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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 861 in total
Conference Session
Capstone Design and Engineering Practice
2003 Annual Conference
John Gesink; S. Hossein Mousavinezhad
Session 2282 An ECE Capstone Design Experience John Gesink, S. Hossein Mousavinezhad Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering / Professor and Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo Michigan, 49008 The capstone design experience in the Department of Electrical and ComputerEngineering at Western Michigan University is a two-semester sequence of two courses, the firstof the two (ECE Design I) being a 2 credit course while the second (ECE Design II) is 3credits. Students must have
Conference Session
Learning Enhancements for CHE Courses
2003 Annual Conference
Polly Piergiovanni; S. Scott Moor
Session 3213 Experiments in the Classroom: Examples of Inductive Learning with Classroom-Friendly Laboratory Kits. S. Scott Moor and Polly Piergiovanni Lafayette CollegeAbstractThe educational literature is full of examples of the effectiveness of inductive and hands onlearning. Laboratory experiments are clearly an excellent place to encourage this type of learning.However, it would be beneficial to mix laboratory material with classroom presentations andproblem solving in a more flexible approach than a traditional
Conference Session
Materials Curricula: Modeling & Math
2003 Annual Conference
S. Yarmolenko; J. Sankar; D. Pai; Juri Filatovs
Session 2464 Approaches to Computational Materials Science Juri Filatovs, D. M. Pai, S. N. Yarmolenko and J. Sankar Center for Advanced Materials and Smart Structures Department of Mechanical Engineering North Carolina A&T State University Greensboro, NC 27411Abstract There is an increased application of materials computation in the selection, microstructuralanalysis, simulation, and testing of materials. This is creating a new mode of approaching, andteaching materials science. There is needed
Conference Session
EM Skills and Concepts in the Real World
2003 Annual Conference
Paul Cheng-Hsin Liu; S. Gary Teng
Session 3142 Collaborative Environments for Managing Industrial Projects S. Gary Teng, Paul Cheng-Hsin Liu Engineering Management Program, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte/ California State University, Los AngelesAbstractEmbedding industrial projects into engineering education is becoming popular in engineeringschools. The logistics involved in sending students to companies to work on projects iscomplicated and time consuming. Therefore finding an effective way to monitor and manageindustrial projects is crucial for faculty to gain long-term success in implementing
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2003 Annual Conference
David Keyser; Polly Piergiovanni; S. Scott Moor
Session 1526 Design – Build – Test: Flexible Process Control Kits for the Classroom S. Scott Moor, Polly Piergiovanni and David Keyser Lafayette CollegeAbstract Traditional undergraduate instruction in process control focuses on abstract analysis andoften does not prepare students for the industrially important task of synthesizing process controlstrategies and designs. This project bridges the chasm between academics and industry bydeveloping inexpensive and flexible process control lab kits that will allow students to design,implement and
Conference Session
Accreditation and Related Issues in ECE
2003 Annual Conference
Ted Sarma; Massood Atashbar; S. Hossein Mousavinezhad
. Page 8.968.9Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering EducationBibliography1. Atashbar M.Z., Mousavinezhad H., and Ogunleye H., “A New Course for Electrical and Computer Engineering Majors:Engineering Real Time Systems”, American Society of Engineering Education, Spring 2001 Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 16-19, (2002).2. Humphrey W. S., Introduction to the Personal Software Process, 1997, Addison Wesley.3. Apple D., Krumsieg K., Teaching Institute Handbook, 2002, Pacific Crest.BiographiesTed Sarma is an Assistant Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Western
