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Displaying results 2101 - 2130 of 8758 in total
Conference Session
Undergraduate Student Issues: Culture
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas E. Pinelli, NASA Langley Research Center; Cathy W. Hall, East Carolina University; Kimberly Marie Brush, NASA Langley Research Center; Jeannine B. Perry, Continental Research Associates, Inc.
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
study. Jeannine works closely with the research team to ensure that each step is performed to exact specifications. She conducts the interviewer briefing session at the beginning of each study and electronically monitors a portion of the fieldwork. After the completion of the data collection, she receives an anecdotal report from the Field Director (choosing results to highlight in the final report). Jeannine oversees the statistical analyses, writes the text portion of most reports, supervises the report preparation, and is in regular contact with her clients. Jeannine attended Old Dominion University where she completed a Bachelors degree in Business Man- agement. Prior to joining Continental Research, she was
Conference Session
Innovative Classroom Techniques
2004 Annual Conference
James Newell
classrooms. While thebenefits of active learning are clear, simply breaking students into small groups to work onproblems during class does not automatically address the pervading issue of student motivation.Biggs and Moore (2) classify four primary types of motivation: 1. Intrinsic – learning because of natural curiosity or interest in the activity itself 2. Social – learning to please the professor or their peers 3. Achievement – learning to enhance your position relative to others 4. Instrumental – learning to gain rewards beyond the activity itself (better grades, increased likelihood of getting a high paying job etc.)As such, an active learning activity that addressed all four of these motivational categories wouldbe useful
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade: The Tenure Process
2004 Annual Conference
Ali Kashef; Morteza Sadat-Hossieny; Mark Rajai
with committees at the University and national level,grant/proposal writing for external funding, and legal issues.In reality, the department head/chair must be an effective leader to make a difference. Havingthe title of department head doesn’t qualify one as a good leader. He/she needs to activelydemonstrate leadership skills to motivate a group of individuals to work together toward acommon goal. He/she needs to actively demonstrate leadership skills in support of youngacademics in the tenure process. Faculty needs the department head support especially in theareas of teaching, research, and service. If the department operates smoothly and efficiently, itwill be an optimal service to its students, college, university and community. The
Conference Session
New Ideas in Energy Education
2003 Annual Conference
Peter Idowu
I & II), Physics, AC-DC Circuit analysis.ResourcesTextbooks and other sources used in the course are listed in the reference section 1-8. Materialsfrom peer-reviewed journals are vital in connecting students to cutting edge information,applications and current trends in energy exploitation.Computer simulation programs are used in the course for modeling and clarifying some conceptsin energy use. MATLAB© 9 functions are used for developing regression models for predictinggrowth (population, energy use, etc.). MATLAB-SimPowerSystems© is used for modeling ACand DC machines, and to demonstrate their performance characteristics.PowerWorld© 10 is used to illustrate computational challenges in a modern power transmissionsystem. The animation
Conference Session
Descriptions of Curricular and Model Development
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Morgan M. Hynes, Tufts University; Elsa Head, Tufts University; Ethan E. Danahy, Tufts University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
to record their ideasthrough pictures and writing directly in the software, which allows them to both share their ideaswith their peers and lets them revisit their ideas at a later time.Scardamalia notes that small group work in classrooms can be fruitful; it breaks the pattern of theteacher relaying authoritative information to large groups of students, and lets the students’ ideasbecome a greater part of the classroom discourse4. However, group work is also thought to haveseveral challenges, including group domination by one or two students, knowledge and ideasbecoming lost when not recorded and less teaching guidance of each group in a productivedirection4. Technology has been thought to be a productive way to promote collective
1997 Annual Conference
V.J. Deleveaux; C.O. Ruud
terminal insertion apparatus for a Gigafilter production line; design and developmentof a computer network system to link PC’s together; and determination of methods to improvethe productivity of steer loader production lines. Teams are typically comprised of two to fourstudents. The course is offered in one semester for 3 credit hours. Grading is based on teamaccomplishment, peer performance evaluations, written reports (proposal, progress, and finalreports), and industry sponsor evaluation of team performance.This paper describes the necessary components in the design and management of this successfulcapstone course. Attention will be given to the approach to teaching the course, as well as howthe course is conducted. Of specific interest are
