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Well-matched quotation marks can be used to demarcate phrases, and the + and - operators can be used to require or exclude words respectively
Displaying results 1951 - 1980 of 8077 in total
Conference Session
Architectural Engineering Division Technical Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ryan L. Solnosky, P.E., Pennsylvania State University; Moses Ling, P.E., Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Architectural Engineering Division (ARCHE)
and compound sentence structure. Conveying ideas in simple sentences is an art form that student should be encouraged to learn. • Student report usually rely on text only. This habit may have been created by the tools given to them, the smart phones and handheld devices. Given these text-only tools, students are less likely to choose a table or a graph, which can tell a better story. When graphics are done, they tend not to be professional in nature; rather they are the simple images with limited quality (e.g. like poorly take pictures that are fuzzy or shadows and backgrounds showed on non-scanned images). • Student reports need detailed peer review for grammar and structure. Team writing often
Conference Session
Self-efficacy and Emotion: ERM Roundtable
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ellen L Usher, University of Kentucky; Natasha Aniceto Mamaril, University of Illinois ; Caihong Li, University of Kentucky; David Ross Economy, Clemson University Department of Materials Science and Engineering; Marian S. Kennedy, Clemson University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
engineeringstudents. Some evidence suggests that social messages affect women more than men. Womenwho pursued careers in mathematics, sciences, and technology consistently reported that themessages sent to them about capabilities in these male-dominated fields served as crucial sourcesof their self-efficacy21, a finding echoed in interviews conducted by Hutchison et al.15 withsecond-year engineering students. Other researchers have shown more generally that beingencouraged by peers and faculty makes students more likely to put forth effort and persevere intheir majors4, 11, 15.Fewer studies have focused on examining the influential role of emotional and physiologicalstates on the students’ sense of efficacy in engineering. Hutchison et al.20 found that
Conference Session
Freshman Curriculum Development
2002 Annual Conference
Rita Caso; Jeff Froyd; Jan Rinehart; Ahmer Inam; Ann Kenimer; Carolyn Clark; Jim Morgan
. As the foundation for new curricula, A&Mdeveloped LCs. At A&M, a LC is a group of students, faculty and industry that have commoninterests and work as partners to improve the engineering educational experience. LCs valuediversity, are accessible to all interested individuals, and bring real world situations into theengineering classroom. The key components of A&M engineering LCs at are: (1) clustering ofstudents in common courses; (2) teaming; (3) active/coopera tive learning; (4) industryinvolvement; (5) technology-enhanced classrooms; (6) peer teachers; (7) curriculum integration;(8) faculty team teaching; and (9) assessment and evaluation. This presentation will use bothquantitative and qualitative assessment methods to try
Conference Session
Computers in Education 9 - Technology I
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Hoe, Loyola University Maryland; Dave Binkley, Loyola University Maryland; Mary Lowe, Loyola University Maryland
requiring teaching some elementsof object-oriented programming (OOP). While not all students will have been exposed to OOPprior to the first quantum computing course, the faculty already have developed a framework fora simulator and will guide the students to write the code for selected methods. Faculty will alsoprovide a basic introduction to the OOP features of the Python programming language. Thestudents will work in interdisciplinary teams, where the CS students will be helpful in guidingtheir peers in this area. Thus, previous knowledge of OOP will not be necessary. Otherprogramming possibilities that will enhance student learning include writing their own tensorproduct function for combining vector spaces instead of using the NumPy function
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bill D Carroll P.E., University of Texas, Arlington; Bob P. Weems, University of Texas, Arlington; Bahram Khalili, University of Texas, Arlington
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
personal commercial or sales pitch.  Term Essay – Students write a 500-word essay on a contemporary issue related to computing technology or a 500-word proposal for funding of a start-up company.Students are given letter grades in the course (A, B, C, D, F) rather than being graded Pass/Fail.There are two reasons for this. First, the College of Engineering policy requires it, and, second,it emphasizes the importance of the course. Currently, grades are based on student performanceon four assignments (10-points each) and three examinations (20-points each). The assignmentsare discussed in more detail below. Examinations are primarily objective (true/false, multiplechoice, and fill-in-the blanks) and given at the one-third and two-third
2022 CIEC
’ problem-solving skills to the higher level are some of the advantages of producing monthly progressreports. These activities may be more relevant in research and innovative groups than inmanufacturing organizations. Project report writing targeting various readers is emphasized inthe phrase “Excellent verbal and writing skills to communicate effectively with clients, fieldengineers, peers, and management”, which is seen in many requests this department receivesfrom industry, seeking graduates in EE and COE for employment.While monthly reports enhance students’ writing skills, they may reveal or avoid hidden agendasor collusion between a faculty and a project group. Advisors cannot unilaterally allow students toalter target functionality of
