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Displaying results 2611 - 2640 of 8077 in total
Conference Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lizabeth T. Schlemer, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Luciane de Greef, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Trevor Scott Harding, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
the classroom time, resulting in students taking more responsibilityfor their own learning. Having open discussions with peers and time to critique allowed a shift inthe responsibility for learning, which in turn somehow enabled deeper learning. It makes me feel like I'm actually teaching them something because they're thinking for themselves. Finally, I think that I have breached the idea of what critical thinking is in technical writing for engineers. (Participant #9) Now I have the confidence behind me to know, even if it bothers them, even if they're struggling, that it isn't my failure (Participant #9)This interviewee points to a dramatic change in the role of the teacher in the learning process. I
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 4
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kristina Rigden, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Mariappan Jawaharlal, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Nicole Gutzke, Cal Poly Pomona
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
products to market from mere concept stages. He also writes columns for The Huffington Post and Medium on various K-12 and higher education topics. A marathon runner and scuba diver, he has completed 25 marathons and has run across the Grand Canyon from rim to rim to rim.Nicole Gutzke, Cal Poly Pomona Ms. Nicole Gutzke is the Outreach Liaison with Cal Poly Pomona College of Engineering (CoE). As the Outreach Liaison, she is heavily involved in growing Cal Poly Pomona’s PLTW Summer Core Training Institute into a seven-week event that introduces hundreds of K-12 educators to the latest in STEM-related curriculum. As the Outreach Liaison, Nicole helps to recruit, retain, and graduate hundreds of female engineers each
Conference Session
Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 5
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Keith A. Schimmel P.E., North Carolina A&T State University; C. Dean Campbell, North Carolina A&T State University; Marcia Gumpertz, North Carolina State University; Yvette Maria Huet, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Ajit D. Kelkar, North Carolina A&T State University; John P. Kizito, North Carolina A&T State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
increases culturalcompetence and creates a graduate experience that enhances the success of diverse andinclusive graduates and future faculty: A variety of initiatives have been identified to addressdepartment concerns: (1) Develop a mentor-mentee work/communication styles learning moduleinto the graduate program core course required for all new graduate students, (2) Host aworkshop on how to write and evaluate a job application diversity statement that will trainfaculty and graduate students, (3) Develop a peer mentoring program for graduate students, and(4) Provide conference travel funds for graduate student(s) and/or faculty member(s) toparticipant in a conference URM program/event, (4) To revisit the doctoral qualifyingexamination in
Conference Session
Study Abroad, International Exchange Programs, and Student Engagements
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wilhelm Alex Friess, Rochester Institute of Technology, Dubai; Ivan E. Esparragoza, Pennsylvania State University, Brandywine; Dylan Connole
Tagged Divisions
Page 25.568.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 Enhancing cross-cultural interaction in courses with a large component of visiting study-abroad studentsAbstractInternational student mobility programs enhance the global exposure of students, andrepresent a vital and increasing component in the offering of many universities worldwide.These programs often involve the travel of a group of students to an overseas location, wherethey, in addition to a variety of cultural activities, also register for a series of courses towardstheir degree completion. These courses are taken jointly with their local peers. Whilecollaborative exchange programs among different universities often
2000 Annual Conference
Nisreen Ghaddar; Nassir Sabah; Jamal Abed; Fouad T. Mrad
. The success of our programs in thepast does not necessarily mean that they will remain adequate for the changing needs of thefuture. We need to consider education, as not merely confined to the classroom and thelaboratory, but as a total system that encompasses in-class activities, out-of-class learningexperiences, peer-to-peer student interaction, faculty-student relations, and the school activitiesand environment as a whole.The main issues considered by the TQM Committee and included in this paper are: FacultyVision and Mission statements, programs’ educational objectives and outcomes; teachingmethodologies and the effectiveness of co-operative learning; proposed programs’ and courses’outcomes assessment methodologies and tools; developed
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
C.S. Chen, Miami University; Steven Elliott, Miami University, Department of Economics; Mark Boardman, Miami University
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
, students are engaged with others across disciplines. This interaction serves toenhance peer-to-peer education and build knowledge among student cohorts. The group projectsand debates enhance students’ knowledge and oblige them to analyze problems frommultidisciplinary perspectivesThe development and teaching of this multidisciplinary course presents challenges to thestudents and faculty in crossing the traditional academic silos. Lessons learned and the necessaryinstitutional infrastructure in sustaining the multidisciplinary efforts are presented and discussed.IntroductionEnergy is not only an economic and technological issue; it is also an environmental and nationalsecurity issue. The Department of Energy reports that the United States consumes
Conference Session
FPD VIII: Crossing Bridges and Easing Transitions into the First Year
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Helen M. Doerr, Syracuse University; Jonas Bergman Arleback, Syracuse University; AnnMarie H. O'Neil, Syracuse University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
improve in their abilities to read and write about mathematicalproblems and their solutions, while collaborating with their peers. Finally, a fourth aim of thiscourse was for students to develop and enhance the algebra skills necessary to succeed in this Page 25.170.2course and in their next math course.To accomplish this ambitious set of goals, we designed the course around a sequence ofmodeling activities that would engage students in solving problems, working in small groups,and communicating their thinking throughout the modeling sequence. The central mathematicalidea around which this course was organized is a deep understanding of
Conference Session
Work-in-Progress Session: Emergent Methods for Engineering Education Research
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Renee M. Desing, Oregon State University; Susan Sajadi, Virginia Tech ; Christina Anlynette Alston, Rice University; Stephanie A Damas, Clemson University; Gabriella Torres; Corin L. Bowen, California State University, Los Angeles
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
to provide diverse perspectives on pressing topicswithin academic and non-academic communities. Individuals participating in panels are usuallybrought together to express a wide range of viewpoints and to combine ideas, research, andexperiences. We see an opportunity to extend panel discussions to have enduring impact bybroadly distributing the data synthesized during the panel discussions. The use of paneldiscussions as a research endeavor has the potential to broaden researchers' ways of knowing, yetknowledge transfer from panel conversations to peer-reviewed publications has to this point beenminimal.This paper highlights a methodology for analyzing panel discussions, discourse content, andpanelist reflection to produce research results
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH) Technical Session 1: Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacob Moore, Pennsylvania State University, Mont Alto
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Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH)
2 Female 1 Male 0 Video with Video that Video that No only the shows the shows preference writing instructor students regarding visible video formatFigure 4: Student Responses to the Question: “For the worked example videos, which format doyou prefer?”Next, Figure 4 shows student preferences
Conference Session
Engineering in the Elementary School
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth Parry, North Carolina State University; Laura Bottomley, North Carolina State University; Elizabeth Miars, Rachel Freeman Elementary School; Lizette Day, Rachel Freeman Elementary School
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
predominantly African American (AA), Limited English Proficient (LEP) and Economically Disadvantaged (ED) populations. One of the earliest successful and widely reported projects was the Valle Imperial Project in El Centro, CA. The implementation of inquiry based science kits using the National Science Resources Center (NSRC) model of exemplary science education (research based curriculum, ongoing professional development, 2 authentic assessment, community support and materials support) resulted in significant 3 increases in not only science achievement, but also reading, math and writing
Conference Session
Issues and Direction in ET Education and Administration: Part II
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Shekar Viswanathan, National University, San Diego; Howard Evans, National University, San Diego; Lal Tummala, San Diego State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
6students prepare a paper projects (e.g. experiments,for presentation) field studies, literary research)Student Analyzing research Professionalsupervision/Coaching. information/data. Performing development work.Supervising students (e.g., mathematical or statistical Participating in the field ofreviewing and editing analyses, studying/analyzing expertise by supportingstudent papers) and samples, artifacts, documents, professional organizations,counseling/advising these or other research writing/peer-reviewingstudents on academic information/data journal articles/reviewingmatters as required
Conference Session
Technology for Faculty Development and Classroom Management
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rebecca Marie Reck, Kettering University
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Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
submit evidence of work in these areas. During the review, thecandidate presents a portfolio with evidence of their work, intended to tell the professional storyof the candidate while on the tenure track. While each candidate tailors his or her portfolio to theinstitutional emphases across the performance categories, there are some common artifacts1:  Teaching o Preliminary narrative o Summary of teaching responsibilities o Samples of syllabi o Student evaluations o Peer evaluation of teaching o Examples of graded student work o Examples of experimentation and improvement in the classroom  Research/Scholarship o A complete list of journal
Conference Session
Continuous Improvement in Engineering Leadership Development Programs
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Seth Claberon Sullivan, Texas A&M University; Beth Koufteros, Texas A&M University
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Leadership Development