Conference Session
STEM and the Two-Year College
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maria L Espino, University of Washington; Elizabeth Meza, University of Washington
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Two-Year College Division (TYCD)
, and the Journal of Applied Research in theCommunity College. For this review, the team bound the study and selection criteria to ensure that thescholarship included was relevant to the topical area rather than simply relying on theresearchers’ familiarity or agreement with the available scholarship. Exclusion criteria wereidentified to outline how researchers eliminated studies from consideration and defined thepurpose of the study (DePoy & Gitlin, 1994). For this study, inclusion and exclusion criteriaincluded: 1 1. The study was published between 2013 and 2023. 2. The study was peer-reviewed articles, book chapters
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark Blaine, University of Oregon; Nathan Jacobs, University of Oregon
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division (FDD)
by focusingon empathy and listening, exploring audience needs in a way that leads to sharply definedproblem statements. Through a process of divergent and convergent thinking, participants areasked to first generate lots of ideas and reflect on them with a group of peers, then narrow whatthey will write, say, or show, using quick sharing tools like storyboards or flow outlines andtesting both their messages and strategy. Then they give and receive critical feedback in realtime, allowing them to refine their approach and iterate through the process again until ready. Wefocus on practice for our trainees, emphasizing simple, memorable tools – the Elements – thatcan be applied at a variety of scales. A great illustration of this is a
1999 Annual Conference
Frank E. Falcone; Edward Glynn
, dischargerecords and runoff computations. The instructors provide guidance on technical writing, reportorganization, documentation, data presentation, and the importance of report cohesion. Thereports are designed to be very practical and reflective of products from engineering firmsspecializing in thee technical fields. In order to emphasize the importance of clear and concisetechnical writing, each student reviews and critiques a report prepared by his or her peers. Theinstructors conduct a complete and intensive review of each report and set aside a substantialportion of a laboratory period to discuss the reports with the students. The total projectintroduces the potential civil engineer to a wide range of technical fields in a cohesive andstructured
Conference Session
Technology-Enhanced Learning
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven Cramer, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Robert Jeanne, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Moira Lafayette, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Michael J. Litkow, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Amber R. Smith, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Lillian Tong, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
: ≠ Orientation workshops for instructors which highlight the background educational research, student survey data from previous semesters, and provide activities to practice writing open-ended higher-order thinking questions. These workshops built a community of users and provided more information to faculty about best practices in scientific teaching. ≠ Meetings between the instructors and the programmer to learn how the instructors would tag responses. Our team began with the idea of being able to quickly sort responses and provide feedback. After talking to faculty we found that there are many methods of sorting responses and different perspectives on the types of feedback that should be sent to
Conference Session
Pedagogical Developments in BME
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Guilford, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
features of theSMART Notebook software (Figure2) were used to show the correctanswers to each question, and discussquestions that proved problematic.Quizzes were given daily during thefirst 15 minutes of the 75 minuteclass session. Each quiz covered theprevious two lectures material,ideally forcing students to twicestudy each lecture. This amounted to24 individual quizzes that accountedfor 50% of their class grade. Thelowest two quiz scores were dropped.The only other graded elements ofthe course were centered on a largewriting assignment in which students Figure 2: Review of answers at the end of each quizwork in teams to write a review included a pie-chart of class answers to identifyarticle and engage in peer review. problem
2024 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Mollie Petersen; Emily Fitzpatrick; Chloe Mann; Jessica Deters
.” Similarly, another wrote “Attending public schools my whole life has strengthenedmy cross-cultural competence because of the different students and organizations available.”There were also three students who mentioned the foreign exchange program at their schools.One reported, “my high school had a foreign exchange program with Norway, so meeting thesepeople and understanding how their lives were different was very enlightening.” Perspective wasalso brought up in relation to schools with a student writing that their cross-cultural developmentcame from “collaborating with various cultures perspectives amongst my peers.” Table 1. Identified Common Life Experiences
