for their constructionmanagement programs. Exploration of the existence of a relationship between minority enrollmentand minority graduation rates could prove useful as it is unknown if the number of minoritygraduates reflects low participation or low completion in the subject programs.The Louisiana Workforce Commission estimates that the need for construction managers
their designs before they are built in a real-world experiment because they can makeaccurate conclusions from 3D prototypes [33]. This can reduce issues that are being caused bynot having enough foresight of the engineering development process ahead of implementation.Future WorkAllowing students to experience and master situations that reflect real life is the core goal ofauthentic learning. According to some academics, emerging technologies are particularly adeptat supporting inquiry-based learning environments by developing "genuine" science learningenvironments and, perhaps more significantly, by involving students in scientific inquiry [34].The capacity of augmented reality (AR) technology to engage students and create a setting forgenuine
chapters one, two, four, five, seven, and ten. Final course grades were based on threecomponents: completing (1) course readings and reflection exercises; (2) in-classexercises/attendance; (3) a case-study assignment. The course was an elective but counted forcredit in international education. Student at Shandong University are required to take at least 2credits in international education to graduate.Out of a total of 70 students who ultimately enrolled in the course, 73 students completed thesurvey on the first day of class – students subsequently dropped the course – and 47 studentscompleted the survey on the last day of class. After excluding the responses of participants whodid not consent to have their responses used for research purposes, as
under grants EEC#1929484 and #1929478. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation.References[1] A. Danowitz and K. Beddoes, “Effects of COVID-19 on Stress and Mental Health of Community College Pre-Engineering Students,” in Frontiers in Education Annual Conference, Uppsala, Sweden, Oct. 2022.[2] A. Danowitz and K. Beddoes, “How the COVID-19 pandemic reshaped demographic variation in mental health among diverse engineering student populations,” Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 67–76, Jul. 2022, doi: 10.1080/22054952.2023.2184912.[3] J. K. Hyun, B. C. Quinn, T
anddocumenting progress is important. Reflecting on what is working and what is not as well asidentifying new trends that can be addressed will make the institutional support more effective.Reflecting on what was done has given a much clearer direction to achieve the larger goal ofusing technology to improve the learning experience for everyone on campus.ConclusionsIn this paper we documented an attempt to promote the adoption of an online grading tool at asmall teaching-focussed institution. The literature predicted a slow adoption process at the earlystages and was experienced in this case study as well. After an anamolous time with thepandemic, multi-tiered sets of trainings were designed to target early adopters to reinvigorate thediffusion of the
matter by applying concepts taught in class tosolve numerical problems, write proofs, and reflect on ideas. The networking tools componentswere meant to provide the students with hands-on experience and familiarity with networkingtools. Homework assignments were graded as “high pass”, “low pass”, “revision needed”, or“fail”. The homeworks consist of questions labeled “low pass” (LP) and “high pass” (HP).Students must pass all the LP questions to receive a “low pass” in the homework. Students mustpass all the “low pass” questions and a fraction of the HP questions as specified in advance toreceive a “high pass” in the homework. If a student receives a “low pass” or “revision needed”grade, the student may revise and resubmit their homework
and collect information needed to understand your research opportunity. - Identify key stakeholders for your research project and describe the interests of those stakeholders. 2. Thriving in - Describe the importance of using SMART goals to be able to answer your a Research research question and make connections between your research and the Environment interests of stakeholders. - Practice writing SMART goals for next steps in your research. - Prepare a goal-setting plan that includes frequency of reflection and a plan for accountability. 3. Building - Explain your tendencies for how you respond to engaging with