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Margaret Ellis; Ryan Gniadek, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Godmar Back, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Kirk Cameron, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
industry where developersare often responsible for writing their own tests [3].Agile methodology has become very popular among software developers in recent years. According to the15th annual State of Agile report published by, 94% of respondents reported that theircompanies used an agile approach with Software Development and IT teams being the largest adopters.Additionally, the basic tools that enable an agile methodology continue to be very popular amongdevelopers [4]. In the 2021 Stack Overflow annual survey, 93.43% of respondents reported using Git,with 84.94% of respondents saying they “loved” the tool. Among the minority that does not use Git,29.69% expressed interest in using it in the future [5].The concept of “DevOps” first
Conference Session
Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 4
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Eleazar Marquez, Rice University; Samuel Garcia Jr., NASA EPDC
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
physics and mathematics. Unfortunately, engineering disciplines are technicalin nature and grounded in societal values and practices that make communication and leadershipskills a secondary focal point, or of minimal interest. There are several institutions, nonetheless,that have integrated writing centers or Leadership programs with the intention of promoting andenhancing technical communication and leadership skills. However, given the extensivity ofengineering curricula, it becomes burdensome for undergraduate students to participate and takeadvantage of such venues.This trend has gained considerable attention from national, state, and local agencies aboutreassessing the landscape of STEM education and developing proactive measures to
Conference Session
Faculty Track - Technical Session V
2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
Teresa J. Cutright, University of Akron; Rebecca Kuntz Willits, University of Akron; Linda T. Coats, Mississippi State University; Lakiesha N. Williams, Mississippi State University; Debora F. Rodrigues, University of Houston
Tagged Topics
first summer intensive professional preparation had 12 participants from the host institution,universities in the same geographical regions as the host, and from the collaborating institutions.Seventy-five percent of the ACADEME (Advancing Career in Academics with Diversity andMentorship in Engineering) Fellows strongly agreed that the summer training content was usefulfor his/her professional development and 100% agreed that they would recommend the programto their peers. In addition to providing the assessment results from the first summer professionaltraining, this paper includes recommendations from ACADEME Fellows for enhancing futuresummer sessions, results of a survey of a non-cohort group, lessons learned from recruiting, andthe most
Conference Session
What's New in Dynamics?
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter Avitabile, University of Massachusetts-Lowell; Tracy Van Zandt, University of Massachusetts-Lowell; Jeffrey Hodgkins, University of Massachusetts-Lowell; Nels Wirkkala, University of Massachusetts-Lowell
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
data sets collected by other students. Students work in groups, collect data, and preparedetailed reports summarizing their efforts. Students also perform a peer review of submittedprojects, providing another valuable learning experience.Assessments of the first three semesters of the project clearly indicate that the students enjoyedthe hands-on project and clearly felt that they understood the material in much greater depth as aresult of the project.I. ProblemUnderstanding basic STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) material is criticalto a student’s ability to progress satisfactorily in upper level courses. Earlier courses oftenappear to have no relevance, from a student’s perspective. As a result, students feel that they
Conference Session
Mentoring Practices and Project Teams
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Suzette R. Burckhard P.E., South Dakota State University; Joanita M. Kant, South Dakota State University; Gregory J. Michna, South Dakota State University; Ross Peder Abraham, South Dakota State University; Richard Reid P.E., South Dakota State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
on Pine Ridge Reservation and ethnographic research on Rosebud Reservation. That reservation research is part of an ongoing National Science Foundation (NSF)-sponsored Pre-Engineering Education Collabora- tive led by Oglala Lakota College (a tribal college) in cooperation with South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, and SDSU. She has recently served as a principal investigator for a South Dakota Space Grant Consortium project designed to create interest in STEM education and careers among high school girls at Flandreau Indian School. She has publications in peer-reviewed regional conference proceedings and international journals and has recently co-edited a book about bringing engineering to Native Hawai
Conference Session
Distance Learning in ET Programs
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vukica M. Jovanovic, Old Dominion University; Megan Mize, Old Dominion University; Rochelle Rodrigo, University of Arizona; Alok K. Verma P.E., Old Dominion University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