Conference Session
Innovative Pedagogical Strategies I
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Venkata Avinash Paruchuri, University of Wisconsin, Platteville; Ismail Fidan, Tennessee Technological University; Fred Vondra, Tennessee Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology Division (ETD)
hand in selecting the team, design, implementation,analysis, and presentation, improved the learning experience. The role of the instructor was morementorship than instruction. Holding weekly meetings and reports had shown the continuousstudent engagement. Importance of peer evaluation was stressed throughout the semester. A self-assessment survey was conducted among the students to identify the progress made throughproject-based learning. This survey results showed that the implementation of project-basedlearning exhibited a significant improvement in the amount of progress made in each learningobjective. This research has shown that the project-based learning mechanism has not onlyimproved technical and communication skills, but also team
2010 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Leslie Guadron; Alen M. Sajan; Olivia Plante; Stanley George; Yuying Gosser
Genome Science Education for Engineering MajorsLeslie Guadron1, Alen M. Sajan2, Olivia Plante3, Stanley George4, Yuying Gosser51. Biomedical Engineering Junior, Peer-Leader, President of the Genomics and Bioinformatics Club, 20102. Biomedical Engineering Sophomore, Peer-Leader3. Biomedical Engineering Sophomore, President of the Genomics and Bioinformatics Club, 20094. Chemical Engineering Junior, Secretary of the ASEE Student Chapter at CCNY5. Faculty adviser of the ASEE Student Chapter at CCNY, Director of Undergraduate Research & ScholarshipsThe Human Genome project has profoundly impacted modern research, and genome science hasinfused into many science and engineering disciplines. The computer-lab based
Conference Session
Computers in Education 9 - Technology I
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Hoe, Loyola University Maryland; Dave Binkley, Loyola University Maryland; Mary Lowe, Loyola University Maryland
requiring teaching some elementsof object-oriented programming (OOP). While not all students will have been exposed to OOPprior to the first quantum computing course, the faculty already have developed a framework fora simulator and will guide the students to write the code for selected methods. Faculty will alsoprovide a basic introduction to the OOP features of the Python programming language. Thestudents will work in interdisciplinary teams, where the CS students will be helpful in guidingtheir peers in this area. Thus, previous knowledge of OOP will not be necessary. Otherprogramming possibilities that will enhance student learning include writing their own tensorproduct function for combining vector spaces instead of using the NumPy function
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bill D Carroll P.E., University of Texas, Arlington; Bob P. Weems, University of Texas, Arlington; Bahram Khalili, University of Texas, Arlington
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
personal commercial or sales pitch.  Term Essay – Students write a 500-word essay on a contemporary issue related to computing technology or a 500-word proposal for funding of a start-up company.Students are given letter grades in the course (A, B, C, D, F) rather than being graded Pass/Fail.There are two reasons for this. First, the College of Engineering policy requires it, and, second,it emphasizes the importance of the course. Currently, grades are based on student performanceon four assignments (10-points each) and three examinations (20-points each). The assignmentsare discussed in more detail below. Examinations are primarily objective (true/false, multiplechoice, and fill-in-the blanks) and given at the one-third and two-third
2022 CIEC
’ problem-solving skills to the higher level are some of the advantages of producing monthly progressreports. These activities may be more relevant in research and innovative groups than inmanufacturing organizations. Project report writing targeting various readers is emphasized inthe phrase “Excellent verbal and writing skills to communicate effectively with clients, fieldengineers, peers, and management”, which is seen in many requests this department receivesfrom industry, seeking graduates in EE and COE for employment.While monthly reports enhance students’ writing skills, they may reveal or avoid hidden agendasor collusion between a faculty and a project group. Advisors cannot unilaterally allow students toalter target functionality of
2024 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Kimberly J. Cornett
Abbreviated Educational Competency Performance Methods of Assessment Strategies Indicators 3.1.1 Evaluate technical Communication Critique (PI Peer Reviews presentations 3.1.1) Analytic Rubric 3.1.X Produce & present technical - - information for a specified audience: Oral
Conference Session
Engineering Communication II: Curricular Practices, Integrations, and Collaborations
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kali Lynn Morgan, Georgia Institute of Technology; Cristi L. Bell-Huff, Georgia Institute of Technology; Janece Shaffer, StoryReady LLC; Joseph M. LeDoux, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