Conference Session
Assessing Teaching and Learning
2003 Annual Conference
S. Michael Kilbey; Richard Rice; Scott Husson; Graham Harrison; Douglas Hirt; David Bruce; Charles Gooding; Debi Switzer
1992, and has served as Chair of the ChE Division of ASEE.SCOTT M. HUSSONDr. Husson is an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at Clemson University. He received his bachelor'sdegree in chemical engineering from Penn State University in 1993 and his doctoral degree in chemical engineeringfrom UC Berkeley in 1998. Dr. Husson is the recipient of the 2000 NSF Presidential Early Career Award forScientists and Engineers. He has been a member of ASEE since 1998.S. MICHAEL KILBEY IIDr. Kilbey is an Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at Clemson University. He received his bachelor'sdegree in chemical engineering from the University of Wisconsin in 1990 and his doctoral degree in chemicalengineering from Minnesota in 1996. Dr. Kilbey is
Conference Session
Issues in Computer Education
2003 Annual Conference
David Yoon; Stephen S. Yau, Arizona State University; Sandeep K. S. Gupta, Arizona State University; Fariaz Karim, Arizona State University; Sheikh I. Ahamed, Arizona State University; Yu Wang, Arizona State University; Bin Wang, Arizona State University
Session 3420 Smart Classroom: Enhancing Collaborative Learning Using Pervasive Computing Technology Stephen S. Yau, Sandeep K. S. Gupta, Fariaz Karim, Sheikh I. Ahamed, Yu Wang, and Bin Wang Computer Science and Engineering Department Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85287, USA AbstractSmart Classroom facilitates collaborative learning among college students. Students in such anenvironment form small groups to solve a specific problem or develop
Conference Session
Activities for the Materials Classroom
2003 Annual Conference
S. Michael Condren; Ken Lux; George C. Lisensky; Donald Stone; Arthur B. Ellis; Anne Bentley; Amy Payne; Robert Carpick; Wendy Crone
Session 1464 Incorporating Concepts of Nanotechnology into the Materials Science and Engineering Classroom and Laboratory Wendy C. Crone, Arthur B. Ellis, Amy C. Payne, Kenneth W. Lux, Anne K. Bentley, Robert W. Carpick, Donald Stone, George C. Lisensky, S. Michael Condren University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI / Beloit College, Beloit, WI / Christian Brothers University, Memphis, TNAbstractThe National Science Foundation-supported Materials Research Science and Engineering Center(MRSEC) on
Conference Session
Computers in ME
2003 Annual Conference
Donald Mueller
 ✂✁☎✄✆✄✆✝✟✞✡✠☞☛✍✌✍✎✍✎ ✏✒✑✔✓✖✕✘✗✚✙✜✛✣✢✥✤✦✑✣✧★✓✘✩✣✪✬✫✭✤✦✑✮✤✯✓✖✪✱✰✳✲✴✪✶✵✷✪✶✑✔✓☞✸✹✪✂✓✘✩✣✗✚✙✺✓✖✗ ✸✹✪✥✢✡✩✣✻✼✑✮✤✴✢✽✻✼✲✾✰✳✑✣✧✔✤✦✑✣✪✥✪✥✕✍✤✦✑✣✧❀✿❁✓✘✛✣✙✮✪✶✑✔✓✖❂❄❃❅❂✖✤✦✑✣✧❆✸❈❇❊❉●❋✾❇■❍ ❏ ✞✡✠✥❑✘▲◆▼❖❘◗❚❙✬❯✥✁☎▲◆▲✟✁✒❱✒❲✶❳❨❱✒◗ ❩ ✠✶▼✶✝✟❑✘✠✥❑●❬✭✠✶✝❪❭✡✁✒❱❫✄✆✝❪❴❛❵✡❜✂❝❞❯✥❱❫▼✶❯✥✁❡❬✭✠✶✝❪❭✡✁✒❱❫✄✆✝❪❴❛❵❢✽✞✍❱❣❴❤❖✐❑❥❵✥✠✥✁❦♠❧♥✄♦❴❣❱♣❑✘qr❴ s❁t✖✉✇✈✚①✘②r①✡③⑤④✚⑥⑧⑦⑩⑨❷❶✇✉✇❸✖③⑤✈✚②r❸❹③♦❺✾❻⑤✉✇③⑤❸❥⑨✣②r①✖①✖④❼⑥❥②r❻❽t✭⑨❷⑥✾✉✇❸❥⑨❷④❼⑥☎❾✖⑦✖❻⑤③✮⑨❷t✖③✮❿✘❸✖✉➀⑨❷③✮③⑤❶✇③⑤➁✾③⑤❸❥⑨➂➁✾③♦⑨❷t
Conference Session
Internet Programming and Applications
2003 Annual Conference
Leonid Preiser
-way street. Theeffectiveness of any service, in particular the effort of developing a new IS infrastructure,depends on the effectiveness of interaction between the IS professionals (servers) and the users(clients). The interaction, on the other hand, is based on each player’s perception of their ownroles and skills needed to make the IS project a success, as well as on mutual perception eachplayer has of each other’s roles and skills.This paper examines the concepts leading to modeling of the dynamics of working relationshipbetween clients and servers in the IS industry.In what follows, the providers (IS experts, system analysts, IT professionals) will be referred toas servers, S, whereas those who are served (users, clients, IT/IS customers