-7]. Modifications to ENGR 2100 focused on implementing the ‘EightDimensions of Wellness’ model [8,9] which has been adopted by WMU as its wellnessapproach. While all eight dimensions of wellness are present in ENGR 2100, they are notequally emphasized. Table 1 shows the portion of course activities (in-classdiscussions/activities and out-of-class assignments) that integrate each wellness dimension.Totals in Table 1 sum to over 100%, reflecting the fact that many activities incorporate morethan one dimension of wellness. It should be noted that the degree to which specific wellnessdimensions are independent vs. overlapping or confounding is an open question in the literature.Thus, the information in Table 1 is helpful in understanding the
of how to create our own concrete mix, so it was hard to figure out of what and how muchmaterial we needed.”Q 2 Write how this project can be done differently in the future.“One way we could do this project in the future would be to use all 3 of the foam cores to seehow it effects the mass and load testing.”“As well it would make the lab better if we were able to test a ball and then make another 3designs to see what we would like to change while having a baseline to reflect on.”“One thing that can be changed about this lab in the future is to use a different type of mold thatis not 3D printed, it was easy to break/crack while releasing the dried bowling ball from themold.”Q 3 Please provide any other comment or feedback.“The overall lab was
Size 2015 4.4, N=155 5.8, N=1217 *** p < 0.001 Large, d = 0.79 2016 4.6, N=172 6.0, N=1128 *** p < 0.001 Large, d = 0.84 2017 4.3, N=216 6.0, N=1296 *** p < 0.001 Large, d = 0.94 2018 4.5, N=213 6.2, N=1069 *** p < 0.001 Large, d = 0.85Table 3e. Student work level. Historical comparisons for transfers and FTFY students. Worklevels are self-reported on students’ applications, reflecting work prior to Cal Poly attendance.Work hours levels are self-reported on students’ Cal Poly applications. Hours were higher fortransfers than for FTFY. The difference is significant, and the effect size is large
identify as female, and 8% of students identify as Black, African American,Hispanic, American Indian, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander.Results & Discussion: A total of 18 groups of students participated in the escape room, of which 6 groups were ableto successfully escape. A 30% success rate suggests that the escape room activity provided achallenge for the students at an appropriate difficulty. This is also comparable to commercialescape rooms which have reported a similar success rate of 26% [3].Effect of experience on communication and collaboration: Students were asked to reflect and rate the effectiveness of their teamwork andcommunication. The responses in the survey were divided by students who reported succeedingin the escape
improvement from week 6 to week 8. However, no further progress wasseen in solving difficult problems beyond week 8.When evaluating the internal consistency of the formative assessments for all eleven items usingCronbach’s alpha with 61 samples, the result was α = .88. The score falls in the range forCronbach’s alpha scores from .84 to .90, indicating the test is reliable using the criteria from [13].The assessment scores from the five assessments reflect students’ learning progress. As indicatedin Figure 2, students’ performance increased steadily from week 6 to week 8 followed by a plateauafter week 8. This can be partly explained by the students’ practice methods. Throughout weeks 3and 7, students were assigned daily homework to help them develop
. Represents how a person processes information. Thinking means that a person makes a decision Thinking – mainly through logic. Feeling means that, as a rule, he or she makes a decision based on Feeling emotion, i.e. based on what they feel they or should do. Reflects how a person implements the information he or she has processed. Judging means that Judging – a person organizes all of his life events and, as a rule, sticks to his plans. Perceiving means that Perceiving he or she is inclined to improvise and explore alternative options.Appendix C: Strength Results by Academic MajorTable C1. Student Strengths results by Academic Major. The darker the green shading, thehigher the weighted
as the average of all items. Previous research efforts have shown that thismeasure of outcome expectations is directly related to social cognitive outcomes, includingpersistence intentions [36], [45]. Good internal reliability for the three items was obtained withCronbach’s 𝛼 = .90. Engineering Identity. The Identity as a Scientist instrument developed by Chemers andcolleagues (2010) was adopted and modified specifically for engineering to reflect a student’sself-identification as an engineer. Participants’ engineering identity was measured using three ofChemers and colleagues’ [46] original six identity items. Items were rated on a scale 7-pointLikert scale (1-strongly disagree to 7-strongly agree). Participants indicated their
