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Displaying results 18661 - 18690 of 22930 in total
Conference Session
Two Year Colleges
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Amelito Enriquez, Canada College
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
student learning and immediate feedback on student performance. Research on learning theoryhas long shown that immediate feedback is an effective tool in increasing learning efficiency11.For the case study at hand, the effect of immediate feedback is reflected by the trend thatstudents in the fall 2005 class had highest improvement on quiz and homework scores. As aresult of solving problems in class with instructor’s guidance, the fall 2005 students not onlylearned material but gained confidence on the material such that they were more successful incompleting homework assignments and were better prepared for quizzes. Consequently, thecompletion and submission rates of homework assignments for the fall 2005 were observed to bemuch higher compared
Conference Session
Engineering Professional Development for K-12 Teachers – II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Bruce Gehrig, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Lyndon Abrams, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Deborah Bosley, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; James Conrad, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Stephen Kuyath, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Dawn Denney, Northwest Cabarrus High School; Kelly Teague, J.M. Robinson High School; Bill Welch, J.M. Robinson High School
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago, USA.31 Kimmel, H., Burr-Alexander, L.E., and Bloom, J., “Engineering Design Competitions: A Motivating & Learning Experience”, International Conference on Engineering Education, October 16-21, 2004, Gainesville, Florida.32 Somers, L. and Callan, S., “An Examination of Science and Mathematic Competitions”, National Science Foundation Grant Report, June 1999.This paper is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. ESI-0554405. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and donot necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation
Conference Session
Writing and Communication II: Practical Perspectives on Teaching and Assessment
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Luke Niiler; David Beams
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
. We make the followingobservations from Fig. 1: • Organization was noticeably improved; this could probably be attributed to the fact that all assignments in this sample were laboratory reports were apparently created using standardized guides or templates. • Neither author noted much change in the quality of the content of laboratory reports. This is somewhat surprising, given the expectation that students at this level would be adapting to the idiom of their professional communities of discourse. A possible explanation is that wide discrepancies in participants’ writing samples were noted, and this range of responses was reflected in the overall rating. • Evaluations of mechanics showed problems
Conference Session
New Engineering Educators: Tricks of the Trade II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Claude Villiers, Florida Gulf Coast University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
. They feared that studentlearning is difficult to stimulate in evening classes because almost 90 percent of these studentsheld a full-time job. Their comments were well taken because PowerPoint presentations can bemisused. As mentioned by Estes et al., PowerPoint presentations may incorporate more materialthan the students are able to absorb, provide an inflexible structure that can hide spontaneity, andcause passivity 4.The author valued the comments from other faculty but did not want to be pressured tocompletely change his teaching style to adapt to the CCNY norms of teaching. The fact of thematter is that people have different learning styles that are reflected in different academicstrengths, weaknesses, skills, and interest5. In this paper
Conference Session
Effective Learning Innovations in Civil Engineering Courses
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Brock Barry, Purdue University; Sybil Sharvelle, Purdue University; M Katherine Banks, Purdue University; Sean Brophy, Purdue University; William Oakes, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
, and Cocking’s5 text HowPeople Learn (HPL) provides a framework for such learning environments. This frameworkemphasizes the importance of not only centering on the formalism of the knowledge to belearned, but also on factors centering on the learner, how they learn the specific content,assessments (both formative and summative) and issues of community (e.g. in undergraduateeducation this could include the classroom, department, university and specific profession)The general instructional design principles governing problem-based learning are: • Provide a context for knowing (conditions of when and how to use the knowledge) • Encourage reflection, refine and reapplication of knowledge • Continual test of knowledge (formative assessment
Conference Session
Web-Based Education
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Squire, Virginia Military Institute; Vonda Walsh, Virginia Military Institute; H. Francis Bush, Virginia Military Institute; Gerald Sullivan, Virginia Military Institute; Anthony English, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
-alone software product and not as a web-basedapplication. Additionally, this data shows that decreasing the time delays inherent to a networkor software application does not improve learning in a proportional manner. From a cost-benefitspoint of view, only changes that result in the near-elimination of network delays to levels lessthan 60 ms are worthwhile. Page 12.1241.9Students’ subjective comprehension are harder to model than either objective comprehension orenjoyment ratings, possibly because a student’s self-confidence is more a function of personalitytraits rather than reflective of the learning experience. The graph is, therefore
