in basic humanneeds. Additionally, it is important to implement these innovations through social entrepreneurship andleadership efforts for achieving the desired societal impact. To apply the above principles effectively,students (especially the Gen-Z students) need to have a skill set in understanding the role of engineeringinnovations in a globalized society with an attitude of leadership to serve society [16], which was themotivation behind this class. Selected successful social innovations across the world were studiedthrough the lens of fundamental science and engineering along with the societal impact. At the sametime, students also reflected on how the innovators applied/integrated leadership skills/approacheswith social
and prototyping • EP3: Planning and interpreting experiments • EP4: Identifying knowledge gaps and obtaining information from disparate sources • EP5: Planning for technical failureEP1 captures the team aspect of engineering, which includes both the need for coordinatingteamwork and the need for effective communication across a team for a successful designoutcome. The inclusion of disparate knowledge is highlighted in the literature. For example,Trevelyan found that the most crucial skill reflected in high performing engineers is coordinatingmultiple competencies to accomplish a goal [3]. EP2 highlights an aspect of problem solving thatgoes beyond the application of domain knowledge to include creativity, analysis, and evaluation.This skill
predominantly focused on White, male students who make up the majority of undergraduate engineering majors in the U.S. In 2018, 78.1% of engineering bachelor degrees were received by males, and 61.5% by White [17]. To fill the gap in the literature, we seek to include minority and underrepresented student experiences to expand the aggregated definitions for student success. These aggregated definitions of student success establish the desired outcome for scholars, administration, and presumably students, yet overlook what success means to students.4. Reflections of Success – Student Perspectives: While the above definitions may be useful as an aggregate measure for a large number of students, they do not capture the views
course had five significant assignments: one for Word,three for Excel (basics operations, pivot tables, and regression), and one for PowerPoint. Each was dueapproximately every three weeks. There were three (3) quizzes (Syllabus, Statistics, and Regression). Inthe Word module, students were asked to format a document. A video from the previous instructorgoing about this formatting task was offered to students as a guide. For the problem-solving component,they were asked to reflect on their professional development path, find job postings interesting forthem, and write their resume and cover letters that they could use to apply for each of these jobpostings. If students needed to learn Word for these tasks, they were suggested to complete a
prototyping, such as 3D printing.First-year engineering programs that include maker/tinker spaces and 3D printers for rapidprototyping can increase persistence within engineering programs, as well as within universities10.Additionally, as the trend of more students coming into first year programs with previousengineering design experience continues4, students will increasingly begin college with the skillsto tackle prototyping and may desire the greater challenge posed by open ended projects.Three recent studies, in particular, involved the use of open-ended toy design and are highlightedin this work4,11,12. Bitetti and Danahy11, of Tufts University, wanted to examine the change in firstyear engineering students’ reflections around success in
institute of Technology. Sriram received a B.E degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Madras and M.S and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from Indiana University. During his time at Rose-Hulman, Sriram has served as a consultant in Hadoop and NoSQL systems and has helped a variety of clients in the Media, Insurance, and Telecommunication sectors. In addition to his industrial consulting activities, Sriram maintains an active research profile in data science and education research that has led to over 30 publications or presentations. At Rose-Hulman, Sriram has focused on incorporat- ing reflection, and problem based learning activities in the Software Engineering curriculum. Sriram has
espouse differentvalues reflected in their respective cultures [38] [39]. For example, where academic goalsemphasize student learning and development, industry goals are often driven by profitability,productivity, and benefits to the broader organization. Many students thus graduate withuncertainty about what working in an engineering organization is like [40]. Some mightextrapolate from real-world jobs, internships, or co-ops [41] [42], but not all students have accessto these opportunities, especially if they come from minoritized groups or have less social andcultural capital [43] [44]. Further, engineering education has been criticized for perpetuating a“culture of disengagement” [24] that privileges objectivity and, in the process