much they have learned about some new process(Yastibas & Cepik, 2015). Others reported an improvement in decision-making, goal-setting, andplanning skills (Ambrose et al., 2014). Furthermore, the application of ePortfolio in undergraduatecourses improves students’ career planning efforts, professional development, and futuremarketability (Cheng, Chen, & Yen, 2015; Lin, 2008; Reese & Levy, 2009). As the students isready to enter the the job market, ePortfolios assist student advising and career counseling, helpfaculty write robust and specific letters of recommendation, and enable prospective employers toreview someone’s experience and skills more effectively (Ambrose et al., 2014; Reese & Levy,2009). However, ePortfolios
Conference Session
Implementing Active Learning in Mechanical Engineering Technology
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael W Martin, Northern Michigan University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
. This was done bygenerating information to present to their peers on the new topic being covered. They passivelyreceived information in a 10 minute mini-lecture put on by one of their fellow students. Thestudents worked cooperativley in class on homework problems that the class struggled with.They also worked collabortively in class on example problems presented by the instructor, andthey worked on their own again, outside of class, to do the homework problems. Details of theimplementation of these approaches is discussed in the next section.Class FormatThis method was implemented in the MET420 Fluid Mechanics class, which is a 3 credit classwith no lab component associated with it. The class was scheduled to meet twice a week for 1hour and 15
Conference Session
Web Education: Delivery and Evaluation
2003 Annual Conference
Robert Blake; kathleen marrs; Jeff Watt; Andrew Gavrin
faculty are aware of students needs and abilities, and reactaccordingly. JiTT also recognizes the fundamental truth that “students learn what students do.” Ifstudents are to learn technical writing, teamwork, and the ability to address large questions, theymust be asked to do these things.MethodsJust-in-Time Teaching relies on a combination of high-tech and low-tech methods. On the high-tech side, the WWW is used as a flexible, high-speed communications tool linking students andfaculty. On the low-tech side, students participate in several classroom activities that stress activelearning and interaction among students and faculty. In the recitation sections, student teamswork on problems under the guidance of faculty and peer mentors. We have also
Conference Session
Knowing Students: Diversity & Retention
2004 Annual Conference
Karl Stevens; Sharon Schlossberg; Maria M. Larrondo Petrie
bearing each student’s name.Advantages of clustering students in groups have been discussed by Landis14 and others.Advantages of a cohort group are summarized nicely in the paper by Gloria Murray15. Drawingupon the works of others, she writes: “The rationale for cohort structures comes from cognitivelearning theory which suggests that learning is a profoundly social process that depends ondialogue, language and group processing. Additionally, cohort formats enhance student self-esteem, provide peer support, and furnish networking opportunities. It appears that leadershippractices that are transforming emphasize social interaction and group processing, the veryelements that describe cohort structures”. Interestingly, these are precisely the
Conference Session
NEE 2 - Strategies to Improve Teaching Effectiveness
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dustyn Roberts P.E., Temple University; Joshua A. Enszer, University of Delaware; Allen A. Jayne P.E., University of Delaware; Sarah Ilkhanipour Rooney, University of Delaware; Amy Trauth, University of Delaware; Andrew Novocin, University of Delaware; James Atlas, University of Delaware
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
: Class Time Activity Needed Description Take a short break and invite students compare their notes with a Comparing neighbor, filling in any gaps. Afterward, optionally follow up this Notes 1-2 min activity with a short Q&A session based on any confusing points. End class 2 minutes early and ask students to write down Minute Paper (anonymously or not) the main point of today's class, and/or the / Muddiest most pressing question or confusing point from today's class. Begin Point 1-2 min the next class by addressing any common questions
Conference Session
Grasping the "Concept"
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Adrienne R Minerick, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
concepts in a clear visual and verbal fashion to readers of the manuscript.A few graduate programs have implemented formal training of students in the research process.Most notable is David F. Ollis’ efforts described in his 1995 article2 in Chemical EngineeringEducation on “The Research Proposition.” Additional U.S. graduate programs include requiredcourses in the curriculum on writing research proposals (University of Oklahoma3) and researchmethods (Michigan Technological University4 and Arizona State University5). Structuredtraining in research methods is also endorsed in international communities such as in ErstaSköndal University College in Stockholm, Sweden6 and National University of Singapore7.However, to the author’s best knowledge, no
Conference Session
Innovative Techniques in Graphics
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward Lumsdaine, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