Conference Session
Experiences in Teaching Energy Courses
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Timothy Skvarenina, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
it. They are being heldresponsible for coming to class every time and participating in class. They would much rather befree to skip class when they want to and get the notes off the web or from a friend. With the firstclass I taught using clickers, this was a major issue and was reflected in the end-of-termevaluations. In the conclusions section, I will describe how I tried to deal with that with mysecond class.The final disadvantage, that I have found is that it takes time to develop good questions andmultiple choice responses for use in class. The numeric format of the clickers only allows asingle number to be entered, so numeric problems must be structured to allow the students toenter the numbers in a reasonable format (e.g., rather than
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Design in the Classroom
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Creese, West Virginia University; Deepak Gupta, West Virginia University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
software was better than theirown program to complete the project and understand the concepts, and whether or not it shouldbe given to the students in the future semesters. The results from this evaluation were promisingwith a score of 4.47 and 4.24 respectively (with “1” as worst and “5” as best) for these questionsand the same was reflected in the quality of reports submitted by the students. It was noted thateven the weak students in the class had minimal mistakes in the solution which supports the Page 12.1285.6underlying concept behind the development of this software
Conference Session
International Case Studies:Collaborations, Exchanges & Interactions
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alec Simcock, Victoria University; Robert ives, Victoria University; Paul Bronson, Victoria University; Charles Mphande, Victoria University; Juan SHI, Victoria University
Tagged Divisions
/journal/2003/mills_treagust03.pdf6 Moesby, E. "Presentation to the Study Board at Victoria University”, July 18th, 20067 Moesby, E., “Reflections on making a change towards Project Oriented and Problem-Based Learning, (POPBL)”, World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education 2004 UICEE, Vol.3, No.2, 2004. Page 12.1452.14
Conference Session
Teaching Design in Manufacturing Curriculum II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Bahram Asiabanpour, Texas State University; Chandrashekar Subbareddy, Texas State University
Tagged Divisions
beginning of the semesterTeams of four students are formed within the first three weeks of semester. In the first session,students learned about the available projects through descriptions and videos; a plant visitfollowed in the second week. To create healthy competition among teams and to ensure high-quality projects, teams were set up according to the characteristics of the members. Using thestudents’ academic record, teams’ average grade point average (GPA) were equal or very close.Also, an online questionnaire, developed by Richard Felder and Barbara Soloman at NorthCarolina State University, was used to evaluate students’ learning style and strategies [7]. On thisquestionnaire, a person’s learning style, such as active and reflective, sensing
Conference Session
An International Perspective
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Hasmik Gharibyan, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
that in the USA the female retention rate in CS programs is not very high; aconsiderable number of women change their mind about having a career in CS soon afterentering the program. When setting up the study, we were curious about the female retention ratein CS programs in Armenia. That information is even more interesting now, in the light of abovepresented data.Through interviews with university administrators, we established that in Armenia changingone’s major is an extremely rare act; apparently, in the soviet educational system the procedureof changing a major is so complicated that it is hardly ever practiced. Therefore, there is noofficial data reflecting student satisfaction with their major. Nevertheless, our survey results shed
Conference Session
Factors Affecting Minority Engineering Students
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Brad Matanin, Virginia Tech; Tremayne Waller, Virginia Tech; Jean Kampe, Virginia Tech; Cory Brozina, Virginia Tech; Bevlee Watford, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
possible high school GPA to matching bridgestudents. Additionally, students for the control cohort are matched to reflect the relativedistribution of College of Engineering and University Studies students: a more accuraterepresentation of the overall group. It should be pointed out that University Studies students forthe control cohort were those that indicated engineering as their first choice of major but weredeferred to US.A pre- and post-program survey was administered online at the start of the program and sixweeks into the fall semester to gauge student feedback. Students are asked to evaluate theirbridge experience in relation with their current semester.Results and discussionA demographic summary of STEP Bridge participants for the first
Conference Session
EMD Program Design
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Yesim Sireli, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; James Conrad, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Martin Kane, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Frank Skinner, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
Page 12.404.2below.Consideration of customer needs in design: Customer-oriented product development is becomingmore and more important due to globalization, increased competitiveness, rapid technologicalchange and discriminating customers2. As a part of the product development process,engineering design should reflect the results of a multifunctional team’s work on identifyingtechnical design characteristics based on gathering and understanding customer expectations. Forexample, a product may not meet customer requirements if the marketing division in a companydoes not work as a team with the product development division. This may result in low profitssince the target customer’s needs are not incorporated to the design adequately.Risk and
Conference Session
Best Practices for Campus Representatives
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Charles McIntyre, North Dakota State University
Tagged Divisions
Campus Representatives
draft versions of the teaching award were sent in advance to all Section membersto allow time for review and reflective thought. Both alternatives are included in the Appendix.The first alternative would recognize faculty members who have demonstrated exceptionalcontributions to engineering or engineering technology education through outstanding classroomperformance. This award is targeted at more experienced faculty. The second alternative wouldrecognize new faculty (less than five years of teaching experience) who has demonstratedexcellence in the classroom. The basic purpose of alternative two was to promote moreparticipation and involvement by junior faculty at the annual Section conference. Respondentswere asked if there is a need for a
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Brian Self, California Polytechnic State University; James Widmann, California Polytechnic State University
knowledge to make some judgment on the quality of their solutions.4. Model Documentation: A written, deliverable product should be produced at the end of theMEA. This is typically in the form of a memo to the company, but could also be in the form of acomputer program, algorithm, or even a physical product. Their documentation helps students toreview and reflect upon the development of their model, and allows the instructor to examine thestudents’ conceptual understanding of the material and their problem solving strategies.5. Generalizability: The solutions to the model should be readily usable to the client – thisrequires that the product memo be clear, well-written, and easy to implement. A strong MEAalso requires the solution to be readily
Conference Session
Capstone Design III
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Kasarda, Virginia Tech; Brenda Brand, Virginia Tech; Eugene Brown, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
design notebooks. MCPS teachers were especiallyhelpful to the undergraduates in their efforts to teach the design process to the high-schoolstudents by agreeing to grade their students’ assignments (some of which were conceived andassigned by the capstone students) and logbooks at the request of the engineering students. Inaddition, the engineering students were periodically required to generate progress memos, a mid-semester report, and a final design report as part of their requirements for ME 4015. At theconclusion of the robot redesign at mid-semester, the engineering students made a 30-minuteprofessional presentation to faculty advisors, teachers, and high-school students. After thisevent, time was dedicated to self-reflection by the
Conference Session
Aspirational Visions of Civil Engineering in 2025 & Policy 465
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey Evans, Bucknell University; Daniel Lynch, Dartmouth College; David Lange, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
andsocial sciences legs and the obligation to develop these within the profession broadly, asa matter of basic professional competence.The 20th century has seen a major expansion in the math and science ‘legs’ that supportcivil engineering education. Reflecting this heritage, the natural science and math ‘legs’are separately and explicitly articulated in the current ABET outcome 3(a) [An ability toapply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering] . The importance of mathand natural science to civil engineering education is further emphasized by splitting thisABET outcome 3(a) into four separate outcomes in the current working draft of thesecond edition of the BOK. In addition there are ABET outcomes 3(c) [An ability todesign a system
Conference Session
BME Laboratories and Skills-Based Projects
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Shahin Sirouspour, McMaster University; Pawel Malysz, McMaster University; Ali Shahdi, McMaster University; Ryan Leslie, Quanser Inc; Mahyar Fotoohi, Quanser Inc; Paul Karam, Quanser Inc
Tagged Divisions
the distance of haptic point from the center of force field as shown in Fig. 16. Anupper bound is placed on the force to prevent the application of large forces that might damagethe device. A separate s-function is implemented for the haptic guidance algorithm in Part 2. Thehaptic exploration experiments in Part 1 are repeated with the repelling force field to assess theeffectiveness of haptic guidance for robot-assisted medical interventions.5.4. Experiment IV: Control Architectures for TeleoperationIn master/slave telerobotic systems, a human operator can remotely control a robotic arm inorder to interact with a task environment. In this context, force-feedback haptic interfaces can beemployed to reflect the environment force back to the
Conference Session
Trends in Engineering Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nadia Kellam, University of Georgia; Ashley Babcock, University of Georgia; David Gattie, University of Georgia-Athens