, are both described in Table 1. Table 1. Initial Themes Relating to Student Awareness of Macroethics in Aerospace Engineering Theme Definition Example Excerpt Sees Both Sides Students feel that there are valid “I believe it is a poor reflection on the (Acceptance) arguments on “either side” of community but is also important to ethical dilemmas within the field. understand that military spending has been fundamental to finding new advances that help the world outside of
by the National Science Foundation (NSF) underGrant No 1564768. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.References[1] National Science Foundation, "Sophomore fast-forward: A summer bridge program to support retention in engineering," [Online]. Available: = 1564768HistoricalAwards = false. [Accessed 10 5 2021].[2] K. Evans, M. K. Orr, D. E. Hall and M. Desselles, "S-STEM summer scholarship for a sophomore bridge: Year 1 in review," ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2018.[3] K. Evans, M. Desselles and M. K. Orr, "Year 2 of an S-STEM Summer Scholarship for a
, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressedin this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] M. Welch-Devine, A. Shaw, J. Coffield, and N. Heynen, “Facilitating Interdisciplinary Graduate Education: Barriers, Solutions, and Needed Innovations,” Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 53–59, Sep. 2018, doi: 10.1080/00091383.2018.1510268.[2] D. Boden and M. Borrego, “Academic Departments and Related Organizational Barriers to Interdisciplinary Research,” Higher Education in Review, no. 8, pp. 41–64, 2011.[3] M. Borrego, D. Boden, and L. K. Newswander, “Sustained Change: Institutionalizing Interdisciplinary Graduate
thatsocially categorizes individuals, recognizes biological differentiation, creates social and culturaldifferences in behaviours, mannerisms, trait characteristics, and so on [13], [14]. Members ofgender groups form a set of social norms for evaluating the grouped individuals andstandardizing a set of beliefs about them (i.e., gender stereotypes) [14]. Gender stereotypes notonly reflect the general expectations about group members (e.g., boys, girls, men, and women),but also influence who they should be, how they perceive differences among each other, and howthey should behave [15].The concept of gender identity varies throughout the literature (e.g., [10], [14], [16], [17], [18]),with some researchers arguing that it is a stable concept and others
. Specifically, havingthe flexibility to procrastinate on completing work for their portfolio led some to wait until later in thesemester to build their portfolio, thus driving them to somewhat ‘cram’ their learning in as they would havehad to before an exam, and leading to less of a long-term connection with the concepts themselves.The overall reported positive student experience with the ungrading approach was demonstrated throughtheir feedback, with many students reflecting on how the approach to assessment allowed them to betterfocus on the course content as well as experience lower levels of stress during the semester: - “I feel like I really learned in this course because I was challenging myself with solving the problems because I
components: socialand economic sustainability. As a result, the lack of social justice in infrastructure systemsunequally impacts various communities through a variety of processes, including eviction,exposure to environmental danger, and lack of access to essential services. While engineers andpoliticians base their choices on technical and engineering criteria, stakeholders' decisions—which reflect present economic and political frameworks—exacerbate social and racial inequities[8]. In order to solve these issues and build sustainable, resilient, and equitable infrastructures,project team members must be appropriately qualified with the required competencies. Thisstudy advises that all students in construction management (CM) including students
SHPE’s Virtual STEM Labs: Engaging and inspiring Hispanic youth to pursue STEM degrees and careers.Background/MotivationSolving the world’s most pressing and complex issues, including the recent pandemic, climateand environmental challenges, and sustainable economic development, is dependent on scientificinnovation. This need is reflected in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics(STEM) occupation growth which has increased 79% since 1990 and is projected to grow by10.8 percent by 2031 [1]. To meet these labor market demands, the United States hasconsistently invested over $500 million dollars in STEM education specifically since 2019 withan emphasis on programs that increase participation of