Conference Session
ECE Education and Engineering Mathematics
2003 Annual Conference
Nagi El Naga; Halima El Naga
if it doesn’t matter whether to a logical 1 or a logical 0 is applied to that input to see the flip- flop go through this transition.3. Zero Transition: A transition is defined as a zero transition for a specific data input of a flip- flop if it is necessary to apply a logical 0 to that input to see the flip- flop go through this transition.For example, to see an RS flip- flop go through α transition, 0 to 1, it is necessary to applya logical 1 to the S input and a logical 0 to the R input. Therefore, the α transition isconsidered an essential transition for the S input and a zero transition for the R input.The excitation equation of a data input of a flip- flop consists of two parts separated by a“+” sign. The first part represents a
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Design
2003 Annual Conference
Rudolph Eggert
Table 1, approximately 50 percent of all engineers worked inmanufacturing companies, 27 percent worked in engineering services, 12 percent forgovernment, and three percent self-employed. Approximately eight percent were classified asothers. Table 1. Engineering employment (U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics8). Employment Employer Thousands % Manufacturing 732 50 Engineering Services 401 27 Government 179 12 Self-employed 43 3
Conference Session
Potpourri of Engineering Mathematics
2003 Annual Conference
John Schmeelk, Virginia Commonwealth University Qatar Branch
Education” 2 ds1 ds 2 Cϖ = ∫∫ ω ( s1 , s 2 , (3.3) s1 s 2leading to the inversion formula, f(x)= Cϖ −1 da1 da 2 db1 db2 ∫∫∫ (a a ) 2 {(T wav
Conference Session
Physics and Math Division Luncheon
2003 Annual Conference
John Schmeelk, Virginia Commonwealth University Qatar Branch
)}( {T wav g )(a1 , a2 )(b1 , b2 )} = Cϖ ( f , g ) . 1 2Proof. See references13,14.The Cϖ in Theorem 3.2 equals 2 ds1 ds 2 Cϖ = ∫∫ ω ( s1 , s 2 , (3.3) s1 s 2leading to the inversion formula, f(x)= Cϖ −1 da1 da 2 db1 db2
Conference Session
Course and Program Assessment
2003 Annual Conference
Michael Kozak
meaningful und ergraduat e a. Provide meaningful underg raduate a. Provide meaningful und ergraduate a. Provide meaningful und ergraduat eeducational experiences educational experiences educational experiences educational experiencesb. Enable st udent s with a v ariety o f b. Enable s tuden ts with a variety of b. Enable st udents with a variety of b. Enable stu dents with a variety ofbackgrounds to ac quire technical knowledge backgrounds to acqu ire techn ical knowledge background s to acquire technical knowledge backgrounds to a cquire technical knowledgeand s
Conference Session
Electrical ET Labs
2003 Annual Conference
Veng Kouch
3549 PRACTICAL CONTROL SYSTEM FOR CLASSROOM AND LABORATORY Veng S. Kouch Georgia Southern UniversityAbstract:A practical control system (in which student s test t he fundamental blocks or the whole system) isa useful tool for enhancing understanding in the classroom or laboratory. Control systems builtfor training purposes are not widely available.This paper presents elements of the design, construction and testing of an electro-mechanicalcontrol system. The system is easily built, and provides excellent results. Only basic instrumentsare
Conference Session
Materials Curricula: Modeling & Math
2003 Annual Conference
Surendra Gupta
naively expectedthe old pennies to have a lower average mass due to wear and chipping. However, the averagemass is larger because of corrosion products, oil, grease or dirt.Additionally, a formal test for equal variances (shown below) finds sufficient evidence that thepopulations of old and new pennies do, indeed, have different variances. Page 8.838.4 Proceedings of the 2003 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright  2003, American Society of Engineering Education T e s t f o r E q u a l V a r ia n c e s f o r M a s s
Conference Session