Program take a three-credit hour leadership course eachsemester. The course in each semester includes a mandatory pre-semester retreat that is anintensive, multi-day event consisting of experiential learning, interactive exercises and dialogue.During the semester, weekly class sessions include dialogue with peers, business simulations,personal reflections, case study discussions, and conversations with thought leaders fromindustry, government, and nonprofit organizations.The student selection process includes an application, reference check and interview. Thestudents must be in good academic standing, but their grade point average is not a considerationin the selection process. Rather, we select students based on commitment to personal growth
Conference Session
Integration of Engineering and Other Disciplines (Including Liberal Arts)
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Arthur Felse, Northwestern University; Igor Kourkine
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society, Multidisciplinary Engineering
background of a technology from a business perspective and answer questions such as “How is the technology scientifically superior to other competing technologies?” (ii) Assess the nature of a business opportunity (e.g. whether it is sizable, real, immediate, and has a first-mover advantage). (iii) Develop a business model and strategy for technology commercialization. (iv) Apply the Porter’s five forces analysis14 and SWOT15 analysis to a problem. (v) Identify and rank critical business issues and develop risk mitigation strategies. (vi) Write a succinct business development proposal targeted at either venture capitalist (VC) or internal corporate venture (ICV) funding.It should be
Conference Session
Research on the First Year I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Beverly Jaeger, Northeastern University; Susan Freeman, Northeastern University; Richard Whalen, Northeastern University; Rebecca Payne, Northeastern University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
characteristic and map it to student success.4 However, first we will discussthe benchmark predictors which are in current use.Conventional Predictors of SuccessAs educators we have all too often seen intelligent students who lack desire and ambition, thesestudents sometimes will generate only average or even poorer quality work than peers ofseemingly less talent. Conversely, we relish the students who might be described as less giftedfor learning who triumph over their limitations to produce stellar work because they work hardand aspire to be the best. There has been a significant amount of research done attempting toqualify and quantify success in education, life, and career. This is a clear indicator of thecomplexity of the problem at hand and it is
Conference Session
Innovative Pedagogy and Assessment in Civil Engineering Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brock E. Barry PE, U.S. Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
rapport with my students, while initiallygood, became great during each term. I have had students who now, a year or two aftercompleting the course, still like to engage me in conversation about geo-poetry. The teachingportfolio essays, referenced previously, indicate that I was having fun and while I feltuncomfortable reading the poetry, I was notably very confident in the other aspects of myteaching. Perhaps the most significant measure of my post-poetry confidence is the frequencywith which I share this experience with my peers and indeed my interest in writing thisconference paper.A total of 35 students were enrolled in my two sections of the Spring 2012 administration ofCE371. Of those 35 students, 3 graduated from the Academy and 1 was no
2001 Annual Conference
Spencer Brinkerhoff; III, Walter Hopkins; David Hartman
providing the topic for the report and the references that would beresearched in writing the report. They are also given a due date for submitting a rough draft andthe due date for the final report. Students are also required to give a brief (five to seven minute)oral presentation summarizing the report or detailing some interesting item they had discoveredin writing it. Bonus points are awarded if students produce evidence that they used the Writers’Workshop and if they obtained peer reviews of the rough draft of their written report. This papertypically constitutes 10% of their grade.III.6 Mathematical ModelsThere are numerous, short, team-oriented problems which provide for student solution. Theseproblems are of varying degrees of mathematical
2001 Annual Conference
Kathryn Jablokow
course can be summarized under twoheadings: new knowledge and new skills. New knowledge includes ten factors that influence theinvention process, detailed case studies of nearly a dozen familiar artifacts from a variety ofengineering disciplines, the fundamentals of Adaption-Innovation theory, and some details ofpatent law. New skills include the ability to research and write an original case study (a commonrequirement in many management programs, but few engineering schools), and an improvedcapacity for leveraging the cognitive preferences of their peers in group settings based on a newunderstanding of and appreciation for different creative styles.9.0 Student Feedback and CommentsStudent comments are routinely collected as part of the
2001 Annual Conference
Mary Cardenas; Patrick Little
suggest activities such as: listen, take notes, chat, sleep, read, and so on. When asked what they think might happen in a studio they usually suggest: paint, draw, sculpt, write, and other active pursuits. The difference is clear. The focus in a studio is on work done by the student. That is the key distinction.1While this definition (or refusal to make one) is useful in understanding and appreciating thecreative freedom and pedagogic experimentation in that school's reform of the introductoryengineering curriculum, the lack of a specific definition may serve to make assessment of studiocourses more difficult than necessary. Indeed, the distinction offered seems to be more betweenlecturing and active learning than on the studio