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
, F. E. (1959). Characteristics of socio-technical systems. In Emery, F. (ed.), The Emergence of a NewParadigm of Work. (Centre for Continuing Education, Australian National University, Canberra, 1978, pp. 38–86.)16. Johnson, B. L. (2002). Extending the study of learning environments: connecting the field to other literatures.Queensland Journal of Educational Research, 18(2), 183-206.17. Sergiovanni, T. J. (1986). Understanding reflective practice. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 1(4), 353-359.18. Aviolo, B. J. (1999). Full leadership development: Building the vital forces in organizations. Thousand Oaks,CA: Sage Press.19. Aldridge, J. M., & Fraser, B. J. (2000). A cross-cultural study of classroom learning environments in
Conference Session
At The Institutional Level
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Judy Loveless-Morris, University of Washington; Priti Mody-Pan; Robert Embrey, Highline Community College; Kali Kuwada, Seattle Central Community College; Marisela Mendoza, Columbia Basin College; Robert Olsen, Washington State University; Eve Riskin, University of Washington
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
is ability to capitalize on market differences.The diverse locations of the participating institutions provide access to larger and more diverseminority populations. For example, some of the colleges within NW-ETEP are able to drawfrom a larger number of Hispanic populations, while others are better able to draw from African-American and female populations. 2 In general, each institution attempts to increase URMrecruitment from all minority populations. However, each institution also finds strength indrawing from particular minority applicants that are reflective of geographic location. Thisenables NW-ETEP to make progress toward increasing overall minority recruitment without
Conference Session
Laboratory Development in ECE Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Arlen Planting, Boise State University; Sin Ming Loo, Boise State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
accommodate changes in the hardware and tools used. The creative portion can be changed every semester to insure that students are exposed to new projects. • Extend the use of the educational development tool Altera Debug Client) to continue challenging students, and delay introduction of more advanced tools (Nios II IDE) until later in the course after ISRs have been introduced.Table 2 reflects the proposed modifications to the Microprocessor lab.Table 2: Microprocessors Lab 2008 Outline Week Topics/Assignment 1 Familiarization with DE2, Nios II, and Debug Client (simplified tutorial) 2 Introduction to memory. (assignment: bubble sort routine) 3 Exploration of address
Conference Session
Collaborative & New Efforts in Engineering Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Kornecki, ERAU; Thomas Hilburn, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott; Wojciech Grega, AGH; Jean-Marc Thririet, LAG; Miroslav Sveda, BUT
Tagged Divisions
industry advisory board, activities ofthe department curriculum committee, analysis of data reflecting student cooperative educationactivities, involvement in professional societies, student choice of minor programs, studentPortfolios, etc.The indicator courses, defined by the faculty, are critical in assessing program outcomes. Eachprogram outcome should have one or more courses that contribute to its achievement.Performance in indicator courses also provides information to the faculty regarding performancein prerequisite courses.A survey of graduating seniors and the exit interview can be a source of useful informationregarding the curriculum. While senior information is valuable, graduating seniors may lacksufficient context to correctly
Conference Session
Global Engineering Education Initiatives
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Prashanth Jayaraman, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Vinod Lohani, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Garrett Bradley, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Odis Griffin, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; John Dooley, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tagged Divisions
(introduction to graphics) assigned forthe week. Page 13.533.8 Fig. 4.b: Screenshot of DyKnow software showing discussion of travel route to Coimbra, PortugalThe setup needed webcams at each end, an audio output and a video projector- this setup isillustrated in the sequence of pictures in figure 4.c. Skype enabled us to facilitate audio/videocommunication at both ends, while Dyknow Tablet PC software provided the instructor thecapability of working on engineering problems that were dynamically reflected on each student’stablet PC.Students in the freshman The hardware setup in the The software used
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph Chappell, The University of Alabama; Robert Taylor, University of Alabama; Keith Woodbury, The University of Alabama
gratefully acknowledge support from this NSF award.DisclaimerAny opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.Bibliography1. Excel-Engineering website. Magnus Holmgren, 2007. The Chemical Engineers' Resource Page, 2004. Korf Hydraulics Website. Lynn McGuire. Cengel, Y. A., and Boles, M. A., Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach. Sixth Edition, 2007, McGraw- Hill.5. Wagner, W. and Prub, A. The IAPWS Formulation 1995 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Ordinary Water Substance for
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Hrynuk, Clarkson University; Matthew Pennington, Clarkson University; David Illig, Clarkson University; John P. Dempsey, Clarkson University