work. Some companies sponsored teams toget an advance look at students for future hires. For students without previous experience in atechnical summer job, taking a plant trip and communicating with their sponsor’s engineers wasespecially valuable.Course Logistics 3—Grading and AdvisingThe instructor, team advisors, student peers, and the sponsors gave feedback and were involvedin evaluating the work. Eight advisors worked with the 24 teams. By the end of Step 6, only 10%of the total possible points could be earned. At this stage, students received much feedback andeditorial help on their writing and on using proper formats for the documentation. Individualpoints were earned through the midterm exam, the design journal, and the allocation of
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jinghua Zhang, Winston-Salem State University; Jinsheng Xu, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (CoE); Xiaohong Yuan, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (CoE)
peer-reviewed publications. © American Society for Engineering Education, 2022 Powered by Developing and Assessing Educational Games to Enhance Cyber Security Learning in Computer ScienceAbstract Cyber security education is critical to preparing Computer Science students for the increasingsecurity challenges they will face in the future. Games have been successfully used in manyareas of education, including Computer Science, to engage students in learning. Although somegames are available to increase cyber security awareness among high school students, it is hardto find serious games that focus on advanced security topics for
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Integration and Sociotechnical Thinking: The Big Picture
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cherie D. Edwards, Virginia Commonwealth University; Bryanne Peterson; Sreyoshi Bhaduri, ThatStatsGirl; Cassandra J. McCall, Utah State University; Desen Sevi Özkan, Tufts University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
lab activities in this course, students were tasked with a visual depiction to showdifferent types of bias. The details of this activity and resultant student visual depictions will bediscussed in this section. The lab for this week consisted of a 75 minute course block with areading and question prompts assigned for after the lab period. In the lab, the first activity forstudents was to discuss and define the word bias with their peers. At this point in the semester,students have not encountered a formal statistical definition of bias in data. In the next step,students were tasked to read a comic inspired by Dr. Joy Buolamwini’s work on gender shades(Buolamwini & Gebru, 2018). This comic was drawn by Vreni Stollberger and published in
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jill K Nelson, George Mason University; Daria Gerasimova, George Mason University; Margret Hjalmarson, George Mason University; J. Reid Schwebach, George Mason University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
following topics: assessment of GTApreparation to grade writing assignments, determining the relationship between studentmathematics placement scores and their achievement in core classes in their major, andinvestigating effects of a peer review component in laboratory reports. After the first year, one ofthe GTAs finished his/her project and presented the results at a conference. Other students wereat the stage of data collection and data analysis.During the second year of the SIMPLE group, much of the meeting time was dedicated todiscussing curriculum development for a new concentration in the department. The GTAs tookpart in those discussions, though the level of their involvement varied. One of the students choseto conduct another educational
2012 EDI
Eun-Woo Chang
qualifications and professional development opportunities• Articulation agreement• Academic preparedness of students Montgomery College Science, Engineering and Mathematics1. Academic advising and mentoring - A dedicated engineering faculty advisor - Currently developing on-line advising system - SEM Internship Coordinator (FT): Writing workshops, internship opportunity info, and partnerships with Montgomery County Public Schools, industrial partners, federal agencies, and universities - Most faculty serve as Engineering student club advisors Montgomery College Science, Engineering and Mathematics2. Student Activities - Student clubs: Engineering Club, Women in Engineering, Science, and Technology (WEST
2018 Engineering Research Council (ERC)
Kenneth Brezinsky; Vahid Motevalli
Conference Summary Findings Chicago Conference Summary Findingsf) Faculty recruiting: women and underrepresented minority groups(cont’d)1) Faculty network “Phone Tree” can be an excellent tool for faculty recruiting2) Higher Education Recruiting Consortium (HERC) ( Reasons for loss of women faculty – (Diversity, Salary, Work–Life Balance) • Do not get tenure due to a lack of mentoring, peer support • Pay inequality – estimates show women are getting paid 20% less than men • Family issues typically fall to the woman while man continues with his career path • Females were significantly less satisfied than males with the work
Conference Session
1553 FPD3 - Computer & Programming Tools in First Year Instruction
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jess Everett, Rowan University; John Chen, Rowan University; Stephanie Farrell, Rowan University; Jennifer Kadlowec, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