A Potpourri of Innovations in Physics
2003 Annual Conference
Radian Belu
 ✂✁☎✄✆✄✆✝✟✞✡✠☞☛✍✌✏✎✏✑✓✒ ✔✖✕✘✗✚✙✜✛✣✢✥✤✧✦✩★✣✛✫✪✭✬✮✢✥✙✯✬✱✰✆✲✳✕✘✙✜✛✧✗✴✤✣✢✵✙✯✬✶✗✴✤✧✷✸✕✺✹✵✕✘✙✼✻✾✽✓✿❀✲❁✗✚✦❀✤✧✕✂✻✓✢✵✙✯✬✡❂❄❃❅✪❇❆✧✬✾✢✥✤✧✦✳❈❉✤✣✢❊✻✮✕ ✷❋✢❊●❍✕✘✽✓✕✺✤✧✙✯✕■✻✾✕✘✙✡✛✣✤✣✢✥❏✭❆✧✕✱✢✥✤✧✬☎✻✮✕✺✗✚✷❑✿☞▲▼✬☎✻✮✗✴✤✧✷✣✗✚✽✓✷✸✙✯✗✴✹✥✙✘❆✣✹✥❆✧✬✂◆ ❖◗✓❘ ✝ ✠❚❙❱❯✚❲❍✁☎❳❩❨ ❬❪❭❴❫❵❫❜❛❞❝❡❛✫❭❡❢✼❣✐❤❥❝❴❦❧❤❥❛❞❛❞♠♥❦❧❤❥❝❥♦q♣▼rtsq❤❥❛✧✉q✈✵r✆✈❊❛✭✇❀❤☎❦❜①❡❛❞♠✥②✵❦❜✈③s❡♦ ④ ❛❞✈❊♠✵❭❴❦❜✈❞♦✮⑤✖❦❧⑥♥⑦⑧❦❜❝❴r❡❤✓♦⑧✇✫✉q
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2003 Annual Conference
William Lan; Karlene Hoo; Jason Williams; Harry Parker; Charles Smith; Theodore Wiesner
= (Ts − T ) (tube-side) (1) ∂t ∂z ρ C p D1 ∂Ts ∂T 4 D1U + sgn vs s = (T − Ts ) (shell-side) (2) ∂t ∂z ρ s C ps ( D2 2 − D12 )The exchanger is subject to the following initial and boundary conditions. T ( z , 0) = T0 ( z ) Ts ( z , 0) = Ts 0 ( z ) T (0, t ) = Tinlet (t ) (3) Ts (0, t ) = Ts,inlet (t ) cocurrent Ts ( L, t ) = Ts,inlet (t ) countercurrentT is the tube side temperature, t is time, and v is the tube side velocity
Conference Session
Computers in Education Poster Session
2003 Annual Conference
Jeffrey Franzone
Document 2003-5 A PRIMER ON UML CLASS DIAGRAMS Jeffrey S. Franzone, Assistant Professor Engineering Technology Department University of MemphisAbstractThe Unified Modeling Language (UML) is currently the de-facto visual modeling standard forobject-oriented design. The UML provides many modeling diagrams and constructs used to aidthe design and development of objected-oriented systems. Each UML diagram presents a uniqueview of the object-oriented system under design. The most common UML modeling diagram is the Class Diagram. Classes
Conference Session
Experiences with the TTL Turbojet Engine
2003 Annual Conference
Staci White; Paul Strykowski
2003-1397 CHARACTERIZING THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SR-30 TURBOJET ENGINE T. Witkowski, S. White, C. Ortiz Dueñas, P. Strykowski, T. Simon University of MinnesotaIntroduction“What?!!” exclaimed one student. “Thermodynamics doesn’t work! Why am I even studyingthis stuff ?!” She was taking her senior lab – an engine lab with the SR-30 engine – and thenumbers didn’t work out… on purpose. The professor had set it up that way.The SR-30 is a small-scale, turbojet engine which sounds and smells like a real engine used tofly commercial aircraft. With an overall length of less than 2.0 feet
Conference Session
Innovations in the CHE Laboratory
2003 Annual Conference
R. Russell Rhinehart; Benjamin Lawrence; Sundararajan Madihally
of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & ExpositionCopyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Educationacetate in water as the feed. The mixture flowed upward in the packed bed at varyingtemperatures from 22°C to 60°C at increments of 5°C and at feed flowrates between 1.0 mL/s and3.5 mL/s. At steady state, about 100mL of the effluent was collected in a graduated cylinder foreach run and the solution was titrated with Sodium Hydroxide to determine the outletconcentration of acetic acid, from which stoichiometry provided the concentration of ethylacetate. To determine the RTD, about 15 liters of deionized water was poured into the feed tankand was run through the reactor. For a specified feed
Conference Session
ET Distance Learning
2003 Annual Conference
Susan Sauer; Mark Moore; Amin ul Karim; Ahmed Khan
Session 1647 A Wireless Course Sequence Design Using Global Wireless Education Consortium (GWEC) Curriculum Modules and Industry Tools By Ahmed S. Khan, DeVry University – Dupage Campus Susan L. Sauer, GWEC Mark S. Moore, A-T-&-T Wireless Services Amin ul Karim, DeVry University AbstractThe phenomenal growth in wireless communications coupled with fast changingtechnologies during the last decade has put new demands on engineering technologycurricula. Industry seeks
Conference Session
Advisory Boards & Program Assessment
2003 Annual Conference
Teresa Cutright; Helen Qammar