Conference Session
Best of NEE
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen M. Williams P.E., Milwaukee School of Engineering; Robert W. Hasker, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Steven Holland, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Adam Redd Livingston, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Kerry R. Widder, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Josiah A. Yoder, Milwaukee School of Enginering
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
participants with the program? 2. What was the impact of the program on theparticipants’ teaching knowledge, skills, attitudes, and practices? (To those measures might beadded their evaluations by students and peers.) and 3. What was the impact of the program on theparticipants’ students’ learning (knowledge, skills, and attitudes)?11The remainder of this paper presents the shadowing experiences of each of the five new full-timefaculty members including: ● personal background ● prior expectations, including motivation ● preparation for the program (clear expectations/requirements?) ● what happened - in program and out ● post-analysisComputer Engineering New Faculty CaseI spent three years working as a software consultant before
Conference Session
CEED - Technical Session 1
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Manuel D. Rossetti, University of Arkansas; Edgar C Clausen, University of Arkansas; Carol Schubert Gattis, University of Arkansas; Micah Hale, University of Arkansas; Kim LaScola Needy, University of Arkansas
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
twice a month twice a month once per week once per week Peer As needed, at least As needed, at least As needed, at As needed, at As needed, at least Mentoring once per semester once per semester least once per least once per once per semester semester semesterStudents have specific training on time management, resume writing, job searching, andtransitioning from student life to employee life. In addition, since graduate research requiresstrong written and oral communication skills the students have specific skill developmentworkshops/seminars on oral communications, writing, presenting engineering work as a
Conference Session
Virtual Mentoring Program, Listening to Those That Matter, Moving Beyond Research, and Career Outcomes Tracking
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gerard Dorvè-Lewis, University of Pittsburgh; Danielle Vegas Lewis, SUNY Fredonia; Maricela Bañuelos, University of California, Irvine; Natascha Trellinger Buswell, University of California, Irvine; Linda DeAngelo, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
, stereotype threat, and impostersyndrome [2], [3]. The systemic racism that BLI students experience manifests through STEMcurriculums that center the experiences of white1 people and exclude minoritized populations,BLI stereotypes that assume academic incompetence, persistent microaggressions, intersectionaloppression, exclusion and isolation, and lack of representation among faculty and peers of thesame race or ethnicity [4]–[7]. Systemic racism leads to heightened stereotype threat andimposter syndrome in BLI students, by increasing the pressure to prove one's academic ability,1 We deliberately chose to capitalize the terms Black, Latinx, and Indigenous while intentionally using lowercasewhen discussing whites and whiteness. In doing so, we resist
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods (ERM) Division Poster Session
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joan Wawire, University of Houston; Jerrod Henderson, University of Houston; Brian McGowan, American University; Kristin Schaefer, University of Houston; Le Shorn Benjamin
identities are closely tied toengineering as a choice [3]. Performance/Competence is related to students’ self-efficacy beliefswhich have been shown to be important for identity development and engineering as a major ofchoice [24], [25]. Last, recognition refers to how others (e.g., parents, teachers, peers,instructors) view students and how this is important to engineering identity [3], [8], [26]. Theseconstructs lay the groundwork for how we position this work in progress.3. MethodologyWe approached this exploratory study from a constructivist epistemological perspective [27]using narrative inquiry [28]. Narrative inquiry is a research methodology to understand theindividual experiences of participants via conversations that are situated and
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) Technical Session 8
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Adam Wickenheiser, University of Delaware; Jenni Buckley, University of Delaware; Marcia Gail Headley, University of Delaware
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED)
this, we examine methods for promoting an individual team member’s skilldevelopment, confidence, and goal attainment while contributing positively to their team’scohesion and product. We include three data sources: timely surveys of students’ goals, progresstowards those goals, and how they align with their perceived contributions to the team; teamchecklists and manufacturing plans updated in real time to include specific tasks, ownership,status, and any assistance required; and students’ reflective documentation of shared knowledge,skills, and mental models. These data are complemented by peer assessments occurring at majorproject milestones [11]. Combined, these instruments are used to track student and team growthin the context of team
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 2
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cynthia Furse, University of Utah; Donna Harp Ziegenfuss, University of Utah
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