them what events should be remembered, how theyshould be remembered, and why they should be remembered [14]. Parents instill in theirchildren habits and methods for remembering that help propagate important aspects of theirculture. Indeed, the “I” often internalizes values and beliefs from important others, including notonly parents but also friends and mentors [15], [18]. As Thorne puts it, “families and friendscollude in self-making” [16], [10].Life stories can also be influenced by more intentional interventions. Studies have shown thatpeople who write their life stories can experience an increase in self‐esteem [17], improvedmental health and well-being [18], [19], and a greater sense of agency and control over their lives[20]. For example
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Catherine Clark Hain, Mansfield Public Schools; Wendy Christine Turek; Arash Esmaili Zaghi P.E., University of Connecticut; Alexandra Hain, University of Connecticut
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
ADHD and the shortcomings of the current education system that puts thispopulation of students with significant potential for innovation at a substantial risk of academicfailure and disinterest in pursuing higher education. Overall, the major observations from thisREU were that: given the right environment, i.e. niche, students with ADHD can thrive;engineering research can be a stimulating and ideal environment for students with ADHD; andthe opportunity to learn and interact with peers with ADHD can provide a rich and meaningfulexperience and help their confidence and ability as learners. It was noted that the educationsystem needs to move from the idea of ‘accommodating’ for some, to differentiating for all.Dissemination of these impactful
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering in the Junior and Senior Year
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Michael David Mau Barankin, Colorado School of Mines; Kevin J Cash, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
, due before the accompanying lecture) allowed us to eliminate several lectures in the firstfew weeks of the course, as these were previously simply rehashing information in the textbook.In addition, the introduction of peer-grading of a follow-up assignment (after students havereceived feedback on the first assignment) has reduced the workload for the professors whilesimultaneously enriching the amount and quality of feedback most students receive.Students had long requested the addition of industrial or other externally sponsored projects.While this was relatively labor-intensive in the first year (making contacts, writing contracts), ithas been a highly rewarding exercise for everyone—nevertheless, the authors recommendkeeping a professor
2000 Annual Conference
Francis J. Hopcroft
Conference Session
Assessment and Curriculum Development
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Branimir Pejcinovic, Portland State University; Melinda Holtzman, Portland State University; Andrew Greenberg, Portland State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
of student performance and enables earlierintervention. Where possible, it is advantageous to have more than one assessment instrument toenable triangulation, i.e., to make more reliable observations and evaluations. In most of ourassessments we use rubrics which were described at the program level in [2]. Current versions ofthose discussed in this paper are given in the Appendix. We also make use of evaluations byScrum Leaders which are done for every sprint, i.e., every two weeks. Students also get to doself- and peer-evaluation of teamwork, based on the CATME framework [8].Our rubrics are based on a 4-level performance scale: Beginning (1), Developing (2), Proficient(3), and Exemplary (4). In most cases, we allow intermediate levels, such
Conference Session
WIED: Activities and Programs
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Canan Bilen-Green, North Dakota State University; Adrienne Minerick, Michigan Technological University; Cinzia Cervato, Iowa State University of Science and Technology; Sonia Goltz; David Wahl, Iowa State University of Science and Technology; Patricia Sotirin; Mark Rouleau
abottleneck. This thus leads to the advice to mentees to cultivate multiple mentoringrelationships [16]. The foundation behind such advice is to solicit and value multipleperspectives, which can help identify alternative pathways and options for the mentee[17]. Such feedback can come in informal, short sessions or longer, more formalizedmeetings. Collectively, these newer models of mentoring include “multiple ‘mentoringpartners’ in non-hierarchical, collaborative, cross-cultural partnerships to address specificareas of faculty activity” [17]. Women and faculty with underrepresented identities mayespecially benefit from peer-mentoring and cross-mentoring [18]. Examples include“writing mentors, teaching mentors, work/life balance mentors, mentors from
Conference Session
Increasing Engagement in Engineering Ethics Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kylie Chau Vuu, AECOM Canada Ltd.; John R. Donald Ph.D., P.Eng., University of Guelph; Kimberly Mary Levere, University of Guelph; Cameron Farrow, University of Guelph
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics Division (ETHICS)