societyrequires us to think seriously about preparing workers for a novel and uncertain future guided bysoftware and algorithms (Stevens, Johri & O’Connor, 2014). Specifically, how do we prepare thefuture workforce to be consistently reflective so that their actions enable a better future withminimal or/and no harm? In other words, how do we help students develop an ethical mindset?We believe that it is within their academic training that future technologists can be best preparedto develop an ethical mindset and can be equipped to respond to the challenging decisions theywill have to make when they enter the workforce. The university is a critical site for this trainingbecause future workers will have little time to gain ethical training on the job
video can be used to facilitate self-reflection and training,just as athletes and coaches watch videos of themselves [2, 10]. Wearing masks obviouslycomplicates interaction over Swivl, though this can be mitigated by the increased salience of thevisual cues that remain: eye contact, facial expression, gesture. Additionally, some faculty canopt to wear face shields while teaching.Prompting self-reflection, the same reasons that make the Swivl so effective can also make ituncomfortable to use. Studies report an increased self-awareness and self-consciousness on thepart of instructors who rewatch their lecture captures [2, 6]. At the same time, teachersacknowledge that Swivl lecture capture has prompted important changes to the way they teach
virtual internship intervention and technology, described in detail byJames, Humez and Laufenburg [12], leverages a purpose built technology platform to supportemployer partner feedback [15], structure student's reflection and metacognition [16], [17], andprovides educators with real-time learning analytics to support students and employer partnerswhen required [18], [12].To better address the needs of non-traditional and traditionally underserved minority students,the research team developed a set of design principles that attend to these students' particularneeds. The design principles include: • The ability of a student to participate in the intervention without leaving existing full- time work • The ability to complete work
transitioned tohybrid in-person / remote learning approaches to prevent further outbreaks on campuses. WhileCOVID-19 has been devastating, we propose that the pandemic also presents anunprecedented opportunity to reflect, reassess, and ‘bounce forward’ to become more efficient,effective, and resilient. The National Academy of Sciences’ definition of resilience has spurred atheory of resilience that centers on four successive stages surrounding a disruptive event, suchas COVID-19: (1) plan and prepare, (2) absorb, (3) recover, and (4) adapt. In this paper wepropose a framework that environmental programs can employ to ‘adapt’ (stage 4) and ‘bounceforward’ to a more resilient modus operandi long-term. The framework first identifies eachactivity a
into the school curriculum necessitates changes in policyincluding addressing significant issues around infrastructure, and providing teachers the resourcesthat develop a cogent understanding of computational thinking as well as relevant and appropriateexemplars of age appropriate cases [6]. Such focus would promote core concepts essential toeffective computational thinking development such as designing solutions to problems throughabstraction, automation, algorithmic thinking, data collection and data analysis; implementingdesigns; testing and debugging; modeling, running simulations, conducting systems analysis;reflecting on processes and communicating ideas; recognizing abstraction and moving betweenlevels; innovation, exploration and
, which is developed after reviewing 191 journal articles published between 1995 and 2008on the topic, change strategies can be mapped into one of four categories: disseminating pedagogy;developing reflective teachers; enacting policy; and developing a shared vision. The categorization byHenderson et al. (2010, 2011) is consistent with other efforts to categorize theories of change (e.g.,Amundsen & Wilson, 2012) and has been utilized by Borrego & Henderson (2014) to identify ways toincrease the use of evidence-based teaching in engineering education. Most importantly, the frameworkhighlights the efforts of faculty as agents for change in all four categories. However, while the severaltheories are provided as suggestions for change
Stanford University. She has been involved in several major engineering education initia- tives including the NSF-funded Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education, National Center for Engineering Pathways to Innovation (Epicenter), and the Consortium to Promote Reflection in Engi- neering Education. Helen holds an undergraduate degree in communication from UCLA and a PhD in communication with a minor in psychology from Stanford University. Her current research and schol- arship focus on engineering and entrepreneurship education; the pedagogy of portfolios and reflective practice in higher education; and redesigning how learning is recorded and recognized.Prof. George Toye, Stanford University Ph.D., P.E., is
themes into the following dimensions ofcivic responsibility: personal and professional, virtue and obligation, and non-maleficence andbeneficence. We close by connecting these findings to frameworks used to study other forms ofresponsibility in engineering education.IntroductionCivic responsibility reflects individual responsiveness and engagement with community needs.Thus, civic responsibility aligns with the mission of many universities to graduate engagedcitizens. For example, the mission statement of the Association of American Colleges &University is “to advance the vitality and public standing of liberal education by making qualityand equity the foundations for excellence in undergraduate education in service to democracy”[1]. Many
