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Displaying all 14 results
Conference Session
WIP: Student Success & Development - Focus on Self-Efficacy
2017 FYEE Conference
Racheida S Lewis, Virginia Tech; Tamara Knott, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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Diversity, FYEE Conference - Works in Progress Submission
and science learning (pp. 331–352). Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association.[3] Settles, I. H. (2004). When multiple identities interfere: the role of identity centrality. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30(4), 487–500.[4] Jones, B. D., Paretti, M. C., Hein, S. F., & Knott, T. W. (2010). An Analysis of Motivation Constructs with First year Engineering Students: Relationships Among Expectancies, Values, Achievement, and Career Plans. Journal of Engineering Education, 99(4), 319–336.[5] Krathwohl. (n.d.). The Logic of Inferential Statistics (p. Chapter 19
Conference Session
WIP: Enrollment, Instruction and Pedagogy - Focus on Classroom Practices
2017 FYEE Conference
Lu Li, Sacramento City College
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FYEE Conference - Works in Progress Submission
is equivalent to the continuous or distributed force. Due to the impending motion condition, R and the normal line from the contact surface construct the angle of static friction, ∅s. To build equations, we use the static equilibrium model. Since the screw has a tendency to translate in the axial direction and rotate about the axial line, we will build
Conference Session
WIP: Enrollment, Instruction and Pedagogy - Focus on Classroom Practices
2017 FYEE Conference
Brian Paljug, University of Virginia; Lisa Lampe, University of Virginia
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FYEE Conference - Works in Progress Submission
). An obvious option is to enlist the tutorsQ1. This semester, about how often have you somehow in distributing or advertising the survey, though 3.50used SEAS tutoring? this runs the risk of being seen as coercive, and would haveQ2. My tutor(s) was /were knowledgeable ofthe subject/course material 4.11 to be approached carefully and with full IRB approval.Q3. My tutor(s) successfully answered my Another option is for a non-tutor, non-faculty person to go to
Conference Session
WIP: Student Success & Development - Focus on Self-Efficacy
2017 FYEE Conference
Kayla Nicole Arnsdorff; Ashley Tingting Chen; Rachel McCord Ellestad, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Steffen Peuker, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
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Diversity, FYEE Conference - Works in Progress Submission
reflection in classroom activities. Turns andMany students enter the engineering disciplines unprepared colleagues define reflection as “an intentional and dialecticalto be successful in the rigors of engineering academia. thinking process where an individual revisits features of anEngineering student retention continues to be a significant experience with which he/she is aware and uses one or morearea of research, partially due to lack of academic preparation lenses in order to assign meaning(s) to the experience that canor skill when entering a higher education institution. One guide future action (and thus future experience).” [10]. Turnstheoretical framework that describes the needed skills to et al
Conference Session
WIP: Engineering Education Research - Focus on Problem Solving
2017 FYEE Conference
David Joseph Ewing, The University of Texas at Arlington
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Diversity, FYEE Conference - Works in Progress Submission
. REFERENCES [1] Beichner, R., J. Saul, R. Allain, D. Deardorff, and D. Abbot, “Introduction to SCALE-UP: Student-Centered Activities for Large Enrollment University Physics,” presented at the Annual meeting for the American Society for Engineering Education, St. Louis, MS, 2000. FIGURE 7 [2] Ingram, B., M. Jesse, S. Fleagle, J. Florman, and S. Van Horne, “Cases NORMALIZED SUCCESS RATES ACCORDING TO
Conference Session
WIP: Engineering Education Research - Focus on Engagement
2017 FYEE Conference
Lauren Miranda Lingar; Abbey Williams; Rachel McCord Ellestad, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Tagged Topics
Diversity, FYEE Conference - Works in Progress Submission
solve low 9. Schrlau, M.G., R.J. Stevens, and S. Schley, Flippingperformance and retention issues in the first year. Specifically Core Courses in the Undergraduate Mechanicalin courses intended to introduce first year students to contentFirst Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference August 6-8, 2017, Daytona Beach, FL M1A-3 Session M1A Engineering Curriculum: Heat Transfer. Advances in Engineering Education
Conference Session
WIP: Enrollment, Instruction and Pedagogy - Focus on Design-Based Projects
2017 FYEE Conference
Kaitlin Engle Mallouk, Rowan University; William T. Riddell, Rowan University; Karl Dyer, Rowan University
Tagged Topics
FYEE Conference - Works in Progress Submission
used for stability and positioning a protractor. The stand also included a piece of 1.5 m string with a marking at 1.0 m to A B indicate where students should hold the light meter. FIGURE 1 A. COORDINATE SYSTEM FOR ANALYSIS. ASSUME THE CENTER OF THEBULB IS AT THE ORIGIN AND THE BULB IS ALIGNED ALONG THE Z-AXIS [3]. B. DIAGRAM OF SPHERICAL CAP SURFACE AREA. THE ARROWS SHOW THEDIRECTION OF 𝐸! MEASUREMENTS FOR THE FIRST THREE 𝜃′S. THE SMALLER DASHED LINES SHOW THE 𝑆𝐴! 'S ASSOCIATED WITH 𝜃! AND 𝜃
Conference Session