ethics by using a blended style of independent tasks and a peer-learning activity. Specifically, this paper investigates three main questions: 1. Does microlearning increase student engagement? 2. Does increased engagement result in higher performance on ethics assessments? 3. Is a blended approach of independent microlearning and an in-class team case study effective in bridging the lower order of memorizing ethical terms to applying ethical principles to a dilemma?The question on engagement was evaluated through an end of semester Likert style survey, andthe impact of the learning approach was assessed by comparing student participation in themicrolearning modules to performance in an end of semester ethics quiz. The Likert
Conference Session
Innovative Techniques in Graphics
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward Lumsdaine, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
work. Some companies sponsored teams toget an advance look at students for future hires. For students without previous experience in atechnical summer job, taking a plant trip and communicating with their sponsor’s engineers wasespecially valuable.Course Logistics 3—Grading and AdvisingThe instructor, team advisors, student peers, and the sponsors gave feedback and were involvedin evaluating the work. Eight advisors worked with the 24 teams. By the end of Step 6, only 10%of the total possible points could be earned. At this stage, students received much feedback andeditorial help on their writing and on using proper formats for the documentation. Individualpoints were earned through the midterm exam, the design journal, and the allocation of
Conference Session
LEAD Tech Session #2: Assessing and Evaluating Engineering Leadership Development.
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Olivier de Weck, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Reza Rahaman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Joel Schindall, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
approach. It is based on a unique peer-to-peercoaching model where trained communication fellows provide other students time-of-need helpfor critical writing tasks such as scientific publications, thesis writing, and faculty applications,as well as improving oral communication skills. Since its inception, CommLab has achievedover 10,000 coaching appointments.Fig. 5: Educational and organizational model of the MIT School of Engineering Communication Lab (CommLab)The approach the CommLab uses to improve technical communications for students andpostdocs is summarized in Figure 5. The CommLab uses a matrixed organizational model, with aSenior Program Manager, Instructional Designer, and administrative support in
Conference Session
Disciplinary Engineering Education Research – Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Beth (Ann Elizabeth) Wittig, City University of New York, City College of New York, Department of Civil Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
talk about their responsibilities as college-level learners (e.g., know what is expected,do the work, manage time, present work clearly, write effectively, create productive groups, andcommunicate professionally). A “lack of social integration” is addressed by providing weeklyopportunities to connect with their peers (e.g., partnered in class activities, peer tutoring), withfaculty (e.g., office hours, one-on-one advisement sessions), and with major resources (e.g.,study rooms, major events like mixers, college events like career fairs).The content delivery is designed to be engaging and student-centered. Experiential learningapproaches such as active learning, project-based learning, and service learning are the norm inthe intervention, as is
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Cher Cornett, East Tennessee State University
comprehensive method that addresses both objective andsubjective criteria while giving students confidence in the validity of the critique. In this method,peer and instructor feedback is given informally as students develop their ideas, and formally atproject completion with a traditional class critique. This is followed by completion of an on-lineform incorporating Rikert scales and comment fields for specific criteria. Works being evaluatedare also posted so students can view each piece as they complete the form. Results are compiledinto a database, and a password protected report is automatically generated for each studentshowing the average ranking for each question and compiled comments. Anonymity ispreserved, allowing students a comfortable way
Conference Session
Programs for High School Students
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
P. Ruby Mawasha, Wright State University; Kumar Yelamarthi, Wright State University; Paul Lam, University of Akron
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
in student being removed from the program. To demonstrate theimportance of the student’s academic performance, when ever the GPA of the student falls below3.0, his/her place is replaced by some other student based on the high school teachers’recommendation. This is implemented to encourage students to work hard while in middle andhigh school and maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA. This also creates peer competition, which in turnencourages hard work necessary to secure admission into the program.Hands-on Experience The human mind grasps concepts better when an activity is performed in real time comparedto when read from a book. Hands-on experience provides students an opportunity to learn bydoing, which also enhances their ability to think