research and foster discovery in science and engineering [6]. Consequently, the originalCyberAmbassadors curriculum incorporates activities, examples and exercises that are centeredin the context of exploratory research. This type of research is generally found in academicsettings, such as research universities and non-profit institutions, as well as in government-funded laboratories. Designing the curriculum to reflect the language and positions common tothese settings (e.g., investigator, research group, graduate student, postdoc) is an important partof the constructivist and sociocultural pedagogy embraced by the CyberAmbassadors project[7]–[9]. In this approach, learning takes place most effectively in contexts that are familiar andrelevant
reflection on howour grading practices impact equity mirrors conversations around using standardized testingmechanisms like the SAT, ACT, and GRE for admissions decisions. These high-stakes examsmay hugely impact accessibility of higher education for certain demographics of students[18]–[20]. Mounting criticism of standardized tests have pointed out that performance appearstied to lack of preparation and under-resourced schools, rather than students’ ability to succeed inundergraduate or graduate degree programs [21]–[24]. As underrepresented students are stronglyaffected by using test score thresholds to admit candidates, several movements have proposedthat their use be discontinued.While grades are a deeply ingrained part of higher educational
helpengineers and their communities meet their needs, and clarifies that engineering does notinherently require technocratic solutions to communal problems and needs.PositionalityThe primary and secondary authors are both engineers, labor organizers with the AmericanFederation of Teachers (AFT) local GEO-3550, and children of union members fromworking-class backgrounds. Both were participants in the 2020 GEO-3550 abolitionist strike fora safe and just campus for all [29]. The first author was also taking graduate coursework inintroducing the concepts of engineering education research during the writing of this paper,which provided a critical reflective space for learning and grappling with theoretical frameworksand their applications. We reached out to
professional learning model supports middleschool science and STEM teachers, many of whom have limited experience with computationalthinking, to implement these units in their classrooms.Professional LearningWe designed a professional learning approach, called the CT-Integration Cycle (Biddy et al.,2021; Gendreau Chakarov et al., in press), that supports teachers to design, adapt, implement,and reflect on instructional activities that use programmable sensor technologies. Thisprofessional learning model usually consists of an in-person summer workshop series and fourfull-day workshops throughout the school year. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the summerworkshop shifted to a remote platform, and the school year workshops shifted to 90-minutebiweekly
acrucial, albeit often overlooked, element of promoting the success, persistence, and retention ofminority students within STEM disciplines [11]. Furthermore, recent studies have highlightedthe relationship between race and gender (for example) in STEM identity development,demonstrating the importance and effectiveness in understanding identity in shaping Blackstudent experiences, particularly regarding student engagement as well as barriers to successwithin STEM majors [12] [13].Regarding HBCUs, these institutions seek to provide and preserve cultural aspects that are notgenerally reflected or offered to minoritized students within Predominately White Institutions(PWIs) and broader society. In reviewing the impact of institutional climate on
transcribed by a third-party service and permanently deletedonce reviewed and cleaned.Reflexivity and Positionality. Prior to data analysis, the researchers engaged in the process ofreflexivity, in which experiences, beliefs, values, and assumptions on the ways in whichmentoring is used in academe to support the career development of faculty were reflected uponindividually and discussed collectively (Watt, 2007). Reflexivity is integral in qualitativeresearch because it forces the consideration and exposure of researcher bias through analyticalreflection and dialogue. The theoretical underpinnings of the pragmatic lens were revisitedduring the reflexivity process to ensure practical implications were foundational to the way inwhich the transcripts
, and the role of engineersin societal decisions about technology” [4, p, 683]. Macroethics are reflected in engineering codesof ethics. For example, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) code of ethics addedenvironmental protection, sustainability, and treating all persons fairly/equitable participation in1976, 1996, and 2017 [5], respectively. The update in 2020 moved to a hierarchical stakeholdermodel that places obligations to society and the environment first [6]. The ASEE code of ethicsincludes sustainable development and social justice [2]. Engineering educators need to teachstudents about both macroethical issues and microethics [2], and stay current as the ethicalexpectations of the profession evolve.Engineering education