WIP: Engineering Education Research - Focus on Engagement
2017 FYEE Conference
Robert Gettens, Western New England University; Harlan E Spotts Jr., Western New England University; Jingru Zhang, Western New England University; Chang Hoon Lee, Western New England University
Tagged Topics
FYEE Conference - Works in Progress Submission
the laststudent to select will inevitable be forced on a team, whichcan be a problem in certain situations.Future DirectionsAs a “Work in Progress” data has not been collected toassess the effectiveness of the method presented. Teamswere created using the method presented here along withother team formation methods across several sections of acommon first year engineering course. By the time of theconference these data will be available. REFERENCES[1] S. H. Bhavnani and M. D. Aldrich, "Teamwork across Disciplinary Borders: A Bridge between College and the Work Place," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 89, no. 1, pp. 13- 16, 2000.[2] Engineering Accreditation Commision, "Criteria for accredition
Conference Session
WIP: Enrollment, Instruction and Pedagogy - Focus on Design-Based Projects
2017 FYEE Conference
Kirsten Heikkinen Dodson, Lipscomb University; Kerry E Patterson, Lipscomb University; Joseph B Tipton Jr., Lipscomb University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, FYEE Conference - Works in Progress Submission
Skills: The McMaster Problem Solving Program”, Journal of Engineering Education, April 1997, pp. 79-91 [4] Felder, R, M, Silverman, L, K, “Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education”, Engr. Education, 78(7), pp. 674-681, 1988 [5] Freeman, S, Eddy, S, L, McDonough, M, Smith, M, K, Okoroafor, N, et al, “Active
Conference Session
WIP: Student Success & Development - Focus on Self-Efficacy
2017 FYEE Conference
Whitney Gaskins, University of Cincinnati
Tagged Topics
Diversity, FYEE Conference - Works in Progress Submission
Social Psychology, 38(2), 113-125. 7 30 8 30 [2]Atwaters, S. Y., Leonard, J. D., & Pearson, W. (2015). Beyond the Black-White minority experience: 9 30 Undergraduate engineering trends among African 10 19 Americans. In J. B. Slaughter, U. Tao, & W. Pearson, Jr. (Eds.), Changing the face of engineering: The African 11
Conference Session
WIP: Engineering Education Research - Focus on Engagement
2017 FYEE Conference
Tonya Whitehead, Wayne State University; Jeffrey Potoff, Wayne State University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, FYEE Conference - Works in Progress Submission
Instruction. Kristina Lenn contributed to 1) How does air quality change by season? preparation of the research proposal for the sub-award that 2) Is there a time of day when air quality is worst? supported this effort. 3) Is there a significant difference in air quality REFERENCES between day and night? 1. Bergin, S. and R. Reilly, The influence of motivation and comfort-Anecdotal feedback from instructors in higher level courses level on learning to program. 2005
Conference Session
WIP: Engineering Education Research - Focus on Problem Solving
2017 FYEE Conference
James Lloyd Long, Liberty University; Carolyn Ziebart, Liberty University
Tagged Topics
FYEE Conference - Works in Progress Submission
Paper ID #20905First-Year Program Enhancements at Liberty UniversityProf. James Lloyd Long, Liberty University Currently serving as Assistant Professor of Engineering at Liberty University, specializing in Introduction to Engineering, Technical Communications, Engineering Economy, and Probability and Statistics for Engineers. Retired from the U. S. Navy after nearly 23 years as a submarine warfare officer; served as the Fleet Protocol Officer during the first Iraqi War (Operation Desert Shield / Desert Storm). Certified as a Project Management Professional with 20 years experience in the commercial nuclear power industry
Conference Session
WIP: Enrollment, Instruction and Pedagogy - Focus on Design-Based Projects
2017 FYEE Conference
Courtney June Faber, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Kevin Kit, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Christopher D. Pionke P.E., University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Tagged Topics
FYEE Conference - Works in Progress Submission
in the course, but is a very Univ., 2008. [3] N. Shin, D. H. Jonassen, and S. McGee, “Predictors of well-valuable skill for engineers to have. structured and ill-structured problem solving in an astronomy simulation,” J. Res. Sci. Teaching2, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 6–33, CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK 2003. [4] N. J. Mourtos, N. Dejong-Okamoto, J. Rhee, N. D. Okamoto, andOne of our initial concerns with this assignment was whether J. Rhee
Conference Session
WIP: Student Success & Development - Focus on Mentoring
2017 FYEE Conference
Ashish D Borgaonkar, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Jaskirat Sodhi, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Ryan Baldwin
Tagged Topics
FYEE Conference - Works in Progress Submission
. REFERENCES Edwin Hou Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of[1] Borgaonkar, A., Hou, E., Vandermark, S., Kam, M., “Engineering Newark College of Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Math Summer Boot Camp to help Students Succeed in Remedial Technology, Courses,” Proceedings 2015 7th First Year Engineering Experience Conference, (Roanoke, VA, August 3-4, 2015). Moshe Kam Dean of Newark College of Engineering, New[2] Borgaonkar, A., Baldwin, R., Hou, E., Kam, M., “Pre-Calculus Jersey Institute of Technology,