knowledge due to the existence of poor prior knowledge ormisconception, and (3) use of discussions or peer learning.Engineering Clinic at Rowan UniversityThe four engineering programs at Rowan University (RU) have common Engineering Clinicclasses throughout their programs of study. Students enroll in Clinics in each of their eightsemesters at RU. Each clinic class involves students in teamwork (often interdisciplinary),hands-on activities, and report writing and presentation. For a more detailed discussion, seeReference (16).The Freshman Clinic is focused on engineering measurements (Fall) and competitive assessment(Spring). The Sophomore Clinic is focused on engineering design. The course is team-taughtwith communications faculty17-18. Where
Conference Session
Factors Affecting Minority Engineering Students
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Pedro Leite, Kansas State University-Salina; Jung Oh, Kansas State University-Salina
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
AC 2008-2266: AN ANALYSIS OF SUCCESSFUL MINORITY STUDENTSENROLLED IN TECHNOLOGY DEGREE PROGRAMSPedro Leite, Kansas State University-Salina Pedro Leite is an Associate Professor of Computer Systems Technology at Kansas State University at Salina. His research interests include the scholarship of teaching and learning, cross-curricular collaboration, and diversity and multicultural issues in teaching and learning.Jung Oh, Kansas State University-Salina Jung Oh is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Kansas State University at Salina. She earned her Ph.D. from UCLA and was an ASEE postdoctoral fellow at Naval Air Warfare Center. She was 2004 Wakonse Teaching fellow and 2006 Peer Review of
1996 Annual Conference
Daryl R. Kipke
Session 2309 Computer Applications in Bioengineering: An Active-Learning Laboratory Course for Undergraduates Daryl R. Kipke Arizona State UniversityIntroduction Bioengineering is a diverse field that bridges several traditional engineering disciplines to medicine andbiology. In competing for bioengineering-related jobs with peers from traditional engineering disciplines, theB.S.-level bioengineer should have particular knowledge and experience about making measurements from oranalyzing
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Poster Session
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathy Schmidt, University of Texas, Austin; Juan Garcia, University of Texas, Austin; Michael Webber, University of Texas, Austin
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
-directed education is a podcast, which is an audioor video file distributed to an appropriate media player over the Internet. Our students ina multidisciplinary mechanical engineering class were able to go beyond being aconsumer and instead became creators of podcasts and active participants through blogs and aclassroom response system (clickers). With the use of new technologies and software tools,students were given the opportunity to create and post podcasts of their own research. Becausethe assignment was optional (students had a choice of writing a paper or creating a podcast ontheir original research) not all of the students created podcasts. Both types of completed projects(papers and podcasts) were uploaded to the class blog. In class
Conference Session
Faculty Development Lightning Talks
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Donna C. Llewellyn, Boise State University; William L. Hughes, Boise State University; Megan F. Gambs, Boise State University
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Constituent Committee
around education issues in general, and in particular on increasing access and success of those traditionally under-represented and/or under-served in STEM higher education.Prof. William L. Hughes, Boise State University Professor William L. Hughes is the Director of the Micron School of Materials Science & Engineering at Boise State University. He also serves as the Director of the Nucleic Acid Memory Institute, where his research team reads and writes information into DNA for archival storage applications. Finally he is a faculty fellow of the College of Innovation + Design, which he cofounded at Boise State. Professor Hughes received his B.S. and Ph.D. in Materials Science & Engineering from Virginia Tech and
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 12
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Krista Schumacher, University of St. Thomas; Deborah Besser P.E., University of St. Thomas; Annmarie Thomas, University of St. Thomas
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
passenger.Students will need to collaborate on this challenge, follow Students will be able to...the steps in the engineering design process, and work Collaborate with peers to complete an engineeringunder real-world constraints of time, resources, and an challengeadditional element in order to complete this challenge. Employ the skills they have learned about engineering and other skills to complete the task Grade Level: Designed for 8th grade students. Goal: Apply what we have learned about Work under constraints and experience how constraints engineering and empathy into a real
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries Division Technical Session 2
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Qing Li, IEEE
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
purposes, withoutreleasing personal information.Real-time information literacy course delivery at social mediaAs stated earlier, little research has been conducted in using social media for libraryinstructional activities. The IEEE Client Service team in China has offeredinformation literacy courses since late 2016 via social media (WeChat and QQ). Thecomparison of real-time course delivery between social media and WebEx platformwas published in an earlier paper [16]. The information literacy courses offered atWeChat and QQ include Searching IEEE Xplore Effectively, IEEE Paper SubmissionGuidelines & Process, Technical Paper Writing, and Boosting Your Career with IEEE.Each course consists of a 45-min presentation with 15-min Q&A.We choose