thatcan paint the evolution of students’ knowledge and skills over time over a set of learningexperiences (Clements & Sarama, 2004; Simon, 1995; Sztajn et. al., 2012; Corcoran, Mosher &Rogat, 2009; Maloney and Confrey, 2010). We use a theoretical framework based on adaptiveexpertise and design thinking adaptive expertise to further advance a design learning continuum(Hatano and Inagaki, 1986; Schwartz, Bransford & Sears, 2005; McKenna, 2007; Neeley, 2007).Project OverviewThis research project has been to explore and understand how open-ended, hands-on makingwork and activities are reflected in the learning trajectories of students and their learning gains inthe product-based learning, undergraduate engineering classroom. The aim is to
. During his time at Rose-Hulman, Sriram has served as a consultant in Hadoop and NoSQL systems and has helped a variety of clients in the Media, Insurance, and Telecommunication sectors. In addition to his industrial consulting activities, Sriram maintains an active research profile in data science and education research that has led to over 30 publications or presentations. At Rose-Hulman, Sriram has focused on incorporat- ing reflection, and problem based learning activities in the Software Engineering curriculum. Sriram has been fundamental to the revamp of the entire software engineering program at Rose-Hulman. Sriram is a founding member of the Engineering Design program and continues to serve on the leadership
contribute to the development of students’ self-efficacy, identity, andsense of belonging? and 2) How does early exposure to computer science through courseworkand career awareness affect the experience of CS/M Scholars? Data sources are focus groupinterviews, surveys of the Scholars and a comparison group, and Scholars’ written summaries ofconversations with their mentors. The summary presented here draws upon the latter two datasources. The summaries written by students reflect their perceptions of the mentoring experienceand along with the focus groups and surveys provide multiple points of triangulation, givingimportant insight into their experience with the program overall.Survey Sample – Scholars & Comparison StudentsAll CS/M Scholars are
collaboration inshared physical spaces. Faculty and GTA reflections on the changes to teaching and learning dueto the online pivot provide insight into support that can be provided to help instructional stafffacilitate implementation of ACL across various modes of instruction. The guiding question forthe current study was: How did the rapid shift to online instruction due to COVID-19 affectadoption of ACL in calculus courses?MethodsThis paper describes insights from interviews with faculty and GTAs who were teaching andsupporting Calculus I and Calculus II courses in the Spring 2020 semester. All faculty and GTAsinvolved in these courses and additional faculty involved in the course-based community ofpractice were invited by email to participate in
of 294 students are assessed over five semesters. Average class grades andgrade distributions are statistically compared using ANOVA and Z test, respectively. Moreover,a 15-question survey was used to evaluate PBL through a five-level Likert scale. Selectedstudent comments from end-of-semester course surveys are included when informative. Finally,qualitative instructor reflections are presented.Preliminary Results and Reflections Course Grades: Grades were not curved in any semester and the type and level of formativeand summative assessments were equivalent, thus the mean average class grades offer directcomparison of mastery of learning outcomes assessed. There was no statistical differencebetween the final grades (p=0.2; average 91.3
they foundthroughout the challenge and that might have been useful for all sessions. The journal and theglossary not only reflected UIs found in many investigative point-and-click games (e.g., Phoenix Figure 1: Investigator A Terminal A) Students were given a unique Case ID. After pressing start, the terminal appeared with
technical and professional knowledge to authenticproblems [7,8]. The shifts reflect the growing need for an engineering workforce prepared toaddress the increasingly complex and interconnected problems that engineers will face in the 21stcentury [9,10]. The growth in the number of first-year project-based undergraduate engineeringcourses and senior capstone design courses [11,12] provide opportunities to prepare engineeringstudents with progressive knowledge of engineering. In these courses, students engage inauthentic project-based learning activities designed to support their professional engineering skilldevelopment and increase their capacity for effective communication and problem solving[1,11].In conjunction with curricular shifts and the
mixture ofanecdotes, advice, and study findings contributing to participants’ knowledge of transitions intoengineering education, the RIEF grant process, and mentorship in engineering education. Groupactivities at the virtual workshops were focused on participants’ reflecting about their ownmentorship experiences and needs, their motivations for participation in EER, and ways theycould actively enhance their involvement in the EER community.Community Building in Year 2Our team’s Summer 2021 networking event was designed to reduce these barriers to entry intoengineering education research by facilitating mentor-mentee introductions. Participants in theevent are asked to create a short slide introducing themselves as either prospective mentors