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Displaying all 4 results
Conference Session
Novel Applications of Computers/Software in Energy Education
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Liping Guo, University of Northern Iowa; Recayi 'Reg' Pecen
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
Conference Session
Novel Applications of Computers/Software in Energy Education
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kala Meah, University of Wyoming; Steven Fletcher, University of Wyoming; Sadrul Ula, University of Wyoming; Steven Barrett, University of Wyoming
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
Conference Session
Novel Applications of Computers/Software in Energy Education
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert McMasters, Virginia Military Institute; Michael Sexton, Virginia Military Institute; Craig Somerton, Michigan State University; Andre Benard, Michigan State University; Norbert Mueller, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
Conference Session
Novel Applications of Computers/Software in Energy Education
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Carl Spezia, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation