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Educational Objectives and Outcomes for Technological Literacy Programs at College Level

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2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Vancouver, BC

Publication Date

June 26, 2011

Start Date

June 26, 2011

End Date

June 29, 2011



Conference Session

Objectives, Assessment, and Methods for Teaching Technological Literacy

Tagged Division

Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering

Page Count


Page Numbers

22.524.1 - 22.524.11



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Paper Authors


Robert J. Gustafson Ohio State University

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Robert J. Gustafson, P.E., Ph.D.,
Honda Professor for Engineering Education and Director of the Engineering Education Innovation Center
Professor of Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering,
College of Engineering,
The Ohio State University.

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John Krupczak Hope College

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Professor of Engineering, Hope College, Holland, MI, USA

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James F. Young Rice University, Electrical & Computer Engineering

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James F. Young received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, in 1965 and 1966, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University, Stanford, CA, in 1970. In 1975, he was appointed Research Professor of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, and taught graduate courses in lasers, directed graduate student research, advised undergraduates, and served in several administrative capacities. He joined the Rice University, Houston, TX, faculty in 1990 and is currently a Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. His research topics have included optical parametric oscillators, nonlinear optics in crystals and vapors, infrared image upconversion, and the development of unique laser sources, including extreme ultraviolet lasers and femtosecond, terawatt lasers. He has authored over 70 publications, has served as a consultant to several companies, and has supervised the research of over 30 graduate students.
Dr. Young is a registered professional engineer, a Fellow of the IEEE and of the Optical Society of America, and a member of ASEE; he was chosen as an IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Distinguished Lecturer for 1991 - 1992. His scholarship now focuses on engineering education, both undergraduate and K–12 levels. His interest in engineering education and pedagogy was stimulated by the challenge of teaching Introduction to Engineering Design to a mix of engineering and non-engineering students, and by leading a task force for the Rice Dean of Engineering charged with defining and examining School-wide engineering education goals. This work ultimately led to the creation of the $15M Rice Center for Engineering Leadership.

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Mani Mina Iowa State University

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     Educational Objectives and Outcomes for Technological Literacy Programs at College Level  This paper presents results of work towards constructing a model set of educationalobjectives and outcomes for minors, courses or similar programs which can be used byengineering units to develop programs for technological literacy of non-engineers at thecollegiate level. Four institutions with varying approaches in this area collaborated for this workas part of a larger NSF supported project. Working definitions for Educational Objectives,Outcomes, Assessment and Evaluation are established to support the work. Available objectivesand outcomes from the literature, which would be pertinent to this audience, were used asprimary sources. The project team prioritized statements from these sources for how they wouldapply to the intended audience of non-engineering, college-level students in the context ofofferings from an engineering unit’s perspective, strengths and resources. By multiple iterations, highest priority items were combined as appropriate andcategorized as Educational Objectives and related Outcomes resulting in a set of fourEducational Objectives and seventeen Outcomes. The four Educational Objectives include: 1)knowledge of the technological nature of the physical and natural world, 2) ability tomeaningfully engage with big questions of a technological nature, both contemporary andenduring, 3) characteristics of personal and social responsibility, and 4) capability to synthesizeand advance accomplishments across general and specialized domains. Three to six Outcomeswere related to each of the Educational Objectives. The Educational Objectives and Outcomeswere shared with members of the Technological Literacy Division of ASEE for comment.Comments were considered in refinement of the statements. The paper presents a foundationalset of Educational Objectives and Outcomes that can be used for multiple pedagogicalapproaches to technological literacy for non-engineering collegiate level students.

Gustafson, R. J., & Krupczak, J., & Young, J. F., & Mina, M. (2011, June), Educational Objectives and Outcomes for Technological Literacy Programs at College Level Paper presented at 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC. 10.18260/1-2--17805

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