Session - 2007The timeline for spring of 2007 has been restructured showing the inclusion of the Your Turn!activity at the end of each lecture. A rough time estimate was placed on sections of the lecture.No time estimate is made for the Muddiest Point as the time taken here is included in the timeestimated for the Your Turn! Lecture revisions during fall of 2006 were worked around thesetime estimates. A reevaluation of concepts taught in the course was also part of the fall of 2006revisions. The new set of lecture topics is shown in Table 2.The spring 2007 lecture topics shown in Table 2 closely reflect the order of the Holly Mooretextbook used for ES100. One notable change in the material covered is the addition ofLabVIEW to spring of 2007 as a
Conference Session
Innovations in ECE Education III
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Soonghwan Ro, Kongju University, Rep. of Korea
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
questions, a question reading “Was it helpful for understanding the lecturesto use the DigiCom in the class?” was evaluated in 2007. The mark was 4.35/5 which was higherthan the other questions. However, comparative evaluation was not possible since the questionwas given in 2007 for the first time.5.2. Comparative analysis of the examination papersOf the exam questions given in the 2007 term, the types of the questions which can beconsidered to reflect the effectiveness of the practice, by comparing with those in the previousterms, are as follows. The exam questions below are similar types, but the same questions werenot always given.Table 9. Questions for exam used for analysis Number Question type
Conference Session
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nina Dahlmann, Technische Universitaet Berlin; Maria Elsner, Technische Universitaet Berlin; Sabina Jeschke, University of Stuttgart; Nicole Natho, Technische Universitaet Berlin; Olivier Pfeiffer, Technische Universitaet Berlin; Christian Schroeder, Technische Universitaet Berlin
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
worlds and are capable of integrating people withvarious cultural backgrounds into their teams. These demands are for example reflected in asurvey of 2004, carried out by the German Engineering Federation VDMA (Verband DeutscherMaschinen- und Anlagenbau). The results are presented in Figure 2.Figure 2: What companies expect to change in education for engineers. From VDMA 11,translation added by authorsA modern university with its diverse staff and students from all kinds of educational and culturalbackgrounds provides an ideal environment for developing these kinds of skills. Due to theBologna process universities now have the opportunity to integrate the new demands into theircurricula. Unfortunately, a big amount of the Bachelor courses in the
Conference Session
Use of Technology to Provide Civil Engineering Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jean-Pierre Bardet, University of Southern California; Dennis McLeod, University of Southern California; Gisele Ragusa, University of Southern California; Nazila Mokarram, University of Southern California
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
navigate through the ontology, and identifyrelevant kinds of objects and inter-relationships; specific instances can then be accessed – suchinstances will be presented with an associated measure of semantic relevance, determined by thedegree to which the instances match the desired result. (2) One can issue a word-basedinformation request, in which case the tools we develop will utilize the ontology to disambiguatethe request, and do an ontology-enhanced word-based search; the results presented will again bepresented with an associated estimate of semantic relevance. (3) The ontology can itself be usedfor study and analysis – it can be evolved dynamically to reflect new or modified ESAs, explorealternative delivery paradigms, etc.Conclusion
Conference Session
Innovations in Biological/Agricultural Education-II
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
George Meyer, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Tagged Divisions
Biological & Agricultural
a reading was taken on totalsuspended solids in the sample based upon light scattered transmitted or reflected. The projectrequired analysis of wavelengths, calibration of sensors and error analysis.Equipment: LabJACK U12, commercial turbidity kit, photo diodes, solid state relay, water tank,and LabVIEW 8.5. Control of an Ethanol Fermentation Process (2006).A fermentation process in continuous production of ethanol requires monitoring and maintainingparameters such as temperature, pH, and flow rate. Fermentation by yeast requires optimumtemperature in the range of 37oC, and pH of 5. The temperature can be controlled by switching onor off a heater system. The pH can be controlled by adding acid or NaOH. These adjustmentshave to be done
Conference Session
Focus on IE Principles and Techniques
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sharon Johnson, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Bryan Norman, University of Pittsburgh; Jean Fullerton, Elizabethtown College; Susan Pariseau, Merrimack College
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
Page 13.1340.11using it again, but in expanding its use to explore additional topics. Initially, it is also importantthat faculty feel comfortable leading the simulation; the‘Train-the-Trainer’ workshop, on-sitesupport during the first run of the simulation, and the simulation documentation all contributed tothe success at Sites 2 and 3. Longer term, we are evaluating the importance of ongoing support,reflective activities such as writing articles, and opportunities to participate in case developmentas ways of keeping faculty engaged to sustain changes.The results from these initial implementations are being used to refine assessment tools, as wellas to inform the process for future implementations. Several additional universities will be