synthesizing thedata can be assigned to an interested individual(s) in the department or college, a so-called qualitychampion.Although the first three components lead to the guiding principles, it is critical that the facultyagree on those principles before beginning the assessment. This will ensure that the correctmeasurement mechanisms are in place (Dierick and Dochy, 2001; Wolf and Cumming, 2000). Inaddition, faculty agreement on the guiding principles defines the culture, that is the norms ofexpected behavior, for departmental assessment. Faculty buy-in to the guiding principles is anecessary aspect of the structure to prevent backlash from the inevitable change-managementsyndrome. Well-defined principles also set boundaries that the faculty can
Conference Session
Lab Experiments in Materials Science
2003 Annual Conference
N. Sundaresan; Devdas Pai
7.5 th turn = 659.73 in. Right s ens or location 22.5 th turn = 1979.20 in. Right end of coil 23.5 turns = 2067.17 in. (all d istances measured from left end of coil) Distance between Left end and left sens or = 659.73 in Left sens or and right s ens or = 1319.47 in. Right sens or and right end
Conference Session
A Potpourri of Innovations in Physics
2003 Annual Conference
Guido Lopez
software program developed by S. Klein and W. Beckman from the University ofWisconsin-Madison. EES is an acronym for Engineering Equation Solver and has been selectedin this study to discuss the benefits of incorporating computer software for teaching introductoryareas of physics. The EES program was chosen because it is intuitive and simple to use, and hasbeen developed with features of noticeable relevance to engineering training.EES is an equation solver with built-in functions for thermophysical properties. With EES,therefore, it is no longer necessary to use tabulated information from texts or handbooks in a widevariety of physics problems. In general, EES can be used to solve algebraic, differential andintegral equations, check unit
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2003 Annual Conference
Rocco Ciccolini; Robert Barat
to data that are proportional to the tracer concentration using the Beer-Lambert law (Daniels and Alberty, 1975): I S  A = ln o  = ln w  = cd σ d L (1) I  Sd  Page 8.807.2“Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition,Copyright 2003, American Society for Engineering Education”where Io = incident intensity, I = transmitted intensity, Sw = recorded signal for water (assuming Sis proportional to I), Sd
Conference Session
Academic Standards and Academic Issues
2003 Annual Conference
Walter Tucker; Bob Lahidji
. Theseinstitutions were randomly selected from pool of universities, which offer program in EngineeringManagement. The questionnaire is comprised of the following questions:1. Do you teach online course(s)?2. Are you member of a faculty union?3. Is the online course(s) part of your regular load? If not explain.4. If yes, for purpose of load, does the online course count the same as a live class? Page 8.570.25. If yes, is compensation the same as a live class? If not explain.Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2003, American Society for Engineering Education6. Is
Conference Session
Potpourri of Engineering Mathematics
2003 Annual Conference
Josue Njock-Libii
; 0S ( x) =   .......................(1)  + 1, 0 < x < π  Nowadays, however, the availability of software that can evaluate and plot functions easily makesit very convenient to show Gibbs Phenomenon in a way that makes it accessible to all students.Indeed, Gottlieb and Shu[1], who have studied Gibbs phenomenon extensively, display an effectiveanimation of this phenomenon on their website. However, in that animation, students observe theresults of a completed process and it is difficult for the novices among them to learn from thedetails that led to the final results they see on the animation. Our experience indicates that, afterstudents have plotted partial sums on their own, such an animation becomes a