students have more time with the faculty member, more time to interact withand learn from their peers, and more time to ask questions and clarify concepts in class [17].Advantages for the faculty member are that they can witness in real-time where studentsstruggle, identify learning bottlenecks and address them with the class, and incorporate just-in-time teaching strategies [18]. There are also disadvantages documented in the literature. Facultylose some control over the presentation of content as they focus on student needs and just-in-timeinstruction where helping students learn may become more important than the content covered[19]. There are also disadvantages for students, because they must become more self-directedlearners and take more
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Division (ChED) Technical Session 5: Work-in-Progress Part 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nagma Zerin, Johns Hopkins University; Sakul Ratanalert, Johns Hopkins University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering Division (ChED)
able to survive in the program. We incorporated the intervention strategies in the regular course environment as part of theweekly group work participation, homework, midterm exams, and group research presentation.During the first week of the semester, we introduced the concept of growth mindset to thestudents. The students watched a talk by Dr. Carol Dweck, the psychologist who proposed themindset theory, and Khan Academy’s video on growing one’s intelligence through struggleduring the weekly group work. We encouraged the students to reflect on their own ideas aboutintelligence and the importance of having a growth mindset while studying chemicalengineering. The students then shared their thoughts with their peers. In Table 2, we
2018 ASEE Zone IV Conference
Kattia Chang, Cañada College; Karina Abad, Cañada College; Ricardo Jesus Colin, Canada College; Charles Tolentino, University of California, Merced; Cameron Malloy, University of California, Berkeley; Alex David, San Francisco State University; Amelito G Enriquez, Canada College; Wenshen Pong P.E., San Francisco State University; Zhaoshuo Jiang P.E., San Francisco State University; Cheng Chen, San Francisco State University; Kwok Siong Teh, San Francisco State University; Hamid Mahmoodi, San Francisco State University; Hao Jiang, San Francisco State University; Xiaorong Zhang, San Francisco State University
Tagged Topics
, andusability of the developed system. The project provided a great opportunity for the studentinterns to gain valuable research experience in human-machine interfaces and to improve theirskills in teamwork, time management, as well as scientific writing and presentation. It alsohelped the students strengthening their confidence and interest in pursuing a STEM profession.I. IntroductionIncreasing the recruitment and retention of students in science, technology, engineering, andmathematics (STEM) is essential to produce sufficient STEM-skilled professionals for continuedUS economic growth and competitiveness [1]. Community colleges enroll almost half of thenation’s undergraduate students and play a significant role in STEM education
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tanya Kunberger P.E., Florida Gulf Coast University; Chris Geiger, Florida Gulf Coast University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
coordinators to centralize informational resources including support activities (e.g.tutoring, workshops, etc.) and opportunities (e.g. research opportunities, internships,scholarships, presentations, etc.). It also houses resources for the technical writing module andinformation on student enhancement plans and professional development funding. Thedevelopment and implementation of personalized student enhancement plans (SEPs) which allowprogram participants to identify long-range plans and set associated short to long range goals insupport of these plans is one of the primary aspects of the program (Kunberger & Geiger, 2016).Originally implemented for upper level students, the activity has been expanded to all programparticipants for this
Conference Session
Thermodynamics, Fluids and Heat Transfer - II
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Benson, Kettering University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
considered accepted practice in K-12 education or in Humanities [4]programs, their use in the Engineering or Physical Sciences is limited. Grumbacher used thejournal process to examine the relationship between writing processes and problem solving andfound that students who were better problem solvers are better able to use their learning logs as [5] [6]vehicles to synthesize new knowledge. Other authors, such as Selfe and Arbabi and Gibbs ,have used these journals as vehicles for engineering students to develop their writing skillswhile at the same time clarifying
Conference Session
Writers, Experts, and the Workforce in Civil Engineering
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Simon Thomas Ghanat P.E., The Citadel; Mary Katherine Zanin, The Citadel; Dena Garner, The Citadel; Deirdre D Ragan, The Citadel; Jeffery M. Plumblee II, The Citadel; Daniel B. Bornstein, The Citadel; John H. Lewis Jr, The Citadel
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
on Undergraduate Research, undergraduate research is defined as “aninquiry or investigation conducted by an undergraduate student that makes an originalintellectual or creative contribution to the discipline [1].” As stated in literature, undergraduateswho conduct research show improvements in thinking independently, thinking critically, puttingideas together, solving problems, analyzing data, analyzing literature, interpreting researchfindings, conducting ethical research, writing and communicating [2-9]. Literature also assertsthat it is rare for students to have enough opportunity to gain higher-order thinking skills fromtheir undergraduate research experiences [10].Students involved in undergraduate research also report outcomes that may